Psycho Beasts: Enemies to Lovers Romance (Cruel Shifterverse Book 3)

Psycho Beasts: Chapter 8

“No, I want my roll to have butter on it,” I grumbled at the server, who kept refusing to give me any. Every time I reached for it, the server pulled his hand away.

It was maddening, and I was one second away from infecting him with my blood. You didn’t take a woman’s butter.

A callused hand jostled my shoulder gently, and a honeyed British accent whispered, “Sadie, wake up.”

The buffet of food disappeared, and my head throbbed with agony.

“Ow,” I moaned as I went to rub my eyes and they smarted with pain.

Blinking open crusty, swollen lids, the first things I saw were stunning purple eyes hovering inches from my face.

“Are you okay?” Xerxes said softly, his warm breath fluttering against my cheek. Dried blood streaked down his olive side, and his lush lips were swollen and cut.

Concern radiated off him in waves. “Do you need me to carry you?”

His question brought me back to reality, and I gently pushed him away. “Nope, I’m totally fine.”

Then, with a long, dramatic moan, I pulled my aching limbs out of the car and stumbled into the chilly rain.

As I shivered pathetically in the downpour, I found myself once again missing the balmy climate of the fae realm.

I’d gone from two suns to a cold, windy night.

My gut told me I was going to become wildly depressed in the beast realm.

Although, a small part of me loved the drama of the miserable weather because it matched the ache in my bones and my soul.

It surprised me that the empty car didn’t explode behind us as we limped forward into the rainy night. It felt like we were living in a grainy action movie.

I tipped my head back, and the rain washed over the throbbing cuts on my face.

It felt good.

The sky was an inky black, and for a long moment, I lost myself in the foggy memory of the beating.

“Um, why aren’t we going inside?” Cobra asked. He was no longer being carried by Jax and was clearly upset about it.

I made a face back at him. “Wow, a woman can’t even have a dramatic moment in the rain without a man ruining it for her. Classic.”

Ascher and Xerxes looked at me like I was crazy, and Jax just smiled.

Still, all the men stood staring like I was supposed to do something. Were they waiting for me to fall apart?

I chuckled.

It was pouring, the perfect backdrop for a long sob, but the only thing I felt was dead inside.

Well, dead and hungry.

I needed a hot bath and a mountain of warm bread with butter. The nightmare of the server still shook me to my core. Then I needed to sleep for a decade until I forgot about everything that kept happening in my life.

With a heavy sigh of determination, I turned toward the building and limped forward.

My mouth dropped open, and I stopped.

Xerxes and Ascher almost ran into me, and both immediately wrapped their arms around my sides as I collapsed.

I was so stunned I didn’t bother to correct them as they carried me forward together like I couldn’t walk.

Holy mother of the moon goddess.

We were walking toward a mansion.

Massive skyscrapers towered off in the distance. It was still Serpentine City, but different.

I whipped my concussed head back and forth.

Behind us, massive, gnarled trees covered in white-and-pink flowers lined the city street, creating a tunnel of blooms.

In front of us, a mansion of gothic architecture towered and was more expansive than the training center back in the shifter realm. Ivy crawled across the brick.

As we approached the wrought-iron gate in front of the house, it glowed with enchantment and swung open.

“Welcome home, Master Xerxes,” a thickly accented voice said from nowhere.

I turned to gape at the omega, who was casually carrying me toward the mansion like it was no big deal.

“Master?” I squeaked out.

Xerxes shook his head with a sigh, long blond hair plastered across his face. “ABOs are very dramatic. Those with old money still follow archaic traditions from centuries ago. It’s hard to move forward when ABOs live for so long.”

I sputtered as we got closer to the stately mansion. “So you’re a part of this old money?”

“Unfortunately,” he muttered.

I nodded, grateful that Ascher and Xerxes were carrying me, because my legs would have probably given out.

“That sucks.” I grimaced.

Xerxes looked at me weirdly. His purple eyes narrowed as he stared at me with intensity. “What do you mean?”

I gave him a confused look back; it seemed pretty clear to me. “That you have to follow old rules and bullshit. I’m guessing you can’t just do what you want while you’re in this realm?”

He didn’t respond, and I narrowed my eyes at him as he dragged me forward toward the shadowy mansion.

I could practically hear the rich children back in the shifter realm, scoffing at my ripped clothes. They’d made fun of the threadbare sheets the school had lent me.

In every realm, there were rich people who thought they were better than others.

I shivered, and it wasn’t from the cold.

At least when you were poor, you could see how egotistical the rich pricks were. How blinded they were by their parents’ money. Too obsessed with their status to realize their perception of self-importance shackled them.

Xerxes rapped his knuckles against the massive front door. He was still staring at me, and the silence gnawed at me.

“So do you hate it, or are you also a rich prick?” I asked softly and couldn’t keep the sass out of my voice.

My stomach pinched as the memories of my days serving pretentious men in business suits who groped and pawed at me like I was an object.

Xerxes looked like Prince Charming, and he was also filthy rich. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together.

Had my instincts been wrong?

His fingers tightened against my rib cage, and he pulled me out of Ascher’s arms so I was pressed flush against him.

Ever so slowly, Xerxes leaned his handsome face down so he was bent at the waist and we were eye to eye. He leaned his heavily muscled arms against the side of his mansion so I was caged against him.

My stomach cramped as warm, spicy cinnamon wafted off him in a delectable cloud that even the rain couldn’t cover up.

My mouth watered.

Rivulets of red streaked across the sides of his handsome face.

“Yes, I am rich.” His swollen mouth hovered so close to mine that I couldn’t breathe. “No, I don’t regret it. Especially now.”

My heart hammered as I tried to decipher his meaning. “That’s embarrassing for you,” I whispered back.

He traced a callused finger down the side of my neck.

My core spasmed.

Xerxes’s voice deepened until it was a low growl. “You know what’s embarrassing?”

He paused, and I gulped.

I took the bait. “What?”

Xerxes leaned forward until his lips tickled my ears. “How obsessed you’re going to be once you enjoy one of the showers in my mansion.”

I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried to ignore the way my legs were suddenly trembling.

Purple eyes flashing, he grinned. “Also, yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“I’m a rich prick.”

His words penetrated the thick haze that was fogging my brain. “Wait, what?” I pulled back.

A stuffy voice said, “Master Xerxes, your arrival is a delight. The moon goddess has blessed us.”

Xerxes pulled away from me and turned to greet the short man, who was dressed in an impeccable business suit with a handkerchief draped over his arm.

My knees were still wobbly from the intensity of the omega pinning me to the wall, but I was cognizant enough to be shocked that the moon goddess was being mentioned over the sun god. Maybe people in this realm respected her more than the sun? Relatable.

Ascher looked down at my unsteady form, picked me up bridal-style, and carried me into the mansion.

Cobra licked his lips. “You liked that, Kitten?” His knowing smirk told me he knew I had.

I rolled my eyes. “Big words for someone still being supported by Jax.”

A purr rumbled from Jax’s chest as the big man grinned, his arm draped across Cobra’s side, holding him up.

Cobra narrowed his eyes. “I just like being carried by my man.”

I smirked back. “Jax, will you carry me?”

I gently pulled away from Ascher, who frowned.

“Be careful, Princess.”

Jax moved his arm to carry me, but my gloating stopped because he didn’t put Cobra down. Instead, he just maneuvered both of us so we were each supported by one of his arms.

“Are you sure he’s yours?” I snarled at Cobra.

Emerald glowed. “Are you sure you’re both not mine? Because, Kitten, it seems like you are.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but stopped when someone screeched my name.

With a startle, I looked around and took in the fact that I was in an opulent foyer.

A massive antique crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling and cast a soft yellow glow across the dramatic double staircase that four teenage girls and Aran were sprinting down.

Blushing, I shoved myself out of Jax’s hold and brushed myself off.

For some reason, I acted like a complete fool around the men, especially Cobra. He scrambled my brain and made me forget what I was doing.

I vowed to be better.

“Oh my sun god.” Aran gasped as she took in our beaten appearances.

“I’ll have healing paste delivered to your rooms,” the butler said.

He had a stuffy, calm demeanor, and his face didn’t so much as twitch as he took in our haggard states.

“Thank you, Walter.” Xerxes bowed his head.

In response, Walter bowed his even lower. “No. Thank you, Master. It is an honor to have you back.”

A soft burned scent drifted off of Walter as he bent low, signifying that he was a beta.

Instantly, my stomach cramped at Xerxes’s words about being a rich prick.

He kept servants.

My back and chest smarted with the phantom pain of a belt, and memories of Dick flashed through my mind like a bad movie.

I didn’t want to embarrass Walter by calling Xerxes out, so I settled on passive-aggressively glaring at him.

He didn’t seem like an ass, but I guessed you could never tell with men these days.

Unaware of my righteous indignation on his behalf, Walter vibrated with excitement as he led us to our bedrooms.

His stiff steps were quick and efficient as he gave a tour of the mansion. “There are showers in every bedroom, and I’ll deliver the healing supplies. Anything you need, please let me know. The girls have already settled into rooms. I will alert the kitchen staff at once to the number of guests.”

My stomach plummeted once again.

More servants.

Instead of verbally ending Xerxes’s life—I’d deal with him later—I concentrated on the girls.

Jax had his arms around Jess and Jala, and Jinx was arguing with Cobra about something. From the animated hand gestures, Ascher appeared to be taking Jinx’s side.

In front, Xerxes walked with Walter and kept patting the old man on his shoulder.

Beside me, Lucinda and Aran had tears of worry in their eyes. Well, Lucinda had tears; Aran narrowed her eyes at me angrily.

I smiled at both of them. “Seriously, it wasn’t that bad.”

Aran scoffed. “It looks like you’ve been tortured by an earth fae, then stabbed by a water fae for hours.”

Lucinda grimaced. “Sis, you really gotta try better to avoid violence.”

Suddenly, there was a loud shriek, and everyone whipped around in surprise. Xerxes pulled out his twin knives.

Immediately, the tension dissipated. It was Cobra who had shrieked, and he was hiding behind Ascher’s large frame.

Jinx was holding a long, furry black creature in her hands.

“What is that?” Cobra growl-hissed at Jinx.

For the first time since I’d met her, Jinx giggled like the twelve-year-old girl she was. “It’s a ferret. The don stopped by to say hello and gave us him as a housewarming gift.”

Jax growled.

My internal radar went off as I remembered Xerxes shifting from a nice little kitten into the fae queen’s soldier.

“Are you sure that’s not an omega in disguise?” I asked as I glared at the fluffy creature.

Jinx glared at me. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s just a ferret.” She held him protectively against her chest. “He’s mine.”

I narrowed my eyes and debated ripping it out of her arms and torturing it to get it to reveal itself.

Jinx scowled harder.

If I was wrong, she might actually kill me. “Whatever,” I said under my breath as I glanced sideways at what was most definitely a spy.

“What do you mean, the don stopped by?” Cobra straightened to his full six-foot-five height, eyes blazing emerald. “Did he threaten you girls?”

Aran raised her hand. “Did everyone forget I was looking after them? He honestly seemed pretty chill and just gave us the pet for good luck. Told us to stay safe and said something about all teenagers needing a pet while stroking his snake. Then he left.”

We all gaped at Aran.

She shrugged. “They were never in danger, trust me.”

I opened my mouth to argue, but then remembered the way Aran’s eyes had turned blackish orange. Sharp claws had sprouted from her fingertips, and she’d brutally slaughtered her powerful mother.

Aran was definitely something more than fae, and only a fool would call her incompetent.

Before anyone could say anything, Jinx shouted, “Everyone, relax!” Then she gave a girlish squeal of delight and held up the black ferret like he was a prize. “This is Noodle. He is my new best friend.”

Noodle took that moment to chitter and wave his two little front legs in the air.

Cobra shrieked and hid behind Ascher.

Ascher moved to the side and glared down at him with exasperation. “Dude, you’re embarrassing yourself.”

“That creature is not natural. Tell her to get rid of it, Jax.”

Jax sighed heavily, like he couldn’t believe this was his life. He looked at his little sister, who was cuddling the ferret against her cheek like a normal girl her age.

Something told me she didn’t make friends easily.

After a long moment, Jax nodded, and his golden chains tinkled. “Jinx, you can keep Noodle. Cobra, grow up.”

With that, Walter continued with his room tour.

The ferret perched on top of Jinx’s dark head, and she whispered something about “nincompoops” to him.

My gut told me there was going to be a lot of chaos in our future.

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