Princess of Faerl

Chapter 77. Party Time

*Third Person*

The party was in full swing, the entire world was introduced to the newly christened Duke and Duchess of Faerl. Of course, Stacie wouldn’t stay a duchess for long. Scottie beat Aranelda to the proposal, though. He stepped out onto the dance floor, Lily on his arm, as the DJ turned down the music.

“And now, your new Duke of Faerl, Scott MaComb Jr would like to have everyone’s attention.”

He held a microphone in one hand, clearing his throat. “So, I’m not good at speeches, so I figured I’d try and make sure I did this first. Sorry, Aran.” A few laughs went through the crowd. “Lily, you’ve felt the mate bond in full force for the last year. I’ve only had the pleasure of feeling it, in its complete glory, for less than a day. I have to say, there is no better feeling in the world than holding your hand. I know for our kinds, this is not the tradition. You mark, and mate, and whatnot. But due to my upbringing, I thought I was a human all along, which I now know is a fairytale in Faerl. Humans don’t exist. So, I guess it’s strange me asking this, but,” he moved to one knee, holding up a small black box. “Will you honor me, become my duchess, and my wife?”

He opened the small black box, and a blood red lily sat atop a platinum band with a teardrop diamond in the center. He held it out to her, holding his breath. His nervousness could be felt through the whole room. She blinked, trying to hold back tears, nodding her head profusely, “Yes, Scottie. Of course yes!” She let him slip the ring onto her finger. As soon as he stood up, she jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately.

The DJ cleared his throat as Aranelda too the microphone from Scottie’s hand, “Let me help you out there, brother.” He laughed, “Way to steal my thunder.” He then whispered only loud enough for Scottie to hear.

“And now our Crown Prince requests the attention of all.” The announcement was so formal, Aran closed his eyes shaking his head.

“It has been a very long year. We have a lot of challenges we are going to face in the next few years as well. I couldn’t imagine it without my mates by my side. I was blessed to be able to meet Eliza after my 18th birthday. We felt the mate bond right away. Eliza and I both felt the bond to Stacie as well. The Goddess is never wrong and gives us what we need. Unfortunately, Eliza cannot be here today, but she is in our hearts. Stacie, I ask you today, before the kingdom, on behalf of both of you. We have been blessed to be a triad, will you accept being my brides, my princesses, my forever?” His hands were shaking, two rings in boxes.

Stacie smiled at him, “On behalf of us both, I say yes. I know what she would want, I feel her with us, and she will forever be part of us. She is ours forever.” Stacie bent her head down, as he slipped a necklace over her head, and then slipped one onto her finger. She looked up at him and kissed him deeply, letting the bond flow freely, reaching out to Eliza, letting her know she is loved. It was a magical moment.

“Now let’s dance to the newly engaged couples!” The DJ loudly announced and started playing Bruno Mars, Marry You. The newly engaged were dancing closely, kissing the entire time. The other couples started dancing around them as well. In the back of the room, a dark cloud hung over one gentleman in particular. He was none too happy about Stacie still being the mate of the prince even though his daughter rejected her. He was more upset that Stacie still held onto Eliza as her mate as well. This will not do. He left quickly, without a trace. If his daughter couldn’t serve her purpose as the only queen, she would not be of any use at all.

He left the party, mumbling to himself. “This is not the end. I will not fail. I will serve him and fulfill my mission. Adalith be damned.”

Back at the party, everyone was in great spirits. Both of the couples found time to sneak away. Scottie led Lily to his room while Aranelda took Stacie to his room.

Stacie and Aranelda moved into the room. They both wanted each other, but felt empty at the same time. “Why do I feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like something is lacking?” Stacie asked. Aranelda thought for a moment, pushing her hair behind her ear.

“You love her too, and want her to be here. But, I can promise you, she will feel us through the bond. And we will feel her.” He kissed Stacie passionately, his hands running over her bare back, reaching for the zipper of her dress that sat just above the crest of her ass. Slowly he pulled it down. “I promised we will not forget her. She is ours and we will fight for her.” He kissed Stacie’s neck, nipping at her marking spot. Stacie moaned softly. Eliza’s voice filled their heads.

“Aran, you can’t mark her. You won’t have your animals once you become a deity, just like Elena. My dragon, Galadriel, will mark her though you, so I will always be with you both.” They gasped as power overwhelmed them, and he sent a translucent gold fire towards Stacie’s chest. An image of Aran and Stacie appeared, wrapped in golden wings of Eliza’s dragon. Stacie started to cry.

“It’s beautiful.” Her tears were happy tears. She moved to Aran’s neck, her fangs extending, piercing his neck, the same image appearing on his neck. At this point neither could hold back. The rest of their clothes were ripped from their bodies, and an all night session of lovemaking ensued. They could feel Eliza’s want through the bond as well.

Eliza spent the night high from their orgasms and her own. She could feel every bit of arousal they felt, touching herself in the dark of the cell her father was keeping her in. She didn’t care what he did to her. The two souls she loved more than anyone in the universes were happy, and loved her too.

At midday the next day they woke in excruciating pain. They could feel wounds they didn’t have, blood loss that was nowhere to be seen. “Eliza…” Stacie croaked out. They were feeling Eliza’s pain. “She’s hurting!” Stacie sobbed.

“TANZ!!” Aran cried out, forcing the pixie to appear. It was awkward for Tanz as she appeared before a naked prince and princess to be.

“Yes, my prince?” She asked.

“Send someone to check on Eliza, now! There’s no time to lose!” He was completely frantic. Stacie had passed out from the pain. Aran held her close, rocking her back and forth. He didn’t know if he was saying it for Stacie’s sake or his own, but he kept repeating, “It’ll all be okay, it’ll all be okay.” Everything played in slow motion as if it were a bad dream. Tanz had informed the gods and goddesses that were within the castle walls that Eliza needed help.

Elena and Hep were the first to act, immediately leaving for Eliza’s home. They used one of her newest powers, teleporting. What they saw when they got there was chilling to say the least.

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