Princess of Faerl

Chapter 17. After Dinner


Once dinner was over, Dad left with Alisee, his expression completely smitten while she held desire in her eyes. I blushed and turned to look at my ‘new’ parents. I did not want to think about what my dad may or may not be doing with Alisee tonight. Scottie and Stacie opted to return to their rooms, letting me have a quiet moment with the people responsible for bringing me into this world. It was strange to me. I only knew their names and nothing more.

“Elentari, you must have so many questions. Before we dive in,” Belle and Alaric had guilty and sad expressions, “We wanted to apologize that we haven’t been there for you growing up. All we wanted to do was protect you, but malice still found you.” Alaric’s voice shook as he spoke. Belle had gentle tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I do not blame you, really. I mean, it may take me a while to call you mom and dad. But I’m sure we’ll get there. For the most part, I had an average childhood. Lyssandra never beat me or starved me. I didn’t like her because she tried to replace you.” I looked towards Belle. “But she couldn’t. I woke up to your song every morning. She hated that.”

Bell was pleasantly surprised. “How did you have my song? I never recorded it.”

“My dad must have without you knowing. I found it on this computer and took it to make an alarm tone out of it. I think,” I tilted my head to the side, “That’s why her spells didn’t work on me. I had something real and tangible to hold onto.” I smiled at them both, slightly uncomfortable due to their heightened emotions. I was not able to connect to them the same way.

Alaric had tears in his eyes as well by now. “May I hug you?” His eyes were hopeful and there was no way I could tell him no. I nodded to him and stood. His embrace was warm, making me feel safe. “I haven’t gotten to touch you or see you since the day you were born. Eighteen long years to wait for my baby girl.”

“We never wanted to be away from you. Scott sent pictures when he could until you were eight. I’m guessing that’s when Lyssandra started trying to control him in earnest. I know it was before your first birthday he told me he was in love with an amazing woman and three months later that she was pregnant. I was excited you’d have siblings of a sort and hoped you’d grow close with them and find happiness in that bond.” Anger started to saturate her eyes. “He was my best friend from childhood. I feel I failed you both.”

I could clearly feel her regret. “It isn’t your fault. You two clearly rescued all four of us from that abominable witch.” My face and voice turn sour at the thought of her. A beautifully dressed lady approached Bell and handed her a jewel encrusted box.

“Thank you, Lady Emily.” Belle offered her kind word of thanks. She was extremely warm whenever she spoke to staff or helpers. “Onto happier things. This is for you, Elentari. Happy Birthday, babygirl.” My mouth hangs open as I run my fingers over the beautiful box. I had never received anything so lovely before. Belle’s giggle sounded like little fairy bells. I wonder if that’s how she got her name. Alaric’s hearty chuckle added to the bell like laughter and pulled me out of my trance.

“Your gift is inside the box, Little Love.” His velvet voice held a good bit of amusement as he held Belle’s hand. The affection they held for each other was tangible in the air.

“Oh, really? The box is so beautiful… Not to mention probably expensive… Are you sure? There’s more?” My fingers trembled as I stumbled over my words. They both smiled and nodded. As I opened the box, I let out a gasp. On a white velvet pillow there was a necklace with a platinum chain and pendant. The pendant was the triple moon symbol of the Goddess, Selene. Hanging below it in the center was a large amethyst heart. The heart looked and felt familiar, but I couldn’t place it. “Thank… thank you…” The words squeaked out of my mouth.

“This necklace is passed down to each Lunar Guardian when they turn eighteen. It is said it amplifies their natural strength a thousand times over. With the Lunar Guardians being the only creatures to be able to harness all five elements, you can only imagine the boost that is.” Belle explained to me.

This was so much to take in. I almost didn’t notice Alaric retrieved the necklace and clasped it around my neck. As soon as it laid against my skin, I felt a surge of power and no longer felt like I was in the dining room. Looking around I see a woman that vaguely looked like me, but a little older and taller. She’s talking to a woman with pale, porcelain skin, brilliant blue eyes, and impossibly long white hair. She seemed ageless.

“My Guardian, it is time.” The ageless woman spoke. Her voice was insanely compelling. All of my souls wanted to bow to her in reverence.

“Selene…” I said at the same time the Guardian in front of me spoke her name. “My Goddess, what would you ask of me?” Complete confidence exuded from the tall, dark haired woman.

“You will live beyond me. You will be the matriarch of the Tirisil family. When my spirit is no longer in this plane, one of your descendants will be blessed with the five elements when I must return to right the wrongs of my children. Thousands of years from now, when the children of the moon need more than a simple intercession, the Guardian of that generation will not simply be a Lunar Guardian. Though the role of Lunar Guardian is anything but simple. This Guardian will be the vessel of my reincarnation. The children of mine that wish to harm our peace and serenity will perish by my will. The just will receive their due rewards. Thus you are being bestowed with this task. This necklace will bind you and your descendants that will be my voice to me. Each Lunar Guardian will wear it, using the power stored within it. The power will grow with each Guardian that wears it. When I need to return as my own Guardian, she will see us and understand.” Selene then turns and looks directly at me. “Do you accept the task of being my Lunar Guardian and reincarnation?” The tall woman turned at the same time and smiled down at me. I felt the connection and warmth. Her courage filled me and I bowed my head in reverence.

“I am but a piece of my Goddess’s greatness. It is my honor to serve you.” I’m in disbelief of what I’m seeing and feeling. A bright white light envelops me and I’m kneeling on the floor at my worried parents feet. The two women had faded from sight. The two adults before me were calling my name and seemed so far away. My hair hung over my shoulder and I let out an ear piercing scream. It was stark white, just like Selene’s.

“My hair!!” I cried, clutching it in my fingers. Lady Emily had come running hearing my scream and waited to see if she needed to do anything. I looked at my hands as I grasped my hair and let out a relieved sigh. My skin was still the same. I silently thanked Selene for not changing everything about me.

“You’re welcome.” Her voice rang through my head with a hint of sarcasm.

“Holy shit..” I muttered, causing both of my parents to tell me to watch my language. I had to laugh hearing this as none of us had ever censored ourselves. More than that, my language is what they were worried about as I was on the floor, my hair transformed and Goddess knows what else. I reached a hand up to Alaric, hoping for help standing. Luckily he noticed and helped me up, I couldn’t stand by myself.

“Sorry, that just totally took me by surprise. I doubted she was real, but now she is me. I think it’s getting a bit crowded up there, though.” I point to my head.

“Who is you?” Belle asked cautiously.

“I am here.” The voice of Selene could only be described as majestic as it emanated from my mouth. Both my parents immediately bowed low. “Rise, both of you. You gave life to this body and by extension, me. No need to bow.”

They looked like they had seen a ghost. “Mother Moon, are you saying our child is your reincarnation? We thought she was to be your protector, but not your physical body.” Alaric was the only one who could manage the words.

“She is my reincarnation. Her hair is my mark. She will also bare the triple moon circlet after she rests.” The Goddess felt me weakening. “For now, this is as long as I can speak through her. She needs time to meld with me and for us to become one, along with her souls. The other deities must be quite worried at this point for their children to belong to my reincarnation.”

I let out a long breath, as if all the air my lungs had contained vacated in seconds. Selene retreated to the far corners of my mind and I collapsed into my chair.

“Elentari, are you okay?” Belle stood to the side of me putting her hand on my shoulder while Alaric kneeled next to me. I couldn’t speak. “Lady Emily, please fetch smelling Fsalts and a bottle of energy rejuvenation.”

“Of course, my Queen. Is the doctor or spirit healer needed at this time?” She questioned. Belle shook her head no. Not five minutes later, Lady Emily returned with the salts and a glass of neon yellow liquid. Belle took the cup, thanking her while Alaric handed me the mesh bag of smelling salts.

“Drink this, babygirl.” Belle coaxed me. It smelled nasty. “We don’t want you to pass out.”

I drank it as quickly as I could. It tasted as awful as it smelled. I scrunch my face up in disgust. “That,” I point to the empty cup, “While it may do the trick, it is the NASTIEST thing I have ever consumed in my life. And I ate worms on a dare while camping!”

They laugh as relief spreads over their faces. They both hug me and sigh. “Today has been full of surprises. Introducing you to Faerl will be more than interesting. Being a Princess is a task. Being a Lunar Guardian is a great honor and dangerous position. Being the reincarnation of Selene is a whole other level. We must keep this between us four for now.” Belle looked at me with a tenderness I never knew a mother could have for their child. “Any one who meets you will know you’re a Lunar Guardian by your necklace and aura. Right now Selene’s aura is suppressed, but I do not know if it will always be that way. There are people like Lyssandra that will covet you even more at this point. Be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true.” Her advice is simple and accurate.

“Now I wonder how many other secrets my existence holds. I’m not sure my heart can handle too many more shocking discoveries.” Despite drinking the nasty energy concoction, I am still barely awake. A yawn escapes and I cover my mouth. “I apologize. I think I need sleep.” My eyes can’t stay open and I lean back into the comfy chair. Exhaustion takes over and I fall asleep there and then. I’m vaguely aware that I am being carried to my bed in Stacie’s room. Two kisses land on my forehead and I drift fully to sleep.

Like the last time I slept, I’m in the zone. Instead of everyone interacting, though, we all stay in a meditative pose, collecting energy. Only difference is Selene is now seated next to me, holding my hand.

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