Princess in the Rough

Chapter 25


“Um, Maleficent, you okay, you look scared?” I asked. With the look of fear on her face, I was scared as well. What danger would I be put in if I do it? Could I actually perform the kind of magic she was asking me to do? So many questions ran through my head.

“Well, Echo. I, I don’t feel comfortable doing this but, it’s the only way.”

“What is the only way? Please stop talking like that, it’s freaking me out.” What did Maleficent want me to do?

“Oh dear, am I making you feel uncomfortable? I’m sorry. You’re fine. It’s my fears that are holding me back.”

“Maleficent, just tell me what I have to do, so I can get it over with.”

“Well, just to get rid of the briers alone you must,” She sighed. “you must kill a dragon.”

“Your kidding, right?” I gasped at her in disbelief.

“No dear, and that dragon…” There was a long pause. “Must, be me.” Her voice cracked on these last few words. The world started spinning around me. How would I beat this? I didn’t want her to die!

“Please be joking. I don’t want to kill you!” I started to panic. Killing her would be awful, plus I would be committing murder!

“On the bright side, something appeared in your book!”

“What the hay-billy-dilly do you mean?”

“Wait, excuse me? What did you say?”

“Creative curse word, but why do I have to kill you?”

“You may not have to. There maybe a way around this.”

“What is it? Do I have to kill something else?” If there was another way, I definitely want to know it. I don’t want to kill Amber’s aunt before she ever met her!

“There may be a way to get through the brambles, wake up Amber, break the curse, and prove myself.” Maleficent said thoughtfully.

“Well, what is it?”

“It would be risky and may not work.”

“Quit stalling and get to the point.”

“I’m not stalling! I’m just explaining it very well.”

“Maleficent.” I said, getting annoyed with her.

“Very well, I’ll tell you.” She sighed. “There is a sword hidden deep within the woods that could clear these brambles with the help of dragon fire.”

“A sword?”

“Yes, the sword’s name is Excalibur.” Maleficent explained, then regretted it. “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“No, tell me. I’m not going to kill you, no matter how much you want me to.” I folded my arms in a defiant way.

“The sword is said to be hidden in an underground lake guarded by moon wolves. The only way to find it is to wait for a full moon, like the one tonight. Then, the entrance to Moon Lake is revealed.”

“Only open at night during a full moon, guarded by moon wolves, underground…” I thought about anything I’ve seen around the forest since I arrived.

“I don’t know how we’ll ever be able to find it, Excalibur is supposed to be hidden very well. Some think the sword doesn’t exist, other’s think it is an heirloom of a werewolf clan.” She rattled on.

“Did you say a werewolf clan?”

“Uh, yes. Does that mean anything to you?”

“Of course! The Night Walker clan! They have a trap door that leads underground, a werewolf controlling them, and most of them are moon wolves!” I jumped up in excitement, hope filling the empty hole of guilt, but not completely.

“Then let’s get going! We have a princess to save!”

We ran through the forest at high speeds, huffing and puffing. Maleficent surprised me at how fast she could run even though she was getting on the older side.

“Are, we almost, there?” Maleficent weezed. I slowed the pace so she, and I, could catch our breath.

The surroundings looked pretty familiar. A river flowing not too far from some rocky cliffs, trees surrounding us, and the ground, littered with dying leaves.

“Yeah, I think so.” I breathed. It felt like my lungs were on fire and my legs were melting. I don’t even want to know how far we ran so fast, I just want a break.

“Good. I don’t know how much more these old bones can take.” She chuckled dryly. “I can call myself that, if you do, let’s just say life as a toad isn’t enjoyable”

“Fine by me, but can I call you Mal?” I asked, kicking the ground with the tip of my boot.

“That’s fine with me. Lead us to the den!”

“Alright, but we have to be silent. The alpha isn’t the nicest wolf in the pack.”

“We have no reason to fear him. Simply pull your cloak tight around you and say, blend.” As she said this, while tightening the cloak, she disappeared!

“Awesome!” I pulled my cloak around me and said: “Blend.”

“Now remember, you aren’t invincible and you are barely invisible. If you look hard enough you’ll see the outline of me. It’s only the cloak that changes color.” Mal explained.

I led Mal to the den of the Night Walker clan. It was the same, but high above the treetops, the full moon was shining. It had taken us all day to find the den in the densely packed woods.

“Is this the place?”

“It is.” I said in a hoarse whisper. I was terrified, last time I was here, I was almost killed. If the alpha saw me again, I would be killed.

I felt like something was following me as we walked closer to the entrance. I figured it was just Mal and kept walking, pushing the thought to the back of my mind.

When we were just outside the den I peeked my head inside. All of the wolves were gone! I would normally consider that good news, but now I had to worry about where they were. I walked in with nothing but my courage, a partly invisible cloak, and faith that this not-so-much-of-a-plan would work.

I saw the trap door in the middle of the room. “There.” I whispered cautiously.

Mal nodded and we crept towards the trapdoor until we were standing at its rim. Mal lifted the lid and it creaked loudly. I flinched at the sound of it lifting then dropping to the floor.

My palms started to sweat and my breaths grew ragged as I peered down the shaft with steps leading down into the black abyss the trapdoor had revealed.

“Would you like me to go first?” Mal offered. I didn’t want to be rude, but at the same time I didn’t want to die.

“Would it sound rude if I said yes?”

“Not at all, dear! I understand. I’ll call up to you if it’s safe.”

“Thank you so much!” I gave a sigh of relief. Mal slowly walked down into the pitch black darkness of the hole and I watched her until she was consumed by the darkness.

“You’re good!” She called up to me. I shivered when I walked down the stairs in fear and because of the rapidly dropping temperature.

The ground was very mossy, which made it very slippery. I put one foot in front of the other and after the fifth step I slipped and fell, on my butt, which I should of expected. After I slid a couple of steps down I stood back up and continued down the stairs.

“Ouch.” I groaned when I reached the bottom.

“Are you okay, dear?”

“I’m fine.” I whined. “Did you find anything?”

“No, sadly. It must’ve just been a myth. There is a trail that leads to another chamber though, but it’s empty as well.”

“Can you show me where? I want to take a look.”

“Of course, Echo.” She replied softly and lead me to the chamber. My eyes widened as I gazed upon something I only thought I’d see when I died.

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