PREQUEL: Royal Ancestors

Chapter 12

The Year is 1920

“What do you mean we shouldn’t announce the pregnancy?” Beatrice asked Arlo as they sat on the edge of their bed.

Arlo had his hand resting on her flat stomach which was not yet showing the evidence of their growing baby.

“Beatrice, I think the rogue werewolves are planning to move against us.” Arlo leaned against his mate for comfort and support.

“What?” Beatrice gasped.

When Beatrice was crowned as the Queen of the realm, almost everyone was ecstatic and eager to follow their new Queen; almost everyone. Beatrice had insisted on telling the realm about her upbringing, her parentage, and her lack of a werewolf before her coronation. She wanted them to accept her for exactly who she was, and they did. Everyone besides a select few wolves who the royal guards were calling the rogue werewolves.

They did not approve of a wolfless Queen Luna. They did not approve of a Queen Luna who was less than an omega, less than rankless. At first, they were nothing more than angry voices in the wind. Then, came the first attack.

The rogue werewolves began taking out royal conveys and attacking villages of omegas. They went after the orphanages who housed packless, rankless, parentless wolves. That’s when the army was created. The royal guard, Alaric, Killian, Neil, and Forrest, assembled the greatest army that the werewolf realm has ever known to go after the rogue werewolves.

And yet, despite the army and the force of the realm behind them, the rogues grew in both numbers and determination. Twice in the past year they have led attacks on the royal palace that were nearly successful.

“The royal guard believes that the attacks on the palace were a test to learn about our response. They believe that their numbers are far greater than we know. I think that we should keep the pregnancy a secret until we are sure that the rogue werewolves aren’t planning a coo.” Arlo sighed, his eyes cast down so that Beatrice wouldn’t see the fear that lingered behind his green orbs.

“A coo? You think the rogues want the crown?” Beatrice asked, placing her hand overtop of Arlo’s.

“Why else would they attack the palace?”

“All because I don’t have a wolf?” Beatrice sounded disgusted.

“No, that’s not the only reason. They think that no Alpha should take a mate who is below them in rank or status and that no wolf should mate with anyone other than a full blooded werewolf.” Arlo explained.

“That’s despicable.” Beatrice spat.

“I know, my love. You needn’t worry, we will stand against them and we will persevere.” Arlo tried to sound confident, tried to smile as he looked upon his mate.

Beatrice saw right through him but she didn’t let on. Instead, she returned his smile and leaned forward to press her lips to his. Arlo stood from the bed and offered Beatrice his hand, helping her to stand.

“Where is Austin?” Beatrice asked,

“He’s downstairs playing with Samuel, Riley, and Phillip.” Arlo said,

“I would like to go and see him.” Beatrice said, walking towards the door.

“Of course, my love.” Arlo and Beatrice made their way down to the living room.

The royal guard, their mates, and their children were all gathered there, the children playing on the floor, the women on the couch, and the guards standing behind them. Joanna was cradling her newborn baby, Todd, and Beatrice was excited to tell them all that she was pregnant again as well.

“Mommy!” Austin smiled and jumped up from the floor, running to hug his parents.

“My little prince.” Beatrice cooed, bending down to pick up her son. Arlo chastised her and took the toddler from her hands,

“You shouldn’t be lifting him.” Arlo sighed.

“And why shouldn’t she be lifting him?” Noelle smirked, looking over the couple.

“Could it be that our Queen is with child?” Maddy said, but they all already knew the answer.

A she-wolf’s scent changed when they fell pregnant which is why concealing the pregnancy from the realm would mean concealing the Queen herself, an idea that Beatrice wasn’t particularly fond of.

“Perhaps.” Beatrice teased the mates of her royal guard but they weren’t having it. The ladies jumped up and crowded Beatrice with hugs.

That’s when the walls of the palace began to shake and silence fell over the room.

“The rogue wolves have breached our borders. They are attacking the palace.” Neil announced, moving quickly to his mate’s side.

“You must go to the safe room, take the women and children with you.” Arlo grabbed Beatrice’s arms and looked at her with pure fear and worry in his eyes.

“I will and you must stay safe, my King.” Beatrice ordered him, grabbing his face in both of her hands and pressing her lips to his quickly, “I love you.”

“I will always return to you, my Queen. I love you.” He shot her a crooked grin before handing over Austin and running towards the front door with Neil and Killian.

“This way, Queen Luna.” Alaric said, motioning for everyone to hurry. Forrest followed behind the group.

Alaric and Forrest rushed the children and the women back towards Beatrice and Arlo’s bedroom. Once inside, they activated a switch which turned the bedroom into a safe room. Metal shields came down over the windows and doors with Alaric and Forrest standing guard in the hallway.

“This is the third time in the last few months that the rogue werewolves have attacked.” Noelle said, holding Sameul close to.

“Arlo is so worried about them that he wants us to hide our pregnancy from the realm.” Beatrice confessed.

“He does?” Marybelle gasped, pulling Riley even closer to her chest.

“I’m sure it will all be f….” Before Beatrice could finish her sentence, a white hot pain ripped through her body.

She screamed and dropped to the floor, wrapping her arms around herself as her entire body began to shake. It felt like someone was carving out her heart with a dull blade. All she could feel was pain and all she could hear were her own screams. The mates of the royal guard tried to comfort her, tried to reach out to her and sooth her, but she couldn’t hear them. Even her own son was calling out to his mother, but her ears were deaf to his cries.

A voice crept into her mind then,

“My dearest love, I am so sorry.” Arlo said, sounding far away and weak.

“What is happening, Arlo?” Beatrice cried.

“I promised to always return to you and I intend to keep that promise. Even if you cannot see me or feel my touch or hear my voice, I will always be with you and our children.” He promised.

“I cannot live without you!” Beatrice was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Yes you can. You are stronger than I am, you are stronger than anyone, than everyone. The rogue werewolves will not stop, my dear, and so you mustn’t either. They will come and soon. Our daughter….” His voice trailed off.

“Arlo? Arlo!” Beatrice shrieked but he never replied again.

Beatrice collapsed on the ground, breathless and hollow.

“Beatrice?” Joanna shook her shoulders.

“The King is dead.”

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