Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate: Part 1

: Chapter 43

Third POV

A decade of planning, three and a half years of hard work, and it might all be undone by a fucking tip line.

I’ve gotten lax, lazy and discouraged by my plans’ low yields. Somehow I missed the developments in the Calypso pack, the search for Volana wolves that could return Selene to Bastien’s orbit.

In some ways it was inevitable. Bastien was bound to visit Eros lands one day, but I always imagined I’d have time to prepare, time to obscure Selene’s presence in Asphodel and erase her scent. I would have been able to hide her, if I’d only had the time.

Granted, it’s not as if things were going off without a hitch before. In fact, Bastien has proved to be imminently more resilient than I predicted. Rather than crumpling under grief and the crushing pressure of leadership, he’s persevered, growing even stronger and sharper than before.

Maybe I should have killed Selene after all. If Bastien’s mate had truly died he would never have been able to recover, let alone make a comeback. Even so, I could not bring myself to destroy such an innocent life, no matter her relationship with my cousin.

She understands what it’s like to have everything stolen. She understands having to rebuild a life from scratch, and not having any power or control in your own fate. Not like Bastien and his father, not like the Betas and leaders of the Nova Pack who have never wanted for anything; who have known only power and privilege. They owe their entire lives to accidents of fate, lucking out by being born first or being born wealthy.

It’s not as if I was born without any advantages myself, or like I haven’t enjoyed any turns of good luck. The difference is that I have also lost. I paid costs no one should bear, despite deserving so much better. I may be at the top of my game, but I could have achieved so much more by now if I was leading the Novas; they are the most powerful pack on the continent, second only to the Calypsos. At their helm I could turn one pack into an empire.

One day soon I will see the fruits of my labor, when I finally destroy my cousin and take my rightful place as Elysium’s Alpha. But first I have to find a way to get Selene away from Bastien, and make sure he never learns about Lila. I need him weak and vulnerable, to take away his reasons to live– not give him more to hang onto.

I don’t understand the Calypsos’ hunt for Volana wolves, but I don’t particularly care about that – so long as Selene is far away from Bastien. She’s going to have to leave Eros territory, at least for a little while. I hate to see her start over yet again, but she’s done it twice already – what’s one more time?


Bastien’s POV

“How do we know you aren’t saying all this to scare me into coming back to Elysium?” Selene questions, her slender arms wrapped protectively around herself.

Axel is pulling at my limbs, it’s our job to soothe her, she shouldn’t have to comfort herself.

If we go near her now she’ll spook. I argue.

He refuses to listen. She has her wolf again. He purrs, sending out waves of affection to the animal lurking beneath the tiny brunette’s skin. She can feel the bond.

Selene stiffens slightly, narrowing her eyes in my direction and shifting restlessly. Feeling it doesn’t seem to be softening her up.

Cavanaugh has been lying to her, whispering all sorts of vile conspiracies in her ear. Axel asserts fiercely, we just have to explain.

It’s not just Cavanaugh. I admit ruefully, alive or dead, we still parted on very bad terms.

We have to fight –

Of course we’re going to fight for her. I growl, cutting Axel off. We simply can’t do it the way we used to. She’s grown up: she’s stronger now, more sure of herself. I’m afraid the days of cuddling her into submission are gone.

“I wouldn’t lie about this.” I admonish the accusation with stern rebuke, “you know better than to think I’d ever frighten you for my own gain.”

“Hold on.” Drake steps forward with raised palms, “Slow down and back up. Why are the Calypsos after Volana wolves?”

I return my attention to Selene, closely studying her countenance. “Does he know?”

My mate averts her gaze, shaking her head and biting her lip.

“Do you want to tell him?” I prompt, stepping nearer.

Luminous two-toned eyes travel between us, and I can feel her uncertainty as if it’s my own. After a long moment with no resolution, I decide, “If you’re this unsure, the answer is no. This isn’t something you take chances on.”

“Would one of you please explain what’s going on here?” Drake grouses.

“All you need to know is that Blaise Denizen has bounty out for information on Volana wolves. He’s been looking for one for years and if he finds Selene, he will kill her.”

Drake’s eyes leap to Selene. “There’s been a bounty on you all this time and you never told me?”

Ha. Axel says smugly, Not so close now, are you swamp boy?

“I forgot.” If she tried telling me such a blatant lie, I’d threaten to put her over my knee, but somehow I don’t mind her disrespecting the Eros Alpha this way.

“Why would he kill her?” Drake demands of me.

“Because he’s a rabid dog without a leash.” I summarize coldly, “When I discovered the bounty I set up a shadow system so that we could intercept anyone trying to turn in a Volana before Denizen’s own search could spread to this part of the continent.”

“You kept it going all this time?” Selene interrupts abruptly, finally registering my earlier words with an odd catch in her voice.

“As I said, none of the reports we’ve received have ever identified a true Volana.” I explain. “But yes, I kept it going just in case.”

And thank the Goddess you did. Axel exalts.

Drake opens his mouth to speak, but Selene is still looking at me with wide, wary eyes. “Why?”

“I’ll explain that and much more if you’d only give me the chance, little wolf.” I offer earnestly.

Instantly throwing up the walls which had surrounded her since we first reunited in the garden, Selene straightens up and glowers at me, ignoring my words.

“So you’re telling me that a member of my pack tried to report Selene to a homicidal maniac in exchange for money?” Drake demands.

“In their defense, they probably don’t know Denizen is homicidal.” I concede.

“I’m sorry but I find it hard to believe anyone calls that kind of line thinking good things are going to result.” Drake snarks, “Did you trace the number?”

“That’s why we’re here.” I begin, changing my mind halfway through the thought, “Or it was. Now that I know my wife is alive there are a few other things I’d like to work out first.”

“Ex-wife.” Selene and Drake correct in unison.

Though I have plenty of anger for my mate at this moment, she isn’t the one I turn on. “Stay out of this.” I bark at Cavanaugh.

“I’ll stay part of this until Selene asks me to do otherwise.’ He answers, moving around his desk to stand in front of me. “Which, if you hadn’t noticed, she isn’t doing.”

Almost a full head taller than the Eros wolf, I take great pleasure in towering over him, exuding undiluted menace, “Selene isn’t the one you should be worried about right now.” I instruct ominously, “In fact, she isn’t yours to worry about ever.”

“She chose me.” Drake proclaims with bared fangs, “That means she is.”

“I would be very careful if I were you, Cavanaugh.” I snarl, “you’re coming dangerously close to challenging me for my mate and I guarantee that isn’t a fight you can win.”

Before any more threats can be spoken, Aiden and Donavon enter with Drake’s Beta, Hugo. “Enough of this.” Donavon growls, fulfilling his inherent role as pack mediator. “Swinging your dicks around isn’t helping anything, and it’s especially not helping Selene.”

“How am I supposed to help Selene when he won’t tell me why Denizen wants them?” Drake hisses.

“We don’t know that either–” Aiden starts, trailing off and surveying the Eros Alpha curiously. “Why did you say ‘them’?’

“What?” Drake’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly, betraying the falsehood in his answer, “I meant Volanas as a whole.”

Donavon swears under his breath, and Aiden turns to face me with the bearing of an exhausted soldier. “Alpha,” He sighs, “We all forgot – in the excitement about Selene… the report wasn’t just about a woman.”

I finish the thought for him, a sense of foreboding spreading through my limbs. “It was a mother and child.”

As one, we turn to look at Selene, finding only an empty office and a very smug looking Cavanaugh.

She’s gone.

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