Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 21

I am blown away that this big, beautiful, sexy man crawled through my window late at night just to stare at me and ask me on a date with so much sincerity in his voice, it made my heart ache. For whatever reason, he’s into me, and while I am definitely attracted to him and even might like him as a person—fine, I totally like him as a person—I am going to have to say no.

And it hurts. It hurts to turn him down and see the crushed expression currently on his face. I feel like a shithead.

“Why?” he asks, sounding like he’s had the shock of his life, which he probably has.

“I signed an agreement,” I admit.

“An agreement to not date me?” His brows draw together in total confusion.

“An agreement to not date anyone on any athletic team at CU,” I clarify, wincing when he tips his head back to stare at the ceiling.

Wow, his neck is thick and not in a bad way. His chiseled jawline is way too attractive as well. I want to go to him right now and kiss it. Kiss him.

But I remain where I’m seated on the edge of my bed, waiting for him to storm out pissed off.

I’d let him leave through the front door too. That whole Natalie is entertaining someone was a lie, and I don’t know why I said it. To see if Ace would crawl through my window?

Yes. That’s exactly why.

Natalie is most likely in her room and already in bed. Her nightly ritual includes scrolling through TikTok for approximately fifty hours before she finally falls asleep due to complete exhaustion.

That’s an exaggeration but I’m not too far off.

“Is that because you’re on the social media team?” he asks the ceiling.

“Yeah. I guess there was a girl on my team last year who was deemed a total distraction and she tried to date as many football players as possible. I’m not allowed to date anyone. I could get fired.” I hesitate. “And I’d really like to keep my job.”

Ace doesn’t say anything, still staring at the ceiling, and I finally give in to my feelings and go to him. He spreads his legs when I draw closer, letting me step in between them and when I rest my hands on his shoulders, he closes his eyes.

Swallows hard.

I press my face into his neck, breathing in his intoxicating scent. He smells like the ocean. Clean with the vaguest hint of salt. I stay like this for way too long, inhaling him, my head beginning to swim when he wraps me up in his thick arms and holds me close. But not crushing me to him close. More like…

Perfectly close.

Ugh, I like it. I like him. I’ve had fun spending time with him, and I firmly believed he wasn’t looking for anything serious so that’s why I wasn’t worried about the no-dating clause included in my employment paperwork. I know Gwyneth has some suspicions about us, but I fully planned on reassuring her tomorrow that nothing is going on between me and Ace.

Then he had to go and make all of my secret dreams come true by asking me on a date. He looked so cute when he did it too. Normally, I would’ve said yes. Thrown all my worry aside and just agreed because what good is life if you’re not taking any chances?

I’m almost positive my dad said that to me once.

Can’t risk my job though. Even though I’m only like a week in, I sort of love it. I enjoy working with Eric and Gwen—it’s a fun challenge, trying to get on her good side. I like editing content and creating fun clips that showcase the team in silly ways. That’s what I was doing tonight when Ace texted me. Editing content and scheduling posts on Instagram. I’m having a lot of fun with this and it’s going to look great on my resume someday.

“We probably shouldn’t do this,” he finally murmurs. “I don’t want to get you fired.”

“Just…let me hold you for a few minutes,” I tell him, nestling closer. I feel him swallow and I turn my head slightly, dragging my lips across his skin.

He shivers, his arms tightening around my waist and he dips his head, his mouth at my ear. “You should stop if you don’t want me to do something you might regret later.”

“What would I regret?” What could I possibly regret when it comes to this man? I know I just turned him down but…

He has to understand I did it with extreme reluctance. Maybe we could date later. After the football season is over? Though he probably wouldn’t wait for me that long. I might not either. He could have any woman he wants and I might meet someone too.

Or maybe I won’t. I don’t know.

And that’s the tough part about life. All of the unknowns. Sometimes I wish I had a crystal ball so I could see into the future, but then I wonder if that would just freak me out?


“I don’t know. If we keep this up, you might find yourself naked on that bed with my head buried between your thighs,” he says conversationally, as if he’s talking about the weather.

Now I’m the one who shivers at the vision his words put in my head. I know how he kisses. He’s, very um…


“That would probably be a colossal mistake,” I murmur when he traces the curve of my ear with his tongue.

“Right? Just imagine it.” He kisses my ear. Nibbles on the lobe, his hot breath coating my skin. “Probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’ve been dying to taste that pretty little pussy of yours, Red.”


Oh God.

Dirty talk never did much for me in the past, not that I’ve ever tried it with anyone. I was always too embarrassed and I’ve never been with a guy that I’m comfortable enough with to just…let my freak flag fly.

I have a feeling Ace is the one I could do that with. I already told him I liked it when he put his hand around my throat. He didn’t even bat an eyelash. He did it again for me, knowing I liked it.

This man…he just might be my sexual unicorn.

Though I’m most likely getting ahead of myself. And I shouldn’t think of him that way because this can go nowhere. We can’t date.

His hand shifts up my back, and then slowly down. Over my hip. Tracing the waistband of my old sleep shorts until he slips his fingers beneath the threadbare waistband and slides them over the curve of my bare ass since I’m not wearing panties.

Lucky him. Lucky me.

His touch is featherlight, yet it’s like a brand. Making his mark on me.

“Are you wet?” he whispers. I hold my breath as he shifts lower to check, but at the last second, he pauses. “Ah.”

That’s it. That’s all he says.


A whimper escapes me and I lean into him more, my forehead pressed against his jaw. I can’t speak either. I just wait for him to continue touching me.

“I should stop.” His fingers slide lower. Just barely. Teasing the very edge of my pussy. One nudge forward and he’d be there. Right where I want him. “I shouldn’t do this. We can’t see each other. And besides, this breaks all of your date rules.”

He’s right. I know he is. So why am I widening my stance to give him better access? And oh God, why is he taking it?

“Fuck, Red.” His fingers sink into me easily because I’m freaking drenched and a soft moan sounds low in my throat when he teases my entrance, slipping just a single fingertip inside. “We. Can’t. Do. This.”

Those last four words out of his mouth are punctuated with his finger thrusting into my welcoming body and it feels so freaking good.

“We shouldn’t,” I choke out.

His hand disappears and I cry out at the loss. But he’s back in an instant, diving into the front of my shorts, his fingers searching me. Teasing me. Pinching my clit and making me see stars.

“Tell me to stop,” he demands, his fingers busy, the sound of my wet pussy ringing loud in my ears. It’s like the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard and I sink my teeth into my lower lip, unable to take it much longer.

“Red. Baby.” His thumb strums my clit, his other hand circling around my chin, lifting my face to his. His expression is stormy, his eyes dark and turbulent as he watches me slowly fall apart. “Make me stop.”

He stares into my eyes and I can’t look away. And when his hand slides down from my chin to curl around my throat, he thrusts two fingers deep into me, his thumb pressing against my clit, rubbing it in tiny, quick circles. His fingers tightening around my neck, he rests his cheek next to mine, his lips at my ear as he whispers, “You’re close, baby. Come for me.”

My climax hits me hard, going on and on. Wave after wave of pleasure sweeps over me, leaving me breathless. Mindless.

I swear to God I might even black out for a second.

When I come to my senses, I’m panting, little whimpers falling from my lips, his fingers still thrusting into my pussy, his other hand still clamped around my neck. I don’t even know how I’m still standing. My legs are shaking and my skin is hot. Itchy.

He lets go of me. The moment he removes his hand from my neck and the other hand from my shorts, I’m stripping, my movements jerky. Tearing off my tank and tossing it over my shoulder. Shimmying out of my shorts and kicking them aside. All while Ace watches me with lust-filled eyes, his broad chest rising and falling. Rising and falling. His fingers flexing like he’s dying to touch me.

“What are you doing?” he asks incredulously.

“Getting naked.” I basically tackle him, climb the man like a tree and he grabs hold of me, his hands lifting my ass as I wrap my legs around his hips. Our mouths connect and he turns me away from the desk, carrying me over to the bed, where he gently sets me on the mattress, leaving me alone on the bed as he stands by the side of it.

I prop myself up on my elbows to watch him, my eyes wandering over him greedily, drinking him in, lingering on the tent in his freaking track pants. Something pulses low in my belly and I wait for him to strip. To at least join me on the bed but…

He doesn’t.

“What are you waiting for?” I don’t recognize the sultry tone of my voice. The way I spread my legs so he can see everything I’ve got isn’t familiar either.

His hot gaze lands on the spot between my thighs and he rubs at the corner of his mouth with his thumb, his tongue sneaking out for a quick lick. The same thumb he used to rub my clit only moments ago. He’s tasting me. I know he is.

Oh my God I swear my pussy just got wetter if that’s even possible.

“I should go,” he murmurs, his gaze going to the closed door.

I sit up, slapping my palms against the comforter beneath me. “No, you shouldn’t.”

“You said so yourself that we can’t date. And I—I really want to date you, Ruby.” His gaze is still stuck on my pussy, so it’s like he’s talking to it instead of me.

“Maybe you could date me only for tonight?” I rest my hand on my lower belly, propping myself up on the other hand and spreading my legs open once again. “Just for a little bit?”

His gaze tracks my every movement as my fingers go lower, until I’m touching myself between my thighs. Oh God, I am really wet. And my skin is so sensitive—as if it’s electrified. I tentatively brush my fingers against my clit, tilting my head back and closing my eyes, getting lost in the sensations my own fingers are bringing me.

It helps, knowing he’s watching my every move.

“I don’t know.” His voice is rough and he clears his throat. “It feels all sorts of wrong. You told me no, baby. And I will never make a woman do something she doesn’t want to do.”

The tone of his voice. His word choice. It’s all a turn-on, making me hotter. Making me need him more.

I open my eyes and watch him, my fingers still stroking, my nipples so hard they freaking ache for him. His talented mouth. I swear the bulge in his pants is bigger than before and I stare at it, watching as it twitches.

Ace wants me. And I want him.

So why won’t he do anything about it?

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