Phantom Regency

Chapter 17


Standing here before You

Two paths I can see

Sky Man I implore You

What is Your will for me?

Two paths before me

Could the choice be mine?

Will You reward me

If my choice is Thine?

I only choose You

I know nothing else I need

But could I lose You

If I fail to heed?

Sky Man, I beseech You

No matter what may fall

Oh, I must reach You

Let me hear Your call

Either way please use me

For Phantom Realm’s sake

Sky Man don’t refuse me

My will You must break

I will always need You

Much more then than now

Sky Man, may I heed You

As at Your feet I bow

-The Poetry of Yoshun Thaxius

STARegency Press 135 G.E.

The Sky Lady landed at the small landing pad at Somdartown. The small walled city on Glacier Lake was the new headquarters for the Watchers on Sky’s End. They had recently relocated from Blizzard Gulch. Eamor, Talon and Halen walked to the gates. Swoop elected to stay on the Sky Lady for a while. He had some work to do on the ship and was not eager to walk into what he called “religion central”.

Ailan Gandus himself met them. The kindly old man smiled with tears in his eyes at the sight of Eamor. “Hello, Eamor. Thank Sky Man that he brought you back to us.”

Talon ran up and embraced him. “Teacher! It’s been too long.”

“Talon, my son. I am so proud.”

Eamor strode over and put his arms around them.

Ailan looked up at Halen. “Hello. Welcome.”

Eamor spoke up. “This is Halen.” He paused. “An old friend.”

Ailan broke free from the young men and stepped purposefully over to Halen. He looked him in the eye intensely for a moment, then said, “Sky Man tells me that you are chained to your past. Will you let him set you free?”

Halen was speechless.

“Your secrets are safe here, young Halen. You must learn to trust again. We will talk later.” He turned to the others. “Come, let us dine.”

He led them to a large house in the center of town. Along the way, they were greeted by almost everyone they met. Ailan seemed to be universally respected. As they approached the front door, a small young woman ran out to greet them. She had short dark hair and was wearing a pretty yellow dress. Eamor recognized her immediately.

“Averil!” He cried and ran to embrace her.

“Eamor! Eamor, I never thought I’d see you again.” She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Ailan walked up beside them. “I met her on Ordin a few weeks back. She was out of money and alone. Sky Man led me to her. When I heard she had known you I was thrilled. I had to bring her back with me.”

“I just couldn’t stay in farmer-ville anymore. And with you off being a pirate, I figured I could be… well… something.” She grinned lopsidedly. “I guess I didn’t have much of a plan.”

“Sky Man did,” Ailan added.

“Thank you Ailan.” Eamor said. “What a surprise.” He looked Averil in the face again. “It’s so good to see you.” He felt like maybe he should kiss her, but something held him back. It didn’t seem right.

“Talon, Halen, this is Averil. We grew up together on Galmar.”

Halen took her hand. “Good to meet you.”

“May Sky Man watch over you,” she replied.

Talon embraced her briefly. “Eamor has told me of you. It’s good to actually see you with my own eyes,” he said. There was warmth in his voice.

“Yes, Ailan has talked about you as well. Thanks for watching out for Eamor.” They locked eyes for a moment.

“Shall we go inside?” Ailan asked, taking Averil by the arm and escorting her in. She looked back at Eamor and smiled broadly.

They entered a large hall with a long banquet table. Food was already laid out and steaming. Eamor immediately greeted his Uncle Rylen, who was still setting the table. He nearly bear-hugged Eamor to death. Ailan introduced Jaythun Bynorr, who it turned out was a distant relative of the Thaxians. He led a small group of exiled family members on Sky’s End who watched for Sky Man. He also introduced Dale and Lily Farsight. They were of Panzarian descent; short, darker skinned with thick auburn hair. They reminded Eamor of Swoop. There was another man there who was simply known as Haakan the seer. He was a tall man, taller than Eamor, with piercing gray eyes.

“These, along with myself, are the Advocates of the Watchers. We lead and guide those who watch for Sky Man,” Ailan said with a sweep of his hand, “Oh, and Mya, of course.”

He gestured to a tall woman just entering the room. She had long blonde hair and big, bright blue eyes. She was slim and fair. Eamor’s heart skipped a beat. It was the girl he had dreamed about so many times back on Galmar. He had just seen her in the vision on Yoshun’s Peak, and now here she was.

Mya became awkward as he continued to stare.

“Eamor?” Ailan said.

“Oh, sorry.” He met her eye again, “I have seen you before.”

“I do not think we have met,” she said slowly.

“No, I know we haven’t.” He blushed. “I have – I have seen you in my dreams.”

She became visibly flustered and took her place at the table.

“Come, join us.” Jaythun said with an awkward smile.

They sat and ate and traded stories late into the night. Eamor, Talon and Halen stayed at Ailan’s house that night. Eamor turned in early. Halen stayed up late talking with Ailan. Talon joined them. He had developed a kinship with Halen on their trip. They were both men of action, strong and able.

Halen approached Eamor in the morning. “There’s something I gotta tell you.”

“Sure Halen, go ahead.”

“I…um…well, first of all, I believe now that Sky Man is a real being. I want to live for him. I want my life to have purpose. I…” Halen paused. “And I also need to tell you that I was an M.S.P. spy. I was recruited before I joined the Knights. I turned you into Dread because the M.S.P. ordered me to. They wanted you watched. It was ’cause of me that you were attacked on Yoshun. It’s my fault that they know you are the true heir. I am sorry.”

Eamor stared silently.

“Eamor, I…”

“Halen, thank you for telling me. I am safe now. It doesn’t matter anymore. I am glad for you.” He hung his head and took a deep breath.

“Hey, you okay?”

“I don’t know. I am confused. I thought that going home would…” He fell silent.

Halen put a hand on his shoulder. “Sky Man will show you what to do. I believe that.”

“So, are you really done serving the M.S.P.? I don’t think they will let you leave easily. It may take a while before I can fully trust you. I hope you understand.”

Halen twisted the pink kerchief on his arm nervously. “I know. I need time to figure out who I really am.”

“Me too.” Eamor said under his breath.

That day was spent in glad reunions. Swoop even came into town. He was drawn to Jaythun. He seemed to him the least zealous, or at least the most objective of the group. Eamor was still heavy hearted. He went through the motions of catching up with Averil. He hardly saw his uncle all day. Rylen was apparently one of the leaders of the Watchers and had many duties. He felt uncomfortable around Mya. He wanted to get to know her, but she seemed unapproachable. He wished he had not said so much the night before.

That afternoon Ailan came to Eamor. “I want to talk to you about your dreams. Haakan and I want to help you understand them. Would that be okay?”

“Sure. I am eager for answers.”

“I know you are. This is difficult situation for you… for anybody.” Ailan’s voice was warm and kind. “But, your days of running are over. You can rest safely here for a time and we will help you any way we can, Eamor.”

They joined Haakan at his small house. Eamor felt a tingling of phantom energy in his home. He spent several minutes recounting his most recent dreams. Ailan took notes but said little. Haakan listened with his eyes closed most of the time. After Eamor told of his last vision on Yoshun’s Peak, Haakan spoke up. “I too have seen the Thaxian fleet. The fourfold-powered ships will stop the great war to come. You will build them in your exile.”

“Who are these people I will lead into exile?” Eamor asked.

Ailan answered, “There is a colony of people hidden in the deep sky. They are Thaxian family members, acolytes and adepts that have fled persecution, and others who believe in the true Regent and are waiting for Sky Man to restore the Thaxian line. If the Vlademors learned of their whereabouts, they would be in grave danger. Your father and grandfather were born on the colony.”

Eamor was stunned, “Oh…”

“Eamor,” Ailan continued, “You are certain that the young man you saw was the Regent?”

“Y-yes, I saw his face on Yoshun. It was identical,” he responded, “but what of my dreams of Mya? How can I… What do I…?”

“Eamor. Mya knows Sky Man well. You can believe that He will speak to both of you.”

“I don’t know Sky Man. Can I see him? Can I learn to talk to him like you? Ailan, I am so unsure about my future. I am scared by my dreams. I want to run away. I…”

“Eamor, it will take time. Be patient. Learn of Sky Man. I have no doubt that you will give your life to him and receive his power.” Ailan rose and stood over Eamor.

“You have endured much for such a young man. Your life has been most chaotic. For that I am sorry for you. I wish I could comfort you more.” Ailan reached out and placed a hand on his head. “Sky Man, let your power and peace fill Eamor.”

Haakan added, “The time is near but not too near. You will have a deep breath before the plunge. Many months you may rest here and learn.”

“Tonight, we dine together again, and after dinner the Advocates will all speak with you Eamor,” Ailan added.

Eamor sighed. He was relieved a little but still tense. He walked out into the town’s central garden. It was beautiful and peaceful with walking paths, benches and a small lake. He buried his head in his hands. He spoke to Sky Man in his heart and begged for answers. After a while a hand lightly touched his shoulder. He looked up to see Mya sitting beside him.

“Eamor, I am sorry for my reaction last night. I was not very gracious.”

“I am sorry too. I said too much.”

“Is it true? You dreamed of me… of us?”

“Yes. You look exactly like you did in my dreams. I couldn’t help but be awed when I actually saw you.”

“What did you…? It doesn’t matter. I am glad for your dreams. It comforts me every time Sky Man reassures me that I am following his lead,” she said.

“I have been told over and over that I am following Sky Man, but I am not comforted. How do you know what he wants you to do?”

“He rarely speaks directly to my mind. I take counsel from my peers and from the Sayings of Sky Man. Often Haakan or one of the others will give a message from the Phantom Realm. I do not have dreams like you, but that is another way he can speak.” She stood up and stepped back a pace. She looked at him thoughtfully. “Eamor, I was lost and far from my destiny for many years. Sky Man was watching me the whole time. His power and presence is there for us, whether we recognize it or not.”

She sat back down next to him and gently traced the scar on his cheek with a finger, “You are overwhelmed right now. Just know that he is not. You are confused, but Sky Man is full of power and wisdom. I am confident that you will grow in your knowledge of him. He never leaves those he calls.”

Eamor smiled weakly. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. I will see you tonight. I will speak to Sky Man of you.”

“And I of you,” he responded quietly.

Eamor watch her gracefully walk away. She was so beautiful. He felt happy for the first time in weeks. He sat there several more minutes, gazing over the pond. The setting sun danced on the rippling water. He heard voices in the street behind him. It was Swoop and Halen loudly arguing.

“I do not need the assistance of some invisible alien!”

“But he’s not an alien. He… he… he’s from the phantom sky. We feel his peace when we shift. He can…”

“Not interested,” Swoop interrupted.

“But, Swoop, we need you. Don’t you want to live for something bigger than yourself? Come on!”

“I have made myself abundantly clear, religion is needless for such as I. Swoop takes care of Swoop because no one else will. Be gone!” Eamor turned to see him heading into the garden. His long braid swished angrily back and forth as he stalked away from Halen.

“Hey, Swoop!” Eamor called as he passed near.

Swoop turned and walked toward him. “Of all the… is my conversion to be everyone’s pet project?”

“No, I just wanted to sit with you a while. How’s the ship?”

“Ornery as ever, but purring like a cat. Jaythun referred me to a local engineer. He is procuring a brand-new fuel valve, no charge…. due to my service to your esteemed self,” Swoop said, sitting down next to Eamor.

Eamor patted Swoop on the back. “That’s what friends are for. I’ve got your back.”

“Friends? You are destined to rule the galaxy and become another object of religious devotion. I am a smuggler, trader and professional scoundrel, albeit handsome and charming.” He sighed. “Alas, I am afraid we have little in common but our collision at the skyport door.”

“Everyone has a destiny, Swoop.”

Swoop stood up and whirled toward him. “I am not a candidate for your troupe of zealots!”

“Relax. All I meant is that in the grand scheme of things we all have a part to play. You didn’t intend to meet me. I didn’t look for you, but here we are. Both our lives changed forever. I would like to continue to be friends. I’ll need to leave Sky’s End soon. I love the Lady. Is there any way you could chill on the business for a while and just stick with me?”

“I will be truthful. My heart is torn. Life was once simple. I could blow off idealists like you at the drop of a hat. My cynicism will not survive another week if I remain with you. Am I capable of ceasing to be who I am?” He started pacing vigorously. “Wait a minute, Longleaf, what are you saying? What are you thinking? This is too deep for you.” He stopped and faced Eamor. “Kid, I remain un-reformable.” He continued softly, “But I do call you friend. Farewell, may your myths become reality.”

“Clear sky! I will miss you, Swoop.”

Swoop left Sky’s End that very afternoon.

That night after dinner, the Advocates of the Watchers met in the parlor of the big meetinghouse. Ailan, Jaythun, Haakan, Mya, the Farsights, and Uncle Rylen were all there. Eamor felt out of place among such experienced followers of Sky Man.

Ailan stood up and intoned, “We are the Advocates. We fight for the Watchers against the galaxy. We speak of the Watchers with Sky Man. We watch eagerly for the return of Yoshun. Sky Man, aid us as we seek you. Speak to us, comfort us, correct us. We are yours.”

“May it ever be so,” all the rest responded.

“Let us share our hearts with Eamor. Let us encourage him and speak the words of Sky Man to him,” Ailan said, “Rylen, you start and we’ll go around the room and I will finish.”

Rylen’s large, gentle face twitched with emotion as he spoke. “Eamor, you are like a son to me. Your parents have left you in my care. I will continue to take their place as best I can in your life. Your father Phaenor was zealous. He hated the abuses of the Vlademors. He died trying to restore the Regency for you.”

He paused. Eamor’s face was a mask of pain and confusion. “Eamor, I tell you this so that you will know that both of your parents and I have given our lives to keep you safe and give you the opportunity to fulfill your destiny. We believe that Sky Man has something wonderful in store for your life. I urge you to wait on him. Take advantage of whatever time you have here to learn of him. Ailan and I will teach you.”

“My father…” Eamor said hoarsely. “You’ve never talked of him before.”

“I know. Your mother and I felt it was best to keep you from too much knowledge until you were ready. Dread swept you away before the time. I am sorry.”

Haakan was next. “The will of Sky Man is becoming clearer. He will empower you to lead the exiles to their new home and to build the holy fleet. Liberation will come. Yoshun’s return is coming soon. Take courage young Thaxius, Sky Man will lead you. He is with you.”

Mya was sitting to Haakan’s left but remained silent.

Ailan asked her, “Do you have words for Eamor?”

“I have many… but not now.” She turned to Eamor. “I will only say this: I am on your side. May Sky Man help me to remain there.”

Lily Farsight spoke next. “Eamor, my dear,” she began in a motherly tone, “I am so sorry for all you have been through. It is not easy to feel the weight of your calling. The task ahead is daunting. We will fight for you and entreat Sky Man to help you.”

Dale was next to Lily. “Eamor, there are many Watchers in the galaxy. They all wait for you, for your lineage. It is from you that their help comes. They will all rally to your side. As you grow and take the reins of leadership, you will have many allies. You are not alone.”

Jaythun was next. He stood and paced around the circle as he spoke. “Let us not put such a burden on Eamor. The weight of the galaxy does not belong on his shoulders alone. As Dale has said, we are a team. There are thousands of exiles out in the deep sky awaiting the word to return. There are tens of thousands of true Watchers ready to do the will of Sky Man. The galaxy is crumbling. The Regent is weak. The Dominions are seceding.”

Lily interjected, “The Evanthans may aide our cause.”

“They are a political entity. We are a religious and cultural revolution. Think of it, a galactic society, under the true Regent,” he gestured at Eamor, “following Sky Man.”

Haakan spoke solemnly, “Jaythun, beware of idealism. The galaxy was under the banner of Sky Man before, but zeal overtook knowledge and the Vlademors were empowered. Look not to men. Look to Sky Man.”

“I am just trying to be pragmatic. We have a banner now to rally around.” He framed Eamor with his arms as he paced behind him. “I can find the exile colony. Eamor’s grandfather will help him…”

“Jaythun!” Rylen exclaimed, rising from his seat, “We agreed that Del was not to be mentioned.”

“Well maybe he should be. I am tired of…”

Ailan stood and raised his hand. “Peace Jaythun. You have been heard. Let us…”

“I have not been heard!” Jaythun yelled, “We have a golden opportunity here. The galaxy suffers and we have the key. Eamor, do you not want to help all the lost and disillusioned…” He broke off. Eamor was not in the room.

“Eamor! Eamor!” Jaythun called but he had slipped out of the house during the shouting.

“I will go get him,” Ailan said.

“No!” Mya said strongly. There was a fire in her eyes and authority in her voice. “I will talk to him.” They all resumed their places in silence.

She walked out of the house and down into the garden. She found Eamor sitting on a bench, staring vacantly across the pond. Starlight danced on the waters. She sat down next to him. They remained there without speaking for several minutes.

“I can’t do this,” Eamor broke the silence with vehemence. “I can’t.”

He looked at her, frustrated tears spilling out of his eyes. Her face radiated with grace and understanding.

“This ‘destiny’ everyone talks about… it’s just too much. I am not a leader. I don’t know Sky Man. I just can’t….” his voice trailed off.

“Eamor…” she began then fell silent.

He wasn’t through venting. “I was a pirate. I am battle hardened and violent. I killed a helpless enemy. I know nothing of Sky Man, really. I saw him in a dream once. What hope do I really have of living out this destiny? How can I…?” His voice trailed off as he hung his head.

Mya gently lifted his chin and stared him in the eye. “I am Mya Vahlbek of Ravingus.”

Eamor’s eyes widened at the mention of the name. The Vahlbeks of Ravingus were the richest family on the richest planet in the galaxy. He had heard of them from Swoop. They were descended from the King Vahlbek Dynasty of Aralia on Galmar in the ancient days. They ruled the entire world for many years after the Sea and Air Wars, at least until the planet was ruined during the Final War.

“I grew up with more money and power than I could handle. As I grew older and more beautiful I used my power on boys and men. I…”

“You don’t have to tell me…”

“Yes, I do!” she said strongly. “I was unworthy to follow Sky Man. I used and abused anyone in my way. I denied myself no pleasure that my money and my beauty could buy. My life was much further from Sky Man than yours. I gave him no thought whatsoever. Finally, my mother…” she fell silent. Eamor waited patiently for her to compose herself.

Mya took a few deep breaths and continued, “She was on her deathbed. She had gone to the temple all her life. But she was different. It wasn’t just ritual to her. She knew him. As she lay there dying, all she would talk about was the love and peace that Sky Man gave her. How she would soon awaken in the Phantom Realm and be at peace.

“I was utterly undone. Her life was so full, so free, so beautiful. She had hope. I had nothing even though I had everything. In my desperation, I ran away to Sky’s End and gave my life to the Watchers. I have fought my past ever since.”

She grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face her. Her voice was earnest and passionate. “Sky Man’s gift of the Nexus saved us from greed and war on Galmar so many years ago. So, too, his inward gift of phantom power frees us from the greed, lust and violence within. Eamor, if you accept his power you are worthy. You can fulfill your destiny!”

Eamor smiled. He knew she was right. He had so much self-doubt. He gave too little thought to Sky Man’s help. He had done so much already. Being with her, hearing her passion, it just washed away his fear. He felt the peace and power of Sky Man deep in own his heart for the first time. He surrendered his life to Sky man. I am yours.

“As for me,” Mya continued, “I am unsure of my destiny. I am trying to leave the name of Vahlbek far behind.”

Eamor felt such a love and warmth in that moment. He heard his voice say, “Your name will be Mya Thaxius”

Mya was startled, and then realized the truth. Sky Man had spoken in Eamor’s words. She pulled his arm around her shoulder and nestled against his chest. “I believe it will be.”

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