Persephone's Ring

Chapter 8

The sound of mud under feet was loud and clear. It had rained the night before so the ground was all soft.

“Disgusting… mud… again,” Natasha shivered. Mud and twigs sticking to her was not something she enjoyed.

“Oh Tash just think of it like a mud bath,” Charmayne sighed.”You did it before, covering yourself in it.”

“As if it’s totally different, and I didn’t like it then either,” she crossed her arms. “I wasn’t made to trot through mud,” she pouted like an overgrown child.

“Just keep up or you may get lost,” Henry called as everyone kept moving despite her whining which only irritated her more. After that she became quite silent staying at the back of the group.

No one paid much mind to her grumblings that popped up here and there as to them the discomfort was the least of their worries. One muddy step after another through the damp terrain they kept forward.

“Careful it’s slippery,” Cole warned as they began declining lightly. He helped Padma and DeAnne down as Grace refused help.

“If we find somewhere not so wet and messy we should take a break there.” Rayen glanced around. “It may be a while though,” she mumbled looking around.

There didn’t seem to be a dry spot in sight just mud and more mud mixed with twigs, moss, and leaves so they had to keep moving forward.

“Ah.. the chill is blowing in even though the mountain is so far away,” Keiran commented glancing up at the snow covered land far ahead. “To feel it this far away…” he stared in silence for a moment.

“Something on your mind?” Rayen looked up at his face.

“No nothing.” He sighed and kept forward. “Looks like it’s getting dryer we may be able to rest soon.”


They walked a little more then took a break to eat. Relaxation never had a chance to settle in as Natasha stood before Keiran. Everyone watched in pity thinking she was trying her hand at flirting once more though that wasn’t the case. Natasha leaning in smiling then reached for his neck.

Keiran instinctively pushed her away. “You have some sort of problem?”

“I’m just tired of this and if I help Daddy he’ll reward me,” she sighed, getting up and dusting herself off. “I’m so tired of playing nice, I’m taking the ring.” She stepped closer.

Lightning danced in her hand as she smiled stepping closer.

“Oh more than a rich girl her daddy is the one and only.” Susan groaned.

Keiran stepped back glancing around for a weapon.

“I don’t want to fight, I don’t like getting dirty, really I was hoping to take it from you while you were sleeping but it’s near impossible,” she frowned. “Come on hand it over and we separate happy.”

“No.” Keiran gripped the chain tightly as if it were a life source.

“Fine, how about now?” she flung her hand at Rayen sending a continuous bolt of lightning at her.

“AAHHHH!” she fell to her knees in pain clenching her first body stiffening.

“Hand it over and I’ll stop.”

“Don’t…” Rayen gritted through her teeth.

Everyone looked on in worry not knowing what to do.

“Can’t you do something?” Henry asked Cole.

“Aside from flight and invisibility most of my abilities deal with the dead,” he replied. “But…” he mumbled. “I may regret this.”

Black wings unfolded from his back out of nowhere feathers the color of night floating all around falling like unshed tears. Cole winced in pain as it had been quite a long time since he last spread his wings.

“What are you doing!” Natasha turned her attention to Cole.

He began flapping his wings a strong gust of wind blowing and stirring everything around them. As dust, leaves, and twigs began flying about everyone instinctively shielded their eyes Natasha included. Her attention on this she didn’t notice when Andrew tackled her disrupting her ability even more.

Jumping up he quickly took Rayen’s hand and began running. Though they were not even out of sight when the ground opened up before them making them pause.

’What is that?” Grace voiced the collective confusion.

From where the ground opened up there came three gray-skinned women with large black bat-like wings. Their features were a bit snake-like in appearance and they let out piercing screeches one even cracking her glowing whip smirking.

“Well well little brother,” the redhead in the middle spoke. “Thank you for letting us know where you were with those pretty little wings.”

“Alecto.” Cole retracted his wings then they disappeared.

“Don’t interfere I was here first!” Natasha yelled sending a bolt at them. “I’ve been stuck slumming it and when I get what I came for I won’t have to so crawl back into the ground you hags.”

Without many problems they easily deflected the weak attack.

“Hags, you little child not old enough to know a thing, you should be punished for all you’ve hurt,” said the blue-haired woman on the right.

“But we do not come for you nor are you even a bug under our boot.” the third with green hair said.

“You bitch!” Natasha yelled releasing currents of electricity all around her in rage. She rushed at the three bolt in hand like a child throwing a tantrum. Being told she was unimportant did not sit well with her.

“We should take this as a chance to run,” Susan suggested. “But…” she glanced at Rayen and Andrew who were between the two enemies.

As Natasha ran at the trio they all began shooting flames from their hands toward her. Caught in the middle Rayen and Andrew would be easily hurt but they jumped out of the way as the fighting started. Quietly they tried to get back to the others when they were suddenly grabbed by two of the women.

“Not so fast we are taking you with us you are what we came for,” the green-haired one grinned.

“Tisiphone let her go!” Cole called.

“Silence!” Tisiphone shouted. From a pouch at her side she pulled out a vial. “We have been abandoned and betrayed, there is no longer order and we no longer bound. Now sleep eternally.” Throwing the vial with a yellowish-green substance it shattered. The liquid became a vapor that spread fast enveloping them. Noxious and toxic all but the Furies were infected.

Alecto set the trees around the group ablaze as Tisiphone and Megaera carried a weak Rayen and Andrew back into the crack to the underworld.

All that could be heard was the sound of dripping in the darkness. Rayen slowly opened her eyes as she sat up. Looking around there wasn’t much light to illuminate her surroundings but she could make out jagged stone walls bars and another figure. The figure leaned forward into the dim light before crawling over.

“Andy!” she blinked gripping her head.

He smiled then signed.

“So gassed and locked up, and in the underworld no less,” she tilted her head. “We need to find a way out of here…” she pushed herself up off the ground then helped him up. “Did you hear anything useful?”

Andrew tilted his head face contorting as he thought for a moment. Walking toward the bars he pointed out through the bars toward the right. Andrew turned his attention back to Rayen signing.

“Too fast and not enough light,” she shook her head so he slowed down. “They left…” she strained her eyes. “Oh they left that way, well we won’t be headed that way.” she gave a small laugh. “We’ll figure a way out of here for sure,” she walked over to the bars.

Glancing around she noticed roots growing nearby. She looked around for anyone watching or around but there was nothing aside from small wails and clanging echoed.

“Maybe I could get one of those roots over here,” she said and all the noise will help mask what I’m doing… but I’m not all that sure if this’ll work.”

Andrew just smiled and gave a thumbs up in approval of the idea.

“Okay here goes…”

Rayen reached out toward the roots closing her eyes. ‘Come on grow…’ she kept repeating in her head over and over. ‘Grow… grow,’ she hoped that thinking would will it to happen. Nothing came from it. She spent a long time trying with no luck whatsoever but she didn’t stop. She took a break after what seemed like forever with frustration mounting. “Why won’t the damn thing just grow!” she shouted stomping her foot. A small shake traveled out and the root moved a little stretching out closing the gap between them just a bit.

Both glanced in amazement. Rayen blinked looking at her foot as if it were some sort of alien creature and not her own limb.

“Awesome,” she chuckled. “But still no real control…” she sighed.

Andrew pointed then laughed. He signed the word anger pointing at the roots after.

“You think?” she raised a brow. “Well it’s worth a try.” she closed her eyes placing her hands just outside the bars thinking on things that angered and irritated her. Her parents dying, being forced to live with horrible relatives, being institutionalized, the torture, the crash, being stuck here, all she’s learned of her past, and her frustration with her own helplessness… her cowardice and running away. As these thoughts raced the ground shook slightly and the root inched closer, at first as the speed of a tortoise then slowly its speed increased until it was crashing against the bars straining them.

With a rattle the bars began bending and flexing due to the pressure and filling their small cage. As they invaded Andrew pulled Rayen out of the way then snap her from concentration but it didn’t help.

“What the!” she looked around at the out of control root. “It’s still growing…” she ducked as it swung out in their direction. “We need to move.” She took off her gloves and touched it trying to stop it but it didn’t seem to work.

Seeing that this wasn’t going to end well Andrew took the initiative, he crawled over the root and out through the opening pulling Rayen up and over. Now that they could get a better look it was apparent that the walls seemed to have lava running through them in cracks splitting and weaving like webs all around.

“Thanks,” she smiled. “Now we don’t go that way,” she glanced the way Andrew indicated their captors went. “But maybe through that entrance?” she glanced straight ahead of where she stood.

Andrew searched his pocket then pulled out the compass grinning.

“Great then we can ask it for help.”

The needle spun furiously as if confused then stopped once on a symbol of a torch then indicated going the way the Furies did.

“I know this thing hasn’t failed us yet but we can’t seriously go that way right?” she asked.

Andrew gave a sheepish grin and shrugged.

“Well here goes,” she mumbled. “Just…” she held out her hand to Andrew. Once he took it the two started off in the direction they were told.

Moans and screams became louder slowly minute by minute. As they walked through the fogged wet hall a set of stairs came into view quickly then the two began the long climb as there seemed to be no end to the noise or steps.

All around there were strange etchings in the walls some resembling faces frozen in pain, fear or both. When they finally reached the next floor. Taking a moment they rested and more light filled the room as a lake of fire ran by.

“Well that means we can literally drown in a lake of hellfire,” she glanced at the blazing waters. “Mother wants to see the girl,” a female voice came. They assumed it was one of the Furies.

There was nowhere to hide and panic wasn’t too far behind. The two looked around but there was nowhere to shield them, but a thick mist began to rise all around.

“What the!” she looked around as they were soon enveloped by it.

“The witch is at it again…” another sister said annoyed.

So they were carried and distorted in the mist until it reached its destination at that point it dissipated. When it did they were greeted with a small green field giving way to a dark and dead land.

Despite its bleak look there was a beauty to it. There were gems and crystals and precious metal everywhere shining on the shadowy world with a mysterious wonder that drew you in unique to the underworld.

There was a temple in the middle of the area. They stepped closer to the building still hand in hand. There was a moment of hesitation but once at the entrance the duo steeled themselves for whatever may come.

“This is probably stupid, but is anyone there?” Rayen called. “Hello?”

A ghostly figure appeared staring at the pair for a moment then beckoned them to follow as it’s translucent form slid through the building. On the walls were etchings of torches and three faced women as well as a variety of plants.

“Weird…” they stared at the walls trying to decipher anything that’d tell them where they were.

Andrew stopped as the ghost did pulling Rayen back as she tried to step forward in her distraction. Before them a doorway and a light inside revealing a shadow on the wall.

“Come in,” a woman’s voice, most likely the owner of the shadow, spoke to them.

Giving one another a glance they walked into the room. The woman inside was mature like a mother. Her skin was a purplish-blue and her hair black pinned up out of her way. There was a veil trailing from her head shear, dark, and covered in stars.

The woman then turned to them she was beautiful like all the Gods they’d met so far. On her forehead was a full moon shaped tattoo and what looked like war paint across her eyes. On her lips lay a black stripe trailing down her to her chin and neck.

“Welcome, I am glad you are unharmed,” she nodded. “I am Hecate, this is my home in the underworld but that is of no import right now,” she turned back toward the table she was at putting together ingredients in a bowl.

“I saw bones…” Rayen whispered as they watched.

“Yes, well it is a needed ingredient, now listen carefully and pay close attention. “You both have been here too long,” Hecate sprinkled a red powder into the bowl and it began smoking. “You will both begin to forget yourselves so it is important that you both get out of here soon else your journey is for naught,” she explained. “I will offer you three things, the first a way to cure those friends you left behind,” she spat into the bowl mixing the ingredients for a moment then poured into a jar.

The duo shivered at the sight but said nothing.

“You both received the antidote but they haven’t and will die soon.” She sealed the jar handing it over. “The second I will return this,” she walked over to a shelf. Her form shifted to that of a young woman around their age. She turned to them the moon on her head a crescent facing down. She held out her hand opening it palm up revealing a small red gem.

There was a moment before either could look down more entrances by her shifting before them so effortlessly.

“No way!” Rayen finally looked down then picked it up happily. “That will be a great help, thank you!” She looked at it a moment placing it in her pocket. “But how do you know?” She asked.

“I’m the goddess of mist but also if prophecy, the moment this was left in my care was the beginning of something that could end tragically for some and happily for others, someone will always be hurt.”

Hecate took a breath, “finally a gift of your choosing,” she said. “I can only give one thing so choose carefully.”

Rayen glanced at Andrew giving him a little smile then turned to Hecate, “can you give him a voice?” She asked. “He’s saved my life a lot so if there’s something I can do I want to,” Rayen glanced back at him. “If you want to.”

Andrew looked surprised then thoughtful.

“Very well I will give him a potion, he can decide later,” she agreed.

Looking for the correct vials she grabbed a few then mixed them. What the two could make out was blue and white powders, a black feather, two drops of a golden liquid then a strand of her own hair. There was a sizzling sound then the pot bubbled over. In a small vial she gathered a bit of the liquid a serene blue and then a bit of the smoke.

“This is one willed item,” She corked it handing it to Andrew. “Should you choose to use it inhale the smoke drink the liquid and concentrate on what you want, this can be used on something aside from that if you decide not to use it for a voice, think of it as one wish,” she simplified it. “Now go, your memories will begin fading soon.”

“Thank you.”Rayen said. “Really.” She turned leaving. “Come on,” Rayen briskly walked out of the temple.

They were following the compass for fifteen minutes it began going a little haywire sending them all over. They stopped near the river trying to figure out what to do sitting by the murky waters in a fog of confusion. Spirits walked by the pair whispering.

“They must be the mortals, those three are looking for.” One whispered.

“Someone is looking for us?” Rayen looked confused. “Looking…” she let the world linger. “I was looking for something right?” Her gaze fell to Andrew who was looking just as confused. “We’re forgetting..” she pulled him up we need to get moving before more is lost…”

The two started walking more the dizzying fog invading their minds even more. They wandered as the spirits and dead were spectators to the whole thing.

“Wha-“ She leaned against a tree closing her eyes. ‘Remember… come on…’

As she concentrated she felt a presence watching her. Opening her eyes before her a few feet away a figure covered entirely in shadows. She tilted her head more curious than afraid. “Who are you?” she asked. “Come to hurt us?”

Andrew stood up staring at the figure. He then looked at Rayen not knowing what to do.

‘He doesn’t seem hostile, I don’t feel that… all I have is instinct to go off of now…’ she took a breath.

The figure came closer stopping in front of them. Waving its hand words appeared in black fire. “Follow me and you will find safety,” the words read.

“Well there really isn’t much of a choice either way…” she shrugged. The being held out its hand to her and she took it. “Come on,” she took Andrew’s hand and started walking behind it. ‘Warm…’ she thought staring at where her hand connected with the Shadow’s. Only then had she realized that she’d forgotten to put the gloves back on.

It lead them up the river then took a step a shadow bridge appeared stretching to the other side. Slowly they crossed it, Rayen and Andrew both surprised and in shock. In the water eerie forms wailed and reached out causing them to stick close.

On the other side there was a bit of a walk but a clear pool came into view as they continued on their straight path. Before them gems and crystal were protruding everywhere just like Hecate’s temple. This was the shining underworld a sight different to Olympus but just as breathtaking.

“Wow it’s different from that river…” she stared at her reflection. She glanced at the shadow as it let go of her hand.

“Drink,” the flame letters appeared.

“Well what’s there to lose,” she shrugged cupping her hands she scooped up some of the water drinking it.

Andrew followed suit behind her. They both fell back as images filled their minds all they had forgotten was returning and pulsing through their brains with great pain. They both gritted their teeth gripping their heads trying to endure it before passing out.

Coming to a few moments later they slowly stood. Shadow still there they stared as he started walking.

“Thank you,” Rayen said as she followed. “I remember now.” she pulled a disoriented Andrew along ignoring the pounding in her head.

He led them along another river for a long while before making another shadow bridge. The area was lush and all the souls in flesh form seemed extremely at peace and happy. There were child souls roaming and playing lovers walking together and families having picnics.

“Wow so different here…” she mumbled. “Guess this is what people would call heaven,” she commented.

As they walked she kept searching as if looking for something. She had this very foggy feeling washing over her though different from the one that clouded her earlier. She was lost in her own thoughts and wandered off from the others. She came to a field filled with an assortment of trees and flowers.

“... hmm…’ she saw a grand willow tree alone nothing else surrounding it. Its branches and pale dull purple blooms drooped touching the ground it was like a curtain hiding something magical. An image flashed through her mind as she touched the leaves. It was only for a few moments but it felt so real. It was the image of being embraces gently by a figure in black.

“No.” A gentle and familiar voice echoed in her head. “Don’t think on it let it pass, you don’t want to see…”

The pain once more came at the image and she gripped her head groaning. She was curious about what it was but at the same time weary as the voice warned her not to dwell and open that door. The hand on her shoulder startled her but as it’s owner came to be Andrew she relaxed. He pulled her along as the Shadow waited for them. It lead them to a giant golden gate. It pointed through it then walked toward the entrance.

There it waited as they slowly made their way. Rayen was slowing down the pain in her head too much. She reached the gate but everything from there is a blur as she passed out.

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