People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 14

-Nathan’s POV-

The next morning, I was waiting anxiously together with my dad. I didn’t know what else to do. The doorbell rang. My dad went to open the door and there stood someone who I could barely recognise from what was left of my memory. Alexandria in my memory was a well-groomed individual. Always dressed in smart casual with well-kept hair.

But the man in front of me was anything but that. His dark brown hair was a wild mess and his t-shirt looked like it had never seen an iron. But when his eyes fell on me, they lit up with hope and joy. He ran over and pulled me into a body crushing hug. Tears were streaming down his face as he kept mumbling ‘You’re alive'. I warmth welled up inside me as tears started dripping from my eyes as well. I have someone that cares for me. Even though I don’t really remember him.

I awkwardly wrapped my arms around his broad chest and successfully made him cry harder. It was as if all the tension and nervousness from before just disappeared.

“I honestly still can’t believe it when Raphael told me that you were still alive!” Alex commented with a grin on his face. “So many of us tried searching you for so long but there wasn’t any clue on where you were. Most of us had given up over the years”

I feel bad for not being able to remember who else cared for me. Most of my memories weren’t good ones. Alex is one of the few that I could remember that treated me as a friend.

“What happened to Kelly?” I asked quietly. There was a silent pause.

“So... You really don’t remember anything about the past then.” A sad expression took over Alex’s face. Feeling guilty, I looked away from his gaze.

“No... Nope.” I stuttered unintentionally making my dad chuckle a bit.

“Could you ask your wolf to come out so I can ask him a few questions?” Alex asked. The table fell silent as I thought of a cover-up. I look at dad for help but he just shook his head.

“I don’t have my wolf anymore,” I told him honestly, unable to come up with an excuse. Which is probably the truth. His mouth dropped open as the cup slipped from his hands and hit the floor with a loud clang.

“That’s not possible! But then again it might have something to do with you losing your memory since wolves are our second self.” He mumbled to himself as if trying to make sense of my situation. I had a faint smile, happy to see that he really does care for me.

“Do you remember what happened during the days you were kidnapped?” Alex probed hesitantly. Well, I would really rather not talk about it if possible, but I felt that since it is Alex, it would be fine.

“Asides from being forced to be a sex slave and going through various experiments, I don’t remember much else.” I told him, covering the fact that I had been forced into a game of survival as ‘live experiment’ they call it...

He sighed and laid back on the chair defeatedly.

“I guess it’s better for you to know. Your mate was Terui Knight, and he is currently a new teacher in your school, so I think that’s the reason as to why you are feeling all those pain.” He told me seriously which really cause me to have a slight panic. The look in Alex’s eyes was dangerous. It was as if he was plotting murder

“Can you tell me more about him?” I asked, wanting to at least know why he is betraying his mate.

“Why do you even care about that asshole!” Alex flared up, growling fiercely. I whimpered and scoot to my dad’s side. Alex was emitting so much bloodlust. Once Alex snapped out of his rage and saw that I was basically hiding behind my dad, he took in a deep breath and apologised for flaring up. I nodded and went back to my seat cautiously.

“Well, when I first knew him, he was a very kind person who cares about his pack members very much, but it seemed to me that he is always suffering internally. When both of you met, he looked better and hurt did not show in his eyes when he was around you but I’m not sure what happened either that caused both of you to break your bond. I’m assuming it is because he learnt about your past...” He told me before taking a deep breath. Was my past so bad that my own mate would avoid me because of it? “From the rumours that I have heard, it seems that someone in your pack told him about it.”

“After you got kidnapped, he went crazy about it. He was filled with so much rage that he tore down a good one-third of the forest. When he finally calmed down, he looked so dead and lifeless. I am not sure but about a year after your disappearance, it seemed to me that he finally snapped and became quite a whore himself. He had sex with almost anyone that is available to have sex with him.” Alex clenched his teeth in rage but shook himself out of it. He knew that he needed to continue for Nathan’s sake. He wants to make sure that Nathan knew exactly who the hell his own mate is. I looked over and I could see dad’s fist was balled up and white. Dad was already out for blood, but he was controlling himself. Probably to protect me and also to hear finish the rest of the story.

“Not only that, but he also became quite a flirt and is actually very cruel when it comes to his own and his pack’s business. He is now a billionaire so I can’t say much. About two years ago, he mated with a mateless female from another pack but he only did it to save his own ass from dying. I really do not want you to meet him at all.” He finished bitterly. It was a bit too much to take in but from what he said, it seemed that Alex really hates Terui. “That bastard had never once lifted a finger or gave a command to find you! How can he just ignore his own mate!”

At first, I wasn’t sure what to do when I see my mate, but after knowing what kind of person he is, I know what I have to do. Even if I don’t remember much, I can trust Alex and my dad. Mates are sacred, that should be respected. But this man didn’t give the Moon Goddess nor me any respect from what I hear.

“Dad, let me go to school. I have to meet him and talk to him.” I told my dad firmly. I could feel that he is getting ready to object. But when he looked into my eyes, he understood what was going on.

“Fine.” He said grimly, making me grin. “But if anything happens to you, I will personally castrate him.” I gave him a hug and ran up to my bedroom.

“You wouldn’t have a chance, Raphael,” Alex commented with an evil glint in his eyes. “I will personally make him suffer.” He gave me a look which I didn’t understand. It seemed… Protective.

Tomorrow is a Friday, which means I will have 2 days to get over him if I need to.

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