
Chapter Chapter Thirty-two: Hold On.

Christian POV

We finally made a break through, we found out who took our baby. His name is Evan Williams. Apparently six months ago his brother was killed by our pack. That peace of shit took our baby as a revenge for killing his brother. Well good thing that I plan on reuniting them soon.

Finding that scumbag took us three full days, it's a miracle none of us went feral. We could still feel Nala through our pack bond our only consolation.

Sitting in the SUV, you can feel the tension, he's dead meat but if he hurt our baby, it won't be an easy or quick death.

Finally we got there, our pack member took care of anyone he had outside, we only had one goal, and one goal only to save our Princess. Breaking through the shipping container we are met with a scene from our worst nightmares.

Nala my baby, she's hanging from the ceiling, her body is bruised and cut, we tried calling her but she's out of it.

Then we see her captor standing there pale , yeah he thought he vanished with her but what he didn't knew is that we got connection and money everywhere, if power don't work then money talk. His own friend is the one who told us where to find him in exchange for not killing him and a large sum of money.

My wolf took control, I can't remember what we did, but by the time we finished with him. All I could taste is blood.

We ripped him apart, peace by peace.

Started by breaking his bones, then we skinned him while still alive, then took body part but we didn't let him die yet. After beating all our anger out. I used my clawed hand and teared his heart from inside his chest. No body hurt my baby, what's left of him weren't even full pieces just bits here and there.

We left everything there. Let it be known messing with us mean a slow painful death.

Nala POV

I think I heard my mates coming, but then I blacked out again. Next time I opened my eyes, I met Stefan dark one he told me I'm safe now and I closed my eyes again and never opened them again. Christian POV

Stefan told us she's in coma, her injuries were bad , she has internal bleeding and suffered from brain hemorrhage.

He's been giving her some of our blood to keep her going, to help the healing. But it's all up to her, she either open her blue eyes again or we'll never see her.

I went crazy, I blame myself. I've been in wolf form most of the time protecting Nala sleeping form. My human part can't cope with what happened so I left it all for my wolf.

Ryland is trying to be brave for everyone he's beta that's his job to stand for his pack. He's still running the pack matters, just waiting for his Luna to wake up.

Stefan is devastated, he's a doctor he should be able to help her, all he can do is give her some of his and other alpha blood. She flat lined twice but he's not letting her go.

Aidan stopped talking, stopped eating and drinking. He stopped living just sitting there quietly, a shell of his former self the fight inside him finally died.

The twins, anyone in a ten meter parameters can feel their pain, they're projecting it, they can hardly be there for each other they needed their third.

Jace is the worst he's in denial believing that Nala is okay, he still cook her favorite food daily, sit down and wait for her to come down the stairs and ask for cookies.

Nala POV

I'm sitting in the darkness, I don't know if I'm afraid of the dark anymore. It's safe here, no body can hurt me.

I can hear quiet whispers and murmurs sometimes I hear crying or a wolf howling.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Christian voice says

"I'm waiting for you baby come on open your eyes, be strong for me " Ryan

"I don't know how the guys could stand the pain pumpkin, I never had a mate before I thought fate skipped me all those years, you are my only one. I can't survive losing you I'm not that strong" Jace was next.

"I can't be there for him. He can hardly be there for me. We're not enough this time we can't support each other if we lose you it's too much " the twins says together.

"Please come back, I'll do anything for you. I'm trying everything don't give up yet" Stefan.

"Angel, I can't, angel not you , can't lose you" Aidan

I can feel my wolf howling sadly inside me, she wants her mates, she can't take their pain.

It's dark and I'm scared this time I don't like the darkness anymore.

I can see some light ahead and I walk toward it.

I flat lined again...

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