
Chapter Chapter Seventeen: Judgment

Nala POV

I woke up grumpy, I'm sleeping in some kind of fur? I'm not sure I look down to see that I'm naked, and I'm sleeping out in the open between my mates. I try to slip from between them, remembering last night, how I felt like I'm drowning. Today it seems like judgment day.

The second I try to move all seven of my mates pin me down with their stares and I froze. I feel my stomach clench with nerves, how hard will they judge me for keeping all my hurt from them, we're supposed to be there for each other but I was too much of a coward to tell my own mates that I'm scared.

Christian nudge me toward the house I walk the walk of shame with all of them keeping my nude body shielded from any wandering eyes. Some of the pack have slept next to us to show their compassion, I keep my head held high nodding my appreciation.

Once we make it home, the guys go to their own room to retrieve clothes, while I stayed with Christian since he won't let my hand go.

We all regroup in Christian office and the door is closed and locked, there is no escaping what's to come. I take a deep breath and look at my mates, I see they are hurt. I'm the one causing them this pain when I was supposed to heal the old wounds not cause new ones. I'm a disappointment, a sad excuse for a mate and luna who should help her mates. I feel tears gathering in my eyes and I break down, I can't be strong anymore.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry” I say between sobs.

Aidan is the first one to recover from the shock and take me in a bone-breaking bear hug. I breathe in his scent and cry more, Aidan might be the quiet one but he's a gentle giant, a big teddy in the heart and I hurt him.

"Angle I beg you," Aidan says in a sad voice "stop crying please”.

After a few minutes, my sobs became sniffles and I start to calm down.

"Sweet who hurt you" Kane says sounding angry.

"Just tell us his name and he's dead sugar" Kyle adds

I give them a weak smile and shake my head, I'm the one who did the hurting.

"Start talking little one " Christian says through gritted teeth.

I take one final big breath and start telling them everything, I can hear the pain in my voice, I choke a few times but the truth has to be out.

"I can't do it, I'm afraid of letting you down, but I can't do it. I can't choose a major and go to uni only to have it all taken away from me again! I can't lose you, I almost did once...and I can't do it again. I can't let you guys down. I tried I promise I tried, but I'm too afraid of letting you down. I can't. can't be strong anymore. I'm sorry for hurting you." I finish my sentence and break down in sobs again. Telling them how sorry I am.

I can feel strong arms around me, multiple strong arms, I look up to see all seven of them hugging me.

"I forgive you angel” ~Aidan

"You don't hide these stuff from me! Got it little girl" ~Christian

"We're here for you baby girl"~logan "we got your back”~Kane

"We can talk about college, I never want you to feel obligated to do anything” ~stefan

"We will never be disappointed with you" ~Jace

"You can always always! Come to us when you are feeling hurt * ~Ryland

Well I didn't expect that, I didn't see them being so acceptable and to agree to the fact that i hid my pain causing them pain, I wasn't miserable alone we all were.

Jennifer POV

After the night I spent looking at the wolf eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about him as his presence stirs something inside me, i can't put my finger on it, I just felt safe looking at him like he'll protect me from all the pain in the world, which is funny on it's own cause no one can protect me from the pain i already been through hell and back.

It was the night before yesterday when he was there when I heard luna’s pained cries. I couldn't muster the courage to go over to the main house and check on her, I was still drowning in my own misery. Right now I'm sitting outside the house, mum kicked me out saying I need fresh air, she asked no commanded me to go on a walk and not be back for a full hour. Maybe she's bored from my dark mood, while me, I'm tired of being tired the whole time.

I'm walking when a wonderful smell hit my nose, it's like a spell capturing and driving me toward the source of the smell when Nala suddenly appear in front of me.

"Jesus you scared me" ~jenny

"I've been calling your name for the last ten minutes, didn't you hear me?” ~nala

"Uh...no..i had something..something on my mind" I stutter, she eyes me suspiciously but let it slide. "I miss you jenn" nala said on the edge of tears.

"I miss you too, I heard your howl and I wish I could...I should have..I'm sorry luna I was a terrible friend” I say with tears streaming down my face, instead of answering me she takes me in a hug, I can see something brown moving away from us but i don't give it much thought, the shape is gone and so is that smell.

"We are gonna sit and you are gon a tell me everything" ~nala

We go back to my room and I tell Nala everything, everything from holden being cruel to me on the day of the barbecue, to him having dinner with us, I even told her my family problem something I never did before when I was done I took a deep breath and waited for the judgment to start.

"That cruel son of a bitch!!!He did WHAT to you? And you are only telling me NOW?" Nala starts screaming.

"He is so DEAD, you hear me DEAD" she on her ranting.

"Girls, luna are you okay" came my mother's voice from the door.

"Oww yes We are okay, but SOMEONE won't be that once I'm finished with him," Nala says still angry, angry for me being hurt, I burst to tears again, I finally got a friend.

Nala come close and hug me again, I saw my mother smiling before she closed the door. We spend the next few hours talking about our problems, we had each other backs now.

She threatened to beat anyone who hurt me to death, while i provided her a shoulder to lean on outside her mates, someone who will listen and never judge, i love and will always love her no matter what.

If today was a judgment day i think we both got sentenced as an innocent.

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