
Chapter Chapter Fourteen: College

Nala POV

Today is our first day at college, I can't believe it, I can't believe we actually made this far. Life has changed so much in the past year, I was homeless, took in by seven alpha wolves, got kidnapped, tortured, died, came back and became luna. Life it's so weird how this universe work, it keep moving and you either move with it or get forgotten.

I used to say I'm a FIGHTER and it's true I am, I'll always be. But that doesn't mean i can't be scared , yes I'm scared i finally admit it. I'm scared of going to college for the first time ever, I'm scared that people will see under all my bravery and see the little girl who's scared to death. I'm Luna, I'm a mate I should be strong, I should be able to do this.

So here I am putting on a brave face when I definitely don't feel like it, I want to curl down on the floor, hold my daddy's legs and beg them not to leave me alone here.

Kyle dressed me as he usually does with my insistence on dark colors, he said this outfit is perfect for the first day at college, I don't wanna get dressed I want to stay in my PJ and curl down with them and binge watch some cartoon.

Jace tried to make me eat but my stomach was already a mess, I didn't want to eat so he let it go saying it's probably nerves.

Aidan gave me a hug and told me to remember all the self-defense he taught me in case anyone starts a fight with me, which earned him a disapproval growl form Christan, he just shrugged it off. Kane told me to have fun and kissed my forehead.

Stefan had little talk with me , reminding me of his promise to help me achieve whatever i want, it did help a little except I'm still scared.

Christian is driving me, jenny and Mathew to our first day at college. Mathew is in his third year, he's an English literature student. Well at least he knows what he wants to be, he said he'll walk me and jenny to our classes and sit with us at the lunch break, at least now I know two people there. Yeyy me.

We're all sitting in the car, Christian is driving and I'm in the passenger seat next to him, they're talking, chattering happily about our first day. I stay quiet the whole ride.

When we finally make it, I feel like vomiting, Christian give me a quick kiss on the mouth and tell me to go make him proud, no pressure.

Every step I take feels like I'm trying to walk with my feet doused in cement. We enter our first class and surprise surprise it's a class taught by Finn, my packmate and tutor I can't help but smile. He teaches introduction to psychology. And despite all my nerves i enjoy his class. The classes that followed weren't that great, some teacher will stop and stare at me, while I could hear other students talk about my claiming marks.

Normal shifter get only one claiming mark by their mate i got seven to represent all seven of my mates. This day couldn't go any slower , i just want to find a dark hole and hide in it.

By the time we finally make it to Ryland car and we're leaving I feel totally exhausted. I can't take this daily but I can't tell them I want to drop off, so I suck it up and put on a brave face and talk about what a good day I had.

Jennifer POV

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my goddddddddd. It's finally happening, my first day at college. I'm so happy and excited, last night I barely had any sleep I was to excited to sleep or sit still I kept bouncing all night thinking about how this is a dream come true. I'm dressed in one of my favorite outfits and ready to go.

I wanted to go to college after i got my high school diploma. I was a straight A students. I thought maybe i can get a scholarship, I did but sadly my alpha refused to let me go saying I'm too young I was hardly twenty-five then.

But that was in the past, this is my new life. I can't wait to get my diploma, I'm gonna make my parent so proud.

This morning I couldn't eat, I was too happy for that but I did make my parents breakfast, kissed both their cheeks and told them to wish me luck.

By the time i left the house mum was in tears and dad eyes were shining but he wouldn't cry, he hugged me saying how proud he is of me and how much I deserve this and to always keep my head high.

We just made it to school, the alpha drove all of us since it's our first day, but nala or mathew should be able to drive us in the days to come.

I'm walking witb a bounce since I'm that excited, nala look like she's walking toward her death but i guess it's just nerves , we're both gonna have so much fun here.

Our first-class is with Finn, who's super smart but still a nice guy, he helped us with our college application, I'm not that interested in psychology I got enough problems of my own thank you very much. The rest of the day passes quickly, some student stars at Nala claiming marks but she ignores them, god she's so strong. I even heard some rumours about her being luna and mated to the alphas of the most fierce pack around.

When beta Ryland came to pick us I was too happy and even chattered about what a good day we had.

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