Our Overtime: Ice League Book 1 (The Ice League Series)

Our Overtime: Chapter 42

I hadn’t heard anything from Jules for the rest of the day. It was an abrupt change that stung. I could tell she was trying to close the door on us, but I wouldn’t let her. She just didn’t know that yet. I would be there for them forever. Her and Canyon.

I was fighting myself from contacting her. I knew I needed to be patient. On one hand, we’d already lost so much time together and I didn’t want to lose anymore. But on the other hand, I wanted her to know I wasn’t going to force her into anything. I wanted her to know she was in control. I desperately wanted her to come to me, but only on her own terms.

She didn’t miss an exciting day with me anyway. I hoped they had gone to the cider mill together and enjoyed the day and some donuts. I was happy she had Canyon. I could trust that he would stick with her and know how to brighten her day and that thought at least gave me some peace as I signed out of the hospital with shitty left-handed writing.

I had rebroken my hand and was back in a cast again. At least it was shorter because my wrist was okay this time. I didn’t even care. I didn’t have it in me to argue with Max about not going. My thoughts were consumed by Jules and Canyon and that fucking asshole.

What had he meant when he was laughing? And what the hell was up with the way he winked at Jules?

I hadn’t seen or heard of him coming around since I really started talking with Jules. Why would he come out of the woodwork now? I guessed he would always be around in some part… but he didn’t seem very concerned with Canyon, so I didn’t get it. And that comment about custody… I didn’t understand.

I would’ve asked Max to have Paige ask her about everything, but Max for some reason wanted to keep Paige out of the loop. I figured we should reach out to Ashlie next so she could dig a little.

I really didn’t want to be back at my house. I was terrified that Kevin would show up at Jules’ place, but I didn’t really have a choice. I wasn’t about to force my presence on her. And my presence seemed to throw Kevin over the edge.

My house was so quiet without the two of them. They had quickly become staples in my life. I had to keep reminding myself that their absence would only be temporary.

I fixed myself some leftover pizza and grabbed a beer from the fridge to bring into my living room. I needed to distract myself from my need to text her.

I laid myself down taking up the full length of my couch and flipped on a 90s sitcom. I placed my phone on my chest, wanting it to be near just in case she did call me or need me.

At some point during the sitcom’s marathon, I dozed off. I quickly searched around for my phone which had fallen off me.

Finding it between the cushions of the couch, I peered at the screen and saw Jules sent me a message.

My hands were shaking as I fumbled to open it up.

But all it read was: Is your hand okay?

I blew out a sigh of relief. At least it wasn’t about Kevin. And that showed she cared about me. Thank God.

I texted back: Slight rebreak. Cast back on, but it doesn’t matter, all good.

Jules replied quickly: You had to go to the hospital again? I’m so sorry.

I chuckled to myself and replied, I’m becoming a frequent flyer there. Not as scared anymore

Jules: For real?!

Me: No. Haha. But I knew Max wasn’t going to let me out of it.

Jules: Good boy, Max.

Three dots popped up but she was hesitating. I quickly typed to help her out of her own head: I’m pretty wiped. I’m gonna get to bed, babe.

All she responded with was: Ok

But what the hell. I knew she wasn’t, I typed out my reply before overthinking: You okay?

Three dots popped up again and then stopped. I thought she was done for the night, but a full minute later she responded.

Jules: I miss you.

I typed with no hesitation, Thank God. Want me to come over?

Jules: I want you to but I’m kind of scared that he will pop over.

Me: Then I’m coming right now, babe. I need to hold you tonight, okay?

Jules: Ok.

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