Chapter 134
"Stop it?" "Stop what?"
"Thinking about her."
"I'm not thinking about anyone," I denied.
Sandra raised her eyebrows and sat across the table from me.
Deciding to grab a quick lunch in between meetings, I'd opted for a light snack in the executive section of the employee canteen. It wasn't a place I often frequented, but I enjoyed the open space, the silence, and the view of the city. Until Sandra had to come over and decide she could see into my head.
"I can tell you're thinking about that Becca," she said, biting into a chicken tender. "It's written all over your face. You look like a teenager with a crush."
"Sandra, where the hell are you getting this from?" I laughed, though even to myself, it sounded forced. "I wasn't thinking about Becca at all."
It was a total lie. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. Almost an entire week had passed since that magical night in her apartment, but every single second of it was still fresh in my memory. I could still hear her voice in my head and the way she trembled as I kissed her. I could still
imagine the feel of her warm body against my hands and the way her skin tasted.
"There you go again," Sandra said, loading up her plate of chicken with an alarming amount of mayonnaise. "You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" "No."
"Liar. I can see it on your face."
If it was any other employee, I would have fired them on the spot for being a prying pain in the ass. But Sandra? She knew she could be as frank and honest with me as she liked and I would give her a certain amount of leeway. Still, she was grating on my nerves, and I hoped to God she'd leave me alone for five freakin' minutes.
"What makes you think I've got my mind on Becca?" I asked casually.
"Well, you've been staring at her continuously since she started, for one thing. But you're also distracted, and that's not like you. I can't get a single sentence past you without you staring into space as though you're hallucinating the Virgin Mary or some shit."
She shook her head and shoveled a forkful of chicken into her mouth. "What has that girl got on you, anyway? I mean, apart from the obvious. It's like she's cast a spell on you or something. You've completely changed since she showed up." "I have not."
Looking up from her plate, a dollop of mayo clinging to her top lip, she nodded. "Uh huh," she said. "You're all happy and shit."
"Hey, I'm always happy."
"Not like this. It's a different happy."
"Oh, forgive me for being happier, for Christ's sake," I laughed, throwing up my hands. "Anyway, tell me what's going on with you," I said, trying to change the subject. I
pointed my fork at her belly. "You're almost due. Hasn't your man told you to stay at home yet?"
"Billy doesn't tell me to do shit and you know it," she snapped. "Because he knows who's wearing the pants in our home. Or rather who's wearing the Spanks..."
I was trying to listen to her, but just when I'd stopped thinking about Becca, she strode into the canteen like a summer breeze and lightened up the whole fucking room. With her perfect posture, strong body, and ethereal looks, she captured everybody's attention. Not that she knew it. She was staring at the salad bar completely oblivious to the fact that every man in the room had their tongues hanging out.
A sense of pride swelled up inside me. Only I had ever experienced the pure pleasure of her exquisite body, and that set off some caveman part of my brain that made me feel something I'd never felt before. The need to possess her.
I had no desire to hold her captive, but I was filled with the desire to protect her, to shield her from the whole world. More than anything I wanted to possess that beautiful body and make it reach Heaven over and over and over again. I wanted to look into her eyes as she came and know only I could take her there.
You need to stop thinking about this, I scolded myself. You can't go there again. She's strictly ofl limits and you know that.
But the more I tried to ignore her, the more my eyes were pulled up to her face. Sensing she was being stared at, she glanced up from the salad bar and noticed me. With a wiggle of her feminine fingers, she gave a slight wave and a cute smile. Then she disappeared around the corner and sat out of view.
I was stared in the direction she'd walked off in, thinking I was losing my mind.
You're like a kid with a fucking teenage crush. Keep it together. And keep your distance. It's for the best. Just forget about that
beautiful body and the way she sounds when she cums. She's just another employee. Just like everybody else.
But as much as I tried to convince myself to think that way, I knew it was impossible.
All week, I had tried to control myself. Had tried to ignore her except for the times we had to discuss business. But those moments were the best I'd had all week. And I began to look forward to them and created reasons out of the blue for the two of us to be in the same meeting together just so I could see her.
I craved her like an addict craved a drug. Needing my fix of her each day to get me through the next few hours. And every moment without her was pure torture.
Not that she felt this craving too. Or if she did, she never showed it.
Throughout the whole week, she had met me with a cool professionalism that bordered on being stando sh. To a stranger, you'd think she almost hated me.
But Sandra had worked it out. She wasn't stupid. She was staring at me now, her plate almost empty. "You weren't listening to a single thing I just said, were you?" "Sorry, Sandra. I was miles away there."
"Uh huh. Got your brain in your pants again." "No. And may I remind you that I'm your boss?"
"And may I remind you that employee relations must remain platonic and professional at all times?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
As you reach the final pages, remember that is your destination for the complete story. Share the joy of reading with others and spread the word. The next chapter is just a visit away! "You know exactly what that's supposed to mean. You and Becca. It's as obvious as the nose on your face."
"And by the looks of it, you clearly hate my nose."
She mopped up the last of her mayo with the final piece of her chicken. "I don't hate it. I'm just worried." "Worried? About what?"
"About you." She crossed her cutlery over her plate before reaching for her dessert.
"You have no place worrying about me," I reminded her. "Oh, really now," she replied, peeling the lid off her
vanilla pudding. "I've known you a long time, Matthew. Known the heartbreak you've gone through. I sure as hell don't want to see you go through it again."
Twirling my fork around my zucchini noodles, I knew I had to get a hold of my feelings. This wasn't like me. I was known for being calm and always in control. But right now, I thought both my brain and my cock were ignoring each other. I'd never felt like this with anyone before. Not even Olivia.
"I just want you to be careful," Sandra continued, licking her spoon. "A young girl like that. She's got power over you. And she knows it. Not to mention she's your best friend's daughter. That's a Pandora's Box you don't wanna open." She was right, of course. I just didn't like it.
You've got to let this go, I told myself, as though it was perfectly possible. Forget all about her and get your head back in the business.
The Monday after Thanksgiving, the obscene amount of food I'd eaten at Sandra's that day still felt like it lay in my stomach. She was a phenomenal cook and I hadn't been able to control myself.
I headed down to the gym after work to burn some of the excess calories out of my system. As I pumped as hard as I could on the rowing machine, my head was most definitely not on business. It was very much focused on Becca, who was performing a series of squats and lunges right in front of me.
Why did she have to come to the gym at the same time as me? And why does she have to be squatting in the tightest white yoga pants known to man?
As I watched the bounce of her peachy ass, I couldn't stop the flood of testosterone that headed south.
Down, boy. This is not time to do battle.
But my cock was ready to wield itself like a sword, growing harder the longer I watched her.
She knew I was watching her too, looking at me in the mirror as she squatted lower, then lower, then lower still until I could see the ripe curves her ass. That primitive part of my brain was rearing its ugly head again, telling me I should run right at her and have my way with her on the floor.
What's happening to you? You're turning into an animal.
I tried to focus on my breathing and the burn of my thighs as I rowed, but nothing could peel my eyes away from her. And when she knelt on all fours across her yoga mat and began to stretch out her back, it was game over. Right. That's it. I can't take this anymore.
As you reach the final pages, remember that is your destination for the complete story. Share the joy of reading with others and spread the word. The next chapter is just a visit away!
Climbing off the rowing machine, I stood up and walked over. Towering over her kneeling figure, I watched as she moved in and out of the cat and cow poses, her entire body becoming an endless sensual wave of temptation. "Hey," she said, without looking up.
"Look, I'm gonna come right out with it. What are you doing tonight?"
She stopped stretching and sat up to look at me. "It depends on what your next question is."
"My next question is do you want to go out for dinner?" "I thought we were supposed to be keeping our distance." "I thought that too, but..."
There was a teasing glimmer of danger in her eyes, ending my sentence. Slowly, she stood up, drawing herself to
full height before pulling her foot behind her butt to stretch out her quads.
"I haven't stopped thinking about you," I said.
She didn't reply and just looked straight ahead at her reflection in the mirror.
"I bet you think I'm a jerk. Just taking off like that and not calling you."
"I do think you're a bit of a jerk," she smirked. "But I get it. What we did..." She shrugged. "Well, it wasn't supposed to happen. We could get in a whole lotta trouble if my dad finds out."
But the look in her eyes was saying she loved trouble. Setting down her foot, she made a move on her other leg,
pulling hard to stretch out the front of her thighs so her chest popped out. My eyes fell to her tanned cleavage and her delicate collarbone.
"So where are you taking me to dinner?" she asked with a cheeky smile.
"There's this nice Italian place near here. Super cozy." She appeared unimpressed. "They do great coffee," I added, and her interest was piqued. "And even better tiramisu."
That seemed to seal the deal. She set her foot down on the ground before lunging to stretch her calves.
"You had me at tiramisu."
I took a step closer to her and could smell the sweat on her skin. There were slight damp patches on her white top, making it almost transparent.
"I look forward to it," she replied with a smile before reaching up on tip toes. Planting a quick kiss on my cheek, she grabbed her things and sauntered off, looking over her shoulder as she reached the door. "Pick me up at eight," she said, then she was gone and I was left feeling the tingle of her kiss on my cheek.