Once You’re Mine: A Dark Stalker Romance (Possessing Her

Once You’re Mine: Chapter 16

My palms grow sweaty at the thought of seeing Hayden, and I rub them on my apron. Several times. After a moment’s hesitation, I retrieve his business card, the one I didn’t have the courage to throw away. It’s been sitting in my pocket since he first offered it to me, and I’m grateful to my past self that I didn’t get rid of it. Who knew I’d actually be in a position to not only need his help, but actively chase it?

Harper snatches the card from my hand. “‘H. Bennett. Attorney-at-Law. 20010 Greystone Blvd. Suite 901.’ Wow. He didn’t put his first name on it. Talk about boundaries.” She shifts her attention to me, a sly smile playing about her lips. “And yet, the elusive Mr. Bennett gave you his first name.”

He didn’t just give it to me.

He ordered me to use it.

I shrug, feeling the opposite of nonchalant. “I told you, he and I knew each other because of my father’s trial, but we’re mere acquaintances.”

She shoots me a dubious look. “Yeah, acquaintances, where one of you knows a deep secret that the other wants. One that’s big enough that he’d be willing to pay you hundreds of dollars for it. Feed your lies to someone else.”

“You really think he’ll pay that much?”

“Why don’t you tell me?” She shrugs. “You’re the only one who knows the value of the information you’re keeping from him.”

“I need to think about this.”

She waves the card in my face. “Well don’t take too long. Time, and stalkers, wait for no one.”

“Thanks for that.” I sigh and take the business card, running my thumb over the letters. “Do you mind if I make the phone call real quick? I need to do it before I chicken out.”

“Go for it. You know the Sugar Cube isn’t that busy at this time of day. I can handle the customers.”


I duck my head and walk over to the phone located on the back wall behind the counter. My fingers tremble when I dial the number listed on the card. Harper gives me a double thumbs up. I smile at her, but I’m sure it’s more of a grimace.

After the first ring, a woman answers, her voice crisp and no-nonsense. “District Attorney’s Office. How can I assist you?”

“Um, hi. I’d like to speak to Mr. Bennett please.”

“He’s not taking calls at this time. Would you like to leave a message and a callback number?”

I grind my molars. Harper’s right; I really need a cell phone. It’s not like I can live inside the Sugar Cube until Hayden calls me back. The idea isn’t unappealing. Unlike my apartment, the cafe has a security system, a telephone, and food.

“No, that’s okay,” I say. “I’ll call back when he’s available. Can you tell me when that’ll be?”

The woman hums and the sound of her typing drifts through the phone. “It depends. Are you a family member of a victim?”

I was. “No.”

“Listen,” she says, her voice cutting, “If you’re calling for personal reasons then you should try his cell. If you don’t have that number, then it’s because he doesn’t want to speak to you. Got it?”

I nod, even though she can’t see me. “Yes, I do. Thank you for your time.”

“Have a good day.”

The way she says it sounds like she’s wishing for me to get run over by a car.

I hang up with a sigh. Harper races to my side, her gaze searching my face. “What happened?”

“The receptionist wouldn’t let me speak to him. She made it sound like I was an ex-girlfriend desperately wanting to get back with him.”

“I can’t see Mr. Fuck-me-harder Bennett with a girlfriend. As a result, she’s probably dealt with the one-night stands in his life who want a relationship. Or she’s used to random women trying to hit on him all the time. I can understand. I’d be more than happy to call his office and offer him a blowjob.”


She shrugs. “Just telling you the truth. Anyway, don’t worry about that phone call. It’s time for phase two.”

“Phase two?”

“Yup. You need to go to his office.”

I shake my head emphatically. “I barely got up the courage to call him. How do you expect me to show up at his workplace?”

“He did it to you without any issues, so why not?”

“Because he came here for a coffee. I wouldn’t have the same excuse.”

Harper purses her lips. “You’re doing this. It’s either that or embrace your stalker. What’s it going to be?”

“I think I hate you.”

“Of course you do.” She gives me an air kiss. “In order to make sure you don’t turn into a pussy and bail on the plan, I’m going to cover the extended part of your shift. That should guilt you into doing this.”

I throw up my hands. “I don’t think I hate you. I actually do.”

“Right back at you. Now go, before he leaves for the day. Alex should be here soon to start his shift, so I won’t be alone for long. Off you go.”


“You can thank me later.”

I stare up at the building, wondering how in the hell I’m going to march inside and convince Hayden to help me. Assuming his secretary lets me speak to him.

Surprisingly, the walk here was quick. His office is very close to the Sugar Cube, which explains why he was there a few times last week. Reasons that had nothing to do with me, I’m sure.

Taking a deep breath, I pull on the glass door and step into the foyer. The main lobby is large and open with a high ceiling and marble floors. Along one wall is a reception desk staffed by a handful of secretaries directing calls and helping visitors. Beyond that are hallways leading to conference rooms and numerous offices, Hayden’s among them.

I make my way over to the front desk and approach a woman with jet-black hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Her entire focus locks on me. She sweeps her gaze over me from head to toe before dismissing me.

“How can I assist you?”

“Hello,” I say, pasting a smile on my face. “I’d like to speak to Mr. Bennett please.”

“What’s your name please?”

“Calist—No, Callie.”

Her brows lift. “Do you have a last name, Callie?”


“One second.”

“Thank you.”

I fold my arms, creating a barrier between me and this woman. I’d rather hug a cactus than her, she’s that prickly.

“Hello, Mr. Bennett,” she says into the receiver. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but there’s a Callie Green here to see you.” She frowns. “Yes, sir. No, sir. I understand.”

After she hangs up the phone, the woman peers up at me as though I’m a freak. Or a unicorn. I hold her gaze, unsure what brought on this change in attitude from her. Whatever Hayden expressed during their exchange must’ve been interesting.

He appears a moment later and all of my thoughts concerning the secretary vanish. He’s dressed in another expensive suit, tailored to fit nicely against every swell of muscle in the expanse of his chest. His black leather shoes are polished to a shine, and a burgundy tie adds a splash of color against his crisp, white shirt.

Hayden walks over to the secretary’s desk, and I have to resist the urge to take a step back. The energy rolling off of him is full of anticipation, even eagerness. It’d be flattering if he didn’t intimidate me so much.

“Josephine, this is Miss Green,” he says, gesturing to me. “She is a person of great interest to me and should be shown the ultimate respect at all times. Whenever she requests to speak to me, you will contact me immediately and put all of my other plans on hold. There’s nothing and no one more important than her. Understood?”

The woman looks from me to Hayden and back again. Three times. The shock on her face must be the same found on mine. When did I become so important to him?

And why?

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