On the Edge (The Grange Complex Book 1)

Chapter 34


"Harry, I'm not sure about this. What if she won't come with us?" I asked, feeling like my stomach slowly wanted to empty itself, heaving with nerves. Harry was crazy and his idea was risky. Jenny was still only a child and I didn't want to use her to catch Victoria in her slimy lies.

"She has a huge crush on him. When I chatted with her yesterday, she wouldn't shut up about him," he argued, looking at me with his clear blue eyes. We were in his car outside Jenny's college in the north side of the city. Harry had managed to track Jenny down. I didn't ask how, but he had his ways, his dodgy contacts. My hatred for Victoria grew with each passing moment, but I was still reluctant to approach this girl. I knew that Dexter couldn't go to the police. Our choices were limited.

"I don't know about this. What if someone sees us?"

"That's why you need to speak to her. She'll believe you... right, there she is," he hissed and nearly enough pushed me out of the car. Indeed, Jenny was coming around the corner. She was alone, and she didn't even notice me. Her eyes were glued to her smartphone. She still had her school uniform on and I was surprised to see her without a bunch of girls. Everyone in high school had friends.

I rubbed my damp palm over my jeans and approached her from the opposite direction.

"Hey, Jenny. Hey, hold on. I need to talk to you."

She stopped and glared at me with mistrust, putting her phone away. My heart was accelerating and all of a sudden I had no idea what I wanted to say.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm a friend of Dexter's. We live next door to each other. Harry said that you were dying to see him. I thought that we could chat for a bit," I said, not quite sure if this approach would work. She was a child, but she wasn't a freaking idiot. Excitement glittered in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced with reluctance. She was fifteen, but with his looks and that arrogant mouth, Dexter Tyndall was able to charm anyone, even a naive girl just past puberty.

"Aunt Victoria was supposed to organise our date, but she isn't answering her phone," Jenny complained.

"Victoria is your aunt?" I asked, losing my breath. Damned Victoria and her manipulative games. She needed to be hospitalised. She was using a child to bend Dexter to her will, to make sure that he was unde her complete control.

Jenny made a face. "She isn't my real aunt, but my mum knew her for years. Victoria always insisted that I call her auntie."

I had to remember to try and look like I wanted to help her. This wasn't the time or a place to freak out. "All right, listen," I began, trying to stay calm. "I can take you to Dexter tomorrow. There is a small party in the complex and he's going to be there. What do you think?"

"Really? Oh my God, he's so gorgeous! Victoria promised that he would date me, but since that night she hasn't been in touch. I don't even have his phone number."

Nausea hit me and my stomach heaved with disgust. I didn't want to believe that Dexter had had sex with this girl and that Victoria had no qualms about using Jenny's innocence to get what she wanted. "So it's true then-you slept with him?" I asked quietly, trying to keep the strain from my voice.


course. He was so passionate and loving. It was the best night in my life!"

I really was ready to throw up then, but I couldn't risk Harry's carefully prepared plan. I had to keep it together if I wanted to help Dexter in any way. I glanced at Harry, who was watching us from the car. "All right, I can pick you up from town tomorrow around seven and take you to him. What are you going to say to your parents?" I asked.

She smiled, waving her hand. "Dad is away and Mum will be out, so it's fine. Am I really going to see him tomorrow?"

"Promise, but remember-it's between you and me. No one must know."

"I'm not an idiot," she snapped. We exchanged our numbers and then she strolled back towards the centre. My heart was pounding and I felt guilty. This girl was really enraptured with Dexter, and I wasn't capable of breaking her heart. This was cruel, but she was too young to be mixed up in this sort of company. We just needed to get a confession out of Jenny. In order to get anywhere, we needed to have this on tape.

"And?" Harry asked.

"You're right, she is completely blinded by his gorgeous face," I said, shaking my head. "I don't know, Harry. He did sleep with her, so they will arrest him anyway."

"Victoria has too much to lose. She won't let this leak to the media or press. This will work, trust me."

"I hope you're right," I muttered.

Harry drove me straight home. Dexter wanted to see me this evening, had insisted, but I needed to clear my head, to think about what I'd committed myself to doing. We were going to meet tomorrow at the party. The plan was straightforward, but I had a bad feeling about this. Dexter was really trying for me. We had attended a meeting with a support group for bipolar disorder a couple of days ago and I was still amazed that he actually had gone through with it.

I went to bed anxious and really worried about tomorrow. Even Dexter's sexy phone call didn't take the edge off my mood. He described in detail what he was planning to do to me, once this whole thing was over. I was frustrated, but dark thoughts overshadowed all my emotions.

When I finally fell asleep it was late, probably around two. The next day I was exhausted and then the day was very hectic. Harry came to visit, going over and over what he wanted me to do.

The time dragged until four in the afternoon. Dexter called a few times, asking me if I was ready. In the end I hung up on him and then texted him, saying that he needed to chill the fuck out. Jenny rang exactly at seven, telling me where she was waiting in town. I took the car and drove over fifteen miles to pick her up from the centre of Edinburgh. On the way to the complex, she started telling me that her mother was constantly out, partying with friends and leaving her alone most of the time. Her father didn't know; he travelled around the world, trying to make up for his absence with expensive and lavish gifts. Deep down I felt sorry for her, and kind of understood that she wanted to find love anywhere she could.

"Are you really taking me to him?" she asked after some time. "This isn't any sort of joke?"

"No, of course not. He lives in the Grange complex," I assured her, feeling like I was committing a crime myself.

"So you live next door to him?"

"Yes," I lied.

"I bet his apartment must be gorgeous. I can't wait to see it," she sang. My stomach was churning badly and I was dreading the moment when I had to tell her why exactly I'd brought her to the apartment. She was going to hate me.


"Hello?" I snapped into my phone, standing in the middle of Harry's apartment. His guests were already there, chatting and drinking, searching for the perfect partner for one glorious night of fucking.

"Dex, we need to meet," Ronny said, sounding on edge. I glanced at the phone, realising that he had called from different number. This wasn't like him. I'd tried calling him a few times in the past few days, but his phone was constantly switched off. Sasha was already in my place with the girl, trying to prepare her for what was about to happen. Ronny couldn't have picked a worse time.

"I can't right now. I'm in the middle of something."

"This can't wait that guy Adamson, he isn't as clean as I thought, but I have to run this shit by you first. The sooner the better."

"All right, give me a couple of hours," I said and hung up. Maybe this was my lucky day. Ronny usually didn't talk in code, but I was hoping that he had found something that would send that asshole right down. It was time for him to be punished and pay for what he'd done to my Barbie. Payback was a bitch and I hoped he found that out soon.

I'd put my best suit on for tonight and taken my meds as usual. I had one glass of champagne just to keep me going. I wasn't planning to touch any more than that. Everything was working as we'd planned and I was waiting for Victoria. She was running late. That bitch wasn't even here and she was already putting me ill at ease. I needed to concentrate, forget about Ronny for now. Victoria was the bigger problem. "How you doing?" Harry asked for the tenth time tonight. I swear to God, I was ready to slap him.

A few hours earlier, Harry's guy had put a wire on Sasha. I let him touch her only this once with the hope that this girl would talk; otherwise, I would have to deal with Victoria for the rest of my miserable life. "Told you already, I'm fucking nervous. Where is that bitch?" I looked around, ready to drink a whole bottle of whisky, but that wasn't wise. I needed to be focused. A few regular brunettes were smiling at me, giving me the right signals, but I ignored them. My fucking heart was taken by a curvy, sexy-as-hell blonde. Sasha owned me.

"Just calm down. She won't miss this party. She sounded excited on the phone," Harry said. "By the way, how are things with your Barbie? Have you landed on your knee yet and told her how much you love her?"

The bastard was teasing me and he knew, but how? Fuck, I couldn't keep anything to myself when he was around.

"I would have, but now we have more important things to worry about,” I barked.

"Mate, Barbie is special, so I wouldn't wait around if I were you," he stated, sipping champagne. "I can't believe it. A woman that tied up Dexter Tyndall. I think I'll have to write a book about that. I would make shitloads of money."

"I dare you." I laughed. "And since we are on the subject, what about you? I haven't seen any women here that caught your eye so far."

"I won't get my own happy-ever-after, Dex. My soul is too tainted. There isn't a woman out there that could handle me," he said and finished his drink. I was just about to ask him what he meant when I saw Victoria at the door.

She glanced at me but pretended that she didn't see me. I kept glancing at my watch, wondering how long she was planning to play this game. Sasha was in my apartment on the other side of the wing. Somehow I had to get Victoria back to my bed and start this whole shit show.

It took her another twenty minutes and a few more drinks to finally pull me into an empty room. I spoke to a few women myself, trying to make her jealous. Two brunettes were ready to suck my cock in front of everyone here, but I politely declined. Victoria was drinking and it was a good sign. We went to one of the empty bedrooms.

"I have missed you, Dex. I hope that you recovered from our last encounter, because I really want you to fuck me. Will you?" she asked, running her fingers over my arms and biting her lip, trying and failing to be provocative. Victoria loved games-she loved the tension, the real build-up to the finale.

I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock. Thoughts of Sasha's ass began circling in my mind and that worked, because my dick twitched in my trousers. She squeezed it hard, brushing her rancid lips over mine.

"Well done. See? You just needed a little time to recover. It's time to fulfill your duty, darling."

"Fine, let's go to my apartment. You know that I don't like an audience."

"Okay, come on. I'm glad that you finally came to your senses. I want you to break me tonight, fuck me so hard that you ruin me for all other men."

I finished the champagne and shortly after that, we left Harry's apartment holding hands like old-time lovers. All the women out there in the main room were disappointed. I was tense. I needed a drink, but I'd promised Sasha. Playing games was one thing, but doing shit like this with Victoria was an entirely different reality.

Harry was supposed to let Sasha

know when we were on the way to my apartment. That would give her enough time to hide and record everything Funlocked the door to

my place and didn't give Vine

much time to think about the my cock. I couldn't let her get suspicious, so I brought her into my arms and started kissing her. Her perfume was too sweet, vile and overpowering, and I hated the way she was digging her nails into my stomach, deliberately trying to put me off.

"I'm going to fuck you hard, because that's what you want, right?" I rasped, ripping her dress off her in the living room.

"Tie me up!" she ordered.

I inhaled when she started playing with my trousers. This was going to be the longest few minutes of my life and it was just the beginning.


"See, I told you. She doesn't care about you. Victoria only wanted him for herself," I whispered to Jenny. Harry had phoned ahead, giving us enough time to hide. This wasn't easy in the beginning. The girl kept asking about Dex every five minutes and she didn't believe me when I told her that her precious auntie used her that night to blackmail Dexter and now was threatening to send the video to the police if he didn't do what she wanted. She cried, then blamed me, then cried some more. I felt like shit when she looked so heartbroken.

Before we arrived at the apartment, Dexter had moved the old swanky cabinet for us to hide behind. Victoria wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around her. Jenny needed to see everything tha was happening in the living room. She pressed her mouth in a hard line, watching as Victoria tried to take off Dexter's pants. I couldn't look. I wanted to murder that bitch, touching him like she owned his body. "But she promised. She said that if I slept with him at the party, he would be mine. All the girls in the class would be jealous that he was going to date me," Jenny hissed back, tears filling her eyes.

"I just wanted you to see this for yourself. She knew that you were underage; she knew that this could ruin him," I kept whispering. Dexter had had a professional wire me up, and apparently Harry was recording everything.

"But I love him. She knows that I love him," Jenny whispered, hiding her face in her hands.

"Come on, I think we should stop her," I said and I dragged her away from our hiding place. I picked up the heavy statue off the table and dropped it to get Victoria's attention on us. Dexter's eyes found mine quickly and he pushed her off, dragging his hand through his hair.

"What? Jenny, hon, what are you doing here?" Victoria said, looking at her fake niece with her eyes wide, finally noticing us. I couldn't believe that she was so stupid, that she believed this whole thing would


"How could you? You promised that he was going to be my boyfriend. Sasha told me that you used me to get him for yourself." Jenny was shouting hysterically.

I placed my hands on my hips, smiling. Dexter picked up his shirt and put it back on.

"Yes, Victoria; explain to your niece why you asked her to drug Dexter at the party," I said, pausing to give her time to think about this. "Jenny was a fifteen-year-old virgin. You made her do this just because he hurt your stupid ego by rejecting you."

"Jenny, honey, don't listen to her. We talked about this, right? I had to bring Dexter here first. I was planning to call you-"

"No, Sasha has told me everything. You used me because Dexter didn't want you anymore."

"Shut your mouth, you stupid little


whore. This is a grown-up world. Men like Dexter would never want a little girl like you. He belongs wrapped around my little finger." Victoria took a sudden step towards Jenny reacted instantly, as the anger overtook my usual reasonable thought process. With a sharp intake of breath, I launched at the bitch and slapped her, as fast and hard as I could, not even knowing what had gotten into me. My palm burned and for a second everyone in the room froze.

"You stupid fat slut, who-"

"Shut up, Vic!" Dexter yelled, stepping between us both just in time, as Victoria looked like she was ready to rip my face off. She was glaring at me with fury, holding her cheek.

"Touch me again, whore, and I swear to God, I'll destroy you," she rasped.

"Let's get back to the point, Vic," Dexter said. "You convinced Jenny to sleep with me when I was high and incoherent?"

Victoria didn't take her eyes off me and Jenny, but she relaxed slightly, smiling with satisfaction. "It was the perfect way for Jenny to lose her virginity. Trust me, you did her a favour. Besides, what are you trying

to prove? I have the video. You still have to do what I say and I'm planning to squash that little cunt of yours with my bare hand."

"Actually, Aunt Victoria, I didn't... I mean, Dexter didn't take my virginity. I made him pretend."0000000

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