Chapter Watching

Aurelia walked across the campus to where she was parked. Behind her a young man followed, calling her name. She kept walking, pretending not to hear, hoping that he would give up.

“Ari.....Ari! Wait up. I need to asked you something. Ari!” Realizing that the young man wasn’t going to give up, she turned and acknowledged him.

“Yes Josh? Did you need something? I’m on my way to finish typing my final. It’s going to take me all evening and all tomorrow, as well.” Aurelia watched the young man’s face fall as she told him of her plans.

“Oh, I thought maybe we could go grab a drink and maybe, something to eat.” His face a mask of hope as he spoke.

“Josh, you’re a great guy, but....” She began.

“But, you’re not interested. I know. I’m surprised that you even gave me the time of day. You never go anywhere, or do anything. You go to class and then you go home. No work, no friends, no outings of any kind. It’s like....like you just are barely living. I’m sorry for bothering you. I’ll let you get to your final paper. Maybe after you turn your paper in, you’ll loosen up a little.”

“Josh, I have to stay focused. If, after I turn in my paper in two days, if you are interested, we can go grab a bite together. Just us, Josh. I don’t do crowds well. OK?” Aurelia watched the young man’s face light up.

“That’s great! Thanks Aurelia. I promise not to disappoint you.” Waving, he ran off in the other direction.

Turning, she shook her head. What in the world people saw in her was beyond her. She was a simple girl, trying to make it through college without any hiccups in her life.

Watching his ward from a distance through the glasses, Alexzander wondered just the opposite. Then, he growled. He knew he couldn’t have her, but that didn’t stop him from wanting her. Being her protector, as his name suggests, he was forbidden from even having any contact with her except in extreme cases.

Frowning, he turned his back on the beautiful girl with the ancient name, and put his equipment away. He would follow her to her home and continue to guard her there, until he was relieved the next day.

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