Oliver (Project Arma Book 7)

Oliver: Chapter 14

Tori woke to a light stroke on her hip. It had traveled from the base of her back, around her hip, to just below her belly button.

Her sensitive skin heated below the waist. Lava pooling in her stomach. The breath on her neck did nothing to cool her. Neither did the rock-hard chest pressed to her back.

She almost wanted to close her eyes again, feign sleep, and enjoy the soothing comfort. But the thought of rolling over and seeing Oliver behind her was too enticing.

Tori shifted onto her back, the sheet slipping below her chest in the process. Oliver’s heated gaze dropped to her breasts.

Jesus, just his gaze on her caused her stomach to do little flips. The man claimed every part of her in the most primal way.

A slow smile stretched her lips. She should probably feel shy. Shy enough to tug the sheet back up, at least. She didn’t. She couldn’t. She felt too darn happy about last night. “Good morning.”

“Morning, sweetheart.” His voice was honey. The hand that had just been stroking her hip shifted higher, his fingers drawing circles over her rib cage. Tori’s heart pounded at the proximity of his hand to her breast. “How do you feel this morning?”

Sore and tender in the best possible way. “Good.” Great. Unbelievable.

One of his eyebrows quirked up. “Good?”

Much better than good. But she wanted to know how he felt before she went and spilled her guts to him. “How do you feel?”

A shot of nerves hit her at his silence. Did he regret what they’d done?

His hand rose half an inch, stroking the underside of her breast. Her tummy dipped. Oh, sweet Jesus, that was torture. Her breast called for his attention.


She frowned, unsure what to make of him. “Different good or bad?”

A thoughtful expression crossed his face before he smiled. “Good different.”

Good different. That was a relief. He leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. At the same time, the strokes on her sensitive skin continued.

Oliver groaned. “You taste so good.”

It couldn’t be as good as he tasted.

“So you don’t regret last night?” Tori blurted the question.

She only asked because yesterday, he’d walked away from her the moment his phone had rung. Almost as if he was relieved for the interruption.


There was no hesitation.

Tori wanted to be happy, but she was reluctant to trust that feeling. There were still questions. So many questions.

His lips returned to hers, his chest pressing against her bare breast. “I wish we could stay in bed longer. But Maya and Red will be here soon.”

Dang it. She’d completely forgotten. They’d originally planned a run, but because she’d rolled her ankle, they were now doing breakfast.

But then, who wouldn’t forget when a man like Oliver was wreaking havoc on your body?

“How soon?” Because maybe…

“Twenty minutes.”

Nope. That barely left time for a shower, let alone what she wanted.

“Guess we should get up then,” she said with about as much enthusiasm as someone waiting for a tooth to be extracted.

“Hm. We should.” He kissed her again, his hand rising to enclose her other breast. Oliver massaged the soft mound, causing spikes of awareness to shoot from her breast to her core.

Tori moaned deep in her throat, pushing her chest into his hand.

Too soon, the moan turned to a groan. “We need to get up.” She didn’t want to, but they couldn’t continue. Not when Bodie could hear just as well as Oliver. He would probably hear what they were getting up to from the street. Not something she was overly keen for.

He pressed one last kiss to her lips before rolling away.

Tori silently cursed herself. She should have just canceled the catchup when she’d rolled her ankle. If she’d known at the time she’d be choosing between breakfast and sex, Maya would have received a speedy “next time.”

Oliver stood, moving across the room completely naked and utterly flawless. He didn’t have a shred of modesty. But then, who would, when they had a body like his?

Tori sat slowly, pulling the sheet to cover her chest. She studied him, wondering what had happened to the distant man from yesterday.

“How’s your ankle?”

She gave it a little roll below the blanket. “Barely feel it.” Just felt a bit bruised. She glanced back over to Oliver. “You can tell me, you know. If last night was a one-time thing. If you’re thinking it wasn’t a smart choice.” It would hurt because it was the opposite of what she felt. But she would accept it. She’d have to.

He paused. He now wore shorts but no shirt. His back faced her, and she saw the slight ripple of his muscles. When he finally moved again, he grabbed a shirt from the drawer before turning to face her.

“I would tell you if that was how I felt.” He pulled the shirt on before moving toward her. His mouth hovered over hers, his breath fanning her face. “Last night was amazing, honey.” He kissed her, long and slow, before lifting his head. “I’ll make some coffee before they arrive.”

Then he was gone.


Gah. Tori fell back into bed again, unable to wipe the huge smile from her lips.

Eventually, she climbed out of bed. The first couple steps she went slow on her ankle, but quickly realized she didn’t even need to limp.

Grabbing one of his shirts from the drawer, she tugged it over her head before moving to the room she’d been staying in.

Last night had been so much more than she’d expected. She’d felt so much more than she’d expected. Protected. Safe. Happy…

Had she felt all that the first time they’d been together?

Tori had a quick shower before pulling on a pair of shorts and T-shirt. When she headed downstairs, the first thing she saw was Oliver placing two coffees on the kitchen island.

He was smiling. The hooded expression she’d been greeted with previous mornings nowhere to be seen. “I made us a quick coffee.”

Oliver handed her the drink, his fingers grazing hers in the process. A zing of electricity ran up her arm. She took a small sip before placing it back down on the island. “Sorry, but…is it okay if I grab a juice?”

He tilted his head. “Not a fan of my coffee-making skills?”

She chuckled. “Your coffee-making skills are great. I’ve just never been a huge fan of coffee.”

Oliver had made it here and there since she’d moved in with him, but this morning, especially after their night together, she could use the sugar hit of some juice.

“Quinn would have a fit if she heard that.” He chuckled. “Of course.”

Oliver started to set his coffee on the island but Tori shook her head, already moving toward the fridge. “I’ll get it.”

Pulling the fridge door open, she grabbed the orange juice before getting a glass from the cabinet. She’d only just begun pouring when a memory flashed through her mind.

Tori poured the wine halfway up the glass before shooting a glance over her shoulder. He was still clearing the table. His back turned.

With trembling fingers, she yanked the capsule from her pocket, twisting it open and pouring the powder in.

Her heart hammered in her chest.

The bottle of orange juice slammed to the counter hard as Tori returned to the present. Quick breaths whooshed in and out of her chest.

What the hell had she just remembered?


She jolted at Oliver’s voice. Slowly, she turned to face him.

Tori turned to face Oliver, glasses of wine in hand. Oliver walked toward her. He had that same sexy smile stretching his lips.

Her stomach convulsed as a sick feeling hit her hard and fast.

It didn’t feel right. It hadn’t been feeling right all day. He couldn’t be the man they told her he was. She’d only spent a day with him, yet she knew. He just couldn’t be.

He reached for the glass closest to him. The one she’d dosed.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Tori took a hurried step back, hitting the counter with her hip. The glass dropped from her fingers.

She knew he’d reach for it. Knew the speed he possessed.

Before he could, Tori spun toward the glass, making it appear like she was trying to catch it, when in reality, she was blocking it from his reach.

Warm hands grasped Tori’s shoulders, giving her a gentle shake.

Her eyes flew to Oliver’s worried ones. Her world screeching to a halt.

She’d almost drugged him. She didn’t know what the powder was, but it couldn’t have been anything good.

Suddenly, an overwhelming urge to throw up hit her system. Tears pricked the back of her eyes.

“Tori. Did you remember something?” Alarm coated his voice. “What did you see?”

She opened and shut her lips. No words came out. She had no words to give. What could she say? Sorry, I’m not the good guy we were both hoping?

Oh god, how would he ever forgive her? She couldn’t forgive her.

Swallowing the nausea, Tori yanked herself from his hold and turned around. She’d taken two steps away when he was there, in front of her, looking big and powerful. He stood between the island and the counter, boxing her in.

“Tori…talk to me.” There was a new edge to his voice. A hardness that hadn’t been there moments ago. He knew whatever she’d seen, it wasn’t good.

She shook her head, willing her voice to work. “I didn’t see anything.”

It was a weak lie. Which was fitting, considering how damn weak her entire body felt.

His eyes narrowed. He was looking less and less like the protector she’d woken up with and more like a predator. “You’re lying. Tell me the truth.”

The truth…

That they hadn’t met by accident. That she’d sought him out to hurt him. Almost drugged him.

She took a hurried step back, and quick as lightning, Oliver’s arm shot out and took hold of her arm. His touch was gentle, but it was also firm. Unyielding. A manacle holding her in place.

Oliver stepped forward, a steeliness in his gaze. The man looked every bit as deadly as he was. “Tori. If the memory involves me or my brothers, we need to know.”

Then his features softened a fraction. His fingers grazed her cheek.

Her heart broke a little bit in her chest. He would hate her. How could he not?

Tori swallowed. She took a breath, not sure if a truth or lie was about to come out—but a knock on the door interrupted her. Her mouth snapped shut.

Oliver growled low in his throat. “Come back another time.”

Tori shook her head. No. He would force it out of her. She wasn’t ready for that.

“Stay.” She barely spoke above a whisper. “Please.”

The panic in her chest was suffocating her. Panic of losing him. Again. She’d had him for less than a day and already she couldn’t let go.

A moment of silence passed. Tori wondered if the person who’d knocked had walked away. Then the click of the door unlocking sounded.

Relief was instant as Bodie stepped inside. He took in the scene in front of him. “Ah, hope you don’t mind. I used the spare key.”

Because he’d heard the desperation in her voice? Or maybe because he’d heard the fear.

Maya stepped in behind him, looking far more at ease, not having heard what Bodie had.

She smiled at Tori. “Hey! Ready to go? We ran here and I’m starving.”

To Maya, it probably looked like she and Oliver were in an intimate embrace. Oliver holding her arm. Standing close enough to kiss her.

Tori forced a smile to her lips. It probably looked wonky and all kinds of wrong. “Yep. Let’s go.”

Summoning her courage, Tori looked back to Oliver. His mouth was set in a thin line. His jaw hard.

Anger. And frustration.

His fingers didn’t loosen. Would he cause a scene in front of his friends? Would he force words from her that she’d rather cut off her own hand than speak right now?

Three seconds passed. Finally, his hand dropped. He stepped back. But the man never took his eyes off her. Not for a second. He continued to stare at her as if he knew what she knew.

As if she’d already exposed her true nature.

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