Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 6: The Library

Time seemed to pass by quickly the more and more I delved into my book, even the sounds of the debating adults below seemed nothing more than a mild hum. My eyes flickered as I caught the glimpse of several of the children as they began to depart from the gallery. I lowered my book and saw that no one below objected to their leaving.

Taking this a sign that the allotted time required by children to “stay and observe” had passed, I rose from my seat, peering down at my mother. Rachel glanced upwards, giving me a soft smile. I smiled and quietly exited the gallery, following after the others, but staying far enough behind as to not garner even more of their attention.

I wandered down the corridors, passing along the path Rachel and I had taken earlier that morning. I opened my satchel and pulled out my phone, noting that it was now in the early afternoon. I looked around me as I journeyed down the corridor.

Everything still seemed pulled directly out of a fairy tale. White walls and doors lined with gold leaf, which glistened from the flickering illuminated crystals. Tables rested against the walls, each resting with a potted plant on top. Paintings and sculptures sat adorned around me.

My stomach whined softly with a wheeze. Smiling, I continued on down the expansive hallway, until I came upon a servant of the castle.

The man bowed his head to me, “How might I be of assistance to you, young Miss?”

I looked to him, “Umm…well… I was hoping to find a dining hall first and then possibly the library?”

He nodded, “Yes Miss, there is a lovely café on the third level. Just return the main hall and go up the stairs. Turn right and follow until you see daylight.” I nodded, peering down the hallway.

“Now as for the library,” he continued, “it will be just further down the hall from the café, you cannot miss it.”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you.” The servant bowed his head. I then stepped back and resumed my walk.

I exited the corridor and returned to the entry hall, feeling my hair bopping against my chest. I still couldn’t fully take in how open and massive it was, it reminded me of the main lobby of the hotel where my favorite anime convention was held.

I walked over to the stairs and ascended them. I remembered how Rachel did promise me some exercise, mainly dealing with several endless flights of stairs. But I smiled, enjoying every step taken.

My hands glided along the cold marble railings as I kept my eyes on the landing above. After a few minutes I finally made it to the third level, following the directions given to me, making my way towards the café.

It rested on a balcony which overlooked the forest valley below. Smiling as I opened the door, seeing several maids standing at the ready. “Welcome young Miss,” they all said in unison.

I was slightly weary as the last time I visited a maid café, I was kidnapped. I walked over to a table and sat down.

A maid rushed to my side, “How may we serve you, young Miss?”

I looked up at her, “Well, I…think I will just have a bowl of fruit with some yogurt please.”

The maid nodded, “Right away, young Miss.”

My eyes then flashed, “Oh, and a leg of lamb if possible.”

The maid nodded, eyeing my shadow, “It shall be done,” the maid then bowed. I leaned back into my chair and gazed out onto the forest.

Thank you Aria,” spoke Fenris.

I smiled, “You're welcome.”

The air felt warm as a breeze blew gently against me, causing me to smile even more, while still on my guard. Much to my surprise, my order came rather quickly, being placed before me, with the lamb set on the floor. I leaned over and watched as Fenris popped his head from the shadow, dragging the leg of lamb back into it. I smiled as I started to eat.

After our meal, I exited the café and resumed my trek towards the library. Still feeling exhausted from my flight, I gently rubbed my eyes as I walked down the corridor. The sun shone softly through the windows, giving a gentle glow upon the walls.

The hallways looked the same as the ones on the first level, minus the paintings and sculptures. My fatigue mildly faded as I saw two large glass and wood doors sitting against the wall. I took a deep breath as I pushed open the door. Instantly, my eyes grew as large as melons as I surveyed the massive library.

The library was easily three times the size of mine, with bookcases set into rows and lining every wall on two levels. Massive windows rested opposite of the main door, shining light upon dozen of desks.

From the ceiling hung three enormous and intricate chandeliers, whose light flickered through hundreds of tiny crystals. The further I wandered in, the brighter and broader my smile grew.

“Well… I was wondering when you would arrive.”

I whipped around to see an elf standing behind me, wearing flowing robes. The elf smiled as he walked closer to me, holding a several books in his arms.

“You…you were waiting for me?” I asked.”

The elf nodded, “That I was little one. Master Xiphos made sure to inform me of your arrival, little scholar,” winking to me.

I stared at him, “How do you know the Professor?”

He smiled as he placed a book onto a shelf, peering at me, “He and I are Loreians, an ancient order of beings who act as guardians of knowledge. We share a special means of communication between each other, as well as a unique means of transferring information amongst the various libraries across the world.”

The librarian then stood before me, his swept back platinum hair gleamed in the sunlight, “Master Xiphos holds you in very high regard.”

I smiled, nodding, “The Professor is an amazing tutor.”

The elf smiled, as he turned and patted his fingers across a few books on the shelf beside him, “He also noted that you were missing certain books related to your magical training.”

I looked at him, “What do you mean?”

He peered over to me, “While the teaching of the magical arts can be fairly uniform, yours on the other hand is rather unique, for you possess an incredible potential. This requires equally unique materials, materials Master Xiphos has admitted to regretfully lack for you.” I watched the elf, wondering what he meant.

“Ah, found it,” exclaimed the elf, handing me a black, leather bound book, “The Grimoire of Octavios Feroset. I do believe this will greatly assist in your studies.”

I slowly took the book from him, “Thank you sir.”

The elf smiled, “Not at all, little scholar. I am grateful to meet a budding Loreian in the making.”

I smiled, eyeing two large rooms to the side of the library, “What are those?”

The librarian peered towards them, “Those are used for practicing magic. Your mother might have informed you that there are certain members of the Court who do in fact live here.”

I nodded to him, “She did.”

He placed another book onto a shelf, “I give lessons within those classrooms.”

I looked up at him, “But I thought magic wasn’t allowed within the castle.”

The librarian grinned, “The library is under a separate jurisdiction from the rest of the castle, having being been placed under my purview. That being said, the use of magic within the library is a privilege.” I nodded to him.

He then leaned over, “If your bonded wishes to leave your shadow, he may.”

Fenris didn’t even hesitate as he emerged from my shadow, stretching his body. The sounds of joints popping echoed through the library as he groaned. I giggled, stroking his fur.

The librarian looked at Fenris, smiling softly, “Interesting… a black Uldulvan wolf, quite rare. In fact, I do believe him to be the first Uldulvan wolf to be seen in over four hundred years.”

My head tilted, “Why is that?”

The elf shook his head, “That is a topic that I shall leave with your mother.” I tilted my head in confusion. The librarian smiled, “You may also transform into a kitsune if you wish.”

I blushed as I looked up at him, “He… he really did do you everything about me didn’t he?”

The elf smiled and nodded, “That he did,” he then eyed my satchel, “aside from your studies, what else do you enjoy reading?”

I beamed, “My two favorite book series to date are the Dragon Wings and Stellarus Overture series.”

The librarian folded his arms, tapping his chin, “Fascinating. It’s rare for those particular series to have been disseminated into the human world.”

I blushed softly, “My mom introduced them to me.”

He smiled, “Interestingly enough the author of those novels is in fact a member of the Court herself.” My eyes grew even larger as my mouth dropped to the floor. The elf chuckled at me.

I looked to him, “Would it be all right if I were to stay here for a while and do some studying?”

The librarian smiled, “Of course you can little scholar. Just name the topics you wish to read. There are desks available to sit and read littered about.”

“Thank you sir,” giggling as I pondered for a moment, scanning the massive depository of books, “I think I would like books on general history and some on magical theory please.”

The elf nodded as he walked past me, “Aside from the grimoire I gave you,” he begin as his fingers fumbled against books, finding several walking up and down the rows. I watched as dozens of books flew through the air from various shelves from throughout the library and floated calmly onto a desk.

He then turned to me, “I believe these will be most suitable for your education,” smiling to me.

I nodded, smiling in return, “Thank you sir.”

The elf bowed gently, motioning at the desk, “But of course little scholar. I must say that you are most unlike your peers, in that you pursue academic enrichment, rather than frivolous partying upon release from observing Court.”

I blushed as I looked to him, “I’ve never been one for parties. Can’t stand them honestly,” I turned and headed towards the desk with stack of books, lying neatly upon it, “and there’s the fact that I don’t want to butt in on anything or even know anyone here.”

He nodded as he watched me take my seat, “That it quite understandable young one.” The librarian then turned and began to walk away, “If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to call upon me.”

I smiled as I pulled out my notebooks and pens as I opened several books, “Thank you again.” He smiled, disappearing into the library.

Fenris quickly lied down beside me as I poured through the books, jotting down notes. I smiled as I lost myself within the words and pages of the books before me. I instantly felt as though I was back at home within my own library.

It wasn’t that I was a loner, I was telling the truth when I said that I didn’t know anyone there, at least my age. And there was also the lingering notion that the proclamation that I was Rachel’s daughter didn’t help garner any instantaneous friends amongst the other children.

There was Drakon Velkoz, but given my history with his family and our “reunion”, I really wanted nothing to do with him. I was also fairly sure that Rachel wanted to personally throw him from the gallery. Thankfully I had Fenris with me, who acted like my parent in her place.

With all that being said, it was just the better option to find a nice quiet place and stay out of my mother’s hair while she navigated Court. I smiled as I glanced at my bonded wolf. His eyes peered upwards at me. I giggled softly, returning to my studies.

I lost track of time as I buried myself into my studies. Before I knew it, I had completely filled two of large notebooks that I had brought with me. Fatigue settled upon me as I rubbed my eyes.

I started to nod off, feeling my head slip past the desk I was sitting at. Fenris quickly stood beside me, propping me up. I smiled, clinging to his fur.

“You seem tired little scholar,” noted the elf, as he walked over to me.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes, “Guess I’m still exhausted from the flight here.”

My bonded rounded his head to my side, where I softly scratched the sides of his face. The librarian nodded, “And with the decision to forego the customary day of rest did not help either,” he placed another book onto the shelf, “I would then suggest that you return to your mother’s residence and get some rest.”

“I think I’ll do that.” I looked at the book I was given, “So am I only allowed to read this here?”

The librarian smiled, “You may take it with you. The libraries are of one order, meaning a book from here will not be missed and can be easily returned.”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you sir.”

The librarian bowed slightly, “You are quite welcome little scholar.”

I stretched, and then leaned over my desk, closing the books before me. I then picked up the book I was given earlier, placing it into my satchel and rubbing my eyes again, “I think I’ll be off now. Sorry again for leaving, just a little too tired.”

Fenris yawned as he rose from the floor, stretching his body. I smiled as I watched his fangs gleamed in the light. The elf shook his head, “It’s quite all right young one. You can return once you are fully rested.”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you again sir,” bowing my head to him and walking past him and left the library, with Fenris leaping into my shadow once more.

As he watched me leave, the elf smiled and folded his arms, “A kitsune and a black Uldulvan wolf…interesting. Very interesting.”

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