Nocticadia: A Dark Academia Gothic Romance

Nocticadia: Chapter 49


I paced my office, running my hands through my hair. Hours had passed since Lilia left. Hours I’d sat at my desk, trying to focus on something that wasn’t my tongue in her pussy. It was futile. She’d crawled beneath me, inside of me, infecting me with the kind of drunken lust that had me pausing to fuck my own hand every hour.

My rejection toward her hadn’t been personal. I was affiliated with too many corrupt and dangerous individuals. Those who would love to know that I’d all but fucked my student–not just for the scandal, but to have something weighty to hold over me. As it was, they had nothing. I had nothing. I was a rogue, completely detached from anything meaningful enough to reel me in.

And that was exactly how I wanted it to stay.

Unfortunately, Lilia was fucking up my head in that respect.

Palms pressed to the desktop, I stared at the half-written report on my computer screen. The same sentence I’d written a dozen times over in a failed attempt to concentrate. An unbridled flame blazed through me, burning with the urge to pull her out of whatever class she was in right then and fuck her brains out.

Part of it was the toxin that invariably affected my sex drive. The other part was the fact that she’d done something to me no other woman before her had accomplished: she’d actually made me feel. Not just mentally, but physically. Every nerve in my body hummed with the memory of her soft skin. The curves and edges and textures and flaws that made me crave an entire night of touching and exploring. Those defiant eyes that matched the fire of her hair, and that smart mouth that had not only mastered the words to get my blood boiling but also the sheer incontestable art of sucking cock.

She was a sorceress. She had to be. What else could possibly explain the toxic poison running through me right then? The inability to go ten minutes without thinking about her–either sexually, or longingly. My body mourned her. Had spent the last few hours punishing me for letting her walk out of my office like that. Without panties.

I imagined a breeze catching the hem of her skirt, lifting it from the pretty little ass beneath.

Focus. Please. Fucking focus!

The sooner I handed the report over to Lippincott, the more time I could buy. After all, the toxin wasn’t perfect. I’d still had a few jitters and the inability to control my body temperature. It also gave the feeling of crawling skin, which I’d noticed more profoundly when Lilia had left.

And the sex drive.

The endless appetite to stick my dick in something was probably the worst of it.

Not something. SomeoneHer.

The fact that she was entirely forbidden only made me want her more, and the hell of it all was, I held the power to either ruin, or change, her life. She was precisely the kind of woman for whom, I’d easily cast aside whatever pathetic morals still smoldered inside my conscience—one whose drive and passion wasn’t tainted by power and money. So hungry to learn, and I longed to be the one to feed her every spoonful of depravity she craved.

I pulled the panties out of my pocket for the dozenth time and breathed in that sweet, infuriating scent that left me intoxicated. Like every other time, a rush of blood shot straight to my dick at the same time that pain struck my groin.

Furious, I fell into my seat, unlatching my belt as I had done so many times before, rubbing myself raw to feed that insatiable monster that clawed at my insides, desperate and hungry. Is this what you want? Will you let me fucking work, if I do this?

I had class in an hour, would have to see her there, knowing I couldn’t touch her, or smell her, or feel her. The misery of that gnawed at my bones.

I’d faced Gilchrist a number of times after having actually fucked her and felt nothing. Not a single twitch of my dick, or desire to have her again. Lilia was different. She made me physically feel things I hadn’t felt in a long time—a feat I didn’t think was possible, even with my senses having returned. Beyond the superficial caresses of every other woman I’d known, Lilia’s touch had branded itself into my flesh and blood, and now it was all I craved.

She was the warmth of the sun on a cold and rotting corpse. The first breath after a lifetime of death.

How could I share an entire campus with her, knowing she could fall in love at any moment with some inexperienced cad who wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a girl like her. The very thought sprouted cruel and vile schemes, like keeping her in one of the cells below. Caging her like one of my little moths.

Another swell of pain throbbed deep in my groin, as the visual of her tied and bound danced through my head like dangerous little pixies. I stroked myself fast and hard, punishing my flesh as I beat out those obsessive urges. But like the monster inside of me, they took root and bloomed into a full-on fantasy I couldn’t shake from my mind. My sweet, decadent Lilia laid out before me like a delicious meal.

I held her panties to my face, breathing her into me as I imagined burying my dick inside her. Those beautiful, suckable tits bouncing in my face, a look of pain and pleasure written in her expression, and the disarming sound of her silky moans that echoed in my head like mind grenades.


Her name was a dirty scalpel plunged deep inside my chest, past crumbling bones and decayed flesh. It pierced the only organ I vowed could never be touched again and infected me with insufferable greed.

I wanted the pain of it. The impossibility. The absolute rapture of claiming her for myself. And therein hid the tragic reality of just how tempting she’d become—if fucking her meant an eternity in hell, I’d welcome damnation with a goddamn smile.

My body hardened as climax hooked itself deep inside me, and I called out her name as ribbons of cum sprang from the head of my dick, onto my hand.

Spent and weak, I reached for the same towel that had captured every other ejaculation, wiping my slick hand on wet spots from before. I couldn’t deny–every one of them had left me shuddering with satisfaction, but I was in desperate need of accomplishing something other than soaking a fucking towel with cum. Rubbing my clean hand down my face, I let out a relieved breath and took in the flaccid state of my cock. As I leaned forward to pick up where I’d left off in my report, a memory of Lilia knelt before me slipped through my head.

No, no, no!

Blood surged to my cock, my muscles hardening with new arousal, and I looked down in horror, to see the insatiable beast standing at attention again.

What the fuck!

I couldn’t tell if it was the toxin, or a fiery redhead who’d managed to mindfuck me before she left. Fumbling to stuff it back into my pants, I shot up from my desk.

No more.

Still battling a massive hard on, I knocked on the door to Gilchrist’s office. At her acknowledgement, I entered the office, one hand in my pocket, where I subtly pushed the record button on my phone.

“Devryck, what a pleasant surprise. Have a seat.” She gestured toward one of the chairs, and her gaze lingered at my groin. The hell of it was, she probably thought it was for her.

“I understand you accused one of my students of cheating, and gave her a shit grade with some petty bullshit notes.”

Peeling her gaze from my dick, she scoffed. “I beg your pardon. Is that what you came in here for? To defend your student?” When I didn’t bother to answer that, she rolled her shoulders back. “She happens to be my student, as well, and she failed to produce coherent responses to the essay questions.”

“I read her responses, and they were not only coherent, but accurate. As for the cheating accusation, you and I both know Miss Vespertine would have more success cheating off a dead opossum than Spencer Lippincott.”

“Spencer happens to be a very good–”

“I’ve little time,” I said, cutting her off, my dick growing more flaccid by the second. “So, let’s just get to the root of what this is. I rejected you. You’re angry.”

Incredulity flickered in her eyes, as she shifted with obvious discomfort. “How dare you inject yourself into this matter.”

“You’re not angry at me?”

Her gaze flicked to mine, and she opened her mouth as if to speak, shifting again. “Well, of course I am. I’m hurt.”

“And you’re taking it out on a student who doesn’t deserve your wrath.”

“I see the two of you. It’s a strange relationship.”

“You see through jealous eyes,” I said, flatly. “There is no relationship between Miss Vespertine and me.” Even I was impressed at how easily the lie tumbled free. There was something between us, I just didn’t know what the fuck it was. “Stop using her as an emotional punching bag.”

She tapped an unmanicured finger against the desktop, staring back at what must’ve been a look of absolute apathy written all over my face. “Fine. Although I stand by my original assessment and observations, for your sake, I will revisit Miss Vespertine’s test score and drop the accusation, on one condition.”

I waited with not-so-bated breath for her to say it.

“Have dinner with me.”

Bingo. Exactly what I was looking for. “No.”

“No?” She scoffed a laugh. “Then, do yourself a favor, Devryck, and stay out of matters that don’t concern you. Or I’ll have other accusations, besides cheating, to report.” Brow raised, she crossed her arms. “Like your strange interactions with Miss Vespertine.”

“I would invite administration to reach out to Miss Vespertine and inquire of any inappropriate behavior. My interactions with her have been nothing less than honorable and professional.” My soul damned near withered with that one.

“Perhaps. But who would believe the man previously accused of such behavior.”

“Likewise, who would believe that a respected professor would choose to dole out shitty grades based on jealousy?” I lifted my phone from my pocket to show that it continued to record, and pressed stop, holding back a laugh when her eyes damn near bulged out of their sockets. “Don’t fuck with me, Loretta. And stay out of my business, or I’ll see to it that every member of administration, and my lawyer, receive a copy of this.”

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