Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 27

Gigi stood in front of me looking equal parts terrified and determined. “I just want you to know, no matter what happens, that I love you and I’m so, so glad we got the time together that we did.”

I threw my arms around her neck and squeezed, hoping it would somehow stop time. “I went my whole life without a family. Until you walked into my bookstore and became my family. I can’t live without you, so you better come back in one piece.” I sniffled a little as I stepped back.

“I can’t live without you either, so you better stay safe so that when I get back, I don’t have to burn the world to the ground that I just sacrificed everything to save.” She toed the ground. “Or whatever.”

“I love you, too.”

She sniffed. “Keep my big dumb brother safe too. Remember how Lady Violet protected Ronan in Ghosts By Dawn. I expect the same level of astonishing feats from you.”

It was such a defense mechanism to fall back on references to Mysteries, Mayhem, and Murder books, but it was what brought us together in the first place, so I couldn’t blame her for it. “I promise to be as fiercely protective as Violet as long as you promise to be as determined and stubborn as Nostalghia in every book.”

Gigi put out a hand. “Deal.”

I took her hand and shook it, then pulled her in for another long hug. “Don’t get dead.”

“I won’t if you won’t.”

Rain cleared her throat. “Everyone is ready.”

I wiped away a few stray tears. “Are you?”

Serenity flowed out of her. “I am. This moment? We’re supposed to be here. Everything is right. I can feel it.”

“So do we.” Gigi took my hand. “I’m so glad Destiny brought us all together. We’re forever sisters now.”

“Hey,” Leena stuck her head in. “Are we having a touching family moment without me?”

Gigi stuck out her tongue. “Get in here.”

Leena took Gigi’s other hand and Rain stepped forward taking Leena’s and mine to complete the circle. “My sister is right, by the way. I consider both of you sisters now.”

I felt the love coming from them and I hoped they felt mine too. “I don’t know if Destiny meant for us to become sisters, but I’m sure glad it happened.”

“Okay, let’s hug it out, then go kick demon ass.” Leena pulled us together.

I threw my arms around Rain and Gigi, who threw their arms around Leena. “We are damn powerful and together we’re going to save the whole damn world, you hear me?”

“Hell yeah!” Leena hooted. “This other reality has no idea it fucked with the wrong sisters!”

We stood back as the Gatlin replaced each other one by one. The moment they were relieved the exhaustion hit. The Heida stood ready to supply blood and get them away from the rift so they could recover.

Dray, much happier now that our connection was working again, waited behind me. Rain and Kris stood to our left with Leena and Atsila beside them. Gigi and Ryddyck waited to our right.

In front of us the massive rift glowed, singing some sort of mystical song that was both alluring and haunting, but manageable with the shielding Rain taught us to do.

“Rain? They’re ready,” Malachi said almost apologetically.

Kris kissed the back of her neck just before she stepped closer, hands out, and eyes closed. Dray placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “I’m here.”

I nodded in reply, my focus on Rain as she reached out. The rift immediately began to shrink. It was so fast that it was obvious.

“She’s so powerful. It’s amazing,” Malachi said with wonder.

It continued to shrink, the pace growing slower, when I felt something and tapped the Plane. “There’s something in there.”

“Something trying to come through?” Dray asked.

“No. Something is in there. Like that’s where it stays.”

“That’s not possible,” Malachi protested. “We’ve closed this rift before.”

Or maybe they hadn’t closed it all. Maybe they just thought they had and that’s why this rift kept reopening. Marhysa suddenly appeared to me on the Plane. “Yes!” she gasped. “This is where they’ve been.”

“They who?” Dray asked, seeing through my eyes.

My mother put the thought into my head instead of saying it with words. Banshees.

“But…how?” Dray sputtered.

“This is where the bodies are. That’s why we couldn’t find them.” I peeked into the rift and saw them floating in their own isolated pocket. “We couldn’t find them because they’ve been here?”

“Yes,” my mother said. “And now you must open the door for them.”


“Before the war, banshees lived in all realities. I went back, Rhysa. All the way down the timeline. Back to when Rhine discovered the ancient text and learned how to make them into weapons again. The texts say that before the Dark Times, all three planes co-existed. We were one reality. So not only was there this physical world and the invisible one we know of as the Plane, but a third one where what we would call supernatural beings existed.”

“Dragons,” Dray said.

“And demons,” I murmured.

“Among many other things,” Marhysa said. “And here’s the important part. The banshees weren’t of any one reality. They existed in all three. And when the War ended and the Planes separated, they had to make a choice. They chose to live here.”

“But they can exist there when they find a way through,” Dray finished.


“Well shit.” This changed things. “Does that mean Gigi can stay here?” If the banshees could go through, then maybe I could keep my best friend safe after all.

“I’m sorry, my daughter, but no. She must go through with him.” She nodded toward Ryddyck. “The banshees will keep them safe.”

A feeling of dread hit me. “What about you? Will you go back to your body now?”

“I am where I am supposed to be. I will guard this rift from the ones who will try to come through.”

Alone? She’d never survive. “Mom?”

I felt her essence caress me. “I love you and I’m so proud of you. I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you a better life.” And then she vanished.


Dray wrapped his big arms around me and buried his head in my neck. “Don’t count her out just yet. She’s a fighter.”

“Uh, Rhysa? If you’re going to do something you better do it now. I’m either collapsing this sucker or getting out,” Rain gritted out.

No time to mourn or process anything. Only time to act. “Leena, you ready? Gigi?”

Leena stepped out of Atsila’s arms. Gigi walked beside me with Ryddyck right behind.

“Thank you,” he said simply.

I took Rain’s hand. “We need to open the door and let them through.”

“And then?” She strained under the power she controlled.

I said the words I didn’t want to say. “Burn it to the ground.” It meant locking Gigi on the other side, but it kept my mother out of harm’s way. I had to trust that if Gigi was meant to go through, she was also meant to come back.

Leena placed a hand on each of us, amplifying our gifts. I joined Rain’s power on the Plane and reached through the rift. The other reality—this third Plane of Existence—was so close. It was like dipping my fingers into a pool of water. Rain joined me and together we pushed our way through.

That’s when the screeching started. It came from everywhere. Earsplitting, mind-numbing sound. But instead of hiding inside a bubble, we had to endure it. As we pierced the veil of the other reality, a cold shiver washed over me, and I felt a darkness that was darker than anything I had ever felt before. I saw glowing eyes, wings, and claws. And then the banshees rushed past us like a strong summer wind, bursting through the Planes and moving into the third for the first time in centuries.

A butterfly wing grazed my cheek as it followed the banshees through the opening, and then a gush of energy that had to be Ryddyck.

Rain and I stepped back and let the opening close. For better or for worse we followed Destiny and carried out the vision. I had no idea what would happen next.

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