Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 15

I really liked the library at the House of Nala which was why I spent most of my time there when I visited my mother’s family. But today I forced myself out onto the grounds so I could learn more about the property where my mother grew up.

The house spilled onto a brick terraced patio surrounded by lush lawns, gardens, and then trees. There were water fountains and small ponds covered in lily pads. While spring was still new up at Blood Falls, it was in full swing down in the Shadow Valley.

“You know I’m really jealous.”

I turned to find the voice behind me. Navia, a distant cousin of mine, stood on the terrace above me. I liked Navia. She was quick, smart, and not afraid to say what she thought. She wore her hair long on the left and shaved on the right, always had the best earrings, and knew how to apply eyeliner like I never would, no matter how much I practiced.

“Jealous of what?”

“Your ability to just appear wherever you want.” She hopped down beside me in her over-the-knee boots and coat that buttoned at her waist to show off her boots and leggings but hung to her ankles in the back.

“Well I don’t just appear. I’m actually here.”

“Ha. Ha. I have to cast a spell if I want to go somewhere else, and even then, that has limits.”

“Is this your way of asking for a ride?” The breeze picked up sending my hair flying in the same direction as her coat. In the distance all the trees bent and waved.

She smiled and circled me. “I wouldn’t mind a shortcut down to the river.”

I felt out for the flow of water and found it quickly. “Happy to help.” I held out my hand.

Navia took it, but all that bravado from a moment ago vanished. “I might be a little nervous.”

“You’ve shifted before, haven’t you?”

“Only to and from the battle at Rhine’s compound.”

“And you were already nervous about fighting.”


I tucked her hand into my elbow. “Well this will be way more fun.”

One minute we stood on the beautiful Nala terrace and the next we stood beside the waters of the Blood River. It was the very same water that fell from Blood Falls, snaked down the mountain and into Shadow Valley.  The river was wide and full with melting snow.

“That will never not be trippy.” She swayed a little and then bent over taking a few deep breaths. “Whoa. You do that all the time? On purpose?”

“It’s never bothered me.” Heck, the first time I did it, I didn’t even mean to. I just thought about where I wanted to be and then I was at Dray’s. Maybe it was like car sickness. Some people got it and some didn’t.

Clearly Navia got a little spun around by shifting.

“Sorry about that.”

“Naw. No biggie. I asked you to do it. I just hoped it was one of those things that got easier with time.” She stood up, walked in a circle and sighed. “See? All better.”

“Why did you want to come down to the river?” It was gorgeous but there was no one down here. About half a mile up river were the Nala cabins. Six were permanent residences and the other six were open to family members to reserve for special occasions and getaways. Other than that, the river was a peaceful place where anyone could come to be one with nature. Just like Blood Falls.

“How’s your magic coming along?”

I stared down at my hands. “Honestly? It’s not.” After my first few lessons things got crazy. Then they settled down and I had school. When I had time, I focused on the gifts that made themselves known to me whether I wanted to work on them or not, so that meant spending most of my spare time with Rain or Dray. Magic took a back seat.

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

“Why’s that?” I stepped up onto a rock that hung out over the water.

“There’s been talk.” She hopped up on the next rock and sat, hanging her feet over the side and dangerously close to the ice-cold water.

“What kind of talk?”

“You want the nice stuff or the not so nice stuff?” Her earrings glistened in the sunlight. A golden cuff that covered most of her right ear and small one with dangling chains from her left.

“Start with the nice.” I sat and faced her cross-legged on the rock.

“Well, you’re obviously gifted and powerful, so there’s a lot of pride being associated with you.”

“But?” I felt a real big but coming along.

“But that doesn’t have anything to do with us and it definitely doesn’t involve magic. Rhysa, some of the elders are beginning to talk. You’re half Nala by blood but you live with the Wrens. You’re working with the Axles.”

“And I’m ignoring the Nalas.” I saw that coming but there were only so many hours in the day. “I’m not going to lie. Saoirse’s stunt with Rain pissed me off.”

“I get that. It was horrible. But she did that without House approval.”

My grandmother was just so fixated on getting her daughter back that she couldn’t think about anything other than saving Marhysa. I knew that, but I still couldn’t accept that it was enough to hurt others.

“It doesn’t matter whether the House approved or not. It put a real bad taste in my mouth.”

“I’m not surprised.”

“That’s why you brought me down here.”

She shrugged. “You came. I thought maybe you should hear from someone awesome like me that we really want you to be part of this House. We want you to know our magic and understand your own history with spells and casting. But more importantly, you can’t meet your full potential without your magic, and no one can teach you to use it like we can.”

All painfully excellent points. “So how do you cast a spell to get back?”

She hopped to her feet. “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask!”

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