Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 11

“Wren.” Ender’s familiar growl came from behind me.

I turned slowly, taking a second to roll my eyes first. “Volci. What can I do for you?” All the Houses had checked in about this morning’s incident and confirmed a major earthquake in New Zealand, so I wasn’t sure why he was here.

As usual, Ender made my grumpiness look like sunshine. He was a perpetually aggressive and pessimistic male. I suppose it came with the alpha wolf genetics. “You promised me an update on your ability to shift into dragon form without help.”

I cleared my throat. “Yes. I didn’t necessarily mean for you to hunt me down though.”

I think Ender tried to smile. It was hard to tell since he never did it. “Sorry. Comes with the hunting instinct.” He folded his hands in front and settled into his feet. An unconscious “ready” position. He couldn’t be caught off balance, and if trouble started, his hands and shoulders were, in fact, ready.

Aethel must really have him twisted up. Ender had always been prickly, even as a kid. But now? He looked about ready to shift and go running through the woods howling and hunting down dinner for sport instead of need.

“I’m in a good place now. I won’t need resources pulled to babysit me.”

After a moment of staring at me. “Care to elaborate?”

Wouldn’t it be great if I could just flash my thoughts into his head the way I could with Rhysa now? “I can shift on my own, even after a while, with or without Rhysa. But I don’t think we’ll be apart much. Our gifts are intertwined. It’s early going but it’s possible we can fight as a team.”

Ender’s face lit up with excitement. “That would be useful.”

“Unless everyone on that side can do the same thing.”

Ender grunted. “The dragons that we saw did not have riders.”

“They might not have known they were about to fly into a different dimension.” But he had a point. And it sure would be nice to have an advantage.

“How’s the mind? It’s hard to balance your consciousness with the animal inside you, especially when you let them have control.”

“See that’s the thing, I don’t feel that way anymore. I was in control the whole time.”

He nodded. “That’s good. You really have come far. This is good news.”

Well didn’t I feel special to have Ender’s approval? Whatever. “You’ll be at the story sharing?”

Ender growled a little. “We will be there. I believe it will be enlightening. For everyone.”

“Aunt Bethany!” Gigi yelled out the front door of the house, making my ears bleed. Then she went flying past us, down the steps and into our aunt’s arms. “I can’t wait to show you everything! I can’t believe it’s finally happening after all this time!”

Gigi specifically shot me a look as they walked past and into the house.

“What was that?” Ender hooked a thumb toward the door.

“Bethany and Sun did the Promising ceremony last weekend, so we’ve got a wedding this weekend.” I shrugged.

“No, I mean the shrieking and glee. Is Gigi okay or has Ryddyck finally fried her brain?” Ender stared at the door.

“I think the diplomatic answer to that is yes.”

He frowned at me.

“I better go make sure she isn’t turning the house into a silk and taffeta monstrosity. I’ll talk to you later?”

Ender grunted. “Later.” And then with a nod he shifted away.

Inside, Gigi had food and favors and fabric draped all over the kitchen. Bethany beamed as she looked through the pictures Gigi picked out.

I grabbed my sister’s elbow. “Gigi.”

She smiled up at me. “What? You told me to keep in mind that it was her day not mine. So I fixed it!”

“And I’m glad. She looks very happy. You did a good thing.”

“Great! Then let me get back to it.”

I didn’t release her. “Gigi.”

She sighed and slumped. “I told him I would listen, not that listening does me much good. His riddles never make sense. Or they do, but it’s because everything they mean is happening right then and it’s like ‘Oh! That’s what you meant by ghosts!’ It’s not like I suddenly found a translator.”

Well…it was something. Getting Gigi to stop running away was at least half the battle. Maybe Rhysa could help encourage her. Or decipher some of what Ryddyck said.

“You don’t have to do all this,” Aunt Bethany said as she caught sight of the two of us.

I was not about to let her brush this off. “Are you kidding? There’s no way we’re letting you and Sun finally get married without a party to end all parties.”

Aunt Bethany sniffed once and then the tears started falling. Gigi and I rushed across the kitchen, each taking a side. “I can’t believe it’s finally here. After all this time. I keep expecting him to disappear.”

I should have known she was putting up a brave front. But it was more convenient for me to believe she was simply happy. That way I could focus on Rhysa and everything else. “He’s going nowhere, Aunt Bethany. Not now, not ever.”

“I know, I know,” she sniffled.

“It’s okay to be scared to lose the one thing you’ve always wanted,” Gigi whispered. “Especially when you’ve been patiently waiting and wanting as long as you have. It’s hard to break that habit.”

Maybe that’s what had us all stuck. We were so used to waiting for Destiny to catch up to us, to tell us why it made us this way. And now that it was here, shouting in our faces, it was hard to believe it all or accept that the waiting is over for now.

I didn’t know what Gigi was referring to and I wasn’t so sure I wanted to. “It doesn’t matter what happens next. We know more than anyone that tomorrow isn’t promised. Enjoy today. Appreciate what you have right now. It’s precious and beautiful. Celebrate this love you’ve shared and waited so long for with the biggest damn party we can muster. Live in the moment. It’s all any of us can do.” The events of the morning had me rattled. All I wanted to do was to be with Rhysa. Soak up every moment we had left.

A startled look came over Gigi and her head snapped back a little.

Aunt Bethany beamed. “You’re right, Dray. I let myself get overwhelmed. Today has been a lot and tomorrow will be even more. But it’s time with the people I love most and that’s what matters.” She cupped Gigi’s face and then mine. “It’s been an honor watching you all grow up and I’m so proud of the Wrens you’ve become.”

Something made my eye sting. “We just want to send you off and let you have your own life for a change.”

She patted my cheek. “My own life, perhaps, but I’ll always be here for you. Always.”

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