
Chapter 4

My head is spinning. I can’t see or hear anything.

Did I die?

My vision slowly comes back to me and I look around the room I’m in. I’m on the floor. It’s cold, dirty, and wet. There’s only one light hanging from the ceiling and it’s not very bright either. The door is on the opposite side of the room from me and there’s one tiny window through the door. I’m still wearing my dress too.

My ears start ringing, and when it stops I can hear water dripping. I try to get up, but I fail. My legs are noodles, and I’m not going anywhere soon. The last thing I remember is seeing that beautiful boy with the two different colored eyes.

Ugh, what did I do?

Michael has trained me for this and I failed. He’s trained me not to get distracted because my enemies will take advantage of that. I passed every test he’s given me and I still failed. I hope he’s okay. I hope all of my family that was there is okay. Questions are racing through my head.

How are they going to come and get me? Is my family okay? Did we seal the deal with Malfors? What happened to Eric? And most importantly: who was that guy that caught me so off guard?


The opening of the door wakes me up. I wait for my vision to clear up before I look at who walked in the door. It’s him. The boy with two different colored eyes. He’s carrying a tray of food and a glass of water. He sets it down in front of me and continues to look at me.

“So, you put up a fight last night,” he says, crossing his arms.

I pick up the glass of water and chug.

“Beatrix, right? I didn’t think that we’d be capturing you but here we are.”

He sits down on the floor across from me. He has blonde hair and he’s muscular. His t-shirt shows off his biceps and a part of me wants to know what’s under his shirt.

“I’m Zane Fusco. My dad is the boss of this Mafia. We supposedly hate your family, but you already know that.” He wraps his arms around his knees. “What were you doing at that party?”

I keep my mouth shut and don’t say anything.

“Okay, you want to play that game.” He gets up. “Just know that I’m not going to hurt you.”

I narrow my eyes at him as he walks out the door. After I know he’s gone I get up and walk to the door. I look through the little window and all I can see is the wall in front of the door, and the hallway extends to the right and left. I’m in the basement, I know that for sure. I try to open the door and it’s locked of course. The walls are made of concrete and there’s no vent in here.

Well, I’m never getting out.

My stomach growls. I sit back down and smell the bread and pasta he brought me. It smells delicious. Is it poisoned? I take a bite of the pasta with the plastic fork. I’m hit with flavors that explode in my mouth. Who new pasta could be this good? I devour the rest of the food and wish I had saved some water.

I lean back against the wall and close my eyes. I relive what happened at the party yesterday. I was talking to Eric, and scanning the pool area.

I look across the pool into the trees, just outside the fence. I swear I see a pair of eyes, like wolf eyes, but when I blink they’re gone.

That was him. I saw him. His glowing eyes. His hazel and sea green eyes. How did I even get here? How did I lose that fight and end up getting knocked out?

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