Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 335: First Upload (VI): Showdown Of The Primordials

Rezar was hard chested, with his simple clothes already turned to scraps in all of then altercations he has been in foil he got to this point. So when a pair of greenish blue dragon wings popped out of his back apart from the little discomfort he felt he didn't have to worry about his clothes getting ruined. Horns grew out of his head, with two major pointed horns and tiny nubs on his forehead as scales covered the entirety of his skin. Claws grew out of his fingers, stronger and more durable than what he had access to as a vampire. And then to complete the entire transformation his legs became hind legs and a tail grew out from below his waist.

He shot forwards towards the massive wolf who also moved towards Rezar with murder in it's eyes. They both let loose sonic books as they surged forwards, becoming noting more than a blur to Screet who was properly hidden away at the moment. Then with a loud boom they clashed as claws met mana glad blades. A shock wave was released from the impact as Rezar took a step backwards to cover a claw swipe and smashed his horned head forwards into the shoulder of the giant Werewolf.

Horns punctured skin and drew blood as a swift paw slapped his body and threw him away and into the air, with the werewolf following with jaws spread white open to catch him out of the air and turn him into a bloody ragdoll. But Rezar was hyper focused, whatever was coming he was well and fully prepared for it as he used his [Bullet Time] skill to slow the approaching Werewolf before using [Teleport] to appear the still airborne werewolf and stab both blades of Vita Gratia into his flank. There was an immediate reaction as that iron tail of his smashed clean into Rezar's face.

It was as if someone had taken an extremely large and blunt instrument to smash I to Rezar's face, caving half of it in as the young king was thrown backwards. The werewolf crashed to the ground but paid not need to the blades in it's flank, not noticing the chains still connected to it. Rezar needed a few moments to gather himself, his weakness in battle was an attack to his head as while he would be able to heal from any Injury as long as a piece of his head and brain were still attached to his neck, it would take a while and his perception and reaction would be extremely slow in the process.

*Craaaaaaaash! *

The werewolf's sanguine glowing claw crashed into a green shield that suddenly appeared in front of Rezar and defended him from the strike. Rezar had a smug smile on his face as he knew that Screet was still close by, lending his help at the most opportune moment. The werewolf growled out louder than before and pulled back his paws to smash at the shield, this time with twice as much force as before, shattering the barrier and just in time for three silvery glowing spectral skulls to smash Into his body. The world shuddered as if he was exposed to a thousand and one volts of unforgiving lightning.


Rezar vanished from his position and the werewolf immediately felt a yank on the blades still stuck in his hindquarters. Now while werewolves were faster, and more resilient than vampires, they fell short and in an extremely massive manner to the strength of the blood sucking race. If Rezar were to put it simply, vampires were Thor and werewolves were Captain America with poisonous whatever they had that made them toxic to vampire. But the strength comparison wouldn't be fair as werewolves, especially those old enough had a close enough strength to vampires.

But that would be up for debate later as Rezar pulled on the hilts of Vita Gratia's dual Khopesh. The leg of the werewolf was pulled from underneath him as he was dragged backwards and promptly raised into the air. For just the fraction of a second, Rezar could have sword he heard the werewolf curse out 'shit' before he brought the massive wolf crashing down into the unforgiving earth.

The werewolf was dazed for a second, but that was still a good enough time for Rezar to drag him, pulling from the connection of where his blades dug deeply into his hindquarters. By now both blades should have been pulled out, but if Rezar did not will them out, Vita Gratia would not be coming out. Besides at the moment Vita Gratia was busy draining the werewolf's blood and essence. But from what Rezar could see, they were regenerating faster than Vita Gratia could drain them.

He smashed the werewolf down on the ground again, but all of a sudden he felt a guy as he was drawn to wards the werewolf in a second who stretched his head forwards and smashed his massive skull against Rezar's body. It hurt like a bitch and bones all over his body broke in that second, but it was not enough to stop Rezar as well of the blood that had been hanging above them turned into tiny spikes that quickly rained down into the body of the werewolf forcing it to cry out in pain.

Rezar crashed into the ground, his body rolling like a rag doll as he moved all the way until he was at the entrance of the massive building. He took a raspy breath as his body ached. The unfamiliar wings on his back seemed to twitch in agony. Frankly speaking he had no idea how to use those, so at the moment they were just there for decoration. Bones popped back into place as shadow rapidly grew over his head, he reacted just in time to use the werewolf's own momentum against him by placing a left hand underneath his jaw and the right on his belly and throwing him over his head.

But the werewolf would not be easily defeated as a well timed swipe slashed opened a wound on Rezar's chest that burned with a fury that shook him deep into his soul. Rezar was entirely surprised that he didn't even cry out as he jumped into the air, both wings spread and angled upwards to give his descent more power. The werewolf crashed into a sapphire building, slowly getting up only for Rezar's foot to come smashing down on his head and driving it down into the hard ground with unforgiving accuracy.

The werewolf's jaw was smashed into prices with one half of his jaw being smashed to a pulp. But it was not in Rezar's favor as the impact broke his leg at the knee as he was forced down rolling away from the severely injured werewolf. In that moment the pain from the werewolf's claw seemed to kick in as Rezar actually screamed out in pain and arched his back from the agony he was feeling. The werewolf was healing a lot slower than normal due to Vita Gratia that was still stuck in his body, and that could have severe detriments. But it didn't matter how he moved or what he tried he couldn't pull those blades out of his hind leg. Against his overpowering might the blades were even more stubborn.


Rezar's pained filled screams rent the air as Screet ran out of the building, heading for his master with every last smidge of fear forgotten. The only thing on his mind was the safety of the one who gave him life and true power. He ignored the injured and smelly weakening werewolf as he ran to Rezar, there were black veins stretching from his right chest where the wolf had clawed him, and as Screet watched they were spreading at a pace that was visible to the naked eye.contemporary romance

The pain was so much that Rezar could no longer pay attention to the world around him, he was lost and drowning in his own pain, and no matter what Screet said, he couldn't seem to bring his master out not that abyss that was rapidly getting deeper and deeper. He was worried, but at the moment he was at a loss at what to do.

"Hey undead! Your master will be dead soon, and so will I if I don't get this blasted blade out of my body. If I tell you how to save can you guarantee that he would spare my life and get these blades out of me?" the werewolf spoke, it's massive body heaving as it slowly came to the end of it's life with a very busy up jaw. Screet turned s furious gaze to him, and contrary to the expectations of the werewolf who was expecting the undead to be angry, Screet said.

"If you can save my master, I don't just guarantee your life, I guarantee you a damn fucking colorful future with no one ever bothering you as long as you don't cross Morte Bianca." The werewolf had no idea what Morte Bianca was, but he had the answer to Rezar's salvation none the less.

"Feed him my blood, and do it now, he doesn't have much time left!"

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