Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 8

The nerve of him.

I can’t believe he’d get rid of my car without talking to me. He had no right. It isn’t up to him to decide what is best for me. I only work for him. Nothing else. He has no claim over me, no matter what beautiful words he spouts.

All men do that. All men tell lies and I’m so tired of believing them.

I wipe the tear away from under my eye, so I don’t ruin my makeup. The last thing I want is for my ex-best friend to think I’m taking my break up with Michael badly.

I grip the soft leather of the steering wheel, appreciating how beautiful this new Beetle is. I can’t lie or ignore how much I love this new car. The dash matches the bright cherry paint on the exterior and the seats are black with red stitching. The detail is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. There are seat warmers and an actual radio with Bluetooth instead of a cassette player that didn’t work.

It’s an obvious upgrade, and I should be more appreciative, but it’s hard to let go of the car I got by myself. That old piece of crap Beetle was a statement of my independence. That if I worked hard, I could get what I wanted without help. I’ve been on my own for a long time and I don’t need a knight in shining black Armani suit to save the day.

I don’t need saving, and the quicker Matias realizes that, the better off we will be.

When I get to the city, I notice how smooth the car drives, and I start thinking about the long apology to Matias. The car is generous, but talking to me about it would have been better.

There is a parking spot between two cars near the café I’m meeting Courtney at. When I parallel park, a beeping sounds, and the screen on the dash shows the car behind me.

It has a camera!

I feel guilty for loving this car more and more.

Parking is a breeze. I take a moment to touch up my makeup, fix the running mascara under my eyes and put on a little lip gloss. I climb out of the car and walk confidently down the sidewalk to the café. I didn’t want to go to a place that served lunch. I wanted to be able to have a quick exit, so after she called and texted a hundred times, I finally decided to hear her out. Then I can be done with her forever.

When I get to Beans and Cream Café, I check the place to see if Courtney is there yet.

She isn’t.

I’m relieved.

There are a few people sitting in the booths and tables. Most have their laptops out or earbuds in, losing themselves in something other than the reality of the world. I stand in line to order coffee, inhaling the aroma that calms my nerves a bit, when my phone goes off.

When I look at the screen, I’m surprised to see a text from Matias.

Him: “Who are you meeting at the coffee shop?”

Me: “Whoever I want.”

Him: “Better careful, Sweet Sophie. Do not make me come down there. Remember. You’re mine.”

Me: “Sorry. Got to go. My date is here.”

I send a winky face for good measure. I don’t know why I’m playing with him like that, but it isn’t his business who I’m meeting.

“Hi. How can I help you?” A happy young guy with curly hair and a bright smile asks me.

I love it when people are happy at their job. “I’ll take a caramel latte please.” I debated on getting something to eat, but my stomach is twisted with nerves and anger. I don’t care about Michael anymore, but it’s the betrayal from my best friend that eats away at me.

“Name for the order?”


“What a cute name. I love that. It will be right up.”

“Thank you,” I smile, feeling a bit lighter.

I look down at my phone when it vibrates with Matias’s name.

Him: “Sophie, you better not be meeting with a man.”

Me: “*eye roll* I’m not. I’m meeting with an old friend. Her name is Courtney. Not that it’s any of your business.”

Him: “Everything you do is my business. I make it my business.”

Me: “Caveman.”

Him: “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Me: “And I don’t want to.”

Him: “We’ll see about that.”

I don’t know why, but his last message makes me blush. As much as I despise his threats, I find them just as sexy.

“Sophie!” The barista calls out my drink order.

I snag it and take a quick sip, sighing as the sweet caramel bursts across my tongue. The quick taste gives me a pep in my step, and I choose a back corner booth, away from people for privacy.


Her voice turns my stomach, and I look up from my drink to see Courtney. She doesn’t look great. She has no makeup on, which is unlike her. Her hair is up in a ponytail but it’s obvious it hasn’t been brushed. Her eyes are red and have dark circles under them. She looks like she hasn’t slept in days.

She sits down across from me, her bottom lip already trembling as she holds back tears.

I lift my hand, wanting her to stop. “Don’t cry. This isn’t going to be me letting you back into my life because you shed a few tears, Courtney. I’m here so both of us have closure, but the moment I walk out of the café, this friendship is officially done.” My breath catches in my throat as I say that. There’s one side of me that doesn’t want this friendship to end. I loved Courtney as if she were my own sister. I can never trust her again. Not after what she did.

What if… Matias and I start something and he meets Courtney, wanting her instead? I wouldn’t blame him. Even without makeup, Courtney looks like the typical model.

“I know. I know that. Just, please, listen to me. I’m so sorry. Sophie,” she begins to cry, and I have to look down to hide my own tears. “I am so sorry for hurting you. I don’t have a good reason. What I did was horrible. Nothing I say will make you feel better. I just—I needed to see you. I needed to apologize.”

I know the only way for me to move on with my life is if I forgive her. I take another sip of my latte and tap the lid with my finger. “Why?” I ask. “Why did you go behind my back and fuck my boyfriend? I don’t care about him now and I barely did when I was with him, but it’s the principle, Courtney. You don’t sleep with your best friend’s boyfriend.”

“He said you were okay with it. He said he you liked the idea of him and me together.” She blinks up to the ceiling, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I should have known better, but he was so…” She makes a frustrated noise. “He was so charming about it. It was hard not to believe him. He even said you wanted to watch, wanted us to be a throuple.”

“You would have been okay with that?”

“You were my best friend. I figured it was the best of both worlds, honestly. I was stupid. I’m so sorry, Sophie. He even had texts he showed me of a conversation he had with you to prove you were okay with it.”

“He and I never talked about that. Ever.”

She chuckles, wiping her face. “I knew that when you came up to the table. I knew he had lied.”

“He must have stolen my phone and texted himself. I wouldn’t have been okay with it. I don’t like to share, Courtney.”

She nods, sagging against the back of the booth. “I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you. It isn’t all your fault. He was a real piece of work. I have to go to his apartment today and pick up a few of my things.”

“Do you want me to go with you? You shouldn’t go alone. He has a temper.”

“I know, but I think it’s best if I go without you.” Now that I know Michael was lying to both of us, I can’t fault her forever. “You should have talked to me,” I say. “To confirm what he was saying.”

“I know,” she agrees. “I understand if you want nothing to do with me ever again.”

“I think I just need some time. I was angry at your betrayal, but knowing the truth, I don’t know, maybe one day we can be friends again.”

She grins, hopeful. “I’d love that.”

I check the time and groan. “I’m sorry. I have to go. I want to get to Michael’s. I don’t want to wait too long.”

“Be careful. Thanks for meeting me. I hope… I hope we will talk soon?”

“Soon,” I agree, standing on shaking legs.

I blow out a heavy breath, and welcome the breeze as soon as it hits me in the face when I leave the café. I’m proud of myself that I didn’t cry when she started talking to me. I’m not ready for her to be in my life again, but I think I’ll get there.

I’ll get there quicker once I get the rest of my things from Michael’s. I just hope he doesn’t give me a hard time. He wouldn’t meet me to bring me my things, so of course, I have to drive all the way to his house. I know this isn’t going to go well. He has always made things difficult.

When I get into my car again, my phone vibrates again, and when I look at the screen, I chuckle when I see it’s Matias.


Him: “Are you still with your friend?”

Me: “No. I’m on my way to my ex’s house, though. It’s only to get a few of my things. Don’t freak out.”

Him: “Do not go there without me. Sophie, don’t you dare see him alone.”

Me: “I’ll be fine. I promise. I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.”

I toss my phone in my purse and turn the new car on. I might be loving the fact that it isn’t noisy or backfires. The more time I spend in this car, the more I love it, and the less angry I am at Matias. I need him to know I’m appreciative of what he did. He only got me a new car because he cares. How can I argue that logic?

The closer I get to Michael’s house, the more nervous I become. It makes me wish I wasn’t alone, but the independent stubborn side of me says I need to do this on my own.

I pass a gas station on the left, before taking a turn down the street leading to his apartment complex. The road is empty and the trees on either side are still, calm, reminding me how serene it is before it storms.

But then, a storm can be catastrophic, and I can’t help but wonder if the universe senses impending doom. Okay, that might be a little dramatic, but it’s true.

I flip the blinker on and turn left into the apartment complex. A cold dread washes over me when I pull in front of his unit. He’s on the first floor and I can see him through his window now. He’s staring at the window, staring straight at me.

“Get it over with, Sophie. You can do this.” I leave my purse and phone in the car so he can’t take them from me.

I don’t bother looking at him as I walk up the pathway. I can feel his eyes on me, searing into me with anger and hate. I don’t know what I did to make him so hateful toward me, but I just want this to be over with. I want to move on.

Stopping outside the black door that matches his heart, I lift my hand to knock, but the door swings open and he’s already there.

“Sophie,” he greets, looking me up and down.

“Michael.” I squeeze by him since he doesn’t move to allow me inside. I look around for my things that I asked him to pack, but I don’t see them. “You didn’t pack my things?”

“Why would I pack them when you aren’t going anywhere, Sophie?”

I roll my eyes and head down the hallway. “Fuck you, Michael. I’m leaving. We are over. It’s been over. I’m not sure what delusion you have in your head about us, but I’m ending it. We are done. Broken up. Finished. I’ll be getting my things and leaving. You can move on with your life and fuck whoever you want.”

He grabs my wrist, spins me around, and holds me close to him. The pressure on my wrist begins to hurt and I whimper. “Michael, let go of me. You’re hurting me.”

“I only fucked her because you wouldn’t give it up, Sophie.” One hand trails down my side, squeezing my ass. “Come on. I earned it.”

I pull myself away from his grasp and rub my wrist. “You didn’t earn anything. You cheated. I don’t want to have sex with you. My body isn’t yours to have. I’m not yours.” I turn around again to enter the bedroom when he grips me by the back of the neck and throws me against the wall.

My head smacks against the wall, an immediate throb spreading across my skull.

“You fucking bitch.” He wraps the other hand around my throat, pinning me against the wall with his body. “You’re nothing but a whore, aren’t you? You tease and play hard to get, but I know you’re just like any other bitch and will get on her knees.”

“Let go of me! Get off me!” I scream and he shoves his other hand over my mouth to smother my cries for help.

His hand around my throat tightens, making it difficult to breathe. My eyes burn and well with tears, wishing I never would have come here, but I have a photo album under his bed of my family and me before the fire took my parents’ life.

I have to have it.

“Get off you? Fuck you,” he seethes, taking the neckline of my shirt, gripping it in his hands and yanking it. It rips down the middle and my breasts spill free, showing the black bra I’m wearing. “I’ve waited too long for you to get on board, so I’m going to take it. You’ll like it, baby. You’ll see. There’s nothing to be nervous about.”

I whimper, just as the front door bursts open which causes him to release my neck.

And I’m finally able to take a deep breath.

When I turn my head, I see Matias.

He’s pissed.

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