Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 16

Getting ready for the gala wasn’t easy in this room. Matias left to give me space with the hairdresser and makeup artist he hired.

“You’re a very lucky woman.” The French accent is heavy from the man who is applying blush to my cheeks. “Mr. Milazzo—or his family—have a reputation. They do not keep just any woman around.”

I was going to downplay it and just say I was the nanny, but I didn’t want to embarrass Matias. What if they thought it was sad the famous mafia leader had to bring the nanny because he couldn’t find a date? Well, he could have found a date, but that’s what the journalists would run with if they caught wind of it.

I eye the bed again, my body flushing with a fever when I remember the last bed I was in with Matias. Any flat surface near Matias is in danger of being completely wrecked.

“All done. Do you need help putting on your dress?” he asks, looking at me up and down. “You are beautiful. Perfection. You look beautiful. Okay, I need to go. Have fun tonight. Do everything I would do. Bye!” He drawls out his farewell, kisses my cheek, and sways his hips as he leaves with his suitcase.

The hairdresser doesn’t give me a second glance as she exits the room, leaving me alone at last.

I don’t bother looking in the mirror. I go to the closet and unzip the garment bag, revealing a deep emerald green dress made to hug my curves. It’s strapless with a neckline that flares, similar to seashells. The material is tight as I tug it on, forgoing panties because there is no freaking room in this damn thing for underwear. I’d be freaking out about the strapless dress showing my arms if I didn’t have silky black elbow-length gloves to pair with it.

I slip on the long diamond earrings Matias got me, along with a big emerald cut ring that fits onto my middle finger.

“Wow,” I gasp when I see myself in the long mirror hanging on the wall. I rub my hands down my body.

I’ve never seen myself look like this. I’ve never had the opportunity to dress up like this. My hair is up in an elegant twist with deliberate pieces framing my face in a loose wave. My lips are stained a bright red and my makeup is classic, a simple black wing as eyeliner with a light shimmer on the lid. My cheeks are a dusty pink, with a golden highlight on the cheekbone.

I’ve never worn so much makeup. I feel…

I feel beautiful.

The door opens and by how the air charges, I know immediately it’s Matias. I turn to him, looking stunning in his black-on-black tux. His hair is styled perfectly, a bit messy and combed back at the same time. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. His eyes roam my body, taking their time as he checks me out.

He says nothing, just leans against the wall, rubbing his fingers across his lips as he takes me in.

Matias goes so long without saying something, I’m starting to think I don’t look as good as I thought.

“Is everything okay?” I whisper, taking a step closer.

“Is everything okay?” he repeats the question, straightening to full height.

My eyes land on his cock and I see it’s hard, tenting his expensive slacks.

“You tell me, Sweet Sophie. Do you think everything is okay?” he adjusts himself, grabbing the thick length that somehow finds a way to fit inside me.

“Oh.” The blush on my cheeks turns a shade deeper.

“Oh.” He stands in front of me, a growl of appreciation rumbling his chest as he traces my collarbone with his finger. “You look fucking incredible. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Jesus Christ, look at you.” He takes my hand and spins me. His free hand roams over my ass, then grabs my waist, tugging me to him until I feel his want for me pressing against my stomach.

“God, your curves in this dress.” His hands tighten on my hips as if she’s trying to control himself. “You are magnificent.” His lips come daringly close to mine.

“So are you. You look very handsome in your tux.” His hand slips up my leg when he finds the slit in the dress. I whimper when the light touch of his fingers teases my thigh. “So handsome.”

He smirks, bending down to give me a chaste kiss so he doesn’t mess up my makeup. “I love how you react to me, Sophie. I love how responsive you are.” He straightens, holding out his arm. “Can I show you off now?”

I slip my hand around his arm. “I’d like that,” I whisper.

We have to walk a little slower to the elevator since my heels are so high. “Where is this gala?” I ask.

“It’s here in the hotel, in their ballroom. We will have fun, wine and dine, donate money, and then we can escape into our room.”

“You don’t like these events, do you?”

“How could you tell?” he says, tucking his hands in his pockets. “I only come to these events because I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my brother. These are important events to show up to. Shows our wealth and power. Appearances are important.”

When we get to the main floor, it isn’t hard to figure out where we are going. We follow the crowd of people who look beyond wealthy and seem too good to be here.

“Everyone looks so….” I trail off, not sure how I want to phrase it.

“Boring? Like they have a stick up their ass? Tell me about it. I’d rather be at home, snuggling with my daughter and you, watch a movie, and go to bed.”

“How is Ella? I miss her,” I say, probably more than I should. I feel so connected with her. It will be a sad day if Matias ever tells me to leave.

He pulls out his phone and swipes his screen. “Gianni sent me a picture.”

I peer down and laugh so loud that I turn heads. “He looks like he’s having a blast.”

Ella is wearing her princess costume, pouring tea for Gianni. He is wearing a tiara, a feathered scarf, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s glitter on his cheeks.

“Don’t let the face fool you. He loves it. She always has a good time when I’m away. Gianni makes sure to keep her busy.” He frowns, tucking his phone in his pocket. “I miss her.”

I squeeze his arm. “I know. We will be home soon. Like you said, quick enter and exit, right?”

“Right.” He places his hand on mine as we enter the ballroom.

I school my features, so I don’t give away how stunned I am to see such an extravagant place. I don’t want anyone thinking I don’t belong here, but holy shit, the chandelier has to be more expensive than Matias’s house. It’s huge, with thousands of crystals, glittering as the light hits it.

Caterers move around effortlessly, proving they have done this a hundred times. Matias snags two glasses of champagne as we find our table.

I was hoping we would have a table to ourselves, but that is not the case. We are seated with two other couples.

“Mr. Milazzo,” greets a man, standing to welcome us to the table. “It’s good to see you old friend.”

“Dovnic.” Matias is curt as he shakes the man’s hand, and his jaw is tight, clearly unhappy. “You know I wouldn’t go as far as to call us friends,” he puts bluntly.

Dovnic smiles, laughing boisterously, as if it’s the best joke he has ever heard. “Don’t you know,” his thick Russian accent is pronounced when he speaks, “It is best to keep you closer so I can keep my tabs, Matias.”

Matias manages to smirk. “I would expect nothing less.” He places his hand on my lower back and pulls out my chair. “Dovnic, this is my fiancé, Sophie.”

I trip over my left foot when I hear the word fiancé, then slam my hip into the table which shakes all the glassware together, nearly sloshing everyone’s champagne.

He could have warned me I’d be playing his fiancé.

“Are you okay?”

I turn my head to glare at Matias because he knows damn well why I lost my footing. He grins.

“I’m fine,” I grumble, giving my attention back to Dovnic. I plaster on a smile. “Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. So sorry to trip. These heels are a little too high.” I laugh it off, and Matias pushes my chair closer to the table.

Dovnic and Matias take a seat as well, but my soon-to-be-husband’s rival takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

“You are beautiful, Sophie. If Matias ever bores you, I hope you keep me in mind,” he says, his date right next to me.

Matias grabs my hand away from his. “That will never happen, Dovnic.” The deep possession in his tone has the hair on my arms standing up. He laces his fingers with me. “I can promise you; I keep Sophie satisfied in every way.”

I blush at his crass words, not knowing what else to say.

Dovnic’s expression says it all. He loves goading Matias. “I don’t think you’ve met my son, Dominick. The person you’ll have to deal with in our,” he ponders his words carefully, “exchanges.”

“One can only hope.”

I grip Matias’s knee. “Be nice.”

“Never,” he mutters, so no one else can hear. “Dominick. Good to meet you.”

Dovnic’s son gives a small, nervous grin, wrapping his arm around the woman next to him. He seems very young, maybe younger than me, with big brown doe eyes and blonde hair. He seems innocent, and far from someone who wants to be involved in his father’s business.

The lights dim, but I don’t miss the evil eye Dovnic’s date gives me before the entire room is confided in darkness.

Okay, but I didn’t even ask for her date’s attention. She needs to be mad at him.

Sometimes, women confuse me.

The spotlight illuminates an older man at the podium. He’s wearing a black suit with a red tie and his silver hair is slicked back with a clean-shaven face. “Thank you all for coming to the Hope Gala, where we raise money in hopes of feeding the hungry in our community.”

Everyone claps; well, everyone but Matias. He sips on his champagne as if he doesn’t believe what this man is saying at all.

“I’ll keep this short and sweet. Tonight is all about having a good time. Eat, drink, dance, and soon we will begin the art auction.” He gives a wave, exiting the stage where a large water fountain pours down behind him.


“He’ll give enough to feed the hungry and pocket the rest,” Matias whispers in my ear. “He is a notorious drug dealer.”

I gasp in horror. “Why are we here?”

His eyes slide to Dovnic. “Because connections are important to make in my line of work, Sweet Sophie.” His knuckles run down my chin.

His touch causes my nerves to become extra sensitive and my mouth parts, trying to remember to inhale much-needed oxygen. God, I hate how I react to him.

I hate it because I’ve come to need it, to crave it, to want it. I don’t want to go a day without it, and where will that leave me when he ends this? The fear of him leaving me is becoming stronger than the fear of him being in the mafia, which is concerning.

“You could have warned me you were going to say we were apparently getting married.” I snag my champagne and sip it.

“Where would the fun in that be? I like keeping you on your toes.”

I know he does, but then my heart hammers in my chest at the thought of being married to him. My mind runs away in a daydream of us spending our entire lives together. It makes me wish for things I have no business wishing for. I know what this is between us.

It’s temporary, like everything else in my life.

The caterers deliver an amazing meal and Matias writes a check, but I don’t see how much for. I’m chewing on my chicken when he stands to drop it in the donation box. As he walks over to me again, he looks every bit intimidating. His dark hair, sharp features, olive skin, and that black suit he is wearing, he screams danger.

But damn it, that danger is so fucking handsome.

A slow song begins to play, and he holds out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

I glance out to the dance floor, noticing one is there. “But no one is dancing, Matias.”

“So? We can be the first.” He bends down and takes my hand. “You know how much I love being your first.”

My entire body heats, remembering just how much he proclaims his love for my body. I stand, following him to the middle of the dance floor. I’ll do anything for him, even if it means dancing and most likely stepping on his feet.

“I’m not a good dancer, Matias. I don’t dance. I haven’t had many opportunities to learn.” I keep my voice down, so I don’t embarrass him.

He takes my hand, then wraps an arm around my waist. “That’s okay.” He tugs me closer until our bodies meet. “There’s no need to be nervous. Just follow me.”

I nod, swallowing, in hopes of coating the dryness in my throat.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I answer too quickly.

“Then let me show you how to dance, Sweet Sophie.” He steps forward, and I automatically step back, then we begin to circle the floor, spinning and twisting as if we have done this a hundred times. “Why aren’t I surprised?” he pulls me close again. “Of course, you’d be a natural. Your perfections never end, do they?”

“I’m far from perfect. Like you said, I only need to follow you, right?”

“I’ll always lead you, Sophie. You’ll never have to worry about that with me.”

I know we aren’t talking about dancing anymore. I don’t know what to say, so I choose not to say anything at all. I enjoy the moment, being whisked around this beautiful ballroom, and being treated like a princess, like I matter. He twirls me out, then spins me into his chest, my back settled against the strong width of his frame.

“You are exquisite,” he whispers before twirling me out again.

I smile and laugh, loving that spin a little too much.

When the song comes to an end, he dips me, bending me over his knee. His eyes pierce mine, lust heavy and making itself known between us. I’m well aware of his presence and every part of his body against mine. His large palm is in the middle of my back, warm and comforting.

Applause surrounds us, breaking the moment, and when he lifts me up, I see we are still the only ones on the dance floor.

“That’s all for you,” he says.

I shake my head, following him as he leads us back to the table. I have a huge smile on my face that I can’t seem to shake. I’m actually having fun.

“I doubt it was for me. I bet I looked like I had no idea what I was doing.”

“Nonsense,” Dovnic states. “You look like a cloud, floating.”

His date stands abruptly and tosses her champagne on him. “Then why don’t you just spend the rest of your night with her, you arrogant bastard,” she huffs, stomping away and out the door.

I hold my hand over my mouth, keeping a laugh inside as the champagne drops from Dovnic’s chin.

He whips a napkin from the table and dabs his face. “Women, am I right?”

“No,” Matias clips. “At least, not my woman.”

I drop my eyes to the table, doing my best not to look so smitten.

“Da. We aren’t all as lucky to have a Sophie.”

“If you’ll excuse me. I need to use the restroom to freshen up.”

Dominick watches his father leave and when he does, he leans forward. “Mr. Milazzo.”

Wow. He even sounds young.

“Dominick,” Matias says in a much nicer greeting. “How can I help you, young man?”

“You have to stay in the area for a few days. Please,” he begs, his youth shining through his eyes. “My father is in trouble. He will never admit it, but another family is encroaching on our territory. They have made threats. They have… They have already killed my mother. Please, I beg of you. Please, stay.”

I take Matias’s hand in sadness when I hear the broken emotion coming from Dominick.

Matias leans forward, placing his elbows on the table, then presses his fingers together in a steeple position. “I’m going to assume your father doesn’t know you’re talking to me, or he’d be furious to know he made himself appear weak.”

“My father is anything but weak. He is one of the strongest men I know, but this family is something else. Don’t follow rules or ethics. They do not care. My mother is dead. My father is a stubborn man, but he loved my mother and would burn the world down for her. The women he keeps company with mean nothing to him. He is trying to ease an ache, that is all, but his love for her will get him killed. He will not be careful. Please, think about it. I know you aren’t friends. I know we are enemies, but perhaps we do not need to be.”

Matias leans back in his chair, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “I’ll think about it, but if your father asks, I will say yes. If I answer now, he will know you said something, and you’ll have to deal with his wrath.”

Dominick’s face pales. “Thank you, Mr. Milazzo.”

“We do anything for family, am I right?”

“Da, Mr. Milazzo. Da.”

And me being smitten with Matias falls a little bit more towards being in love with him because he always finds room to care.

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