Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Chapter Chapter Twenty - Eight

Ray couldn't take it anymore and decided to threaten Loney with something so dear. "Let's see you try. That presidential project might just go down," he sarcastically said, while he waited in anticipation of Loney's response.

Surprisingly, The line went silent for almost a minute. Ray confirmed he had hit a sour spot in Loney this time. Internally, he gleaned with joy. However, when Loney spoke, he shocked the hell out of him. "I think I have tolerated this nonsense well enough. It's time it comes to a halt. This is your last warning. If anything happens with that contract, be it natural or man-made, it's on you and I will make sure that I kill you with my bare hands, and feed your useless corps to the vultures."

Ray froze at the end of the line. He knew that Loney never made ideal threats therefore, without another word, he ended the call. Loney wasn't comforted. This was a big project and he wasn't going to let anything go wrong. Even though he knew his warning had sunk deep, he still couldn't ascertain that Ray would just back down. Instantly, he went to his office closet to change into his work attire, got into his truck and drove to the field.


At the mansion, Danica grasped Herty after lunch and lunged the latter to her room. Herty had lived a comfortable life since birth. Her parents were wealthy and showered her with so many gifts, except that they weren't around most of the time. They travelled the world for missionary work but always made sure to provide her with everything she needed. Herty never lacked, be it in school or at home. She also took her fate seriously, never giving in to worldly pleasures. Everything about her was purely work and church. She had never had a boyfriend and at twenty-three she was still a virgin.

Regardless of her upbringing, she could affirm that she had never seen anything close to the decor she saw in Loney's mansion and even in Danica's room. She also loved the set-up for the unborn baby. It seemed to her that whoever the supposed parent was, was desperately in need of a baby.

"Are you pregnant yet?" She wanted to confirm from Danica herself even though Dr Jeff had already told her otherwise.

"No," Danica confirmed, settling on the bed in excitement.

"I thought so. I continued reading a lot about the process when you left. Artificial insemination is not always easy and most people who conceive ends up in a miscarriage in one way or the other. The chance of success is quite slim, it requires going through the process over and over again."

"I know. That's why we are not using either of those methods." Danica didn't see the need to hide it from Gertrude anymore. She thought it better to share her notions with someone she trusted. However, she regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth, most importantly because she discerned Herty wasn't ready for such information. "Which other means is there unless.. are you sleeping with him?"

"Yes. It used to be once a month but it wasn't working so I proposed we make it four times a week but that was just three days ago so, I'm quite hopeful. I just want it all to end so I can have my life back." "Do you understand that means fornication?" Herty's words were like a sharp sword, stabbing Danica's heart. During youth meetings, they were taught a lot about abstinence till marriage. That was one of the reasons it was quite easy for her to have kept herself even when she was close to Jones. Their relationship was built on a mutual foundation.

However, Danica quickly overcame her stigma, "every sin is sin, Herty, he that breaks one commandment, breaks all. The liar will have the same punishment as a murderer or fornicator. Deeply thinking, you have also lied so we are in the same soup," she looked away feeling a bit remorseful for dragging Herty into this whole thing and making her lie to cover up for her.

Regardless, Herty knew that Danica meant no harm and was trying to justify her actions yet she was also determined to point out what she thought was right. "But when you continue deliberately in sin after the..."

"I know, Herty, don't you think I know that already? What else would you have me do? Where would I get all that money to pay back?" Danica was remorseful and she wasn't trying to hide it anymore. Herty was saddened by Danica's countenance. She cared so much she didn't know how to show it without hurting her friend. "I'm sorry Danica but have you still been reading your Bible?" Danica looked around, trying to recall where she kept her Bible. "I used to when I got here earlier but not any more. I feel vile each time I open it."

Herty chuckled, "you mustn't. God is always closer to the oppressed."

Danica was getting hysterical because she felt Herty could not understand her situation. "But I am not oppressed. He treats me quite well. I never lack anything and he listens when I speak. I don't see him much but the few times I've seen him, he wasn't bad." Danica's lips curled when she thought about Loney, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"But if he is making you do things contrary to the word of God, then what do you call that? I don't think he's a good person. He's just using you," Herty blurted out. Somehow, she feared losing Danica if she continued to be far from her.

"You've also forgotten that he never forced me. He needed a baby and I needed the money. What makes me different from him?"

"I'm sorry Danica, I'm just concerned. Jones thinks Daniella is you. They seem to be in love. He is a very good man and I don't want you to lose him. You have to get out of here Danica. Jones must know the truth."

When Danica figured that all this while, Herty's concern was Jones, she wasn't worried anymore. "It's okay Herty. Jones can have Daniella. I'm not thinking of going back after having the baby." She revealed her plan.

Herty was saddened. The best times she saw Danica was when she was with Jones and she couldn't help seeing them apart. Besides, she feared Jones would feel betrayed when he found out who Daniella was. Everything seemed complicated, "but why?"

"I won't fit in anymore. My dreams have changed. I want to relocate somewhere. Start a new life. Use the money to start a small restaurant, join a new church and start my life afresh. At least, Daniella has a fresh start and Jones is a good man. He doesn't have to know the difference."

Herty was stupefied by Danica's revelation. "Danica, this isn't you. What about the kids?"

"They have Daniella. Didn't you say so? They don't even know that I'm not there."

There was an uncomfortable silence after Danica spoke, then Herty revealed, "I was thinking of asking my parents for help. I would just raise enough money to get you out of here. It's good you aren't pregnant yet. You can still start over."

Surprisingly to Herty, Danica wasn't excited about her intention. "No. I don't want to leave him. He might have all the money and power but when I look at him, I see a lost child. I want him to be happy. I want to bear his child."

Herty was stunned and narrowly disillusioned. She felt her best friend had backslidden and didn't want to get back on her feet. She seemed to have been trapped in the world of immorality. Whatever it was, she blamed it on Loney. "Danica, who is he?"

"His name is Loney. That's all I know about him. How is everybody back there?" Danica tried to escape Herty's judgemental attitude.

"Everyone and everything is fine," Herty said but didn't give Danica the breathing space she needed, instantly going back to the question,

"but this Loney guy, why isn't he married and why does he want a child?"

"I don't know. He doesn't talk much but I like him and he knows Daniella." Danica couldn't keep her mouth shut no matter how she tried. She was just too excited to see Herty and besides, she trusted her secrets were safe.

"You can't be serious."

"I don't know what transpired between them but from the beginning, he thought I was Daniella. When he asked me, I told him that I'm not her but I didn't tell him we were twins." Herty gawked at Danica like she had seen a ghost. "You should tell him the truth, Danica." Herty tried to put herself in Loney's shoes this time.

"How can I tell him the truth? You know Daniella has been a bad nut. The only thing she did successfully in the past was cause trouble. What if she was in trouble or perhaps, owed him some money like she did all those people? I can't take that risk," Danica revealed her apprehension but Herty thought otherwise.

"As your friend, I will tell you the truth. You better tell him everything before he finds out himself."

"No. He will never find out. As soon as I have the child, I will relocate. That way, I'm safe and Daniella is also safe," Danica comforted herself. Regardless, Herty was more prudent this time and said, "Danica, I think you are playing with fire..."00000

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