My Wolf and I

Chapter 3 ✔


“Alright sweetheart, I’m off to my new semester. Wish me luck!” I whispered to a sleeping Cato. “I love you” I kissed him on the forehead before leaving the room, then the apartment.

I decided to just walk to classes today. Seeing as it was the first day of a new semester, I didn’t need to bring my cooking supplies. Plus, walking to school let me clear my mind and prepare for the day. I was about five minutes into my walk when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered without looking at the caller ID.

“Aiden!!!! It’s been so long since we last talked. Don’t you love me anymore?” Luna said loudly from the other side of the phone. Luna was my younger sister, by seven years, our parents adopted her when I was nine and she was two.

“Sorry nerd, I’ve just been busy with school and stuff. I’m sorry but I gotta go, I’m about to walk onto campus and I need to look for my new classes. How about this weekend we get together with the clan and have a game night?”

She sighed sadly but I could hear the grin in her voice when she said “Yes! I’ll call everyone and set it up. Love you!” then she was gone.

I may have lied about being on campus. I just didn’t like talking on the phone or to my siblings, I love them, yes, but they just don’t really understand me. They never really tried to either.

“That’s it for class today, please remember to bring your supplies next class. And be prepared for your first assignment of making a unique desert. I want to pass out of a sugar coma.” The professor said as students began leaving the room.

Time for the last class of the day. Business Management. I thought with giddiness. With this class under my belt, my chances of owning a bakery grew.

I all but sprinted to the class, I was walking so fast I didn’t see the wall of a man before I slammed into him. “Hey! Watch where you’re going! Jesus-” He stopped talking and froze as he looked at me. I checked if I had anything on my face and I looked down at my clothes but there was nothing.

“What?” I asked, the guy was gorgeous. He was taller than me by almost a foot, he had brown hair that was buzzed on the sides but a few inches in length at the top. His jaw was sharp and had a bit of facial hair like he didn’t shave this morning. His eyes were like a dark blue, with a ring of almost black, blue around his pupil.

“You are beautiful. You free Friday night?” he asked placing a hand on the wall next to him to lean over in a ‘cool guy’ pose.

“Thank you but I am taken,” I said with a bit of sass and pushed pasted him to walk into the classroom. I heard him groan softly; the noise made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I quickly sat down in the nearest seat. Mystery man sat on the other side of the room, but it felt like his eyes never left me.

“Alright, class please take your seats. I teach a little differently than others, I like to hand out a lot of projects. For this semester you’ll probably do about five, all of them with the same partners. I will partner you up based on information I’ve obtained from outside sources. You’ll be spending a lot of time together so be sure to get along.” The professor said before picking up a paper from their desk. “For the first project, and yes I’m assigning it now, I’ll partner everyone up and then explain.”

He began reading off names from the paper in his hand, making sure people knew names to faces before moving on. I zoned out until I heard my name. “... You’ll be with Aiden Smith. Aiden, raise your hand.” My hand shot up as I looked around the room, wondering who I would be spending the rest of the semester with.

I looked over to see Mystery man walking over to me with a smirk. “Looks like you’re stuck with me gorgeous.”

“Now class, for this project, you will be making your own business. You can sell anything you like, and no detail is too small. You will present your business in two weeks. Good luck.” The professor said while passing out a paper that had more information. I turned to Mystery man I need to be the bigger person and just work with him. It is just a class, just school. I thought.

“Alright what would you like to sell? I would like to make a bakery seeing as it’s my actual goal in life.” I asked, he looked pleased hearing about my dream.

“A bakery is a great idea; my parents own one in town. I’m supposed to be taking it over when I finish school. Guess this will be good practice.” he smiled; he was very attractive. His brown hair was floofy like it wasn’t brushed this morning, but it looked good and soft. His lips looked soft and kissable. I shook my head and began to respond.

“Alright, so a bakery. Before we go any further you need to stop flirting with me. I have a boyfriend and I am happy with him. I am flattered but please stop.”

He looked sad for a second which made my heart squeeze for some reason. He covered his sadness with a smirk and said, “I’ll stop for now. Need to get a good grade in this class, but don’t miss it too much sugar.” he winked which made me hold back a shiver of delight.

“I won’t miss it at all,” I state hoping he didn’t catch me lying.

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