My Secret Love

Chapter One More Week

Logan texted me this weekend apologizing again for the kiss saying he didn’t know what got into him. I assured him that he didn’t do anything wrong. I hadn’t found my mate yet so he wasn’t trespassing on anybody’s turf. He was more worried about me finding my mate than I was! Little does he know he did the right thing, except the kiss was way too brief for my liking.

I put all my keys on the keychain he gave me and I admired it. My name has the uncommon spelling so to have something personalized is way cool! Monday morning Logan waited for me in the parking lot and started apologizing again while walking with me in the building. I stopped and gave him an eye roll, “just stop right there, we’ve been over this already, no harm no foul, so just get over it!” I lightly slapped him on his broad shoulder and grinned, “but you need to practice up for Friday, you didn’t learn too much from your human girlfriend.”

I took off running to the school with him close behind laughing. He caught up at the door giving me a playful push on my shoulder sending sparks through me, “you are a character, your poor mate better be on his toes!” I smile secretively with my back to him, “Yes but he will love every minute! See you at lunch.” I called over my shoulder on the way to home room.

The day moves rapidly from there and soon the it was over. I enjoy every minute I get to spend with my mate except for the fact I can’t tell him! The mate pull makes me want to be physically near him all of the time. Just to hold hands, or have his arms around me or kiss me would really calm me and my wolf down but I hang in there and just joke around and yes, I admit it, I am flirting with him!

My family knows who my mate is and have promised not to tell. They are trying to help me out by inviting Logan and his family over for dinner and game night. I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse with him being so close but not knowing.

Mom made her famous lasagna and I made a huge salad and garlic bread. As soon as Logan and his parents came over we ate in the large dining room. Logan sat beside me and every time he brushed against me it was like being shocked with static electricity. I had to bite my lip to keep from flinching.

We played scrabble and Logan kept looking at my tiles, the brat, so I started spelling out cheat and brat; you know words pertaining to him! His parents laughed! They brought up his birthday on Friday, they are debating having a big party or not. Of course, since I had mine and no mate they are hesitant to throw him one. My parents looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces but bless them, they kept quiet.

I excused myself and walked out on the deck for some air. Several minutes later Logan followed me. “I’m sorry if they hurt your feelings with their comments,” he said softly while gazing into my eyes. “No they didn’t, its just hard waiting.” I sighed. “I don’t know if I really want a birthday party, he said, if I find my mate I think I would like to just go away with her for the weekend to the summer cabin and let the bond happen. You know, just let us get used to each other as mates.” I smile, “Logan that sounds like a good idea, kind of romantic, didn’t know you had it in you,” as I teasingly poke him in the ribs.

Logan's parents came hunting for him shortly afterwards and we said our goodbyes until tomorrow. I get ready for bed, hoping what my gut was telling me is true and he is mine. It would be great to spend some alone time with him. If destined to be, a lifetime, which is scary to me right now at 18! I curl into a ball in the middle of my bed and finally fall asleep.

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