My Secret Love

Chapter Happy Couple?

The next week started slow and I found my groove coming back. I just tolerated and adjusted on the outside. On the inside I pulled it in and tamped it down and ran in wolf form almost every evening to keep me calm.

School became a routine of classes and homework for most of the week. Friday turned out to be the day that broke the mold. It started out the same way as all the others. I was running late to get to lunch and was at my locker so I got a ring side seat for some of the drama. Logan stormed past me with a totally pissed off look on his face. Kim was following, she had tears running down her face and she kept repeating "I'm sorry, it didn't mean anything!" He just yelled "we're through!" and stormed past her, his eyes were glowing and he was close to shifting. He stormed out the door and I saw him leave in his truck.

I heard through the grapevine she was cheating on him and he found out about it. Dumb girl, if I had him I would hold onto him with everything I have in me! Even though this happened I couldn't be happy about it. He is going to be in pain and she is not worth it! I hope they don't get back together. I guess time will tell.

The rest of the school day passes slowly with me being distracted and inattentive even to Min and Tori. Min, of course, heard the gossip and was outraged that Kim treated Logan that way but also happy for me. She was encouraging me to call him but I feel that now is not the time. He is hurting too bad. I'm all too familiar with how he is feeling.

One of Logan's friends, Mike, encouraged me to use the weight bench and he spotted me. He looked at me with sympathy. He told me when we were alone that he had noticed how I look at Logan and said that his brother went through the same thing when he met his mate. I swore him to secrecy of course, I don't want Logan to know right now or worse, the whole school!

I met Tori at the exit after school and we walked to the car. She hadn't heard the rumors since she is in a different grade. I told her what I had witnessed myself and what the gossips said Kim had done. Logan has a reputation for being a good person and a strong wolf so Kim is automatically shunned for the skanky person she proved herself to be.

We ride around for a while before heading home just talking about what happened and speculating on what Logan is feeling. Neither Mom or Dad is home right now. Dad will be home tomorrow and Mom is back at the hospital for a 36 hour shift. I got turned off being a doctor years back by witnessing Mom's exhaustion and stress from her job.

I look in the fridge and tell Tori, "well it looks like leftover chili for supper." "Works for me," chirped Tori. We ate and she cleaned up. The rest of the evening I helped Tori with her math homework and we stayed up late watching a movie. I fell asleep most of the way through it so I hauled my tired carcass upstairs and crawled in bed.

The weekend passed slowly. I worried constantly about Logan but am too chicken to call him and ask how he is. He will be 18 a week after me. I hope he has an happy ending even if it isn't with me. He deserves it for being such a good guy.

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