My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 8 – Recovering

Enzo's POV

Was she about to tell me she was a Volana wolf?

No. It wasn't possible.

Volana wolves were said to be the most powerful creatures in the universe. Lila might have been talented, but she certainly wasn't powerful.

But still, the girl was undeniably strange. But what's most strange is how captivating she is.

Lila wiggled uncomfortably in her bed; I found myself wanting to take care of her. I adjusted her blanket to cover her entire body and fixed her pillow.

If she was really a Volana wolf, could she use her powers to manipulate my wolf?

"Don't say such cruel things about our mate,” Max whined.

“If she is our mate, it would be better if I just reject her,” I say to him in return, much to his dismay. “It'll be better for her too..."

I thought of my mother and how she remained in that horrid town. They were rogues, living under no leadership. Most of them were too afraid to return to the kingdom, my mother included. My father's followers still lurked in our lands, even as Bastien took charge to protect the kingdom with some of the other Alphas.

The problem was nobody was going to be as powerful as my father.

Nobody except for his offspring.

Protecting this kingdom, and protecting those my father had hurt, was up to me. Having a mate would only be a distraction.

The innocence and vulnerability in Lila's eyes after our kiss proved that I couldn't possibly give myself to her. If she knew we were mates, it would only cause her disappointment. I would only break her heart.

There was a knock on her door, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Come in."

The door opened slightly, and I saw a blonde head of hair popping in, making me smile. Another blonde head of hair, but shorter in length, popped in second.

The twins; my 14-year-old brother and sister. Corinne and Flynn.

“Mom wanted us to check on you and bring you this soup,” Corinne says, walking toward me with a bow! of soup. It smelled like chicken noodles, my favorite.

"And I brought you some tea,” Flynn says with a mug of tea. “With a dash of milk; just how you like iE"

I smiled at both.

Flynn is training to become the next Alpha. Corinne always wanted to be a gamma. She already started her training, and she is pretty good. Before I left for college, I would often train with her as well. She was a good opponent and learned quickly.

“Thank you,” I say to them.

They both crawl onto each side of my bed, tucking themselves under the covers.

"Who do you think tried to poison you?” Corinne asked.

“I'm not sure,” I lied. “Whoever they are, I'm sure they are long gone.”

“I hope so..." she said, sounding a bit worried. I wrap an arm around each of them and hug them close to me. “It would have sucked if you died.”

This made me laugh.

“Yeah... I'm glad you didn't die,” Flynn agreed, peering up at me. “I would have killed whoever did this if you did..."

“I don't think I would have died that easily. But let's be thankful it didn't come to that,” I say to them.

My mom opened my door, peering at the twins with a deepened frown. Folding her arms across her chest, she said, “I thought I told you to drop off soup and tea and then let her rest. Not crawl into bed with her and bother her.”

Both the twins groaned as they slid out of my bed.

“Sorry mom,” they both said in unison.

Even when my mother acted stern, I could still see the humor in her eyes. In this case, she couldn't even keep the smile off her face. She watched as they left my room

"Eat up and get then get some rest,” she ordered, giving me a knowing smile.

“Yes, mom,” I said as she left my room.

2 days later

I had to miss 2 days of classes. It was going to take forever to catch up on everything. Thankfully, Rachel, my dormmate, was able to gather my homework and take some extra notes in our shared classes.

As much as I loved being with my family, I couldn't wait to get back to school. I already had my things packed and ready to depart. It was going to take an hour to drive to Higala; I wasn't looking forward to that.

My father had said yesterday that I needed to be extra careful when I return to school in case the person who poisoned me was there. They couldn't uncover any fingerprints, there were no witnesses, and there was no DNA that proved Scott and Sara had anything to do with this.

“I don't feel comfortable with you taking your car back. Whoever tried to poison you could have done something to your car too. I'm going to take it apart and examine it thoroughly before you drive it."

"How am I going to get back to school?”

“Alpha Enzo is on his way. He's going to drive you."

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