My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Nine


I had heard my Wolf clear, but the words still felt unreal to me. It didn't make any sense, but at the same time, it made perfect sense.

I had been taken minutes before I was announced as Gabriel's Luna, only to end up in the place that I had yearned to be in for years; with my mate. Except, that person was none other than Alpha Alexander, Pale Moon's exact enemy.

The person that Gabriel had demonstrated his anger because of many times. The one person who had brought hell to my pack. I wanted to feel happy, but I was sad and confused at the lives lost because of Alexander, because of my mate.

At the same time, it made perfect sense because of how pulled and attractive I felt towards him. But the hopes and dreams that I had fantasied about my mate in my head, suddenly felt empty. Was it wrong to want a mate that did not come with the drama?

My Wolf snarled in frustration, but I ignored her. She hadn't seen what I had in the two years that I had been in the pack house.

"Here," Alexander's voice brought me out of my trance. "You look like you have seen a ghost."

I glanced down at the glass of water in his hand, but made no attempt to take it from him. He had killed many wolves, and now I was here with him, acting like his past did not matter.

"I'm assuming by your reaction that you know we are mates," Alexander commented, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly.

The smirk on his face angered me, but also excited my Wolf.

"I'm going home," I declared, ignoring him.

"You are home," he growled. "This is your home now, where you belong."

"I don't know you," I cried. "How is this my home?"

A line appeared between his eyebrows and he studied me with hard eyes.

Carefully, he placed the glass of water down by the coffee table. "I thought you were being difficult because you didn't know that we are mates."

At the mention of mates, my Wolf purred in ecstasy. I wanted to hate Alexander, but I knew deep down that I could never. The sadness that I felt made me want to leave.

"I don't want to be here," I said, my voice stern.

"You are mine," he bellowed, his voice filled with authority. "You're not rejecting me."

I glared at him. "You're not taking me by force," I retorted.

"You belong to me," he snarled.

"I belong to no one!"

"Is this because of Gabriel?"

"This is because of me and what I want!"

He scoffed. "We both know what you really want and that is to be here with me, your mate."

My brows scrunched up at his words. He was right. I wanted to be near him, because of my Wolf's pull toward his. It angered me. I couldn't be with the enemy, could I?

"We're enemies," I reminded him, waiting for his reaction.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Your pack is my enemy, you're not."

I rolled my eyes. "In case you have forgotten, I belong in that pack."

He growled. "Not anymore. You're my Luna, you belong here."

"It's better if I leave before it causes more problems for both packs," I said, sadly, my voice hardly above a whisper.

I knew he could hear me, so there was no need to exert myself by speaking louder. If Gabriel had sent out a search warrant, a feud was guaranteed between the packs.

He would be trespassing and it would lead to more unnecessary deaths, the precise opposite of what I needed right now.

"I am not going to let Gabriel take you away from me," Alexander snarled, making me lift my head to meet his gaze.

Something flashed in his eyes. The swirling blue specs in his eyes mesmerised me, making me almost completely submit to him. I snapped myself out of it before he could hypnotise me.

"I don't want a war," I whimpered, honestly, hoping that as my mate, Alexander would understand.

"I cannot guarantee you that. If that loser trespasses and threatens my pack, I will do everything in my power to protect my people, to protect you."

His words caused me to frown. Meanwhile, I understood the urge to protect his pack, I didn't understand why he felt the need to protect me. I wasn't in danger. I just wanted to leave before Gabriel could locate me.

"I'm leaving," I repeated, once again.

"Do not make me keep you here by force," Alexander warned.

I gaped at him. "You wouldn't dare."

"If that is what I have to do to keep you by my side, then I will. Do not make this harder than it already is."

I laughed humourlessly. Instead of responding to him, I strutted toward the door leading out to where the trio had left through.

Before I could reach the door, his strong arm brought me to a halt, sending electrical shocks to radiate throughout my body.

My eyes shut tight at how good it felt to have him near, but at the same time. I couldn't help but remember the innocent lives that had been murdered at the cost of him.

Growling, I snatched my arm away from him. It caught him by surprise, but he didn't budge. My back was against his chest, I could feel his breath fan my hair.

"You will not stop me if I want to leave," I dared to say, trying to keep my voice levelled, but struggling.

Alexander didn't respond, instead I felt him snake his arm around my waist and turn me in his arms.

Before I could hit my back on the door from the impact, he steadied me. I didn't want to look up at him, frankly, I needed to get out of his grip, but I found myself not moving. He had me cornered and pushed up against the door.

"You don't want this?" he mumbled, his voice low and husky.

My breathing hitched at how deep his voice was as a mere whisper, it sent a weird feeling down my spine. I gulped loudly as he lowered his head to be levelled with mine.

At first, I thought he was going to kiss me again, so I tilted my head to the side. But Alexander surprised me when he nestled his head in my neck. It drove my Wolf insane, and I could feel my heart race frantically.

"You don't want me?" he murmured, his breath fanning my ear, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise.

I wanted him. I wanted this. But at the same time, I didn't. He made it hard for me to think clearly. He was my mate, but I felt torn.

I wasn't sure how to feel knowing about his past. I wanted him but the thought of how selfish that made me, made me hesitant.

Finally coming to my senses, I pushed at his chest. My actions hardly made any difference, but it made Alexander pull away his head from my neck and stand up straight. His brows snapped together but he didn't say anything and waited for me to speak.

"I need to return back to my pack," I told him, my eyes boring in to his.

"You don't belong there," he argued but his voice was low.

He was right, I didn't. But he didn't need to know about my plans. I wasn't ever going to return to Pale Moon.

"I don't belong here either," I replied, desperately.

Once again, he pushed me up against the door, this time more roughly. His hold on me was so tight that I couldn't move as much as a muscle.

"I have told you, you belong where I am. And that is here in my pack, our pack."

Avoiding his gaze, I forced my attention on the black shirt that he was wearing.

Every plan that I had made in my head suddenly slipped away. I found myself in a daze, once again. His scent was luring me in to his embrace, and his Wolf pulled mine closer.

"I can't be with you," I honestly whispered against his chest, feeling my waterworks starting.

I wasn't a cryer, and I definitely was not going to cry right now. But finding my mate only to realise he was the enemy, it made me feel emotional.

Being caught between two Alpha's and their feud was possibly the worst thing that could happen to me on top of all the bad things that had happened. I shook the emotions away, not wanting to portray my vulnerability to the enemy.

"Is it because of him?"

I looked up to meet his concerned eyes. "Because of who?"

"Gabriel, your other mate."

His words confused me but I didn't have time to ponder on it before he spoke again.

"So it is," Alexander spoke, dropping his hands.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped out of his embrace and walked to stand by his desk. "It's not because of him. He isn't my ma-"

"What other reason is there?" Alexander interjected, cutting me off, his voice angry.

I wanted to shout at him, to scream. He spoke to me like I was his lost property. The frustration was slowly eating me up. He was so attractive it angered me. He could have at least been less attractive.

When I felt his arms around me again and the electrical currents fired inside of me, I snapped back to reality.

"Lyra?" he murmured, his lips on my temple, his voice a lot calmer.

He was incredibly close and I could feel his heart beat in his chest since my back was pressed to him hard. Hearing him say my name made me weak in his arms.

As hard as I tried to deny him, I couldn't resist his touch. I closed my eyes tight and enjoyed the feeling that radiated through me, before I mustered enough courage to say my next words.

"I can't be with you, not like this."

The words pained me. My Wolf wanted to dominate and prove the Alpha otherwise, but I suppressed her. Her infatuation was not going to cloud my judgement.

At my words, Alexander loosened his arms around me and made me turn to glance up at him. His eyes were dark and hard.

"Have I done something to upset you?" he asked, concerned.

"You killed so many innocent people," I whimpered, my eyes watering on their own accord.

Alexander's forehead creased, he seemed displeased but he didn't say anything else. He studied me for a moment, and I could feel the pull between us get stronger, but then he pulled away and turned to face the window in his office.

His hand covered his mouth, I wasn't sure why, but he appeared almost stunned. At last, he turned to face me again.

"I have business to take care of. I will send Zynthéa to show you to a room. You should rest, we can talk later," he declared, his voice stern and hard.

His demeanour had completely changed. He seemed colder. I sniffled, wiping away at my wet lashes.

But Alexander didn't spare me another glance before he was out of the door, leaving me alone in his office.

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