My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 11

I woke with a pounding headache. Looking around, I was back in the bedroom in Elias' house. I stretched my limbs to feel a dull pain in my shoulder. I touched it to find that it was bandaged. I was bitten.

The wolves.

Elias... Mason.

The book...

I almost forgot all about that book. It made sense, why he wanted me to read it, but I didn't understand. Werewolves didn't exist. It wasn't possible.

She's my mate...

Elias' words echoed in my head. He must have been the one who bit me. According to the book, he marked me. I felt a rush of tears flow down my cheeks. I normally wasn't this emotional. I covered my mouth with my hand to try and stop my sobs but I couldn't. The door creaked open and Elias walked in looking like a dog with his tail between his legs.

"Nova," he said unsurely.

"S-Stay away from me," I stammered. I was being pulled to Elias more than before, but I was scared.

I was scared of him.

"Nova, if you would just listen," he tried again.

"You kidnapped me and kept me here against my will. The least you could've done was tell me the truth. Y-You're a monster. You were going to kill Mason," I said. He sighed and stayed close to the door.

"He was going to take you from me," he tried to defend himself.

"I asked him to! You kidnapped me, or did we forget that part?" I snapped back. We both took a breath.

"You're my mate... I'd do anything to protect you and I would never hurt you," he promised. He looked so hurt. I felt bad for being the cause of that. I was so conflicted. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away from him.

"I never asked for this. I never asked for any of this, and if that book was true, I can't be Luna. I can't be in charge of an entire town of werewolves. All I know about werewolves is what I read in that book. A-And it can't be real. It's just not!" I rambled. I was losing my mind; that was the only explanation. None of this was real. Any moment now I would wake up at home in my bed with my dad and my brother.

"Nova, it's real. What you saw yesterday was real. I'm a werewolf. I'm the Alpha of Rigor Moon. Hell, the whole town is made up of werewolves. Well, there are some human mates, but the majority is Lycan. You are my mate. You are meant for me and I am meant for you. You are my everything and you are the future Luna. You belong here, with me. No one is fucking taking you away from me. Do you not understand that? I will kill anyone who tries," he yelled. I flinched and watched him work into a rage. I wanted to comfort him for some God-knows-why reason, but I was also terrified of him.

"Please leave me alone," I whispered. He only growled in response before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Pull another stunt like that again and the people you love will start dying... I guarantee it. There was a reason I didn't want you to see your family, but you didn't want to listen. I will die before someone takes you away from me, know that," he said before he left the room, slamming the door behind him. I released a shay breath before the sobs began racking my body again. What was I supposed to do? I knew Elias wasn't bluffing about killing my family. I wanted to get out of here, but my gut was telling me that I wouldn't be able to leave Elias. I couldn't. I was irreversibly stuck and I knew it. Beast or no beast, I had feelings for him. I didn't want to, but I knew I did. This was going to be a problem.


I spent the day in my room under the covers. I guess you could say I was sulking. There was a light knock on the door a bit later and Taylor walked in with a tray. I kept my eyes down as he brought the tray to the bedside.

"I'm not hungry," I whispered. I felt tired and defeated. I knew that Taylor was a werewolf too, but I couldn't bring myself to be scared of him. He was more of a big teddy bear. Plus, I didn't see him shift.

"What so now you're not going to eat?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. He sighed and set the food on the bedside table.

"Are you afraid of us?" Taylor asked. I hesitated before I shook my head.

"I'm not scared of you at all... but I'm terrified of Elias and I don't get it. I'm weirdly attracted to him but I don't want to be. I just want to go home," I said, my tears blurring my eyes once again. Taylor sighed.

"Nova... I don't know what to tell you. Elias was... he's not normally as nice as he's been lately. You brought that out of him. You make him good, but you pushed him too far, Nova. He loves you, and that's all he wants to do is love you. The guy doesn't know how to love you in a sense that won't scare you off. He tried his best and you just kept pushing. So now we're here," he tried to explain.

"I don't want to be here," I whispered even quieter. Taylor sighed before he left. I didn't eat the food.


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