My Love Until the Last Goodbye (Mary and Maximus)

Chapter Gud Wife 583

Chapter 0583 Chapter


"Alright... But will you come back?" Laura asked, looking up at him with wide, pleading eyes.

Maximus smiled. "Of course. I'll just check on your brothers and be right back. Later, Alden's coming over-1 need to go over something with him. When he gets here, I'll step into the study for a bit, okay?" "Okay..."

"Good. I'll be back soon!

Maximus left the room feeling drained. He hadn't eaten anything the day before, and his stomach was still churning from the alcohol and the scare with Laura. The acid reflux was unbearable, so he took

something for it and headed to the kitchen, where the aroma of pancakes filled the air. Without hesitation, he grabbed one and started eating.

"Seeing is believing," Matthew remarked, stepping away from the fridge.

"I didn't eat anything yesterday. Then Laura got sick, and only just got back," Maximus said, his face weary.

"Being a parent isn't easy. Have you finally gained some appreciation for stay-at-home moms?" Matthew said with a serious expression.

"I've always had respect for them. I don't know how my mother managed it all, especially living the life she did. with the man who dared to call himself my father," Maximus replied firmly.

"She handled that and more, and you've inherited her strength. Don't let it falter now. I've already sent the kids to school with the driver. Sit down and eat something," Matthew said, gesturing to a stool by the kitchen counter.

"I need to check on Laura..." Maximus said, starting to leave the kitchen.

"Maximus, you need to eat, take a shower, and rest. If you get sick and end up bedridden, how will you help your kids? For now, I'll make sure Laura eats and take care of the kids. But you should seriously consider hiring a nanny," Matthew said calmly.

"We don't need a nanny! My kids are old enough-well, except for Maurice-but we don't need a stranger in the house," Maximus replied sharply.

"Laura is pregnant, you have work to handle, and it's your children who will end up suffering. But if you're so against a nanny, I have another suggestion," Matthew said with a mischievous grin.

"What suggestion?" Maximus asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Find yourself a wife," Matthew said, smiling wider.

"Not a chance! I just lost my wife. I have no intention of getting into that mess again."

"Not even with Diana Mendez?" Matthew asked curiously.

"Diana is in Hesperia, and that's where she should stay. If she saw the disaster my life is right now, she'd run for the hills. Besides, how could I marry someone just to give my kids a mother-someone who's the same age as their older sister?" Maximus said, his tone serious.

"That's not what you used to say!"

"That chapter of my life is closed."

"Well, I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to visit her."

"Are you kidding? Do you see the state of my life? I can't-and shouldn't-travel to Hesperia just to see her and

Chapter 0503

ask her to become my kids' mother."

"So... you're saying you're considering it?"


"Well, just so you know, I heard she's back in Valentia. Apparently, the company she works for opened a branch here, and she's going to be the CEO."

Hearing this, Maximus froze mid-sip of his coffee. A sharp pang hit his chest, accompanied by a flood of memories.

"What did you just say?"

"Diana Mendez is in Valentia. Don't forget-you asked us to keep an eye on her. As soon as it was announced that she'd been proposed for the position, I was informed."

"Wow. You've left me speechless..."

"I can see that.'

"But my life is a complete mess right now. She should focus on her new role. I can't just show up and disrupt her life with my problems.

"I just thought you'd appreciate some good news amid all the chaos you're dealing with-or have been dragged, into. By the way, have you spoken to Alden?"

"No! Thanks for reminding me. I'll call him now..."

Maximus pulled out his phone and searched for Alden's contact. It didn't take long for the call to connect. "Hello, Maximus."

"Hi, Alden. How are you? Where are you?"

"I just dropped my son off at school. I'm heading to the office next."

"That's what I need to talk to you about."

"Is something wrong?

"I think it would be best if you came to my house so we can discuss it. This isn't something we can talk about over the phone."

"Alright. Let me drop Ethan off at school, and I'll head over"

"Okay, I'll see you here. Hey... where's your father?"

"He flew to Slovenia last night, and from what I can tell, he doesn't plan to come back anytime soon. I've

had to handle Ethan by myself this morning. My son is so used to him that it's been a rough start."

"I see. Does he still have the same phone number?"

"Yes, he rarely changes it.

"Good. I'll call him later. I'll see you

as soon as you get here!"

"Alright, I'll be there shortly."

Chapter 0584

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