Chapter 0868
Chapter 0868
"I can guarantee fil"
"Come on, let's go get the ultrasound pictures, Plus, we need to see if the doctor has any more recommendations for us."
"Yeah, let's go..."
Peter felt like he was on cloud nine. In just over three months, he would be a father again-a father to two beautiful girls, two little warriors, two babies who had held on to life despite the odds.
A few minutes later, after getting a list of medications Celeste needed, the couple left the hospital, still in disbelief over what they had just learned.
"Celeste, have you thought of any names?" Peter asked, a little nervous.
"Mmm... I had a lot of free time, so I came up with a few. But I'm not sure what you think."
"Which ones?"
"I like Flora, Isabella, or Marina. Those are my favorites. But to be honest..."
"Yes? Tell me..."
"Could we name one of them Martina? That was my mother's name, and I'd love for one of our daughters to have it."
Celeste smiled softly.
"I don't think that would be a problem. Actually, my mother's name was Flora. I think life has given us the perfect opportunity to name our daughters after our mothers."
"It's settled, then! We have our daughters' names. Hey, what names had you thought of if they had been boys?" "Mmm... I didn't have to think too hard. I knew one of them would be Peter, and the other... I was thinking of naming him after my father."
"Really? You thought about giving one of the babies my name?"
"Yes. I mean, I didn't know how this would all turn out, so considered different combinations. But your name was non-negotiable. If they had both been boys, one would have been Peter and the other Alexander. My father's name was Alexander, and I've always liked it. What do you think?"
"Mmm... I think it's a good thing they're girls."
"I like girls better. We already have enough men in the house. Don't you think? Now we just have to see what Alden's baby will be."
"Well, judging by what I've seen and what I believe, it's probably going to be a girl."
"How do you know that?"
"The shape of the belly."
"Is that even a real thing?"
"Of course!"
After a long car ride, Peter and Coleste arrived in Westhaven. Alden let out a sigh of relief when he saw his father return. He had been
working in the living room, while net
Serenity sat beside him, uploading pictures to her website. Ethan had fallen asleep next to her something that had been happening more often since Serenity's pregnancy
had become more obvious.
As soon as they walked in, Alden got up and went to see his father and Celeste.
"Dad, how did it go? What did the doctor say?"
"Everything's fine, Alden. He said it's normal. The more time I spend with the people from my past, the more my memories will come back in pieces. It'll be fine as long as I don't start getting headaches. There's
only a small chance of that c
happening, but he couldn't rule it out completely."
“Well, we'll have to keep an eye on you," Alden said, placing a hand on his father's shoulder.
Peter looked at him and smiled. Theodore had been right-e and Katherine had done a great job raising their son. If someone had told them at 25 that they'd be parents to such a great kid, they probably would have responded with nothing but sarcastic laughter.
"How did it go with the gynecologist?" Serenity asked with a smile.
"Great, everything's going really well," Celeste answered, beaming.
Peter and Celeste exchanged a look. Alden and Serenity didn't understand the
silent message between them, so they asked,
"What's going on?" Serenity looked between them curiously.
"We found out what the babies are!" Celeste said excitedly
"Girls! The babies are girls!" Peter blurted out before Celeste could answer.
"Girls?!" Serenity and Alden shouted in surprise.
"Yes! Why?"
"We actually went to our own appointment yesterday and found out the gender of
our baby," Serenity said, excited.
"Oh, really?" Peter said, intrigued.
"Yes, Dad... Our baby is going to be... a girl!"
"That's right! A girl! We wanted to tell you yesterday, but since you didn't come home, we had to wait until now to share the news."
"Wow! Not only is this family growing, but it's filling up with girls!" Peter said, his wide smile showing just how thrilled he was. "By the way, where's Theodore?"
"He flew to the UAE. He only stopped by the hospital to see you, and then he left again. It surprised me he didn't have to leave so soon, but he seemed in a hurry. He took the jet and left immediately."
Wow. Last time we talked, he said things were going well over there. I don't know why he didn't stay longer."
"You know Theodore-he loves the Emirates. He always said that if they bought the refinery, he'd want to live there," Alden said casually.