My Little Dancer

Chapter 20: Party at Devils

It was Psycho's weekend to have Angel. Revenge picked Angel up and looked at Tara. She has grown hard. Her eyes are like ice. She is not soft anymore. I knew she was hurting and so full of hate.

"Psycho wants me to ask you again if you won't write with club to Strugis?"

"No, and I am not going to keep saying it. Tell Psycho to take his whore with me. After all if I had not cut her she would be riding behind me instead of me."

"I want nothing to do with him. What we had is over the same as our once friendship. He proved he was not different then the rest of them. I plan on having a really good time and that does not include him."

"So tell him not to send someone else to aske me. The answer will always be no. We have a daughter to share. That is all. There will be nothing else ever again."

"I don't want or need him. Reminded him he lost what he had. He doesn't get a second chance. I am not fool."

"Fool me once but you won't fool me again. I am no whore. I won't spread my legs for him ever again. What's the matter, the whores in the club to scared to fuck him?"

"Tell them they safe. Fuck him all they want. I don't care. Now, you best get Angel to Psycho. Goodbye, Revenge."

I locked the door after he walked out. I walked to the bedroom and took a shower. I put on sexy clothes. I want everyone of those bastards want me but knowing they will never have me.

It is my turn to make fools of them now. And make Psycho angry that other Presidents and VP's want me as much as he does.

I plan on dancing again. I loved to dance. I have not danced but at Devil's clubhouse. I got out of the shower, dressed and put makeup on. I grabbed a later jacket and walked out of my bedroom turning the light off.

I walked down the hallway to the door leading to the garage. I opened the door walked out and sat down on my bike. I started it and waited for the garage door to open.

I drove out of the garage and closed the door driving my bike onto the road. Soon I was parking my bike in Devil's compound. I turned it off and stood up.

I walked to the steps and walked up onto the porch. I walked inside and looked around. I saw Beth and walked over to her and sat on a chair next to her.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. So, Tara a rumor is going around that you are going to ride with my Mc to Sturgis."

"I keep telling everyone that so they will stop thinking I am riding with Psycho's Mc. He keeps sending men to ask me if I will ride with the club."

"It looks like Psycho is not going to stop. Don't worry, I am not riding with your club. I am not a member I know I can't ride with your Mc."

"I didn't say that. I never said you couldn't ride with us. Who are you riding with?"

"Me, myself, and I."

"You are riding by yourself. Tara, you won't be safe. You know that."

"Psycho should have thought about that before he decided to divorce me. He is not responsible for me anymore."

"Don't worry about me, Devil. It won't be the first time I have ridden by myself. I am sure it won't be the last. Besides, I could ride with my uncle's club. But I probably won't."

I looked over at my VP in shock. Shurly she won't ride to Sturgis alone I thought. I looked over at Devil. He just ruined my night. I will see you all later. Most likly at Sturgis.

I stood up and walked across the room and out the door. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I sat down on my bike and started it. I rode past some of his members and onto the road.

Of course, he can't let me ride with him. I hoped he would. He is not my friend. I rode home and parked my bike in the garage. I shut the garage door. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the six pack that was in the refrigerator.

I walked out the back door and over to the fire pit. I sat the beer on the ground by a lawn chair. Then I lit the wood and sat down. I opened a beer and stared at the fire.

I feel so fucking lonely now. I was once happy. That son of a bitch tore that happiness from me. I felt the tears flow down my face. It is starting to feel a if I am not wanted all over again.

I think it is best that I stay away from all of them. I called Sam. "Hey, Sam I want you to know that from now on for the time being I will not be going to the shop. "

"I will be working from home. It is for the best that I not be around the bikers. I will e-mail you any new tattoo designs I get completed."

"Tara, are you alright? You don't sound as if you are."

"Don't worry about me. I am fine. Just fine."

I hung the phone up. I finished my six pack and walked into the house. I pushed the button to close the steal shutters and threw the empty bottles in the trash.

I walked over and made a post of coffee and then filled my cup. I walked into the office and sat down turning my computer on. I grabbed my colored pencils and art pad and started drawing some new designs for tattoo's.

I finished 25 of them before I looked up to see it was 2 am. I finished the last one and scanned them into my computer. I then e-mailed them to Sam.

I turned the computer off before standing up and streatching. I turned the light off on my desk and walked out of my office closing my door.

I walked to the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee then turned the pot off. I walked into the livingroom and sat down on a chair. I drank my coffee thinking of how I put Devil in a bad spot.

He let me know wthout telling me that I could not ride with his club. Back at his clubhouse Beth looked at her brother. "Why did you do that Devil?"

"Do what?"

"Tell her without telling her she could not ride to Sturgis with us? You runied her coming to see me now. You made her feel as if she was not wanted here. Now she will never come back here."

"I didn't meant to."

"You are just like the rest of them. You never mean to push her away. But all of you do. She has never done anything wrong, Devil. She won't come back because she won't stay where she is not wanted."

"You took my best friend from me."

I stood up and walked toward the hallway. I called Tara's phone. I looked at my phone and declined the call. I am sorry, Beth. We can no longer be friends. You are Devils sister.

I looked at my phone as it hung up. I knew it. She is now not taking my phone calls. Thanks to Devil. I know what she is thinking. Devil doesn't want her to ride with the club. Therefore, he doesn't want her at his clubhouse.

I am not welcome in her life anymore because I am Devils sister. I received the cold shoulder once 10 years ago in college. I never wanted to see that look again. Looks like I will. I will also not be welcome at her house.

I feel like I had just been thrown out to the trash. I continued to call Tara all night. She refused to answer her phone.

"I called Sara and asked if she had heard from or seen Tara. She told me no. I told her what happen and Sara sighed. Beth, you can thank your brother for what is about to happen. "

"Looks like the old Tara is back. She has thrown Donna and me out with the bath water. She will not set with us at Stergis or talk to us. She is going to whip us out of her life."

I stood up and walked to my bedroom. I pulled out joint out of the night stand and lit it. I then lay on the bed and watched a movie until I feel asleep.

I woke up to pounding on my front door. "Tara, I know you are in there. Open this fucking door or I will kick it down.

I laughed as he couldn't kick it down. I walked to the kitchen ignoring Devil and some of his members. Then I heard one start laughing.

"She is one smart cookie. No one is getting inside that house unless she want to let them in. She has steal shutters over the windows, and I bet she has them over the doors as well."

I felt like shit making her think she could not ride with us. I want to fix that. "You are not going to fix it, Devil. She will not listen to you and she sure as hell won't believe you."

"Psycho hurt her. He ripped any love she had for anyone but her friends and Angel from her. When you didn't tell her she could ride with us she lost Beth."

"Why would she not talk to Beth?"

"Because you are her brother. She lives at the clubhouse."

"She already lost Sara and Donna. They are claimed but Revenge and Renegade."

"She has no one but Angel now."

"Hell, Sam said she called her and told her she won't be going to her shop anymore. That she will be working from home."

"She is depressed and she has withdrawn from all of us. God only knows what she will do in that condition. She could harm herself and we can't get to her."

I had ordered her house to be watched. They report back she has not opened the shutters and she has not left the house. It has been three weeks now. We leave for Sturgis in one week.

I walked out to the garage and attached the small trailer to my bike. I put my suitcase inside of it along with my outfist for dancing. I was leaving for Sturgis tonight. I would be stopping to get some sleep after I have been on the road for 5 hours.

I walked back inside and smoked a joint after I set my alarm for 5 pm. I lay down and fell asleep. I slept for five hours. I woke to the alarm. I got up dressed and walked out to the garage.

I started my bike rode out of the garage shutting the door behind me. I rode out onto the street. I did not see the prospect watching me.

Son of a bitch. Devil is not going to like this. She is leaving one week early. I sat on my bike and started it. I drove to the clubhouse. I walked inside and over to Devil.

"She left the house, Devil. She is headed to Sturgis a week early."

"She told you she would drive by herself. No one seems to believe her. They better start."

I looked over at Beth. "She left for Sturgis didn't she?"

"Apparently so."

"This is all your fault and Psycho's. You don't know her like, Sara, me, and Donna do. She told us she won't go through this shit again. This is the last and final time."

"What about Angel?"

"What about her?"

"She would not do anything stupid and leave Angel without her."

"You just don't get it do you?"

"She doesn't do anything without thinking it over first. She will leave Angel well off. But that is not the point."

"Now she not only does not trust you, this club or Psycho's. She no longer trust me, Sara, or Donna."

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