My Little Dancer

Chapter 13: The Days Are Getting Colder

The months have passed by and the days getting colder. Soon the members will be driving their trucks and cars and the bikes will be stored in the building out back.

It will start to get quiet in the clubhouse as the parties will be once or twice a month. Families will be spending more time together and Psycho, Revenge, and Renegade will start having more meetings and planning the events that will take place with summer rolls back around.

And of course, come summer more Valkyries will become pregnant, and even some of the single member's girlfriends. That is if they stay with them.

I was with Sara, Donna, and two Valkarie, Kendra, and Dakota at a table in the front corner of the clubhouse. We were sewing baby quilts for one of the Valeria that was new and is expecting a baby boy.

Her name is Mary, she is 21 years old and knows no one here and she was raised in foster care. We have become her family. We want to make sure she feels welcome here and receives these beautiful gifts of quilts.

We have made 6 of them so far. The next thing we plan on doing is going shopping to buy a portable crib, a car seat with a stroller, and clothes for the baby shower.

Mary is 5 months pregnant right now and we will throw a baby shower the month before she is due. The invitations have gone out to every Valkarie and Mary's two friends. So right now between Christmas Shopping and getting ready for Mary's baby shower, it is now December 3rd.

We will have the baby shower in March here at the clubhouse at noon. The men are not invited. Psycho and I promised to be there when she is in labor as honorary grandparents.

I would never let a young girl from our club have a baby without being there to support her. She reminds me of my best friend growing up who had been raped and died in childbirth when I was 16 years of age.

She had no family they threw her out when they found out she was pregnant from that rape. My mother invited her to come and live at the clubhouse so she was not out on the streets.

I had been thinking about opening a house for young girls that have been thrown on the streets and have nowhere to go.

I want to help them get their GED, jobs, and apartments, and if they want to go to college assist them with that as well.

We looked up as Psycho, Revenge, and Renegade stormed into the club and headed to Psycho's office. We all looked at each and knew something was going on and it is not good.

"You will be called back to the office in a few minutes they all said laughing."

"I have seen that look on his face once before. And it did not turn out well that time."

"He was holding something in his hand. Dakota said."

"We will find out soon I am sure."

We finished all the quilts today and placed them in the boxes wrapped them and placed our name on the card taping it to the boxes.

We carried them to the closet where presents for members, Valkarie's, and kids were kept locked. After putting them on the shelves I closed the door and locked it.

Just as we turned around Vengence walked over and told me Psycho needed me in the office. I looked at the woman not saying one word. I followed Vengence to the hallway and down it to the office.

"Tara, we have made a mistake with one of the new prospects. Apparently, his file was overlooked for a background check."

"Who overlooked that?"

" No one. Apparently one of the whores slipped his file under those that had been done while she was cleaning the office and the three of us were talking not paying attention to her."

"What did this prospect do to piss you off?"

"He cornered Mary and put his finger in her pussy while he covered her mouth. Then he threatened her."

I looked at his file. "I think you need to have a meeting with the members only. No prospect. And how did you find out?"

"A new prospect came around the corner of the garage and caught him in the act. He pulled him away from Mary and dragged him by his hair to the garage."

"Good for him. Before you have the meeting get the background check done and bring the whore to me."

"Sara, Donna, and I will deal with her."

"You should know, he is her brother."

I nodded my head and walked out of the office. I walked over and sat down and a cup of coffee was placed in front of me.

"So, what is going on, Sara asked me?"

"We will have to meet in my office after we drink our coffee."

"Since Dakota, and Kendra is head Valkarie they are involved in meetings with me."

10 minutes later we were in my office sitting at the round table in the corner. I told them what happened and what the prospect had done. I also told them they will have a meeting to determine what will happen.

We will take care of the whore. I told Kendra I need her to do another background check on Tamica and get me the information ASAP.

She walked over and pulled her file from the cabinet then sat down at my desk. A few minutes later we heard the printer.

She walked over and slammed the file on the table. "Who used to do all the background checks?"

"I have no idea. Why?"

"They do not match."

"Kendra I will talk to Psycho, I think since you have connections you should start doing all the background checks. I grabbed the file. Let's meet after their meeting."

I walked out of my office and walked down the hall to Psycho's office. When I walked in he knew I was angry.

"I had Kendra run a background check on Tamica. The previous one does not match this one. I think that Kendra should do new background checks on all of us. And on anyone that wants to join this club."

"She has permission she will get paid to work on those and any others. She can start Monday. Get a new laptop for her."

I saw the anger as he read the old background check against the new one. He was not happy."

He handed me the file and I asked Preacher to take Kendra shopping for a laptop. Get the one she thinks is the best for the job she will do. I will have her meet you outside.

"Kendra, you are hired as of Monday to complete background checks on everyone. You have access to the file cabinet in both offices. And Preacher is taking you shopping for the laptop for the job."

I handed her keys to my office, Psychos, and the credit card. See you when you get back. Oh, we will have to clean out one of the rooms not being used for your office.

"Get one of those electric fingerprint things as well."

We smiled as she walked out to meet Preacher. I looked at the girls as I grabbed the keys from my desk. "Shall we find a room for Kendra to use as her office?"

We found the perfect office for Kendra. Small with a window but has room enough for a table, loveseat, and end tables.

I walked out and told several prospects to follow me. I want everything in this room taken to the empty shed and placed where we can see it. Throw anything broken onto the burn pile.

Once it is cleaned out tear up the carpet and burn it as well. Then I want the whores washing the room down and sweeping and moping the floors.

I want this room to not only smell good but clean enough to eat off the floors. I want it done by dinner time.

We walked out of the room as the prospects got busy. We walked over to the table and sat down. We glanced over at Tamica and she looked at us with fear.

"I think she knows what her brother did. And she knows what punishment he will receive. Donna said."

"I don't think she knows that we are aware that she is his sister and that she slid the file under the files of those that had passed the fingerprint checks."

We looked up to see Kendra standing by the table. "Have them put the boxes in my office, for now, I told her handing her the key."

Kendra handed me the key and credit card. "Did you get what you needed?"

"I did."

"We are cleaning out a room for you to have your own office. You can go shopping tomorrow for the paint, carpet, and furniture for your office tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that, Tara?"

"Yes, we do. You will need your own office. You have been hired as my assistant. I like my privacy."

We all laughed at that. I don't think anyone will get by with that shit again. And you will dig deep if you feel something is not right about someone. Monday you can have all the files from the cabinets in Psycho's office put in boxes and moved to your new office.

We looked at the clock as members started walking in and going to their rooms. "Looks like dinner will be in 30 minutes. I will also bet after dinner, Psycho will announce a mandatory meeting for all members in a day or two."

"You know the prospects hate it because they don't attend some meetings."

"You know that is right. But they are not yet members."

So, we have to go shopping for Christmas presents for the members, and our own families."

"The prospects are going to set the big tree up and put directions up in two weeks. The kids will love it."

"What I like is the big dinner we have in the huge metal building out back. The smell of hams, and turkeys, and other food cooking."

"Of course, the kids opened their gifts. Every year I do note a lot of toys for kids, and gift cards to the members of $500, and their wives or girlfriends get the same amount."

The prospects get $200 gift cards. Which many new prospects are shocked to receive. The are prospecting and deserve the gift.

I do own 3 tattoo shops and make enough money and I start buying the gifts after Christmas since you can get what you want at a lower price.

We do a lot of things for our members. They work hard and after all, they give money to the club as dues.

Once I heard the members talking about how nice I can be but don't make me mad they tell others. Then one told a new member, you do not want to get on her bad side. She will make your life a living hell.

Not to mention that Psycho, Revenge, and Renegade will give you the worst jobs we have here. Do not disrespect Tara whatever you do. Even we will make it bad for you they tell them.

One member asked a prospect if anyone ever remembers his birthday. He told them no. The member told him that I never forget a member's or prospect's birthday.

I was headed to the VIP table with Angel when a very big man walked in the door. I didn't see Psycho standing behind me.

Bitch I want to talk to your President. I put Angel in the high chair, turned, and glared at him. Listen here whore, I will knock the shit out of you if you do not answer me.

"I don't know who you are but if you put your hands on me it will be the last thing you ever do."

He raised his hand to backhand me then I heard Psycho's voice. "If you touch my wife, and second in command, I will kill you."

He lowered his hand and looked at Psycho. "Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Psycho and I am the president of this club. Who the fuck are you?"

"I am, Devil. The president of the "Black Angel Mc"

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I want to discuss becoming allies with you."

"I don't think so. We do not connect ourselves with women beaters, and men that disrespect women."

"I apologize but it has been a difficult day. Let me start over. I apologize for my behavior mam. But I had to find out for myself if I would be put in my place."

"My club does not believe in treating women the way I just treated you. Now, would you have time to meet with me, Psycho?"

"Yes, follow me."

I looked at Psycho's wife and envied him. She is beautiful and the little girl looks like her mother. I didn't want to fight Psycho as the talk is Psycho will not hesitate to kill that person who is his wife.

I believe it. If she belonged to me I would kill anyone that put their hands on her myself. I wonder if she has a sister?

I walked down the hallway and into Psycho's office. "Once I sat on the chair I discussed my club and what we are about. I encouraged Psycho to look us up online."

Once he did that he looked across his desk at me. "I will sign a contract with you. But I sure as hell hope your members don't do the same thing you just did out there."

"Oh, and by the way, If you would never have hit my woman. She will have put a knife thru your hand."

"My woman has a temper, and she is a fighter. Best remember that."

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