My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Thirty Seven

My eyes flutter open I sit up and look around. I’m laying in a large grassy field with trees surrounding me. the sky is blue not a cloud in sight but neither is the sun. The weather is warm but I don’t hear any birds singing or bugs buzzing. I stand up why don’t I feel a single thing? I don’t feel any sort of pain. Wait “Sawyer!?” I call as I turn in circles trying to see if I can spot my mate anywhere.

“I’m sorry dear but he isn’t here... at least not yet” I hear a sweet soft voice speak. I turn around to find a beautiful woman. Her silver hair blows in the nonexistent wind along with her silver dress. Her silver eyes pierced through me. “Where am I? Who are you?” I ask confused. She smiles at me.

“I am what the Werewolves call Moon Goddess. But you can call me Selene” she tells me. “And you my child are between life and death,” she tells me. I look at her surprised. She smiles at me again. “Let me explain why you are here. When a human gets marked by their mate I bring them here. It’s the land between life and death to test their mate. The mate will have to choose to have a turned wolf or a born wolf to mate with. I don’t want humans to go through the change just for their mate to leave them. It’s happened countless times.” She explains.

“There is no going back you are now a werewolf but if your mate chooses another you will be given a perfect life. I’ll erase your memory of him and all the events you went through with both Kings and the council. Instead, you would be bought by a normal werewolf who turns out to be your mate. He’ll instantly love you and treat you with respect and love. You’ll live a happy life with 3 pups.” She further explains.

“Now come,” she tells me and walks away. I shake my head out of the shock she’s putten me in and I follow her. A room appears in front of us with a door opening. We walk into the room that turns into a movie theater. On the screen, it shows Sawyer at his office.

“I’m guessing Sawyer has to either choose me or Alpha Ryan’s daughter?” I ask. She nods “do you know who he’s going to choose?” I ask. She shakes her head. “If I knew I would change the decision so all my children could have a happy life with their mates. But I can’t interfere so I make sure I don’t know these things,” she tells me. I nod “do you know if he likes the other girl?” I ask.

She looks at me with a sad smile. I instantly regret asking the question. “He has had a none sexual relationship with her for many years when he was younger. Everyone thought they were mates even he did. When he found out they were not mates he distanced himself from her not being able to take the pain of seeing her. When Ryan said he should make his daughter be Queen Sawyer was annoyed with the fact he proposed the idea now when he had a mate.” she explains.

I nodded not knowing what to feel. I thought he was going to pick me without a second thought.. but now knowing this I’m not so sure.

We take a seat and watch the screen. Sawyer puts his head in his hands and sighs. Flynn is sitting on the couch in front of him with Leyla crying into his shoulder. “I shouldn’t have marked her,” Sawyer whispers. “Dude you didn’t know,” Flynn tells Sawyer.

“Because of me, my mate is in the hospital fighting for her life,” Sawyer whispers a little bit louder.

The door to his office opens and beautiful blonde-haired blue eyes with a soft face girl come in. “Hey, guys could you give us a minute?” She asks Flynn and Leyla. Flynn nods and stands up he helps Leyla up and they leave the room. She takes a spot on the couch giving Sawyer space.

“Lexie if this is about your father I don’t want to hear it,” Sawyer tells her. Wait that’s Alpha Ryan’s daughter? No wonder Sawyer liked her so much.

She shakes her head “no of course not. I came to see how things are going. I don’t know how you are feeling but I can see how much pain you are in for losing your mate” she tells him. “I didn’t lose her,” Sawyer tells her not lifting his head up.

“Sawyer come on you are the Alpha King you know better than anyone it’s rude to talk to someone without looking at them,” she tells him in a playful tone.

“I can’t look at you,” he tells her. Pain is clear on her face from what he told her. “Why not?” She asks hurt. “I may have a mate but you... I still miss you and it still hurts to look at you and not see you as my mate” he tells her.

Pain shoots through my heart. So this entire time he still thought about her? Tears rolled down my cheeks of course he would. I mean look at her. She’s the one girls wish they could be the guys wish they had.

“Sawyer I saw your mate at the ball she’s breathtaking. You are so lucky to be with someone so beautiful and kind-hearted. I watched as she talked with the pack and danced with the children. She is strong and she will pull through this” she tells Sawyer.

Why is she so nice? Her father is trying to get Sawyer and her to be together they once had a relationship and hoped they were mates. This has to be some sick game to make him want her for how nice and understanding she is.

The longer she’s in the room the less confident I am of Sawyer choosing me. The door opens again and Alpha Ryan walks in. Sawyer sits up straight and fixes his suite. “Ryan” Sawyer tells him with a glare. Alpha Ryan smiles at my mate. “Good afternoon Alpha. I came in here wanting to disgust when my lovely daughter will be crowed Queen” he tells Sawyer. “Dad” the girl hisses at her father. He turns around to look at her and smiles at her then turns back to a pissed-off Sawyer.

“Yes Ryan I may still wish Lexie was my mate and it’s still difficult to look and talk to her but you know what I have a mate. A beautiful strong mate who will push through this. The Moon Goddess gifted me, Amber, for a reason and I will not let either of them down. Even if Amber doesn’t make it I will not crown any other female Queen since Amber is the only Queen I will ever have” Sawyer growls. “Well, there we have it the answer,” Selene tells me with a big smile on her face.

“Wait so Sawyer picked me?” I ask she nods I look back at the image of Sawyer. He picked me. He wants me. Lexie stands up and walks over to her father. “Sawyer are you sure? We can finally be together like how we wanted” she asks. For the first time, Sawyer looks at her. “It’s time I let go of the past. It’s time I stop wishing for what could have happened and instead focus on my mate and take care of her. She deserves a better me and when she wakes up I’m going to make sure she has it. You both may leave my office and kingdom” Sawyer tells them as he sits back down and starts paperwork.

The image on the screen goes black and the room we were once in disappears. “Are you ready to go back?” Selene asks. I nod “will I remember any of this?” I ask. She shakes her head “no my dear. It’s better that way” she tells me. I nod in understanding. My vision starts to cover in black and white spots until everything is dark.

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