My Demon, My Love...

Chapter Slaves Die in the Name of Love pt. 2

Their romance blossomed quickly over the next several months. It became harder and harder for them to be apart. Dalair was forced to come up with more and more creative excuses for why he was taking up Penelope’s time. He had already performed the act of marking her as his mate, but this was not enough he had been growing tired of hiding their love. He knew that he would never love another the way that he loved Penelope. He wanted to announce his love to the world and he wanted the right to make Penelope his legal wife.

Dalair was unsure of how his parents would react to his choice to become romantically involved with a servant. Lord Bakhtiar and Lady Mythri were known throughout the realm for their kindness to humans and their pioneering of human rights. Nevertheless, this did not mean that they would approve of their only son falling in love with a human. This could be pushing, even, their compassion too far.

Dalair decided not to say anything to Penelope about his marriage intentions until he had come to a decision about how to handle the situation. He knew that several paths lay before him. He could inform his parents of his impending marriage and they could be understanding and helpful. On the other hand, he could tell his parents the truth and they could have Penelope killed or taken away. He could choose a different path altogether, he could take Penelope and run away. They could find a quiet little spot in some distant area of the realm. Then there was the other issue, if he did decide to tell his parents, how exactly would he break this kind of news to them?

Dalair spent days in his head, going back and forth about the proper course of action. He finally decided to consult his sister, Umay, on the matter. He hoped that she would offer some fresh insight. So, he headed directly for her room.

“Umay, could I speak with you for a moment?” Dalair asked, as he slowly opened the door of her room.

“Sure, brother. Come on in.” Umay beckoned.

Dalair entered the room and found Umay laying on her bed, reading a book. She placed her book mark inside and set the book down; sitting up to speak with her brother.

“So, what can I help you with?” Umay asked.

“Well, I have a bit of a problem that I would like to discuss with you and get your input on.” Dalair explained.

“Oh, my darkness! Is Penelope pregnant?!” Umay squealed in delight and surprise. Then Umay’s demeanor quickly changed to one of defensiveness and anger. “Is that why you have been avoiding her?!” Umay scolded.

“What?! No! I haven’t been avoiding her.” Dalair blurted out, confused.

“Well, I was talking to her earlier and she seems to think otherwise.”

“Really? Penelope thinks that I have been avoiding her?”

“That’s what she told me.”

“Well, I haven’t been. Or, at least, I was not meaning to. But this is not what I am here to talk to you about.”

“Okay. So, what’s going on then?”

Dalair stood up and began to pace back and forth. He knew that he could trust Umay with any secret that he ever had. However, this conversation was of a delicate nature and it was hard to know where to begin. After several moments of intense thinking, he decided to just say exactly what was on his mind.

“I have marked Penelope as my mate.” Dalair revealed.

“I know.” Umay responded.

“What? What do you mean you know?” Dalair was surprised.

“I saw the mark. I hang out with her all the time and I let her borrow clothes for every one of your dates. I happened to notice it one day and I asked her about it.” Umay explained.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you marked her?” Umay shrugged.

“I don’t know. I guess, I…” Dalair began to attempt to explain his reasoning.

“Dalair, it’s alright. I am not upset about it. I figured that you would tell me eventually. I was just waiting for you to be ready to do so.” Umay assured him.

“Thanks for that.”

“Of course. I know that you deal with things in your own way. You are not like other demons.”

“Yeah, about that…” Dalair took a long pause.

“So, spit it out, already! I knew there was more! Quit leaving me in suspense!” Umay interjected, growing impatient.

Dalair took in a deep breath.

“I want to ask Penelope to marry me.” Dalair stated, firmly.

Umay immediately stood up on her bed, jumping up and down, squealing and clapping her hands.

“That is the greatest news that I have ever heard!” Umay cheered.

“Well, I wouldn’t get too excited just yet.” Dalair cautioned.

“Why not?” Umay pouted.

“Well because other than the actual asking. There is one major hurdle that I have to overcome.” Dalair explained.

“What is it?”

“What do I do about mom and dad?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think that I should risk telling them and seeking their approval? Or do you think that I should just take Penelope and run?”

“Why wouldn’t you tell mom and dad?”

“I don’t know. I am not sure how they will react to this. I am their only son and marriage to a human is taboo. Even the most understanding of parents could, potentially, have a problem with this arrangement.”

“Dalair, don’t be so naïve! You know that our parents are better than that! We have the best parents in the entire realm for this situation! They will completely understand and support you and Penelope, I guarantee it.” Umay assured him.

“Do you really think so?”

“Yes. I am one hundred percent positive on this. Not a single doubt in my mind. I understand your trepidation, but I really do not think that it is necessary. Mom and dad love you and will support you in whatever choices you make.”

Dalair felt so much better after hearing Umay say all of this. It was as though a tremendous weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He felt like he could trust his parents and, most importantly, he could keep Penelope safe.

“Thank you, Umay. I really needed to hear that.” With that, Dalair rushed off.

Dalair spent the next day preparing for his proposal. He went to the jewelers and procured an engagement ring for Penelope. Then he decided to recreate their very first date by the creek. He told Penelope to meet him at her room just after dinner was served. He even arranged to have Umay to show up and help her dress, just as she did the first time.

Once they arrived at the creek, Dalair quickly began to spread out dinner. He was beginning to lose his nerve and needed to get to the proposal sooner rather than later. It was not that he was having second thoughts about marrying Penelope. Quite the contrary, he was suddenly terrified of the prospect that she could reject his proposal entirely.

When Dalair had been focusing on what his parents’ reactions would be; he was far too distracted to consider what Penelope’s answer might be. Now that he was no longer worrying about his parents; he had plenty of time to worry about Penelope’s response. She would know, just as he did, how dangerous a marriage between them could potentially be. There would be plenty of demonkind out there who would not like to see it. They could put a stop to it. They could even try to hurt one, or both, of them.

Originally, Dalair had planned to make his proposal after they had finished eating. In spite of that, he could not contain himself any longer. Dinner seemed to be dragging onward and they were struggling to make polite conversation. He knew that Penelope could tell that something was off about him. So, he decided to not put himself through the torture any longer.

Suddenly, Dalair jumped up from his seat and underneath the glow of the moon and the twinkling lights. He got down on one knee, facing Penelope, he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it for her to see. Penelope gasped, hardly believing her eyes.

“I researched traditional human proposals because I wanted this to be perfect for you.” Dalair paused to clear his throat. “You are the most amazing, beautiful, and perfect woman that I have ever known. You deserve so much more than I can promise you, you deserve the whole world; the sky; the sun; the moon and its stars. I cannot promise that our lives will always be perfect, but if you give me the chance, then I would like to spend every day of my life trying to make yours wonderful. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. Will you do me the, undeserved, honor of making me the happiest demon in all of the realms by becoming my wife?”

For a moment, Penelope was in complete shock. She could not believe that this was really happening to her. This was a fantasy of hers that she had never expected to come to fruition.

“Yes.” Penelope answered after what felt like an eternity to Dalair.

“What?” Dalair wanted to ensure that he had heard her correctly.

“Yes, Dalair! Of course, I will marry you!” Penelope announced as she jumped up from her seat.

Dalair quickly rose to his feet and placed the ring on Penelope’s finger. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in closely, planting kisses all over his face.

Dalair knew that they would have to face his parents in the morning. Though, he decided not to think about that tonight. All he wanted to do was focus on Penelope and how incredibly happy he was that she had agreed to be his wife. They spent the rest of the night in total bliss wrapped in each other’s arms.

The next morning, Dalair informed Penelope that he would need to speak with his parents about their wedding. She was unsure but trusted that he would do what was right for both of them. So, he prepared himself for what was to be one of the hardest discussions that he had ever had with his parents. Umay’s words had helped him feel more comfortable with speaking to them, but he still was filled with a sense of uncertainty. After Dalair had prepared himself as much as he possibly could; he wandered to the breakfast nook, just off the porch, where he was certain he would find his parents.

Just as Dalair expected, his parents sat in the breakfast nook enjoying their morning meals; staring out over their vast estate. His father glanced down at the paper. His mother made small talk to which is father would occasionally reply. This did not bother his mother though, she was very chatty and had become quite skilled at having an entire conversation almost completely by herself.

“Mother. Father.” Dalair announced his presence as he approached.

“Ah, Dalair, my beautiful boy! Won’t you join us for some breakfast?” Mythri bid of him.

“Thank you, mother. I will join you, however, I will not be eating anything.” Dalair informed her.

Dalair sat down at the quaint, round breakfast table in the chair between his parents.

“What brings you out here so early, son? I was under the impression that you had a late night last night.” Bakhtiar inquired.

“How do you know that?” Dalair was taken aback.

“Don’t be defensive, my boy. I’ve just suspected for some time that you have been meeting with a lady. Last night I assume that you went out on a date.” Bakhtiar explained.

“Well, yes, actually. That is what I wanted to talk to you about…” Dalair began.

“Ooh! Goody! So, you have met someone! When do we get to meet this lovely demoness that has managed to capture our son’s heart?!” Mythri squealed with delight.

“Well, you see, that’s kind of what we need to talk…” Dalair tried to start again.

“Well, done, my boy! I knew that you would find yourself someone! I bet that she is really something special!” Bakhtiar praised with a pat on Dalair’s shoulder.

“So, how serious are you with this young lady?” Mythri questioned.

“Well, to be honest, pretty serious. Last night…well…last night I asked her to marry me.” Dalair answered, hesitantly.

“That is such wonderful news!” Mythri cheered, as she began to clap her hands, excitedly.

“Well done! Congratulations, son!” Bakhtiar agreed.

“I am really glad that you guys are happy about this because there is one small detail that I need to mention.” Dalair cautioned.

“Well, what is it Dalair?” Mythri was growing concerned.

“Well…you see…it’s just that…ummm…I’m not quite sure how to put this.” Dalair stumbled.

“Out with it, my boy! Whatever it is, I am sure that it cannot be all bad if it is leading to such a joyful union!” Bakhtiar encouraged.

Dalair took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He needed to focus. His parents would find out sooner or later and it was better that they found out now, from him.

“Well…I have not…chosen to wed a…demoness, per say.” Dalair had a hard time forcing out the words.

“What? What exactly do you mean, son?” Mythri asked, confusion in her eyes.

“Well…to be quite honest…” Dalair cleared his throat, loudly. “I have asked Penelope…to…uh…marry me.”

“Penelope? Who is Penelope?” Bakhtiar questioned.

“You don’t mean the servant girl, Penelope?” Mythri inquired, hesitantly.

“Well, actually, yes, mother. I do mean the HUMAN servant girl.” Dalair made sure to emphasize the word human when stating this.

“So, you want…our permission to marry…a human?” Mythri asked, carefully.

“Well, I am not so much asking your permission, as I am informing you of my decision and hoping for your blessing.” Dalair informed them.

Mythri and Bakhtiar stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. They did this often when they needed to communicate with each other without being overheard by others. It was a strange, silent language that they spoke to each other. Dalair waited for their response, nervously shifting back and forth in his chair.

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