My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter An Unanticipated Circumstance

Reve’s plans for a daring rescue were briefly put on hold as it was reported to him that Azlyn had taken ill again. She had begun to vomit, daily. Reve was so concerned that, unbeknownst to Azlyn, Zareb had begun tasting her food and drink before delivering it her. They did not want to take the chance that someone was attempting to poison Azlyn, so Zareb volunteered himself for this task.

Azlyn, on the other hand, was not worried that she was being drugged or even that she had fallen ill. The condition that she feared had overcome her was much more concerning than any other prospect that she could conceive of. It was not just a threat to her because it implicated everyone involved.

“Azlyn is still sick. I am unsure what to do. It has been a few weeks now, and she only seems to be getting worse.” Zareb informed Nissa.

“I know. I am worried too. I made sure that the situation is known, but there are no current answers on how to deal with it. King Gedeon has refused to allow her medical attention. There is no solid plan yet, schedules have been hectic, likely on purpose.” Nissa agreed, speaking in a guarded fashion, careful, not to use Reve’s name.

“I am just at a loss. I watch her seemingly getting sicker every day. Someone has to do something.” Zareb pled feeling helpless; it was hurting him to watch his friend deteriorate in such a way.

“Well…tell me what her symptoms are again? Maybe the physician can be contacted about them and we can, possibly, get an idea of what may be causing her illness.” Nissa offered.

“She is vomiting, every day. But I have checked her food and drink; she is not being poisoned. She is experiencing abdominal cramps and she is running very low on energy. She keeps complaining that she needs more food, but that does not seem to help anything. Not to mention, I cannot keep sneaking her extra rations without someone noticing, eventually.” Zareb explained.

“I will make sure to report this condition and see what can be done. Perhaps it is something that we can take care of simply and quietly. As for the rations, I will see what I can do about that, as well. Perhaps, I can spare some of my rations and I am sure that Blaz would willingly contribute a portion of his, as well.”

“Thank you, Nissa! I know that Azlyn would express her gratitude to you, as well, if she could.”

“Of course! You know that I would do anything for Azlyn. I just wish that there was a way to get her out of there before anything bad happens.”

“Me too, Nissa. Me too.”

Zareb shook his head, sadly. They were all too aware that anyone in the dungeons had a countdown on their heads. Any day now, Azlyn’s time could run out and Gedeon could demand her life, in his view, ending the risk of Reve’s betrayal.

Zareb and Nissa exchanged quick good-byes before going their separate ways. Zareb headed back to the dungeons to check on Azlyn. Whilst Nissa went in search of Reve to inform him of the latest developments. She knew that Reve could not take Azlyn to the physician, but he could speak to the physician himself. Possibly, this would give them some insight on how to further deal with Azlyn’s problems.

What Zareb and Nissa did not know, was they had not been as alone as they believed during their conversation. Much of what they had discussed had been overhead. Because hiding in the shadows, just out of eyesight, Emilie crouched, listening intently. The exchange between the two had disturbed her, greatly. As soon as she was certain that they were gone, she emerged from her hiding spot and rushed to King Gedeon’s quarters.

Upon arrival, Emilie demanded to see the king, immediately. The guard was not prepared to oblige her of such, given that the king was meant to be leaving for a scheduled meeting with Queen Adaliah. There were meant to be no distractions, the queen had ordered as much.

“You do not understand! This is a matter of utmost importance!” Emilie argued.

“I am under direct orders from the Queen, slave!” The guard informed her.

“I understand that, but the King will want this information, immediately! I promise you that he will be angrier that he did not receive this news, than the Queen will be that the King is five minutes late.” Emilie pressed.

Suddenly, the door to Gedeon’s room swung open and Gedeon stood in the doorway staring at them.

“Ah, Emilie! I thought that I heard your voice. Please, come in!” Gedeon bid.

“Pardon me, sire, but the Queen’s orders…” The guard interjected.

“The Queen does not dictate commands to me. I am not my father; my Queen does not wield ultimate control over my actions. I am my own demon and I will make my own decisions.” Gedeon chastised.

“Uh…ah…yes, sire, of course.” The guard responded, adding a clumsy bow.

Gedeon gestured for Emilie to enter the room and she did as requested of her. Gedeon shot a look of warning towards his guard; whom coward in response. Then Gedeon shut the door, tightly, behind him; joining Emilie inside the room.

“Now…” Gedeon began, as he strolled over to his lounging couch, dropping onto it, casually. “What is so important than you feel the need to delay my conjugal visit with the Queen?”

“I have come with news of Prince Reve’s wife, Azlyn.” Emilie stated.

“Well, then, this must be good. What have you discovered this time?” Gedeon asked, his interest piqued.

“I overheard one of the guards speaking with another slave about her. I assume that they have some loyalties to Azlyn as they were speaking about helping her and protecting her.”

“Yes, Azlyn was a slave in the castle previously. I am certain that she has several friends here. Do you have anything of more intrigue to report?” Gedeon replied, dismissively.

“Of course, sire, I was merely getting started.” Emilie responded, with a smirk. “These friends of Azlyn’s were speaking of her with great concern. Apparently, she has taken ill again.”

“Well, that is more interesting. Do they believe that her condition could be deadly?” Gedeon asked, his excitement growing.

“They do not know what to make of her condition. However…I believe that I know exactly what is wrong with her. If I am correct, then her condition isn’t…necessarily…life threatening, though…it could be.”

“I am afraid that I do not follow your meaning.”

“I think that you should send the physician to Azlyn. I suggest that he performs a pregnancy test on her.”

“A pregnancy test?! You believe that Azlyn is pregnant?!”

“Yes, I do, and I do not believe that she is far enough along for it to be Prince Reve’s.”

“What makes you say that?”

“He was ordered to stay away from her almost three months ago. If she is less than three months pregnant then it is likely that she was impregnated by someone else.”

“Hell, even if she is more than three months pregnant it may still belong to someone else. She was always a little whore.” Gedeon sneered.

“Prince Reve may not be so keen to keep protecting her if he knows that she is carrying the child of another.” Emilie suggested. “This could be our chance to get rid of Azlyn with Prince Reve’s consent, once and for all.”

Gedeon grew quiet for a moment as he was consumed in thought. Emilie watched on, anxiously awaiting his decision. She desperately wanted Azlyn out of the way, she knew that she did not have a chance of seducing Prince Reve whilst Azlyn was still an option for him. He had made it clear that he loved his wife and would not betray her, but he would not likely feel the same if he believed that she had betrayed him first.

“Alright. I will have the physician alerted that I need to see him first thing in the morning. He will attend to Azlyn in the dungeon.” Gedeon instructed. “I caution you…keep this information private. I do not want anyone knowing about her potential pregnancy until I have had a chance to do something about it.”

“Of course, your majesty. Your wish is my command.” Emilie responded with a curtsey.

“Speaking of my wish…” Gedeon leered with a sly smile, as he eyed Emilie up and down.

“I, of course, would happily oblige, your majesty. However, isn’t the Queen awaiting your arrival for this very purpose?” Emilie asked, playfully, biting at her lip.

“She can wait. All she does is spend my family’s fortune. She only wants to sleep with me in order to produce an heir anyway. Which, to be honest, I am not very keen on as of yet.” Gedeon replied, dismissively. “Plus, we do not have to have sex. We can do something of a much quicker, yet still very enjoyable, nature.”

With that, Gedeon unzipped his pants and exposed himself. Emilie walked over to him and dropped to her knees. She placed him inside of her mouth, happy to accommodate his request. Gedeon set a hand on her head, gripping her hair, and leaned back to enjoy the moment.

Early the next afternoon, Azlyn sat alone in her cell, awaiting the time when Zareb would come to visit. She leaned against the wall, grateful for the cooling sensation that it provided. She had just undergone another bought of sickness and the nausea had her overwhelmed. Her stomach was empty, and it ached for food to replace what she had lost.

Azlyn could hear footsteps stomping down the hallway and she desperately hoped that it was Zareb. Maybe he had chanced upon some extra food or the blanket that she so desperately needed. She was growing more uncomfortable by the day and she required anything, even something as simple as a blanket or pillow, to provide her with some relief.

“You cannot imagine how glad I am to have you here, Doctor! I am so grateful to the King for sending you!” Azlyn could hear Zareb speaking to someone as they approached her cell.

“Well, the King seems concerned about Prince Reve’s ability to perform his duties successfully if he is distracted by his concern for his wife’s welfare. If I can figure out what her illness is, then I can bring, both, King and Prince some peace.” Dr. Jayr lied, skillfully, at the instruction of Gedeon. Gedeon was not certain who may be on Azlyn’s side in this situation and did not want to risk anyone whom Dr. Jayr came into contact with to realize his full intentions.

Zareb unlocked the door to Azlyn’s cell and threw it open, excitedly. He lumbered inside, followed by the doctor. Azlyn looked at them, both, skeptically. She could not fathom why the doctor would be there after Gedeon had made it clear that she was to receive no further special treatment.

“Azlyn! I have great news!” Zareb exclaimed. “King Gedeon has sent the doctor to see you! He will figure out what is making you so sick.”

These words sent Azlyn into a panic mode, she did not want the doctor to determine what was making her sick. If the result was what Azlyn expected it to be then Gedeon was the last being in all the realms that she wanted to know about it.

“Why would Gedeon give such an order after demanding that I be taken from the doctor’s care the last time? Something is not right here.”

“I do not wish to see the doctor.” Azlyn responded.

“But, Azlyn, the doctor will be able to make you all better after he determines the issue. You need help, you cannot keep going on like this.” Zareb argued.

Azlyn knew that Zareb was right about this. The conditions in which she currently found herself were hardly appropriate. Nonetheless, she assumed that doing things the way that she was would afford her more safety. The more beings that knew, then the greater the danger for all of them.

“Please, Zareb, I do not want to be seen by a physician.” Azlyn begged.

“Well, I am afraid that it does not matter what you want. You are a slave and a prisoner. I have been ordered by the King, himself, to run some tests and treat your condition. I will be doing as instructed.” Dr. Jayr interjected.

Knowing that she was low on options, Azlyn submitted to the physician’s examination. Dr. Jayr performed the usual checks; listening to her heart and lungs, as well as, checking her eyes, ears, and throat. He asked about her symptoms and noted them on his medical chart. Before leaving, he took a vile of her blood for further testing, then swiftly excused himself.

“Don’t worry, Azlyn. The Doctor will make everything better. He will get you all fixed up.” Zareb assured her.

Azlyn forced herself to give Zareb a weak smile. She knew that the physician could not help her. No, all that the visit from the doctor had done was make things worse. As soon as Dr. Jayr confirmed her condition; the King would demand her life, as well as...the life of her unborn child.

The following afternoon, Dr. Jayr contacted King Gedeon with the results of the blood test. He confirmed that Azlyn was, in fact, fifteen weeks pregnant. Gedeon smiled at this news; he had Azlyn right where he wanted her, there would be no escape now. Even if the child was Reve’s he would never own up to it, not with his other child’s life still on the line. Azlyn was as good as dead.

Gedeon immediately had Emilie brought to his chambers. When she arrived, he shared his news, almost giddy with excitement. She could hardly contain herself, as well, soon she would have her chance at Reve. With Azlyn out the way, he would never deny her any longer. Why would he? If his wife could not remain loyal to him, then why should he do so for her?

“We should celebrate my success!” Gedeon proclaimed.

“How would you like to celebrate, master?” Emilie inquired.

“You know exactly how I want to celebrate.” Gedeon said with a wink. “However, I believe that we should save that for later. For now, I would like you to accompany me to Reve’s quarters. I think we should make him aware of our findings.”

They wandered into the hall and made their way to Reve’s room, both, silently contemplating their separate desired outcomes. Gedeon hoped that Reve would swear his allegiance to him for bringing this most recent deception to his attention. Emilie hoped that Reve would embrace her and take her for his. All four of the royal brothers were good-looking demons, but Reve outshined the others and Emilie had to have him.

Once they arrived at Reve’s door, Emilie stood just behind Gedeon as he began to knock. The door swung open, but it was not Reve who stood before them, instead they faced a pale, brunette slave woman.

“Ah, you must be Reve’s new personal slave. Good choice.” Gedeon remarked, eyeing Nissa up and down. Nissa felt herself shiver in terror as his eyes scanned her body. “I am here to speak with my brother about a matter of utmost importance.”

“Of course, your majesty. I apologize for my hesitation; I was merely surprised by your presence.” Nissa apologized with a deep bow.

“Luckily for you, I am in too good of a mood to care about your insolence.” Gedeon responded, dismissively. “I must speak with my brother, immediately.”

“You may let him in, Nissa.” Reve called from deeper within the room.

“Yes, master, of course.” Nissa replied, quickly stepping aside to allow Gedeon and Emilie to enter.

As they came into the room, they discovered Reve sitting on his bed with a handful of paperwork.

“Hard at work, brother?” Gedeon teased.

“Always.” Reve grunted in response.

“Why do you not take care of this in your office? Surely that space is better suited than your bed.” Gedeon remarked, surprised that Reve would not use the lavish office that is provided to the Minister for Defense.

“I wanted to remain undisturbed as I worked. When I am in my office, demons appear to believe that it is appropriate to enter and discuss any little thing on their mind.” Reve answered, hinting that he wanted to be left alone.

“Well, then we should get you a new desk for in here.” Gedeon suggested.

“I don’t need a desk in here. I will just eventually destroy it.” Reve huffed.

Gedeon could tell that Reve was not in the mood for conversation. He had been colder towards Gedeon ever since he had discovered the existence of his daughter. Nevertheless, he hoped that his news would entice Reve to some emotional response. Hopefully, one of a grateful sibling who finally realizes that his older brother has only had his best interests in mind since the start of this whole situation.

“Well, I am hopeful that my news will fill you with a new vigor for life; whether that be with rage or excitement. Either way, I think that you will want to hear what I have to say.”

“Then speak your purpose already.”

“First, I believe that your personal slave should leave us. This is a rather private, family matter.”

“Of course, your highness. I will excuse myself, immediately.” Nissa offered beginning to exit the room.

“Nissa, wait!” Reve commanded. “If it is not too confidential a matter for your sex slave to be involved in. Then it is not too personal for my slave.”

“As you wish.” Gedeon agreed through a clenched jaw, growing annoyed with Reve’s behavior towards him.

“Nissa, please close the door.” Reve instructed. “Now, Gedeon, if you would like to tell me why you are bothering me, then we can get this over with, so that I may return to my work.”

“I am certain that you are unaware, but Azlyn has fallen ill.” Gedeon informed Reve.

“Is she alright?” Reve asked with concern, looking from his papers for the first time since Gedeon had entered the room, pretending that he did not already know about Azlyn’s condition.

“I do not think you will be so concerned for her welfare after you hear what I have to tell you.” Gedeon sneered with a smirk. “I overheard that her illness was growing worse. So being that I know of her importance to you, I ordered the physician to assess her.”

“I am supposed to believe that you did something for someone else out of the kindness of your heart?” Reve scoffed.

“I am not as terrible as you make me out to be, brother. I am hurt that you have such a disparaging view of me.” Gedeon pouted as if Reve’s words had actually mattered to him.

“I am sorry, brother. I appreciate that you were caring enough to have my wife checked. Was the physician able to determine anything?”

Reve was completely surprised that Gedeon had taken care of Azlyn. He had decreed less than three months ago that Azlyn was never to be seen by the doctor again. Why the sudden change of heart?

“Yes, Dr. Jayr did a very thorough examination and was able to discover the cause of Azlyn’s illness.”

“Well, what is wrong? Is it something serious?” Reve was growing concerned; he did not like how casual and light-hearted Gedeon was being about this.

“Oh, it is serious alright and, depending on how you want to look at it, potentially, life-threatening.”

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