My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Do Whatever It Takes to Survive

It had been over forty-eight hours since Azlyn had disappeared and Reve was growing more desperate by the minute. Every second that passed meant that Azlyn could be further and further away from him. Every breath that he took felt like daggers. He had not relaxed, not even for a moment. He would not stop until Azlyn was back in his arms. He was hell-bent on tearing apart every inch of the palace grounds until she was found.

Blaz had confirmed that Azlyn had made it back to the castle, but he appeared to be the last one to see her. Once she left the stables, she had completely disappeared. Everyone had been searching for her nonstop. Kane and Umay were, painstakingly, questioning each demoness and noble that they could find. Truda and Nissa were listening, carefully, for every piece of gossip that they could hear traveling amongst the servants and slaves. Blaz took advantage of his position in the stables to search the garden and surrounding forest as he exercised the horses. Zareb began eavesdropping on the guards; swapping his shifts and stations in order to cover as much of the royal guard-staff as possible.

Reve was wandering down one of the halls; breaking every piece of furniture that he could find. Kane had recently attempted to calm him down, but Reve had threatened to snap him in half as well. Realizing that Reve was not himself and had little control over his actions, Kane thought it best to back off and give him some space. There was no reasoning with Reve in this state; they needed Azlyn if they had any chance of calming him down.

“Prince Reve!”

Reve could hear a voice calling to him from down the hall. He looked up to see Nissa running towards him.

“Prince Reve!” Nissa shouted between breaths as she ran. “Prince Reve!”

“Nissa, what is it?” Reve stopped his destruction to hear what she had to say. He desperately hoped that she had news about Azlyn’s whereabouts.

When Nissa reached him, she was so out of breath that she could not continue speaking. She panted heavily as she bent over and placed her hands on her knees. Reve tried to be patient with her as she attempted to compose herself, though, his ability to restrain himself was almost nonexistent, at the moment.

“Nissa, do you know something?!” Reve demanded.

“We…Azlyn…” Nissa wheezed as she attempted to speak.

Reve could not take the waiting any longer. He grabbed Nissa by her shoulders, lifting her off of her feet and, lightly, shook her.

“Nissa!” Reve shouted.

The shake shocked Nissa and she quickly composed herself enough to tell Reve her news.

“We found Azlyn.”

“What?! Where is she?!”

“Zareb was talking with some guards. They told him that Azlyn has been arrested!”

Reve did not say another word. His nostrils flared and Nissa could have sworn that she saw smoke coming out of them as he breathed. He released his grip on Nissa and stormed off down the hall. Leaving Nissa bewildered.

“What have you done?!” Reve roared as he threw open the doors of his mother’s chambers.

“Reve, my son, so good to see you? How is your bride-to-be?” Queen Mara asked, ignoring Reve’s explosive entrance and remaining nonchalant.

Reve took several steps towards his mother. Mara looked up and was struck by Reve’s appearance. He barely resembled the rational demon that she knew; she had never seen anyone give over to their primal side so fully before. She felt her heart begin to race as her nerves got the best of her. She looked into his eyes and, even from across the room, she could see the fire burning within them. Nonetheless, she could not let him know that he was getting to her; she needed to remain strong and firm in her position.

“Where is Azlyn?! I demand that you release her, immediately!” Reve snarled.

“Reve, honey, if you would only calm down for a moment then you would see that…” Mara began attempting to reason with him.

“Stop!” Reve screamed, as he grabbed the nearest piece of furniture and threw it across the room; huffing as he watched it shatter.

“Reve…you need to calm down. You don’t want to do something…that you’ll regret.” Mara stammered, losing some of her resolve.

Reve stepped even closer to his mother. She could feel his hot breath against her face.

“You mean, like you have.” Reve hissed.

“Reve, I have done this for your own good. She was just a distraction. You will see that in time.” Mara argued.

“That is enough out of you!” Reve bellowed as he reached out and grasped Queen Mara about the throat. Then he slowly began to lift her off of her feet using the one hand. “You have been an inconvenience to me my whole life. I have never seen you as a mother, more like a woman who shows up, occasionally, and attempts to dictate my life. You have decided everything for me; made every decision that I should have been allowed to make. Well, that ends today!”

Reve began to squeeze his mother’s throat, slowly closing her airway. His eyes narrowed as she clawed at his hand, attempting to loosen his grip. A sinister smile spread across his face as he delighted in her struggle. He had lost all reason, Mara had gone too far this time.

“Reve, stop this at once!” King Chesed cried out as he burst into the room.

“What do you care?” Reve sneered.

“Reve, she is your mother and my wife. She is the queen of this realm. Do not do this.” Chesed pled with son.

His words were falling on deaf ears. Reve did not care who Mara was; he only cared about what she had done.

“I will give you back, Azlyn!” Chesed blurted.

“What did you say?” Reve questioned, loosening his grip some.

“I will tell you where Azlyn is. I will let you have her back. Just let go of your mother, son. Just let her go.”

Chesed had never realized how much he cared for and depended on Mara until now. Despite their being forced together and the years of friction in their marriage. There was a small part of him that loved her; after all, she was the mother of his sons and had ruled, loyally, by his side. He honestly did not know what life would be like without her and he was not eager to find out.

Reve slowly lowered Mara back down to the ground. He turned his head to look at his father, refusing to completely release his hold.

“Where is she?” Reve growled.

“She is being held in the dungeon below the south tower. You will find her in the cell with no window in the door at the very end of the hall.” Chesed informed him.

Reve released Mara, throwing her backwards, roughly, onto her couch.

“Stay out of my life.” Reve warned her with a snarl.

Then Reve took off as fast as his legs could carry him to free Azlyn from her prison. King Chesed turned to Queen Mara who was massaging her swollen throat, gulping in much needed oxygen.

“I told you not to come between a demon and his marked mate.” Chesed scolded, as he shook his head.

In the meantime, Reve was making his way to the dungeon in the south tower. He would not be stopped for anything or anyone; throwing those who got into his path to the side as he rushed past them. At this point, he would kill anyone who got into his way and not think twice about it. Azlyn was all that mattered, and he was done with having her in danger. He would not wait any longer to get her far away from here as swiftly as possible.

Upon arriving at the entrance to the south tower dungeon, Reve came across two guards. They were hesitant to try and stop him, but they had been instructed by the queen to allow no one into the dungeon; she wanted Azlyn completely isolated.

Reve did not even blink an eye as the guards attempted to stop him from advancing. He punched one guard in the face; feeling the bones in the guard’s nose crunching beneath his fist. The other guard attacked him, attempting to come to his comrades’ aid. Reve quickly countered his attack with a swift kick to the stomach, which sent the guard flying down the hall.

Reve pushed the doors open and hurried into the dungeon. He ran towards the end of the hallway; eyes peeled for the door with no window. As soon as he laid sight on it, he began knocking on it wildly.

“Azlyn!” Reve cried out. “Azlyn! Are you in there?!”

On the other side of the door, Azlyn lay in the pitch black, staring into the nothingness. She was not certain how much time had passed and not a single soul had come to see her. Not even so much as to check if she was still alive. She did not move from where she had collapsed onto the floor, there was no point. She wondered where Reve was and what he was doing. She missed him so much and wished, desperately, that she could see him again, even if it was just for a minute. In her grief, she thought for a moment that she could hear Reve calling out her name.

Azlyn tried to dismiss the thought; she knew that the darkness and loneliness could play tricks on her mind if she allowed it to. There was a sudden loud bang at the door that caused her to jump. Maybe it was not her imagination after all; someone was outside the door.


She could hear Reve calling for her through the doorway. He had found her! Azlyn pushed herself up off the floor and responded to him, her voice hoarse from the onset of dehydration…

“Re…Reve.” Azlyn coughed.

“Azlyn! Azlyn, is that you?!” Reve’s voice shouted, full of desperation.

“Reve, I’m here.” Azlyn yelled back as loudly as she could manage.

Suddenly, the banging on the door grew much louder and transformed from several small knocks to large booms. Reve had begun throwing his entire body into the cell door with the intentions of forcing it open. After several heavy hits, the door flung open with fury. Reve stepped into the doorway, muscles bulging, lit from behind by the dim-light of the corridor. His horns were so long that they had curled back up on themselves along the sides of his head.

Reve walked into the cell without a word and scooped Azlyn up into his arms. He pulled her into his chest and held her as tightly as he could. She nuzzled into his ripped clothing and he buried his face in her hair; breathing her in. His body relaxed some and he could feel himself beginning to calm.

Reve lifted Azlyn and carried her out of the cell. He walked straight to Umay’s room; knowing that would be the safest place in the castle for Azlyn. He did not speak to anyone; he did not even look at them. He had a one-track mind and now that Azlyn was back in his arms; his new focus was getting her out of this life. This time it was the dungeon; next time, it could be worse, they could kill her before Reve even has a chance to react. Or defile her before she could be saved. Reve was done leaving Azlyn in danger. They were leaving, and they were doing so immediately.

Reve knocked hard on Umay’s door and Truda swung it open. They were both overcome with relief when they saw Azlyn.

“Azlyn needs to stay here tonight.” Reve asserted.

“Of course. Put her in my bed.” Umay offered, gesturing towards her bed.

Reve walked Azlyn over to the bed and gently set her down in it. He sat on the edge and brushed her hair from her face.

“I need some water.” Azlyn managed to choke out through the dryness in her throat.

Truda immediately ran to the table and poured water from a pitcher into a glass for her. She handed it to her and Azlyn gulped it down, greedily.

“Don’t worry, Az. You are safe. I promise you, this will not happen again.” Reve swore.

“Your mother has it out for me. We will not be able to stop her.” Azlyn said, discouraged.

“My mother will not be a factor anymore. We are leaving. There is no more time to waste. I will get everything we need together and then we are out of here. We will make our way to the human realm.” Reve proclaimed.

“What about our wedding?” Azlyn observed, saddened at the thought of having to put off her marriage to Reve.

“I do not know. We will figure something out later. I just know that we cannot risk keeping you in this realm much longer.” Reve replied.

“May I make a suggestion?” Umay interjected.

“Go right ahead. We could use one.” Reve stated.

“We go ahead with the wedding as planned, it was already going to happen this weekend anyway.” Umay suggested.

“What about Azlyn’s safety? I want her away from here as soon as possible. Not in a few days.” Reve demanded.

“She will leave the castle tonight. However…” Umay hesitated, knowing that Reve would not like what she had to say next. “…you will stay here.”

“What?! Why would I stay if Azlyn is leaving?! Who would keep her safe?! Have you lost your mind?!” Reve ranted.

“Reve, please let me explain. I think that you will agree with me when you calm down and see things rationally.”

“By all means, I am extremely curious as to your reasoning.” Reve encouraged, somewhat, sarcastically.

“You need to solidify your marriage vows in this realm before you leave. If for some reason you ever were to return, you will want your marriage legally recognized.” Umay began to explain. “Your wedding was to be held at my estate in secret anyway. So, Azlyn and I shall leave tonight. I will take her to my estate where she will be safe from your mother’s immediate grasp. Reve, you need to stay so that no one suspects anything.”

“Won’t they wonder why I have left with you?” Azlyn inquired of Umay.

“Probably not. They know that my family is sympathetic towards humans. They will, most likely, believe that I talked Reve into allowing me to remove you from the castle and provide you with a place at my family’s estate. Then Reve would still be able to see you on occasion and he could trust that you are not only safe, but well cared for as well.”

“So, when do I join you then?” Reve questioned.

“I do not think it would be wise for you to come to the estate until the night before the wedding. This will allow you enough time to make preparations for your trip out of the realm. You could leave after dinner on Friday night and reach us before midnight. We will have the wedding the next afternoon and then Sunday morning the two of you could be on your way far away from this life.” Umay clarified.

Reve thought about this plan long and hard. He tried to find a flaw within it as he was not eager to separate from Azlyn again. As much as it pained him, he knew that this was the most logical decision. It would make sense that Reve would protect Azlyn at the Vivek estate, so no one would question it until they realized that he, himself, had disappeared as well.

“Alright.” Reve finally spoke after several minutes of silence. “I will agree to this as I do think that it is the best plan. However, I have one condition, you must take Zareb with you for protection on your journey.”

“That is a good idea.” Umay agreed.

“I know that Zareb would not object.” Azlyn assured.

“Truda, I have a job for you, if you are willing.” Umay said, turning to Truda.

“How can I be of help?” Truda asked, eagerly.

“Would you be willing to stay here with Prince Reve as his personal servant for the next few days? I am sure that he would be willing to bring you with him when he joins us at the estate.” Umay requested.

“Of course. That would not be a problem.” Truda, happily, agreed.

“You will probably need to pack and move out of the closet, though, as I imagine the queen will take back this room once I have left. We cannot have you getting in her way.” Umay thought for a moment before turning to Reve. “Do you have a place where she could stay?”

“She could stay in Azlyn’s old quarters. They are not much, but they are private and right across the hall from mine.” Reve suggested. “I will just need to remove the boards that have blocked it away.”

“That should be perfectly fine. I do not require a lot and, either way, it is only for a few days. Thank you, sire.” Truda stated with a nod of her head.

“Thank you. I appreciate all of your help.” Reve expressed his gratitude.

Reve called for a car and sent Truda to fetch Zareb. Everyone quickly packed up Umay’s belongings and loaded them into the vehicle. Reve insisted on carrying Azlyn to the car; he did not want anyone or anything touching her without his express permission. He was filled with anxiety about letting her out of his sight. Especially, while she was in such a weakened state. He could not stand the thought of anything else happening to her. He set her down gently in the back seat.

“I really wish that you were coming with me.” Azlyn stated, her voice filled with concern.

Azlyn did not want to be separated from Reve again. It seemed, lately, that every time that he was out of her sight, there would be a moment where she was unsure if she would ever see him again. She wanted the uncertainty to be over. She wanted for him to be hers and for her to be his; no more questions, no more obstacles.

“I know. I wish that I was going with you tonight as well. Nevertheless, Umay is right, it is less suspicious if you leave without me. No one will suspect that we mean to run.” Reve responded.

“What if something happens? What if I never…” Azlyn began to plea with him.

“Az, I promise you, nothing will stop me from coming for you. You are the light in my darkness, remember. No matter how far apart we may be, I can always find you because you are the only thing I truly see.” Reve reassured her before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

“I love you so much.” Azlyn whispered before Reve pulled away from her.

“I love you too.” Reve replied. “I will be with you as soon as possible.”

They kissed one more time before Reve closed the door of the car; shutting Azlyn inside. Umay climbed in from the other side of the vehicle and Zareb climbed into the driver’s seat. He started the car and slowly began to pull away from the castle.

Azlyn looked out the window, staring at Reve who stayed in the courtyard to see that they made it safely through the castle gates. She pressed her face against the window as he slowly faded from her view.

“Please. Please do not let this be the last time that I see his face.” Azlyn prayed to anyone who would listen.

“Do not worry, Azlyn. As soon as Reve joins us at my family’s estate; you two will start your new lives together. You will no longer be a slave and he will no longer be a prince. You will simply be, a husband and his wife.” Umay offered her assurances.

Azlyn smiled at this thought.

“Husband and wife.”

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