My Demon, My Love... - A Slave's Redemption

Chapter Be Cautious of Anything Too Good to be True

“I beg you, my sage.” Eistein pled. “We need to warn them of the things to come. If they are better prepared, then they may better defend themselves against it.”

“Not to mention, if we help them now, then we will not have to prove our loyalties when the time comes. We can swear our allegiance to their cause before they even know what it is.” Akil, another apprentice, agreed.

“No. We are sorry. We have done all that we can to help. There is nothing more that we can do for the time being.” One of the Mystics answered.

“But we gave them all the information that we have then it could help them in their decision-making. We could…” Eistein continued.

“Enough, Eistein!” Another Mystic scolded. “We cannot interfere!”

“We have seen many different outcomes with many different endings. We cannot influence their path any further. This is their destiny and they must be allowed to let it take them where they see fit without the hindrance of knowledge.” A Mystic explained.

“We could completely change the outcome if we impede their direction. We cannot put the future at risk like this, especially, not one that appears so promising.” One of the Mystics informed them.

“I just feel like we have a responsibility to the realm to help them in any way possible.” Eistein argued.

“We agree. And that is exactly what we have done. Everything else is up to them.” Another Mystic encouraged.

Eistein was still unsure, but he knew that the Mystic sages knew best. They had never steered him wrong, so despite his personal opinions on the matter, he would do as he was told.

“Eistein, we understand and appreciate your passion. However, you are allowing emotions to cloud your judgment.” A Mystic scolded, gently. “For this reason, we request that you have no further contact with the prince and his bride. Akil will assist us with this matter further.”

Eistein wanted to protest, but he knew better. He had already caused enough of a fuss for one day. He needed to trust the Mystics to do what they thought best. If he could not control his emotions, then they would not see fit to promote him to sage when the next opportunity arose.

“Yes, my sage. Of course.”

With that, Eistein excused himself from the cavern and made his way deeper into the cave. He needed to mediate and regain his composure. He had to act more like a Mystic or he would never really be one.

“Akil, our guests have completed their task and rested, as we have completed ours. You may go and fetch them.” One of the Mystics instructed.

“Right away, sage.” Akil responded before scurrying off down the hall.

“You know…” A Mystic began, cautiously. “Eistein was not wrong. I, too, wish that there was more that we could do for them.”

“As do I. Nonetheless, we have done all that we can do for now. We cannot interfere. We cannot change the path. There is too much potential for damage.”


“We will be of more help when the time comes.”

The Mystics stood in quiet contemplation as they stared into the fire. The flames danced, and they were lulled into a trance. Each Mystic watched a different path that Reve and Azlyn could take when they departed from their lair. Each path had different outcomes and potential for tragedy. However, as of this moment, eventually the paths all converged to provide the same ending.

“Good. Everything is still as it should be.”

“Let us hope that is remains as such.”

Several minutes later, the Mystics were joined in the cavern by their guests.

“My sages, I have returned with Prince Reve and Princess Azlyn.” Akil announced.

“Princess?!” Azlyn exclaimed. “No, you are mistaken. I am no princess.”

“You are the wife of Prince Reve, are you not?” Akil inquired, confused by Azlyn’s reaction.

“Well, yes, I am, but…” Azlyn began to protest.

“And Prince Reve is a royal prince of this realm, an heir to the crown by his own right, is he not?” Akil queried further.

“Well, yes, of course he is, but…” Azlyn attempted again.

“Then, does it not stand to reason, that your marriage would award you the title of royalty, as well?” Akil concluded.

“Well…umm…I have not…uh…” Azlyn stammered.

Azlyn had not considered how her marriage to Reve had changed her station until this exact moment. In her mind, the only title change had been, simply, to being referred to as Reve’s wife or that of Mrs. Reidar. These things were large enough changes to Azlyn, especially, given that she had never had a last name before. The idea of being a princess, Princess Azlyn, had never even crossed her mind.

“Do not be so humble, your highness. It is your right, whether or not, there are those who would seek to take it from you.” Akil encouraged.

Azlyn was feeling a bit overwhelmed. She had gone from slave to princess in a matter of moments. She was eager to get away from this place; she needed fresh air. She needed a few minutes to let her mind clear. Azlyn knew that the title hardly mattered, they were leaving this realm forever. It was the magnitude of this decision that had, suddenly, weighed on her. She wondered if this was the same discomfort that Penelope felt at the idea of becoming a noble.

“Do not mind him.” One of the Mystics stated, sensing Azlyn’s discomfort. “Akil is intelligent and logical to a fault. He does not always realize when he has said too much.”

“No, it is fine. He means no harm with his words.” Azlyn responded, attempting to wave it off.

“In that you are correct.” Another Mystic agreed.

“Akil, you may leave, we will call for you when your presence is required.” One of the Mystics instructed.

Akil bowed his head and then exited the cavern. Replaying his conversation with Azlyn in his head, failing to understand where he had been in error.

“Come closer.” The Mystic nearest them beckoned. “We have something very special for you.”

Azlyn and Reve slowly stepped towards them. Once they stood just outside the circle, the two Mystics nearest them raised their hands, indicating that they should stop. Reve and Azlyn responded by doing as they were instructed.

All four Mystics faced the bonfire, staring at it with intensity. They slowly raised their arms from their sides to up above their heads, stretching their fingers wide. As they did this, the fire before them began to rage and transform, glowing an otherworldly, fluorescent blue. The flames began to burn so brightly that Azlyn had to shield her eyes.

Through the slits in between her fingers, Azlyn watched in amazement, as a bright, glowing orb began to rise from the center of the fire. It hovered for a moment, allowing the neon flames to kiss at it, lightly. Then it slowly began to float toward the Mystic nearest to Azlyn. He cupped his hands, allowing the orb to nestle gently between them. The orb began to dissipate, revealing the treasure that it held inside.

The Mystics began to lower their arms; the fire transformed back to normal; calming its wild temperament. The Mystic who had received the orb, held up the bracelet for Azlyn and Reve to see. It shimmered in the light, as the steel that was once Reve’s sword, had been manipulated into something more delicate and beautiful.

“Step forward, sweet child.” The Mystic beckoned.

Azlyn hesitated, momentarily, knowing that Reve would not normally approve of her approaching another demon. However, the Mystics had shown them no ill-will and this bracelet had been created with her safety in mind. She did not believe that they intended to harm either of them in any way. So, she stepped away from Reve and walked towards the Mystic. She sensed that Reve must have drawn the same conclusion as herself, as he made no move to stop or follow her.

As Azlyn approached, the Mystic held the bracelet out for her. She lifted her left arm and slid her hand through the opening in the center. As soon as the bracelet made contact with the skin of her wrist it clamped down and fit itself snuggly to her arm. She watched in amazement as the glass vile, which had been molded to live, securely, inside the bracelet, sprung to life. The blood within the vile, no longer remaining dormant within. Instead, beginning to pump and move as if the vile were a vein belonging to Azlyn’s arm.

“This bracelet will act to confuse the portal and trick it into believing that you are one of demonkind.” The Mystic explained. “Keep it close to you at all times. Any demon that comes across it, will wish its destruction.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.” Azlyn responded, momentarily mesmerized by the nature of the bracelet.

The Mystic returned his focus back to the bonfire, joining his fellow sages.

“It is time for you to be on your way.” One of the Mystics spoke up.

“Akil will return you to the cellar.” Another of the Mystics added.

“We caution you, the royal guards are looking for you and they are close on your heels.”

Akil entered the cavern and bid that they follow him. Azlyn did as he requested and headed towards the area of the cavern that they had entered from the day before. Reve, on the other hand, waited a moment, deciding to speak to the Mystics one last time before leaving.

“I just wanted to thank you all for your assistance. I will never forget how you have helped us here.” Reve offered.

The Mystics did not respond to Reve’s gratitude. They simply continued to focus, directly, on the fire before them, immersed in the dance of the flames. Reve took this as his cue and turned on his heel to walk away.

“Prince Reve…”

Reve stopped in his tracks and turned to look back at the Mystics.

“When the time comes, remember that you have our sworn allegiance.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Reve demanded, confused by this statement.

The Mystics were not going to answer Reve’s questions. They had said all that they needed to say, and they would not offer anymore. They simply stared into the fire and ignored Reve’s presence.

Reve sensed that he would not be getting any more of the information that he wished for. So, he turned to follow Azlyn and Akil out of the cave.

Akil led them back to the cellar in silence. Leaving both, Reve and Azlyn, to wonder about all the things that had happened or that they had heard in the last twenty-four hours.

When they arrived at the cellar, Akil offered a polite smile before he closed the door that led to the Mystics portal. Leaving Azlyn and Reve alone in the dark.

“Well, I guess we should head to the portal. The sooner that we get through it, the better.” Reve suggested.

“I agree. Let’s leave this realm far behind us.” Azlyn nodded.

Reve led the way as he and Azlyn slowly emerged from the cellar. He decided to heed the advice of the Mystics and attempted to stick to the shadows as best they could. He knew that he needed to get them to the portal as quickly as possible and the most efficient way to do that would be to return to their vehicle. The portal to the human realm was a short drive from here. Walking, on the other hand, would take considerably longer.

Reve scanned the area surrounding the lot where their vehicle was parked. He did not see any movement nor anything that seemed suspicious or out of the ordinary. He and Azlyn approached the vehicle, slowly. Reve kept an eye on their surroundings, as he had Azlyn unlock the door and climb inside. Once he was certain that she was safe, he quickly jumped behind the wheel and took off; barely giving the engine time to realize that it was being powered to life before demanding that it speed away.

Moments later, Reve looked in the rearview mirror and noticed they were being followed by dark SUVs marked with the royal seal.

“Dammit! I should have known that this was too good to be true!”

Reve chastised himself for not realizing that it was trap. He should have realized that things seemed too calm for a town that had just been whipped into such an uproar the day before. He should have known that they were watching everything. They had probably even staked out his vehicle. Reve pressed down harder on the gas pedal as he began weaving through the traffic.

“Azlyn, I need you to promise me something.” Reve began as he took a sharp corner, trying to throw off their pursuers.

“What is it? What can I do?” Azlyn asked, earnestly.

“Promise me that you will go through the portal.”

“What?! Of course, I will. We will go through it together.” Azlyn asserted.

“No, Azlyn. That is not what I mean.” Reve took in a deep breath before continuing. “Even if, for whatever reason, I am not there with you. I want you to go through the portal without me. Do not hesitate. When you come to the portal, go through it, no matter what.”

Reve darted around another corner, tires squealing against the pavement as he went.

“No, Reve. I won’t go through without you.”

“Azlyn, I am being serious here.”

“What if I never see you again?” Azlyn sniffed, fighting back her tears.

“Beautiful, I promise that we will always come back together. As long as we are both alive, nothing will keep us apart. We are mates and we will always find the other.”

Reve assured Azlyn the best that he could. The truth is that he did not know what was going to happen. He was just as terrified as she was, though, he knew that he could not show it. He needed to stay strong for her.

They made their way outside of town and sped into the nearby forest. Their assailants were still hot on their tail and were growing more aggressive the closer they made it to the portal. Out of desperation, one of the SUVs began, lightly, ramming the back bumper of their vehicle. When this tactic did not produce the expected results; another of the pursuing SUVs raised the stakes as it pulled up along their left side and began pushing against them in an attempt to force them off the road.

Reve did his best to compensate against their efforts. However, this was beginning to prove fruitless. Reve looked ahead of them in the road and saw that they were approaching a curve that led to the left. He knew that it would be impossible for to him to safely navigate the curve with the SUV pushing against them. So, he did the only thing that he could think to do.

Reve grabbed hold of Azlyn and tossed her into the rear seat before jumping back there after her. He pulled her close to him and wrapped as much of his body around hers as he could. He knew that he was built to take more of an impact than she was.

The vehicle careened off the road; sliding and bumping along against the rocky terrain. With no one guiding its direction, it was only a matter of moments before the vehicle hit a tree, head-on. Their bodies lurched, and they were thrown forward as Reve slammed against the seats in front of them. He shook off the impact, refusing to let it daze him. He wasted no time as he threw open the back door and climbed out of the vehicle, pulling Azlyn out behind him.

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