My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 17


My wolf’s paws glided through the dirt. My blonde complexion stood out against the dark night. I looked back worried that he would chase me, and when he would find me, it wouldn’t be pretty. I stopped for a brief moment, listening and looking for any clue of him following me.

My wolf yipped with happiness when she found a river. Something to drink and to mask my scent with. I quenched my thirst and rolled in the water. I continued running off in a different direction, trying to confuse him if he followed my scent. I was miles away from Logan’s pack and I paused briefly to rest my paws. I laid my head on the cold ground.

A loud deep howl echoed throw the wood, a shiver ran through my spine. I had to fight my wolf from going toward my mate. I forced my wolf to run further into the woods. I was quickly dodged trees and jumping over stumps. The wind felt amazing against my fur. I remembered how much I loved to exercise. I knew that I was going to go back eventually, to face Alec, but I wanted to be alone for a while.

Suddenly, my side burst with pain as a slightly smaller red wolf tackled me. I easily stood to a stance and snarled at him, warning him to back off. We growled and circled each other. I could tell by his scent that he was a rogue. We both lunged at each other, obviously not wanting to back down. I tackled him to the ground snarling at him. While he was underneath me. I did not want to kill him, I just wanted to be left alone.

Two other wolves appeared and lowly growled at me. Since I was distracted the wolf quickly turned the tables, and I was underneath him. I bit into his chest and he yelped in pain. I used that time to get out from underneath him. I went instantly into an attack stance. More wolves appeared, and I was surrounded by at least twenty rogues. They all circled me, but I didn’t back down.

Two wolves bit into my leg. I turned around and clawed at them, they backed up. A couple of wolves jumped on my back. I run full force into a tree and slammed their bodies against it. I heard more growling and snarling, from the other wolves, as they fell to the ground beside me and whimpered. I growled menacingly at all the wolves. I charged at the nearest wolf and sank my teeth into her neck. I ripped my head from side to side. A wolf rammed into my side freeing her from my clutches. It was already late, she was dead.

The wolves all attacked me at once. Some jumped on my back and ripped out small pieces of my skin. The others were going for my front and back legs. I ended up killing four wolves, but they had a more powerful group. Every time I killed one of their wolves, it seemed like two more appeared and attacked me.

It was all over when a human rogue stabbed me with a silver knife, then followed a syringe to my neck. All the wolves stopped attacking me and backed up.

My wolf wobbled trying to fight the familiar feeling of being paralyzed. I forced myself to walk, trying to escape. I eventually fell to the ground in defeat. My eyes remind open, and I was still awake. I hated the fact that I wasn’t unconscious like I was supposed to be because soon memories of that dreaded night filled my head.

A man appeared in my vision, “Your still awake huh?” His evil laugh filled the air. The other wolves shifted and begin to laugh as well. It sounded like hyenas laughing in the air. My wolf whimpered and gulped.

“Tell him to get the chloroform.” The man commanded someone.

Just like that, I was being kidnapped again, but I was being kidnapped by my kidnapper. I struggled but I let out a long howl to alert someone. “Shut up!” The man hissed and kicked my snout. My wolf whimpered at the brutal force of the kick. A dark cloth was pressed against my snout. I felt myself shift unwillingly. Then I went into darkness.


I was awoken by a kick to the stomach. My stomach erupted in pain. I then remembered when I was kicked in the face and it felt numb. I put my hand up to feel my face. I also looked at my side, and luckily my wound healed from the knife.

“Get the fuck up.” The man that kidnapped and stabbed me yelled.

I raised half my body up with my arms and looked at the man. His back was faced toward me. His long black hair flowed to his shoulder. He turned toward me and smirked at me. His blue eyes pierced through my soul, and I didn’t like the vibes that he gave off.

“Nice body.” He winked at me. I growled at him and he just chuckled. I realized that I was completely naked from my shift. “Fuck you.” I sneered at him.

“What’s your rank in the Deniero Pack.” He demanded to know.

“I am not from his pack,” I replied coldly. I mustered up the coldest look I could give him.

“Then you are useless.” He growled out and was about to head for the door.

“Alpha Knine is my mate.” He paused and quickly turned back at me.

He scoffed. “Lying bitch!” He wasn’t believing me. “He doesn’t even live here. He lives in Romania. Nice try whore.” He walked up the wooden stairs to the door. The door shut, and I heard it lock.

I assumed we were in a basement. I stood up and observed the room. It was dark and musty. I could hardly see. There was a single light bulb that dimly lit up the room. A long table was over on the other side of the room. The cold rough concrete floors hurt my feet. I tried to walk over to the stairs that led me to my freedom, but the shackles on my bare ankles prohibited moving. I sighed and sat down resting my head against the stone wall.

A door opened, allowing more light to be in the room. A different man descended down the stairs. “Hey.” He softly says. “What do you want.” I rudely said.

“I’m sorry.” His words caught me off guard.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“This is my father, not me. He is the monster.” He said and handed me a plate of food. I gladly accepted it. My wolf instantly warmed up to him and I could tell his intentions were pure.

“Help me out of here,” I begged. He looked away from me with regret in his eyes. “I can’t. He will hurt her.” He whispered.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “My mother.” He said.

“Damon!” A loud voice was heard. The man’s warm ice blue eyes widened. “I have to go.” He said. He ran up the stairs and shut the door. I looked at the food and my stomach growled hungrily.

It felt like hours went by when my next visitor came. The man that kidnapped me walked down the wooden stairs and went over to the table. He grabbed multiple syringes and walked over to me. “I’m curious, why does the venom not make you go unconscious? It puts Alphas to sleep in a matter of seconds.” He talked to me as if I was going to answer him. I ignored him and just smirked at him instead.

“No talking? Okay.” He said and tried to put the syringe in me. I knocked it out of his hand and it shattered on the ground. “Okay then.” He said. He walked over to the table and pulled out a gun, my eyes widened in shock. He pulled the trigger. My screams filled the air as I clutched my leg in pain.

“Have fun bleeding.” He said and went up the stairs, leaving me alone.

I hissed in pain as I moved the leg to get a better view of it. The bullet had gone completely thrown. Tears left my eyes due to the pain. I shook as I placed both my hands on opposite sides of the bullet wound. My palms heated and I felt the pain go away. When I removed my hands, I smiled because I successfully healed myself and the pain was gone. Time seemed to go by slowly because there was nothing to do. I rested my extremely tired self against the stone wall, my eyes fluttered.


I was awoken from my nap when the man came over to me and injected vampire venom into my veins. I was paralyzed. He grabbed my body and lifted me up. He walked over to the table, and placed my body on the table and grabbed a needle. He hooked up the something to a machine and jabbed the needle in my arm. He was drawing blood from me. “What are you doing?” I hoarsely questioned.

“Your blood is special. For some reason, you don’t go unconscious from vampire venom. I could use it to make me immune.” He said.

“You can’t do that. It doesn’t work. There are other ways.” I tried telling him so he would stop.

“Shut up. If it doesn’t work, then the world would be fine with one less she-wolf.” He said and strapped me down to the table. He left, and I was by myself. I tried to fight against the restraints, but the venom was working great. As the blood slowly drained from my body, I became weaker. I fought hard to just keep my eyes open.

I was almost gone from the blood loss but then the restraints seemed to be lifted. “We have to go.” A person said and lifted me from the table.

“Damon?” I muttered. “Sh.” He hushed me and walked slowly up the stairs carrying me in his arms.

I soon felt the nice feeling of a cushion. “I’ll get clothes. Don’t make a sound.” He said and walked off. I weakly opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room. Damon quickly came back and gave me food. “Here eat this,” Damon said.

After I ate a little, I felt good enough to get dressed. “What in the hell is going on!” I demanded to know.

“My father is an evil bastard. He left the house, so I came to get you. He thinks he can use your blood. He was curious as to why you weren’t unconscious from the venom.” He explained.

“Dumbass. I’m high ranking, that’s why. I need to get out of here.” I said and stood up.

“Wait!” He sounded desperate. “I need your help.” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“I need to get my mother out of here. I also need to join a pack. Maybe the one your from.” He explained.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“Follow me.” He replied.

I slowly followed him to a different room. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He broke the door down without even trying. I gasped as I saw a frail, but beautiful women who looked like she hasn’t eaten in weeks. There were bruises and cuts on her body.

“Oh my.” I gasped.

“Yeah. It’s bad.” Damon said.

“Let’s go.” Damon gathered his sick mother in his arms. He kissed her forehead, “Don’t worry mother. Everything will be okay.” He whispered to her. I could tell that he cared very much about her. Since we were on the second floor we had to walk down a flight of stairs. As we neared the front door, it opened and Damon’s father was there.

He smirked. “Damon. I use to think better of you.” His father said.

“You bastard.” Damon hissed to his father.

Memories of him shooting me became very vivid. I wanted revenge, and I wanted to get out of here, but I wanted to make him suffer for all the bad things he had done. Not only to me but for all the pain he put Damon and his mother through. I stood in front of Damon and his mom. I was beyond pissed at this moment, I was shaking. Damon’s father raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.

“Little Wolf. What do you think you are going to do?” He taunted me.

He stalked toward us with a smirk. My blood boiled, my hands slightly began to turn red, and I felt the heat radiate from them. I raised my hand out and fire shot out from them, and the flames engulfed him. He was yelling and screaming in pain. He stumbled out the on the porch, and I was the one who stalked toward him. He flailed his arms out trying to stop the fire, but he ended up falling off the porch instead.

Unimaginable anger consumed me. A new feeling inside me seemed to overtake my body. I stared at him with such hate. The flames on his burning flesh became hotter as they turned to a light blue color, and soon he stopped moving. I turned to look at the house.

I wanted it all to burn, I wanted everything to burn.

I darkly stared at the wooden house, and soon the roof was on fire. It all seemed to spread quickly, and the whole house was burning. I looked around at all the tents, and one by one they caught on fire. The rogues running, trying to escape, caught on fire, and soon I was on fire. I watched everyone scream in pain or horror, but I felt no pain. I felt nothing, as my eyes beamed red with hatred.


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