My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 12


“Do you know her?” Alec asked.

“I’ll be back,” I told him.

We both ignored his question and went back into a room. I sat down on a wooden rocking chair.

“Alloweth me receiveth the sage up first.” I snickered at the way she talked.

She returned my smirk. Sage was used commonly to keep conversations personal. It came in handy when you had werewolves around.

“It’s done.” She said as we both watched it burning in the bowl.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Them bloody vampires cameth up from behind me and yerked me with a Datura laced knife. I told Achira and Velvezhi to leave. We kneweth you were coming. They just casted a protective spell on me, so only witches couldst cometh near me. T’is a valorous thing you showed up in time.” She explained.

I hugged my great aunt, “I missed you.” I told her.

“I miss you as well. The family shall at each moment sticketh together.” She said and patted my head.

“So bid me about your new mate life.” She said the one thing I dreaded.

“Everything is great. I couldn’t ask for a better mate. He is kind and sweet.” At first, I tried lying to her about my life with Alec. “We are just doing some mate bonding by traveling and exploring.”

She narrowed her eyes and glared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Leah. I’m the second most powerful witch on the earth. I knoweth at which hour your falsing.” She stated.

“Okay, fine. My mated life isn’t that great.” I sighed.

“Yeah, I know. I seeth what he does to you. You want me just to killeth him. I may regret it, but it will be worth it, this one time. You know how much I hate hurting others, but family comes first” She had her hands up ready to walk out of the room.

“No. Insuvai, you know that will end up hurting me and my wolf.” I tried to reason with her.

“That gent hurts you, Leah. That is nay mateth in mine own eyes.” She glared at me. “Better yet, not that I don’t like seeing family. But what art thee doing here. I have been waiting to ask you all day.” She asked.

“I came to see grandmother,” I told her.

“Oh, mine own dearest sister, Velvezhi.” She sighed.

“She hath left with Achira, what do you needeth?” Insuvai asked.

“I need to talk with her,” I told her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“They have gone to our second secret hideout.” She said.

“Where is that,” I asked.

“All the way across the earth. It is no big deal.” She said. My eyes widened.

“I have a feeling you don’t want to just talk to her.” Insuvai was getting onto me. “Really child, what do thee wisheth for.” She asked.

“I just really need to see her. I miss my family.” I nervously told her.

“As you wish child, but it is a long journey.” She explained.

“I came this far, I’m not going home yet,” I told her.

“Fary well, it looks like I’m traveling with thee.” She looked around the cave and sighed.

“How did you find this place?” She asked.

“Mother,” I said and she rolled her eyes.

“Nay, I mean how exactly did you just drop down into the cave.” She asked.

My mind wanders off to the fight I had with Alec, and how I smelt blood when he pulled my hair.

“Exactly Leah, you smelt blood. That was after he hurt you, yet again. I just want you to knoweth that you have not to stayeth with a monster liketh that gent. Mine own sisters and I can separateth thy bond so none of you suffer ” She tried to reason with me.

“He is not a monster. He just has a lot of layers.” I defended him.

“As you wish.” She defeated said.

She muttered under her breath, ”bloody wolves and their mates. I’ll shall not understand.” I chuckled.

“Alloweth me to gather mine own things. We’ll be leaving shortly.” She said.

Something popped into my head, “Another thing, don’t let him know we are related. I don’t want him knowing about my lineage or my special abilities.” I told her. She nodded and put the sage out.

I went out to greet Alec. “You have explaining to do.” He said.

“Like what?” I asked.

“How did she know your name.” He said.

“Witches know everything. Especially when people are seeking them out.” I just shrugged off the conversation. He glared at me but said nothing.

“So where are we going now?” He asked.

“Wherever Insuvai says they are. She said they went all the way across the world.” I told him. Anger set in his face,

“Is this some sort of maze. You fucking lied to me.” He strides toward me and tries to grab me. A door opens with a loud bang. He cried out in pain as he feels to the ground and covered his ears. I knew the pain very well, I could recall the loud painful pitch ringing in my ears.

“Insuvai please stop,” I begged her.

I crouched down to Alec and rubbed his back. She looked powerful and murderous. “I tolerate not violence toward mates. That is not how it works.” She boomed. Alec uncovered his ears while small amounts of blood was trickling down his face.

“As if you knew how mates worked.” He spits while coughing up blood.

“Mine own dearest sister is mated to a wolf. A very challenging guy indeed. That gent never did hurt his mate.” She laughed as if calling back memories.

I smiled remembering my good old grandfather, who is still alive. Alec stood up.

“Your pathetic wolf.” She glared at him and walked off.

I hugged Alec, “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

I knew how the pain felt because when I was young they made me and my siblings immune to it. I can recall the torturous process, but they said they did it out of love so no witch would be able to hurt us. They were right and I was thankful for them.

“Here let me help,” I said to Alec.

I reached for my backpack and grabbed something to wipe the blood off his face. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“I am now.” He said. I lightly dabbed the soft fabric on his face until the blood was gone.

“Thank you.” He whispered.

“Your welcome,” I replied.

“We should be heading down soon. She needs to gather her things” I told him. He nodded his head, then he sat against the rock wall with his hands on his head, and his breathing was heavy.

“I’m really sorry. Is there anything I can do?” I asked. I hate seeing him in pain.

He shook his head, “I just have a headache, it is fine.” He assured me.

I sat down beside Alec and hugged him. He didn’t hug me back because he was still holding his head, but at least he didn’t react negatively.

Insuvai stopped in front of us. “Are we going to go?”

Alec and I stood up and we followed Insuvai. Insuvai led us through a small passageway. We came to a small cliff that had a nice overview, but it was very steep. Snow fell off the cliff, and the wind started picking up.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked.

“If I can do this, so can you,” Insuvai said.

We carefully made our way down the cliff, using the less steep side. It was terrifying, looking down at the bottom of the mountain, and we had a long ways to go.

“Careful now,” Insuvai said. When we made it halfway down the steep side of the mountain Insuvai spoke. “We will stop and make camp when we get halfway down. We are supernatural, the trip should only take three days.” Insuvai yelled against the roaring wind.

By the time we made it halfway down the mountain, it was night time. Insuvai and I set up camp. It was easier to get the fire going, thanks to Insuvai. Alec met up with us after he got done going to the bathroom.

“Alec. The tent is set up.” I told him.

“I’m not useless. I could have done it.” He said.

“I just wanted to help. It’s fine, I had no problem doing it.” I replied.

“I brought some wood to make a fire,” Insuvai said.

She sat the wood down on the ground. Luckily, we found a nice area that had no big piles of snow on it.

“I have food,” I said. I pulled a lot of sandwiches from my backpack and handed them to Alec and Insuvai. Once Alec grabbed the sandwich his eyes flashed a bright golden brown. Then he went inside the tent.

I walked into the tent and sat down with Alec. “Are you hungry? I brought more.” I asked him. He nodded his head and I handed him extra sandwiches.

“Why must you always watch me eat?” Alec asked.

“I don’t watch you eat, I just thought you would like to have company when you eat. I don’t mean to disturb you. I’m sorry. Would you like me to leave?” I asked.

“No. You can stay.”

“Are we able to talk to each other?”

“No.” He said.

I continued to eat, and when I was done I went out to check on Insuvai. She was in her tent, and I didn’t want to bother her so I turned around and went back. Alec already ate the sandwiches, so I gathered the trash up and put it in another bag. I spread out my soft sleeping bag, ready to rest. I was slowly drifting to sleep when a gruff voice awoke me.

“Leah. You awake?” Alec asked.


“I can’t sleep.” He said.

“You woke me because you couldn’t sleep?” I questioned.

“You weren’t even sleeping.” He said.

“Well, I was trying too.”

“Anyway, I’ll take you up on that offer to talk.” He finally said.

Still, in my sleeping bag, I turned to face him. I beamed with excitement, “Really!” I sounded like a little child that was about to receive a gift.

“Not if you act like that.” He said.

I pouted. “That’s not fair!” I protested. “Anyway, what are we going to talk about?”

“I don’t know, just say something.” He said.

“You’re handsome,” I said with my goofy smile.

He chuckled, “Anything Else?”

“You have a great smile.”

He laughed this time. “Oh really.”


“I’m surprised your still here.” He said.

“What? What do you mean?” I asked.

“Any other she-wolf wouldn’t have stayed with me, seeing the fact that I don’t want a mate.” He stated.

“Regardless if you want me, I still am going to help you. You’ll be happy in the end.” I sadly sighed.

“When we get back to the pack, and I have my eyesight. You can still be the Luna. I just hope you understand that I don’t want a mate.” His words hurt. It made my wolf feel nonexistent.

“I got it. You want your eyesight more than me.” I sharply said.

“That doesn’t mean we still can’t be friends,” Alec said.

I huffed. “Mates are supposed to be just friends,” I stated.

“I’m sorry about your luck.” His normal cold voice was starting to surface. He sounded aggravated, and I didn’t want to continue this conversation. I did not want to anger him any further.

“I’m sorry too Alec. Goodnight.” I said and turned around in my sleeping bag. He growled at me but reluctantly turned his back toward me. We were facing away from each other, and our breathing was heavy.

The wind picked up outside the tent, and I tried to use the sound to distract me from my thoughts. I keep tossing and turning. It seemed like an hour until I eventually fell asleep.


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