My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 13

13. The Alpha’s Announcement YILEYNA
“Maybe I was wrong...” Raiden murmured, confusing me. I pulled him to the side as the next song began and more people
began to join in with the dancing “Hi, Theon.” I said as I collected my bunny from the ground, dusting it off. His eyes snapped to
me, and I saw the tick in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. “Yileyna.”
My stomach fluttered, as it always did when he called my name. He looked handsome, in full black, his sleeves pushed up and
his pants hugging his thighs. A white belt with a silver chain on it was around his hips, only emphasising his incredible body.
“It’s a pleasure to see you, Theon.” Raiden offered, smiling respectfully.
No one needed to announce it for me to know that everyone already saw him as their soon to be Beta.
“Wish I could say the same.” Theon’s cold reply came. I looked between the two men, the humour that had danced in Raiden’s
eyes moments earlier was gone, replaced by curiosity and a hint of something else.
“Well, enjoy the evening. Yileyna, it was an honour to dance with you tonight.” He gave me a charming smile and took my hand.
He raised it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Enjoy the rest of your evening...” I replied, trying not to let Theon’s glare affect me.
Charlene’s words came back to me, If there was any truth in what she said, then... My heart skipped a beat and I was unable to
stop myself from reaching up and pecking Raiden on the cheek.
“Thank you as well, for being such a pleasure to dance with.”
My heart was going crazy, and I dared not look at Theon. My eyes were fixed on Raiden’s blue ones. A smile crossed his face
and he nodded. “Anytime, beautiful.”
He gave Theon a final nod before walking off, and I dared to gather my courage to look at the amber-eyed man next to me.
Wait... didn’t we already greet one another? I fiddled with the strands of hair that framed my face, almost dropping my rabbit.
The silence was deafening.
“Didn’t I warn you to stay away from men like him?”
I looked at him, surprised.

“I don’t need to stay away from anyone if I don’t want to, besides, he’s nice.” I stated, trying not to pay attention to the way I was
Was it just me or was he acting like a jealous, possessive male? Maybe I was delusional and it was just my wishful thinking that
was confusing me.
He grabbed me by the wrist, making me gasp at the power in his grip, as he turned and dragged me along with him away from
the glittering lanterns and music.
“Theon! You’re hurting me!”
He didn’t reply, pulling me around a corner roughly and down a dimly lit alleyway. “Theon! Stop it! What is your problem?!” I
snapped. He turned, his eyes shimmering with irritation as he grabbed my arms and slammed me against the stone wall behind
me, making me gasp at the brutal force that he had used. One of his hands was still wrapped around my wrist, pinning it to the
wall next to my head. He didn’t reply, simply glaring at me as if he wanted to burn holes through my head. His heart was beating
a little faster than usual, and my gaze dipped to his lips.
“My problem is that your stupidity knows no bounds.”
“Or is it that maybe you want me.” I whispered softly. “I’m not stupid, Theon... Otherwise, care to explain why seeing me talking
to Raiden really pissed you off? I’m not Charlene. You’re not my bodyguard. What I do is none of your concern, you need not get
pissed off.” Call me crazy, but I couldn’t just let him get away without explaining himself. “Was that your aim? To piss me off?” His
husky voice was making me breathless, I tried to focus on anything but how close he was now standing. How could someone
irritate you yet at the same time make you want them so badly?
“Not exactly...”
His scent invaded my senses and my core clenched when he stepped even closer, my breasts that were already sticking out
thanks to him keeping my arms captive against the wall now pressed against his chest.
“Then... was the aim to make me jealous?” My eyes flew open at his words, gasping when he released one of my wrists and
instead wrapped it around my neck. “Did it work?” I braved, my heart thumping, watching him as his gaze dipped to my cleavage
before slowly running back up to my lips. Say something... I could smell my arousal... which meant he sure as hell could.
We were too close... I could feel his body barely centimetres away from mine. The bulge in his pants pressing against my lower
stomach only made my core throb. The urge to reach down was overwhelming, but instead I wrapped my hand around his wrist

as he held my neck.
“I warned you that I’m a beast and I will destroy you. You’re playing a game far bigger than you could ever imagine.. Keep
tempting me and I’ll ravish you in a way... that you never could even imagine in your wildest dreams.”
I slowly ran my hand down his forearm, trying to comprehend what was happening.
He wanted me, even if it was just a desire he wanted to satiate... A pang of hurt clawed at my chest and reality hit me hard.
No. No. He was right, he’ll destroy me... but... I still needed something. No. I wanted him, I wanted to feel what he could offer,
even if it was just once, before he realised that he made a mistake.
“Then show me. Show me exactly what you can offer...” I whispered, running my hand down his waist, feeling his hard, muscular
body through his shirt.
The slight racing of his heart made my own speed up. Our eyes locked as his hand tightened around my neck. We knew this was
reckless, I could see the battle within his gorgeous amber eyes, as he fought himself. Which side would win? Logic? Or Lust?
His thumb caressed my neck, making me sigh. “I’m glad you aren’t wearing a necklace, because the only thing that looks good
wrapped around your neck is my hand.” 3 Goddess... His words sent another sizzle of pleasure through me. How could he make
me so crazy with just his words?
I ran my tongue along my upper lip sensually. A wanton moan escaped them when I felt him throb against my lower stomach and
a low growl escaped his lips. “Fuck, Theon...” I whimpered the moment he crushed his body against mine completely, closing the
tiny gap that had separated us moments earlier. He leant down, his lips near my ear, the warmth of his breath making me giddy
with anticipation when he tensed, freezing. His heart thudded, and I knew reality must have settled in.
Don’t pull away... I couldn’t let him... I didn’t want to be alone tonight.
In a futile attempt, I ran my hand over his package, my pussy clenching at just the light feel I had managed of his large shaft. I
heard him suck in a sharp breath as he moved his head back, looking down into my eyes.
“The king has summoned us. We need to get to the banquet now.”
He let go of me, turning away, his voice once again cold and emotionless before he walked off, not even waiting for a reply. The
absence of the warmth of his body made me feel strangely cold.

He had left me alone in this dark alley, feeling... empty.
I headed for the banquet field, wondering why the king had summoned us and feeling confused. It was clear that there was
something from Theon’s side. I wanted him, he wanted me, but all we did was clash... I wasn’t a fool, I knew Theon didn’t seem
like the type to want anything more. But... I couldn’t deny how I felt in his presence...
I looked around the tables, unsure where to sit. Once upon a time, I sat at the Alpha table with my family.
I saw Charlene watching me and gave her a small smile and forced a smile.
“Sit down, dear.” Raiden’s mother, Andrea, said to me.
She was probably one of the only ones who weren’t entirely hostile to me, for saving their son, I guess. Although even then they
kept it neutral.
I sat down at one of the long tables covered in white cloth, with flowers and wine set in between the luxurious platters of food.
I looked around slowly, scanning the area until I spotted the king was talking to Raiden’s father, Gamma Henry, as well as
Gamma Grayson.
“Do you know what’s happening?” I asked.
Andrea smiled sympathetically.
“Oh, nothing at all.”
She was lying...
I nodded, not saying anything else, as Rhys flashed me a smile. “You look beautiful.” He commented, blushing lightly.
“I said the very same thing.” Raiden’s drawling voice came as he pulled the seat next to me out and sat down.
After what happened with Theon, I didn’t want Theon to see me sitting next to Raiden, but there was nothing I could do or come
up with that would be a good enough excuse for me to leave the table.
I forced a smile and he frowned slightly, looking concerned.

“Are you ok?” He asked quietly as the king walked to the Alpha’s table that stood on a dais, a table where his two Gamma’s and
usually the Beta family would sit...
I nodded in response to Raiden, reaching over and helping myself to part of the lamb joint. A pleasant hum of chatter filled the
room as everyone began to eat. I picked up my knife when Raiden’s hand closed around my forearm.
“What is this?” His voice was sharp, yet full of concern, and I looked down to see the clear handprint Theon had left on my wrist.
My heart thundered, and I wondered if there was a mark left on my neck as well.
I didn’t dare look up at him, hoping my hair covered it, if there was any. I pulled out of his hold, slipping my hand under the table.
Andrea was watching us curiously. “It’s nothing... I just...” “Can I have everyone’s attention.” Alpha Andres’s voice boomed
around us, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me, turning to look at our Alpha. “Tonight, we pray to our goddess and celebrate
everything she has blessed us with; power, prosperity, and peace.”
Everyone had fallen silent, listening to the king. Peace? Did everyone forget that there must be more to the attack that happened
two months ago? “However, two months ago, I lost a dear
friend, William De’Lacor. A loyal companion, a brave warrior, a strong Beta, along with his mate, Hana, in that attack...”
And a loving father... Did you forget that one, Alpha Andres?
It hurt the way he talked about my dad as if he was nothing to me. Why didn’t he pre-warn me that he was going to mention Dad
I saw Charlene try to stand up but her mother pulled her down, she glanced at me and I forced a smile.
“With a heavy heart, I have finalised on a new Beta, someone strong, smart and efficient.” Alpha Andres continued.
A murmur rippled through the crowd of seated people, and I knew that through the open mind link, those who weren’t close
enough to hear would receive the news. I felt a few heads turn toward me, but I kept my gaze ahead.
“A new Beta.”
“She doesn’t even have a wolf?”
“Someone else?”

“I hear it’s the young warrior, Theon...”
“I present to you, your new Beta! Beta Theon. A man who has proven himself worthy countless times! Someone I can trust and
someone I know can hold this kingdom together by my daughter’s side!”
My heart squeezed as Theon, who stood to the side, remained passive. Despite the cheering, he didn’t go onto the dais. Our
eyes met, but from this distance, I couldn’t make out what he was thinking. It hurt so much...
Everyone began cheering with approval, but it all became a haze, the remarks and clapping becoming a loud, painful echo in my
Will you not acknowledge the daughter of the Beta you so loved? At least you could have let me know that today I was to be
stripped of my future? Yes, I knew it was coming, but still...
“..leyna? Yileyna?”
Someone was calling me, but I couldn’t understand who it was. My eyes were fixed on the Alpha. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll still
say something... 1
“Come sit in your spot, Beta Theon. We will hold the ceremony this coming week...”
I stood up, unable to sit here any longer.
“Yileyna!” Raiden whispered, trying not to cause a scene as he took hold of my hand gently. I tugged free, doing my best to walk
out of here with my head held high. Give me strength, Goddess. Mom... Dad... You’re still watching over me, right?
My vision blurred with unshed tears as I kept going, ignoring everyone around me. The moment I was out of sight, I broke into a
run, only for Raiden to call me once again. The sound of his footsteps as he jogged to catch up to me. “Yileyna, wait!”
“Leave me alone. What do you want?” I asked, quickly blinking away the tears as I stopped running, not wanting to cause a
scene. “The marks on your wrist...” He walked over to me swiftly, taking hold of my hand.
“It’s nothing Raiden, please just go away.” He was concerned about the bruises? But didn’t he realise it was the pain inside of me
that was destroying me? “I’m sorry... I...” He trailed off, his gaze falling to my neck and his concern vanished. His eyes narrowed
as he stepped closer, cupping my cheeks tenderly. “Did Theon hurt you, Yileyna?” “No, he didn’t. Raiden, please-”

I saw someone approaching from the corner of my eyes and stopped mid-sentence, turning my gaze to see Theon. His face was
emotionless, his eyes hard as he looked at us both.
It hurt to see him after knowing he was the one to take my birth-right, but at the same time, a part of me needed him, needed
something from him. His touch or just something...
He turned without another word, walking away, anger rolling off him in waves. Please don’t turn your back on me... But he didn’t
look back, not even once.

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