More Than A Favor (Elaine and Logan)

Chapter A Favor 60

More Than A Favor Chapter 60


The medicine worked like a charm. The burning in my mouth eased up almost instantly, replacing the sharp pain with a cool, minty sensation.

By lunch, I could finally drink water without wincing, though I still had to be careful not to gulp it down too fast.

Still, actual food was off the table. All those spices, seasonings, and even the natural salt would just set my ulcers on fire again. Just thinking about it made my mouth throb.

"How about some risotto, Elaine? With steamed broccoll on the side?" Maya suggested, flipping through the menu trying to find something gentle enough for me. Her thoughtfulness was touching.

Knowing she needed her meat fix - girl couldn't go a meal without it - I said, "Just risotto's fine for me- order whatever you want. Don't hold back on my account."

Maya started to protest when Ashton walked up, his tall frame casting a shadow over our table. "Mind if I crash your lunch?"

Weird hearing such a casual phrase from such a serious guy. I was about to decline - still feeling awkward about the whole medicine thing from earlier, no matter how normal he'd played it off. Something about the memory of his fingers on my chin made my stomach do a little flip.

But Maya, total fangirl that she was, jumped in with an enthusiastic, "Sure! What would you like to order?"

"I'll..." he glanced my way, his dark eyes lingering for a moment. "I'll have what Ms. Hart's having."

Maya's eyes went wide. "Just risotto? Nothing else? That can't be enough!"

"Need something mild," he pointed to his mouth, the gesture somehow both casual and precise. "Haven't been drinking much water either."

True enough. I'd noticed he barely touched his water bottle all morning.

"So you're dehydrated too," Maya noted, then muttered under her breath, "I'm the only one feeling fine. Makes me look like I'm slacking off."

We ended up ordering risotto, a light salad, and some grilled fish. The waiter seemed surprised at our modest order, especially given Ashton's size.

"Mr. Drake, are you sure that's enough? Please don't be shy!" Maya pressed after ordering, clearly concerned about her idol's nutrition.

"Yes." Classic Ashton - man of few words, delivering them with that deep, certain tone that somehow. managed to end conversations.

After working with him these past few days, I'd noticed he was more about action than talk. Every movement had purpose, nothing wasted.

When Ashton stepped away to take a phone call, Maya whispered urgently, "Should we get more? He doesn't look like someone who eats so little. Those muscles must need fuel!'

My mouth was already uncomfortable, so I kept it brief. "He's lean, not bulky. Probably watches what he eats."

Suddenly remembered him washing his hair in that tank top. Those lean muscles weren't bulky



Chapter 60



bodybuilder stuff, but the kind that came from actual work and discipline. The memory was more vivid than I would've liked.

"I bet he is, just wish I could see for myself," Maya said, eyes gleaming like she was trying to x-ray through his clothes. Her crush was showing big time.

What do you say to that kind of thirst? "Well, there's your chance. Go rip his shirt off - you'll get a great view." I tried to keep my tone light and teasing. "Elaine!" Maya blushed bright red, but couldn't stay quiet for more than a few seconds before leaning in conspiratorially. "I think Mr. Drake likes you."

I choked on my water, some of it going down the wrong pipe.

"For real! The way he looks at you when you're not watching, how comfortable he is touching you," Ma ya reached for my chin, mimicking Ashton's earlier move. "He never gets that close to anyone else!" I swatted her hand away, trying to keep my voice stern. "Looking to lose that bonus? Because this is how you lose that bonus."

"We're on break!" she protested, waving her hands defensively. "Work rules don't apply at lunch!"

"You should totally go for it with Mr. Drake. It's the perfect way to get back at Mr. Mercer." Maya and her wild ideas always thinking in terms of romantic comedy plots.

I laughed, hoping to hide my discomfort. "Thought you liked him yourself?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't like me!" Maya said with surprising practicality. "Besides, except for not being CEO, he beats Mr. Mercer in every way. The looks, the skills, that mysterious vibe..." She sighed dreamily. Girl had taste, I had to give her that.


"I'll be your matchmaker!" Maya declared suddenly, sitting up straighter with determination in her eyes, "I'm really good at it - ask anyone!"

I had to laugh. First Chloe, now Maya playing cupid. Was there something in the water making everyone think Ashton and I needed to be pushed together?

Did we really look like such a perfect match to everyone else? The thought made me uncomfortable.

"I'll up with the enthusiasm of a rookie matchmaker, ready to play

o ask him right now!" Mava i cupid without any sense of subtlety.

I yanked her back down by her sleeve, probably harder than necessary. "Sit! Drop it, okay? We're never happening. Not in this lifetime."

"Why not?" Maya looked genuinely confused, like I'd just told her the sky wasn't blue. "Don't tell me he's not your type? Have you seen him?"

To keep Maya from doing something crazy and making things even more awkward between Ashton and me - because God knows we didn't need any help in that department - I nodded firmly.

"You're not that shallow, Elaine. He's just not as rich as Mr. Mercer," Maya pushed, seeing right through my excuse. "But money isn't everything!"

Time to shut this down completely. I raised my voice slightly, making sure it would carry. "What can I say? I'm materialistic. Even if he looked like a Greek god straight out of Mount Olympus, no money means no chance. That's just how it is." 20.67

< Chapter 60

Ashton looked over right as I finished, because of course he did. His expression was unreadable, but I knew he'd heard every word.

I met his gaze head-on, refusing to look away. Better he knew now that nothing would ever happen between us. Better to cut off any possibilities before they could take root.

I wasn't naive. The "accidental" touches, helping with the medicine, the way his eyes followed me sometimes - he was clearly interested. Or at least curious. But interest wasn't enough, not with complicated situation.

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