Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 4-Arriving at the MSMC Compound

The rooms were very nice with a separate living room area where we set up Carmella’s crib, much to my relief. I was hoping that Annalisa wanted to be with me as much as I want to be with her but I wasn’t going to push it.

Annalisa gave Carmella a quick bath and got her ready for bed while I watched TV for a while. Or at least I pretended to watch it. I tried not to be obvious about it but I watched her with her baby and it was plain to see that mother and child had a very close bond.

She heated some milk in a sippy cup and quietly hummed a lullaby to her as she sat on an easy chair in the darkened living room while Carmella drank her milk cradled securely in her mothers arms. The cup was less than half empty by the time Annalisa took it away from her. The little girl snuggled her mothers chest and I envied the child the chance to get so close to those perfect breasts.

I finally stood up, grabbed a t-shirt and my clean boxers out of my bag and went into the bathroom. I started the shower and debated on starting out cold but knew it wasn’t going to help. I climbed under the hot water and began to take my bath when suddenly the curtain moved and Annalisa was standing there checking me out.

“Nice ass. Mind if I join you?” She asked.

“Not at all.” I said and put my hand out to her. I looked her up and down as she stepped inside and couldn’t believe how perfect she was. Granted she was a mother of a small child so she had some stretch marks on her stomach but they were light and barely noticeable. Her breasts were not huge but large enough to fill my hands, her stomach was basically flat and her hips were wide enough to give her a beautiful shape without being flabby. I pulled her close and there was no hiding my erection now as it poked her in the stomach but she didn’t hesitate to push against me one bit.

“I hope you don’t think badly of me, but ever since we kissed in my apartment, I’ve been wanting to feel your skin on mine. I know we’ve both been nervous around each other but I don’t want to play games with you, Eagle. You said earlier that you knew from the moment you saw me that your heart flipped and you thought to yourself that I am your woman?

Well, I have to admit that when I first saw you, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest but then I thought “What the hell is a man who looks like you going to want with a woman with a baby that isn’t his?” But it didn’t stop me from wanting you.

It’s been over 2 years since anyone has touched me, Eagle but I’m clean and on birth control and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I want you to make me feel like a woman again. As for anything after this, we come as a package deal, Eagle. I won’t give up my daughter. Not for anything or anybody. Understand?” She said honestly as she looked deep into my eyes.

“Would not ever ask you to and I accept you both as mine now.” I told her and then kissed her. We bathed each other slowly, our hands learning each other as we soaped each other. I ran my hands over her breasts as I kissed and suckled her neck. Her hand brushed over my nipples which were just as hard as hers. She had and took the advantage of being able to suckle mine as she was so much shorter than me but when my hand moved down her side to her waist and then around her hip to the juncture between her thighs, her head fell back as she clutched my arms and opened her legs wider, urging me to touch her more fully.

I tried to go slow, to take my time to caress her, to make love to her but she urged me to go faster.

“God, Eagle. I’m loving your touch but I’m already so hot, I feel like I’m burning up inside.” She whispered.

I smiled and pushed a finger inside of her, causing her to moan and I damn near came on her stomach at the sound of it. She was so tight but also very wet as she pulled on my elbow, trying to get me deeper. I pulled almost all the way out and added a second finger and her hips thrust forward.

“Damn, Annalisa. I need to be inside of you. Please tell me if I hurt you and I’ll stop.” I said as I lifted her up and pushed her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I grabbed the perfect round globes of her ass as I pushed my way inside, only about half way at first and I froze when I heard her gasp.

“Are you alright?” I whispered as I tried to keep myself under control and hold back but I could feel my cock pulsing as her pussy gripped me tightly.

She nodded and whispered. “It’s just been a really long time and I didn’t realize how big you are. I’m okay now but I think we need to slow this down a bit until I’m used to you.”

“Oh God. Please don’t let me hurt her.” I prayed silently as I slowly pushed farther in. “Let me know if it hurts at all.” I whispered to her.

“It’s not that it hurts really. It’s just very, very filling and it surprised me. But God, do you feel good!” She whispered back.

“Oh yeah, I do feel really good right now.” I smiled against her neck. I kissed over her collarbone and up to her ear where I sucked her ear lobe into my mouth as I pushed in some more. Only another couple of inches and I would be all the way in. I could feel the walls of her pussy throbbing and clenching at me and it was heavenly torture to go slow but I couldn’t force myself in anymore without hurting her.

I felt her rock her pelvis forward slightly and I pushed in a little more. I was almost all the way in and when I felt her nails scrape across my shoulders and she rocked her pelvis one more time, I was finally all the way in but my control to go slow was getting hard to maintain.

God she feels so damned good. I forced myself to freeze as I waited for her to give me some indication that she was ready for me to move when I felt her put her hands more firmly on my shoulders then she whispered “Please, Eagle, please move. I need you.”

Slowly I worked myself in and out of her incredibly tight, wet pussy. “Relax your muscles as much as you can, baby. My control is slipping and I’m so damned close but I don’t want to hurt you.”

I felt her relax a bit and that was my cue as I began to pump in and out of her, trying to go slow but as I got closer, it was almost impossible to hold back any more. I grabbed her hips and lifted and lowered her in an ever increasing rhythm and she used her hands on my shoulders to give herself leverage as she met me thrust for thrust. Soon we were pounding together like two rabbits. Her nails bit into the skin of my shoulders and she cried out. “Oh god, Eagle I’m almost there. Oh! Oh! OH YESSSSSS!” I felt her climax begin and the last of my control was gone and with a few more strokes, I shot my load deep inside of her then fell against her, sandwiching her body between me and the tile. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and held me close and I can’t even describe what it was I was feeling as anything other than pure bliss.

“My god, woman. That was fantastic!” I whispered to her as she stroked the back of my head and neck. She nibbled my ear and whispered “I couldn’t agree more.”

I regretfully lifted her off of me and we finished bathing then got out and toweled off. We took turns brushing our teeth but neither of us bothered to take off our towels and soon we were naked between the sheets.

“Does Carmella sleep through the night?” I asked after our second session.

“Yeah, but then she’s never slept anywhere but in mine or Nessa’s bed.” She said, pushing away and got out of bed. She opened the bedroom door and went to check on her baby, who was still sleeping soundly. When she came back, she left the door cracked so that she could hear her if she woke up.

Thankfully for both of us, she slept all the way through the night. Even Annalisa and I managed to get a few hours of sleep and I think I slept better than I had in years.

Waking up with Annalisa asleep on my chest was without a doubt the best feeling in the world besides fucking her. Finally I had something in my life worth waking up for.

The next morning, Carmella let us know she was up bright and early by the wailing call of “Mommy! Mommy!”. Annalisa moaned as she crawled out of bed and pulled on her nightgown which had been over the end of the bed next to us all night, untouched. She tiptoed over to Carmella and softly told her “Shhhh, baby girl. Mommy is right here.”

I got up and went to the bathroom. I emptied my bladder and then got a quick shower before I pulled on my clothes. I found Annalisa pulling on Carmella’s clothes and I leaned up against the door to watch her try to brush the baby’s curly locks, which she obviously did not want to sit still for. “Carmella, sit still!” Annalisa scolded her daughter as the baby tried to wiggle away from her.

“No!” Carmella said and continued to wiggle.

“You are not going to get to ride in the car if you don’t sit still and let me get your hair brushed.” Annalisa threatened her. That was obviously enough to convince the baby to keep still and Annalisa finally managed to get her curly locks tamed and up in the small hair ties that kept them under control. She looked so cute when Annalisa finally let her go. Carmella made a mad dash for the door and started demanding to go riding. “Ca! Ca!” She yelled trying to reach the door knob.

Annalisa finally spotted me standing in the doorway watching them and pushed herself up off the floor and grinned at me. “Are you sure you are ready for this?”

“Oh honey, after last night, there’s a lot I can deal with. Go. Get changed and I’ll watch after her. I’ll take her out to look at my bike. Find out if she’s going to be a biker baby or not!” I smiled at her.

“Just to look at it, right? No riding yet? She’s too little to go for any bike rides just yet.” Annalisa said worriedly.

“No worries baby. We’ll just look for now. I promise. First I’m going to bang on Hulk’s door and make sure they are up too. We’ll have breakfast and then get back on the road. Okay?” I told her and she rose up on her toes and gave me a quick kiss before moving past me to go get dressed.

“Come on Miss Carmella. Want to go wake up Uncle Hulk and Aunty Nessa?” I asked the small girl. She grinned at me and held her arms up and wiggled her fingers at me to pick her up. I scooped her up and she wrapped her little arms around my neck and I can’t even describe the feelings that rushed through me as she hugged me. I pulled open the door. We walked down the hall to Hulk and Nessa’s room and I banged on the door loudly, then we walked away. A few seconds later I heard Hulk yell, “What the hell, man?”

“Come on. Carmella wants breakfast and we need to get on the road. Shake a leg!” I hollered back at him and continued on down the hall to the elevator. I heard several doors open and a few cuss words but when they looked outside and saw who it was making all the noise, all of the doors quietly closed and no one dared say a word.

I carried Carmella outside to look at my bike and then I sat her on the seat. She immediately tried to reach for the handlebars and started making rumbling noises by blowing through her closed lips. “Oh yeah, baby girl. You are definitely going to be a biker chick!” Note to self: Buy several baseball bats!

Half an hour later, a very disgruntled looking Hulk came down carrying the women’s suitcases and Annalisa had Carmella’s diaper bag and my backpack while Nessa carried Hulk’s. We stowed everything back in the car and then went to have breakfast. As soon as we were done eating, we checked out of the hotel, made sure everyone was okay on gas and then got back on the road. We only had a little over a hundred miles to go and probably should have just gone on last night but damn, I’m glad we stopped off!

Nessa’s POV

As we pulled into the compound, several of the men came out to see who it was arriving with our men, followed closely by three beautiful women.

“Welcome back guys! We were beginning to think you had decided to stay in Tulsa. Who’s this?” Dixie stepped up and welcomed the men back. “Rooster told me you were bringing back a woman from the mission but you are coming back with two..............and one has a baby? What in the world did you get into?” Dixie said, teasingly.

“No offense ladies but I gotta give these guys a hard time sometimes, just to keep ’em in line. I’m Dixie. My man is Rooster. He’s the president here. Welcome to the Monster Slayers MC.” She walked right up to me first, as I rounded the front of the car. We shook hands and then she walked over to Annalisa and shook her hand then tickled Carmella under her chin, causing her to giggle.

“Hi. I’m Nessa and this is my best friend, Annalisa and that little cutie is Carmella.” I stepped forward and made introductions as Annalisa shook hands with Dixie.

“Well, come on inside. Prospects! Get them unloaded and carry this stuff up to Hulk and Eagle’s rooms. Just tell them what goes where and they’ll get it sorted out for you.” Dixie said, turning to me.

“The blue suitcases and three smaller boxes in the back closest to the seat are mine! The rest belongs to Annalisa and Carmella.” Nessa said, taking the diaper bag from Annalisa and we all followed Dixie up to the porch where Marley and Kaylee were waiting.

“Ladies, this is our VP’s wife, Marley and our Sergeant of Arms woman, Kaylee. Don’t worry about who’s who right now. You’ll get used to everyone eventually. Come on in and have some coffee. We can introduce Carmella to the other kids. They are playing in the living room.”

We entered the house to find what really did resemble a bar and when I turned my head to the right, I wasn’t really surprised to see a full service bar with 8 barstools pulled up in front of a long bar and behind it glass shelves that held all kinds of alcohol and different sizes of glassware with a mirror behind it. On the left side of the room were a bunch of round tables surrounded by chairs and there were booths along one wall and two pool tables, complete with the Tiffany beer lights above them.

I looked over at Annalisa who had a look on her face that clearly said “What the hell have I gotten myself into this time?” and it was being directed straight to Eagle who had an uneasy look on his face. “OH lord, man. Walk with care because you have no idea of this latino woman’s temper!” Was my only thought. Dixie seemed to sense that Annalisa was not happy about this situation and quickly hustled us on to the living room, yelling “Prospects! Bring coffee for 7 to the living room.”

Just then four prospects came in carrying our suitcases and some of the boxes of our stuff. I think if Annalisa had my car keys she would have told them to load her stuff back in the car and she and Carmella would have been out of here faster than Eagle could blink. I pulled on her arm and whispered “Calm down and give it a chance.”

She pursed her lips and let me pull her along. I shot a look over my shoulder telling Eagle he would be wise to make himself scarce.

Dixie called out and said “Hulk. Eagle. Rooster wants to talk to you. He’s in his office.”

I noticed Marley and Kaylee were both smiling wide and I was curious to know what they were thinking. We followed Dixie down a hallway and into a large comfortable living room that had two large sectionals as well as some loveseats and recliners scattered around a large fireplace on one wall and a movie screen sized television on the opposite wall that currently had cartoons on and two small children sitting on the sofa like they were conjoined twins except that they looked nothing alike.

“Ladies, this is Charlie and that’s Tiana. This is Marley and Hunter’s son, Simon. The little girl is Charlie and Cruise’s daughter, Crystal and this little one is my son, Samuel. This precious baby girl also belongs to Marley and Hunter and her name is Faith. Kaylee and Tiana are the two newest members of our sisterhood and haven’t started their families yet. Charlie is Cruise’s ole’ lady and Tiana belongs to Boxer.

Ladies, this is Nessa and Annalisa and her daughter, Carmella. I’m not sure who belongs to who yet but we welcome you. Come on and get comfortable. Rooster is going to call church as soon as he’s finished talking to our two missing misfits. They both forgot to check in last night and we were worried sick that they had been ambushed or something on the way home.” Dixie said.

“No, they both forgot their phone chargers and we don’t have Iphones so we couldn’t help them out.” Nessa explained.

“They are supposed to carry those wireless chargers but seeing as everyone kind of left in a hurry that I’m not surprised they forgot them. Oh well, Rooster will blow off steam at them and then welcome them back. So which one is yours?” Dixie asked, looking at me first. “Let me guess. Hulk, right?”

I laughed and said “Someone has to have described me to you.”

All of them laughed and nodded. “He’s going to the butt end of jokes for a few days but at least he won’t be the only one this time. All of our men get razzed by the single men when they found all of us. They claim that the look they all got when they first saw us was like the cartoon character that gets hit in the head with a 2 by 4 or a baseball bat, which amazingly enough is pretty close to being accurate!” Marley said.

“So I guess that means you are Eagle’s lady?” Dixie asked and Annalisa nodded. “You sure don’t talk much, do you? Don’t worry hun, you’ll get used to us eventually. Once your man claims you, you gain not only him but a huge family of us 5 women as sisters and over 40 brothers and counting.”

“Wow. Hulk told me it was like a family here but I had no idea it was so big.” I said.

“Actually those are only the numbers for this branch of the club. We are the mother chapter but there are many other chapters but they are not as big as ours. Some of them you’ve already met or at least seen when they rescued you the other night. They come and go when there is business to be dealt with or when we need each other’s help.” Dixie explained.

“So am I the only one that came back from the other night?” I asked.

“Yeah. I understand that a couple of the other women were chosen by men from other chapters but you are the only one for us. That’s why I was so surprised that you pulled up with Annalisa. Do you mind if I ask how that all came about? I was beginning to think that Eagle would never find his woman. He always kind of sticks to himself.” Dixie said.

“We had just shown up at my apartment and were about to start packing my stuff up. I asked Hulk and Eagle to go across the street for some boxes and while they were gone, Annalisa’s ex showed up and started beating her up. The guys came back, Hulk pulled Dennis off of her and punched him then Eagle grabbed him and just started whaling on Dennis. Hulk had to grab him and said “Not in front of the kid, Eagle” and he finally stopped. He must have stood and stared at her for the longest time and you could almost feel the electricity in the air.” I told them.

“Sounds familiar.” Marley said and all four of them nodded.

Carmella said “Mommy, juice?”

“Okay baby.” Annalisa said and dug through the diaper bag for a sippy cup and a bottle of apple juice that we had bought at the convenience store when we stopped for gas.

A glance at the clock over the fireplace told us that Carmella was going to be wanting a nap soon and probably would fall asleep before she finished her sippy cup. Annalisa changed her diaper and then pulled her across her lap and began to rock her.

“So it sounds like you guys had a good reason to be late coming back.” Dixie said.

Just then they all heard a lot of footsteps walking down the hall and going into the room across from the living room. “Rooster must have called church. It’ll probably be a little while before they come out. Would you two like to see where you will be staying?” Dixie asked.

Both Annalisa and I were confused and I asked “Don’t the women attend the church services?”

All of the women started to laugh but Marley shushed them saying “Don’t laugh. None of the rest of us except for Dixie knew what church meant either.” She scolded them and then turned to us and said “Church is not a religious service. It’s what bikers call their members only meetings. What goes on in there is for members’ ears only and is never discussed with non members and can only be shared with us women if we are claimed as ole’ ladies but really they prefer we not know since what we don’t know we can’t repeat if we are captured by a rival gang.” Marley explained and I couldn’t help but fan myself and as if she knew what was coming, Annalisa rolled her eyes as I said “Wow! The amount of testosterone in this house is a bit overwhelming.”

They all laughed but then Dixie said “Some biker clubs are more like gangs than what we have here and if you think there’s testosterone here, try visiting one of the “gang”clubs! It’s like stepping back into the caveman days where women are treated with zero respect.

Not long after Rooster took over the MSMC from his father, we went on a ride with a bunch of us just going to the coast for the 4th of July weekend when we stopped, actually we broke down, near one of the “biker gang” club houses. We walked in expecting it to be like our own clubhouse here. But let me tell you, we couldn’t have been more wrong. As soon as I stepped through the door, men were cat calling and whistling and one man openly asked me if I wanted to fuck him right there. Rooster almost went through the roof!

There were women on their knees, blowing men off. One poor girl was being fucked at the same time and there was another one laying on a table in the corner with several men lined up to fuck her. The sweet butts had no clothes on and the ole’ ladies in the club were almost as scary as the men.

We backed out of the room faster than we went in, everyone with their hands on their guns. Back then Ox was still with us and it was his bike that had broken down. It took him and another old timer years to live down Ox having to ride behind the old timer. But that ride made two huge changes in how this club operates. One was we never go on long rides without a “service” truck along. Two was that we never ride alone.

Here, every member has to work a trade. There are no free rides here. We don’t run drugs or guns and definitely have nothing to do with selling other people. In fact we rescue the victims that get kidnapped like you did, Nessa.

As the women of the house, we do the cooking and keep the supplies ordered and put away. We not only birth the children but take care of them and their needs in addition to the needs of our men. We do light housework, gardening and if you want, you can have a job away from the house but right now, there are only 5 of us, not including you two and like I said, over 40 men not including the prospects, so cooking is almost a full time job.

I’m hoping that you two have some cooking skills? I used to do most of it but when I hit 7 months into my pregnancy, Rooster made me stop because of health issues, mostly because my legs were swelling up so bad I could barely stand. Then I gave birth early by c-section and I’m still not healed up well enough to stand to make complete meals for so many mouths. These guys are not picky eaters but they like good, wholesome food and they can really pack it away.

We learned a long time ago not to let them in the kitchen except for clean up duty. The messes they make are not worth what they turn out.” (All of the women snickered at a memory of the guys trying to make a birthday cake for Hulk one year. They nearly burned down the house!)

“When Rooster took over, the club was in financial trouble. About 2 years after Rooster’s older brother died, King’s wife deserted them. King started drinking even more heavily and it finally ate up his liver. He wasn’t taking care of business and members were leaving right and left to go to other chapters or other clubs entirely.

Rooster and I had just gotten married when King, Rooster’s father, passed away. Rooster had already started making changes to get us out of the hole that King had dug. When we finally cleared all of the debt, we started to buy land around here and now we own everything for at least a mile in any direction from the compound on three sides and on the fourth we own every foot of land through half the town just east of here. It wasn’t really officially a town but more of a settlement that has been here for years and is steadily growing.

A lot of the businesses were already struggling. We helped where we could, mostly with much needed repairs, small loans but in a lot of cases, we bought their land and buildings but retained them to run the businesses. It has taken us years to establish ourselves as being good for the community and to prove to the townspeople that we will protect them, not harm them. Now they will often call us instead of the cops. Here we are like a family. We take care of our own first and foremost and the men will protect us with their lives and we them.

Now I won’t say we are saints by any stretch of the imagination but there are all kinds of evil in this world but we don’t promote crime or violence. Some of our punishments may be harsher than the cops would be allowed to do but the police in town are just a small bunch of men with superiority complexes for the most part. There are a few that we totally trust but there are others that are just as bad as the criminals they are supposed to protect the people against. Others are just too dumb to find their own asses with both hands. The Sheriff is a good man and we work closely with him.

We’ve started several businesses in town. The main one and biggest income earner being our construction company. The guys can build anything! Heck, they’ve taken this place from a rundown 12 room dump of a motel to the place it is now which is 50 bedrooms, 54 bathrooms, an industrial restaurant size kitchen.

The main dining room that you saw when you came in also includes the bar but where else do you expect us to sit and feed so many people? There’s this living room, a games room, a library and offices for Rooster, Hunter and me, but I rarely use mine the way they use theirs. There are also some guest bedrooms for when we have people from out of town staying with us but that is rare.

We’re wanting to expand some more but we’ve just had so much going on lately that the plans have kind of been pushed back. We just finished our house a little bit farther up the hill but we still keep a room here and seem to spend the bulk of our time here, since Rooster is the president and needs to be here almost all day every day but it’s nice to have a place to go to get away from the noise and activity around here sometimes.

Just then the church meeting let out and Hulk and Eagle poked their heads in the door. “Having fun?” Hulk asked.

“Yes but I know I’d like to go get my stuff unpacked or everything is going to be wrinkled and I’m sure Annalisa would like to put Carmella down for a while.” I answered him and then turned to the ladies and said “I hope you don’t mind?”

“No, not at all. Go on and get settled in. Annalisa, do you have a baby monitor?” Dixie asked.

“No. I don’t but I’ve never needed one before.” Annalisa said, looking worried about leaving Carmella alone, especially in a new and strange place.

“Well, unless you want to be trapped in the bedroom while she sleeps, you’re going to need one. Don’t worry. I can get one ordered for you and it should be here in a day or two. Let me know if there is anything else you need. Okay?” Dixie said with a smile.

“Thank you.” We both told her and then got up and followed Hulk and Eagle to our new bedrooms. We were both amazed at how big this place is. You couldn’t really tell it from the road or even from the front but the hallway seemed to go on forever.

“Good lord, just getting to the bedroom or back to the main rooms is a hike in itself.” Annalisa complained as she shifted Carmella in her arms.

“Here, let me take her.” Eagle said as he held out his arms to her. He carefully took the sleeping baby from her and cradled her in one arm while he took Annalisa’s hand with the other.

We got to Hulk’s room first and when he let me in, I had to stop and look around. “Geez! This room is just for us? It’s huge! Hell, both mine and Annalisa’s apartments would fit in here!”

Annalisa and Eagle continued on down the hall two doors farther down.

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