Monster Slayers MC Book 3

Chapter 19- Narrow escape for Boxer

Two days before Christmas everyone was surprised when Boxer and Tiana got into a yelling match that everyone could hear but no one attempted to get involved in. Everyone was shocked that Tiana was screaming at Boxer since she normally barely spoke above a whisper and had always seemed so shy and self contained but when she stormed through the house that day, she was fit to be tied as she stomped down the stairs and went into the bar. She grabbed a bottle of tequila and nearly choked as she chugged on it right out of the bottle.

“What the hell, Tiana? What’s going on?” Dixie asked as she entered the bar behind her and took the bottle away from her.

“Boxer is being a total jackass. He accepted a fight three days after Christmas without even talking to me about it. He wants to leave here the day after Christmas to go to Oklahoma City. He says it will pay him $100,000 plus a portion of the bets placed if he wins. Something called a “cage match”.” Tiana ranted until Dixie gasped at the last sentence and Tiana snatched the bottle back out of Dixie’s hand and asked her “What?”

“Wait right here and don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Dixie said and left the bar. She hurried over to Rooster’s office and quickly told him what was going on.

“Rooster, Tiana said it’s a cage match for big bucks. You know what that means as well as I do. Stop him, Rooster! You can’t let him do that.” Dixie pleaded with her husband.

Rooster’s POV

Rooster rubbed his hand over his face and he now knew this was the other shoe he had been waiting to drop but he couldn’t believe that it was Boxer. “I’ll talk to him. If it was directly related to MC business, I could order him not to go but this has nothing to do with us and he has been involved with the boxing world since before he came to us. Granted it’s been a while since he’s fought, I really don’t have the right to order him not to fight if that is what he really wants.” I told her but stood up to go find Boxer and I had a feeling I knew just where to look.

Sure enough, I found Boxer pounding the hell out of the heavy bag in the gym downstairs and muttering to himself. I got behind the bag and held on to it while he worked out his frustrations for a few minutes but it was beginning to feel like I didn’t have the bag separating us as he hit it over and over again with full force.

“Dude, take a break and let’s talk while I can still breathe!” I told him.

“Why can’t she just understand? I’m just going to do this to be able to buy her the house she wants so that we can start our family. She doesn’t want to get pregnant until we have the house and have it set up the way she wants and everything we’ve looked at that we like costs more than I can afford without the money I will make on this fight. She says she doesn’t want to wait for something to be built either because it will take too long and she doesn’t want it to be so close to the clubhouse, like your place. I just don’t know what else to do so when my old manager called and said that he had a high dollar fight that would earn me $100,000 plus a portion of all the bets placed with him, I jumped at it.” Boxer explained as he wiped his face with a towel and caught his breath.

“Who would you be fighting?” I asked.

“I’ve never heard of him before but my manager told me his name is Romero Fernandez and that he’s at the top of my weight class and like me, hasn’t lost a fight.” Boxer admitted.

“Dude, I hate to say it but you could be walking into a nightmare that very possibly might not end well for you. I know you keep in pretty good shape but you haven’t fought in a long time and would need to be in top physical condition for this and you just don’t have enough time to prepare for it.

Now if it was 3 or more months away, I’d back you up all the way and make sure you got the training I know you are going to need but in this case, I’m sorry but I have to agree with Tiana. Does she know what a cage match really means?” I asked him and my eyes got wide when he shook his head.

“I never got a chance to explain it. As soon as I told her about the fight and when it was going to be, she went off on me. She’s been very short tempered and kind of emotional lately.” Boxer said and then gave me a strange look as a wide smile broke across my face.

“What?” He asked.

“Tell me something. How much does Tiana get if you lose?” I asked him and he kind of got a look on his face that told me it was something he had not really considered.

“Nothing. Maybe a dead biker to bury.” He said, quietly as he lowered his head.

“Then, I think you really need to reconsider this dude. Can you really take a chance on destroying her after all she’s been through?” I told him, then patted him on the shoulder before I stood up and left the gym.

Dixie’s POV

I returned to the bar to talk to Tiana. She was no longer drinking Tequila but sipping a bottle of water as she stared off into space with big tears rolling down her face. She glanced up as I came back in and as I sat down next to her she asked me “Do you think I’m being unreasonable, Dixie? I know I’ve been rather moody lately and I don’t know why because it’s not that time of the month for me but am I just overreacting? Boxer says he just wants to give me the house of my dreams but I don’t want it if it means he could be hurt.”

“No, baby girl. I don’t think you are overreacting at all. A cage match is very serious and Boxer must be nuts for even considering it.” I told her.

“What’s the difference between a cage match and a regular boxing match?” Tiana asked as she seemed to pick up on the tone of my voice.

“A cage match means no rules, no holds barred and most times only one man is going to walk out of there.” I explained and then waited for her reaction which was exactly what I had expected.

“NO! NO! He can’t! I won’t let him! Dixie, you have to make Rooster stop him. Please, Dixie, help me stop him. I love him so much! I can’t lose him. I will just die if something happens to him. I don’t care if we have to live in a tent or a cave for the rest of our lives. I just want him to be here and safe with me. Please, please, please!” She pleaded with me and I wrapped my arms around her and said

“Shhhh! Rooster is down talking to him right now. Stop worrying. We’ll do everything we can to make him change his mind.”

“He got me so mad when he just informed me that we would be leaving for Oklahoma City the day after Christmas. I had to practically drag it out of him as to why and when he told me it was for a fight against an opponent that is at the top of his weight class that he’s never even heard of just made me so furious. My stomach has been a mess the past couple of days and I had just finished throwing up when he came in to drop that little bundle of joy on my parade of trying to wrap Christmas presents. Talk about killing my Christmas spirits.” Tiana told me.

“You’ve been throwing up?” I asked her as a light began to come on in my head.

“Yeah. For the past week or two. At first I thought it was something I ate but now I think I have some kind of stomach virus. That’s why I’ve been trying to avoid being around anyone else. I don’t want anyone else to get it, especially so close to Christmas.” She told me.

“I’ll be right back.” I told her and took off for my bedroom. I retrieved a pregnancy test from my bathroom and ran back to the bar after checking that Samuel was still napping. I walked back into the bar, grabbed Tiana’s hand and pulled her with me to the bathroom.

“Dix! What the hell?” Tiana questioned as I pulled her along.

“Get in here and go pee on this!” I said, pushing the box into her hand.

She looked at the box and then her eyes got huge as realization dawned on her. “You think?” She whispered.

“It’s a good possibility. Now go and pee!” I ordered her, pointing at the stall.

She went in and I could hear her tearing into the box and then peeing. I heard the toilet flush and she came out a few seconds later and put the stick down on the counter as she washed her hands as I glanced at my watch. Tiana’s hands were shaking as she pulled paper towels out of the dispensers.

“Dixie, if that turns out to be positive, do you think Boxer knowing will stop him from fighting?” Tiana asked me.

“I sure would hope so.” I said honestly but couldn’t be one hundred percent sure. Sometimes men do the strangest things for the dumbest reasons but I didn’t share that part with her.

“I’m not sure about telling him then.” Tiana said and I looked at her like she had lost her mind.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because I want him to not fight because he doesn’t want to, not to feel trapped by me and a baby on the way. I never want him to feel trapped. I know all too well what that feels like. He must know that I just don’t want him to be hurt just to give me material things. I just want him. I love him so much, Dixie. It will kill me to lose him and I definitely don’t want a baby who will just remind me of him everytime I look at it if he’s not here to raise it with me. That may sound awful but I just can’t go on without him.” Tiana began to cry in earnest.

“You need to explain that to him then, Tiana.” I told her. “For now, are you ready to see what this thing says?” I said as I looked at my watch and saw that the three minutes had already passed.

“You look.” She said, turning away from me and my heart nearly broke for her when I flipped the stick over and it said positive.

“Oh girl. I want to congratulate you but............” I started to say when there was a knock on the door. I opened it a crack to see Boxer standing there but instead of saying anything, I pushed on his chest until we were away from the bathroom door.

“I can not believe the idiocy of men sometimes. Are you totally dead between your ears? You WILL NOT be fighting in any cage matches so long as you are a member of this club! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? That girl in there loves you will every ounce of her being and she’s been through enough in her short life. YOU WILL NOT cause her another minute of heartache, DO YOU HEAR ME BOXER? Your name may be Boxer now but I will make you a soprano if you don’t get in there and tell her you have changed your mind and that you are not going to fight in any cage now or in the future. Do you know what that would do to her if you were to get hurt or killed if you fight for money? It would kill her, Boxer. Is that what you want? Sure she wants a nice house. It’s every girl’s dream but sometimes you have to wait to realize those dreams. Right now she just needs you to be here with her, unhurt and in one piece. You can work on getting her the place of her dreams later. Right now she needs you now more than ever and if you don’t make this right, then I’m going to plant both my boots right up your ass so far it will require a jackhammer to get them out and then I’ll rip off your little boy parts!” I yelled at him as I punched him in the chest over and over as he backed away from me with his eyes getting bigger with every blow I landed on his large, well muscled, hard chest.

Boxer couldn’t say a word and I didn’t realize it but Rooster was standing by the door with his hand over his mouth, holding back his laughter as he watched me “school” Boxer.

“Alright, Dixie. I get it. Please stop punching me.” Boxer said. “Damn, woman, for someone so small, you’ve got one hell of a punch. That hurt.” He said as he rubbed his chest.

“Boxer, have you asked that girl to marry you yet?” I asked him and saw him shake his head but whispered “I was going to ask her on Christmas Eve. I’ve got the ring but wanted to make it special.”

“So you were going to propose and then less than a week later, you were going to possibly go get yourself killed? Are you stupid, Boxer?” I asked.

“I guess I am, Dixie. I guess I didn’t really think things through all the way. I just want to give her everything I can and I guess I got a bit impatient. They are offering a lot of money for this fight.” Boxer said.

“She can’t hold money tight at night and to be honest with you Boxer, if something were to happen to you, I think she wouldn’t be able to go on without you. The night she met you, you became her world. She doesn’t care if she has to spend the rest of her life living here at the club, so long as she has you.” I told him.

“Boxer, do you know what makes things work between me and Rooster? Before we make decisions about important stuff, we talk about it. Rooster doesn’t make decisions FOR me but WITH me and I do the same with him. We are equal partners. We try to take into consideration how our partner is going to feel about something before we just jump into anything.”

“Okay Dixie. I think I finally understand. I’ll call my manager and tell him I’m going to pass and retire. I’m hanging up my gloves except for the MSMC.” Boxer said.

“And Boxer, I’m going to let you in on something. I’ve had Tiana’s cut ready for a while now and tonight I’m going to leave it for you leaning up against the wall in a wrapped box with your name on it and I’ll set up some candles and a blanket with two glasses and a bottle of wine by the Christmas tree. I’ll make sure all of the other women are out of there by then. Do your proposal tonight. You won’t be sorry, I promise.” I told him. “Now, I’m going to give you half an hour to say you’re sorry but then I need her help with dinner so save the make-up sex for laters, unless you just want to do a quickie in the bathroom.” I said with a grin and then Rooster lost it and busted out laughing.

Boxer turned about five shades of red but grinned back at me and wiggled his eyebrows with a nod of his head.

I walked back to the bathroom and after talking to Tiana for a minute to reassure her that everything was going to be alright, I left and hooked my thumb over my shoulder to Boxer as I left the bar and took Rooster with me.

Boxer’s POV

After Rooster came and talked to me, I realized I hadn’t thought this through at all. I thought I had the answer to our prayers when my old manager, Ray, had called and offered me a chance to earn a $100,000 payday for one cage match fight. I would be able to buy the house that Tiana wants, furnish it up in style and still have a cushion to fall back on because it wouldn’t empty my bank account to do it all.

It hadn’t even crossed my mind to think that I might not win. I had a no loss record for over 4 years now but Rooster was right. It has been a while since I’ve fought in the ring and even though I try to keep myself in good shape, I would need at least 3 months to get ready for that kind of fight. Plus I don’t know this fighter and for all I know he’s another Hulk who could smash me with one blow.

I have to admit, it made me wonder who had set up this fight and why the short notice? Ray has to know it’s been a while since I’ve fought because I never did my own bookings. I always went through him. Suddenly, something began to smell fishy about this and I decided to call him back and tell him I had changed my mind but first I had to make things right with my woman.

Boxer comes out of the gym................

I went looking for Rooster and found him in the kitchen, trying to convince Marley to let him have a snack but she was giving him a hard time. We’d all been giving him a hard time about all the weight he had put on lately. He hardly ever went on missions anymore, especially since Dixie had gotten pregnant with Samuel.

“Rooster, where are Dixie and Tiana?” I asked.

“In the bar, I think.” He said and I didn’t notice he was following me as I turned and walked over to the bar. I pushed open the door and heard voices coming from the ladies room. I couldn’t really make out what they were saying but I could tell it was Dixie and Tiana. I knocked and a few seconds later, Dixie came out and began punching me in the chest and reading me the riot act. All I could do was back up and nod my head.

When she threatened to plant her boots in my ass and remove my man parts, I wanted to drop my hands to cover my ass and private parts but I didn’t dare in fear she would follow through on her threats. Then she made me realize that being an equal part of a relationship meant I had to discuss EVERYTHING with Tiana. It wasn’t just me and what she wanted needed to be considered and that Tiana has a point of view too and we need to learn to make decisions together.

Dixie asked me if I had proposed yet and I dropped my head and admitted that I had bought the ring and was planning on doing it Christmas eve, but not that everytime I had tried to do it so far, I had chickened out because what I had been planning to say to Tiana sounded lame in my head, combined with being worried that she was going to say no because she’s 7 years younger than me and that she might want someone closer to her own age for a permanent life partner.

When Dixie told me she had her cut and what she was going to do tonight, I finally saw a silver lining to this fucked up day and all I could do now was pray Tiana says yes!

After Dixie and Rooster left the bar, I knocked on the bathroom door and then slowly pushed it open. Tiana was sitting on a small stool in front of the vanity, wiping her face but I could tell she had been crying because her eyes were all puffy and red and my heart felt like someone had reached in and was squeezing it, HARD, because I knew it was all my fault and that I had hurt her.

“Tiana? Are you okay baby? I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Look, I’ll call Ray and tell him I’ve changed my mind, that I won’t do it. Okay?”

She didn’t say anything but just nodded her head.

“Look, can we talk out here? I really feel strange being in the ladies room right now.” I asked.

She nodded her head and quietly said “Give me a minute. I want to wash my face.”

“Okay, baby. I’ll wait out here for you.” I said and quickly backed out of the doorway. I didn’t have to wait long until she walked out. I hated that the old Tiana was beginning to show again. She seemed to want to blend in with the wall behind her like she had when she first came to the MC. Her confidence was fading and it broke my heart to know that I was the cause of it.

I walked over to her and put my arms around her, holding her close as she slowly slipped her arms around my waist and held on tight. “I’m so sorry, baby. I was just thinking about the money I could make on that fight. Rooster made me realize I’m not ready for that kind of fight and I couldn’t be in the short amount of time I would have. I’m going to call Ray and tell him I’ve changed my mind. I never want to hurt you, Tiana and I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about it first. We are equal partners and it might take me a while to get used to it but I will always try to consider your opinion before I make decisions from now on. Okay?”

“I just know I can’t lose you, Tony. You are my world and my heart would just stop beating if something happens to you. I respect what you do for the club and I know it’s necessary for there to be some danger to it but purposely jumping in the ring for a fight like that is just too much.

I don’t care if we have to live our lives out living here at the club house, hell, we could live in a tent or a cave. So long as I have you, that’s enough for me. We’ll find or build our house someday, I’m sure but so long as you are with me, I’m good. I love you, Tony.” She told me and my heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest. If I didn’t know what Dixie was planning, I would get down on my knees, pull out the ring that has been burning a hole in my pocket for months now out and ask her to be my wife but I decided to wait.

Just then Dixie came back and said. “Good. You guys have made up! Now, Tiana, we could really use your help in the kitchen, please and Boxer, I think Rooster wants to talk to you in his office.”

“Okay, Dixie.” I said and we followed her out of the bar. I kissed Tiana and let her go with Dixie to the kitchen while I went to find Rooster.

I went to his office and knocked on the door. I heard “Come in” so I pushed the door open.

“Come on in, Boxer and have a seat.” He said.

I walked over and sat down across the desk from him. “So, did you get it all worked out with Tiana?”

“Well, I apologized and she seems okay with it but we didn’t get much chance to talk. Did Dixie tell you what she’s planning for us for later?” I asked.

“Yeah. But I’ve got something to ask you. Why did your manager call you so last minute on this fight and right at the holidays like this? Is that normal?” Rooster asked.

“No and now that I’ve had a little while to think about it, I’m kind of curious to know some more about why he called. He has to know that it’s been over a year since my last fight since I don’t book my own matches but always go through him. He would know I would need time to train and prepare for a fight like this. Like I said, I’ve never heard of this Romero Fernandez dude he has me booked to fight.”

“Well, I did some research on Romero Fernandez and I think you will be interested to see this.” Rooster said and then turned his computer screen around so that I could see it. There was a picture of a BIG Mexican with boxing gloves on his hands and an evil look on his face but what caught my attention the most was the large cobra tattoo on his bicep.

“He’s a Cobra?” I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe! I looked down at his stats and he was a good 4” taller than me and I think his weight must be off because there was no way he was in my weight class. He had only been fighting for about 2 years but in this year alone, he already had 10 wins and 2 deaths on his record. I may have won every fight I fought but I had never beat anyone to death.

“Some of Romero’s reviews said that he was ruthless in the ring and that in the case of both death’s he had been out of control with rage when he beat both of the other fighters to death before anyone could get in the cage to stop him.” Rooster told me.

I immediately pulled out my phone and called Ray. “Put it on speaker, please.” Rooster said and I hit the button so that he could hear the whole conversation.

“I knew something smells fishy about this once I had time to think about it.” I said as we listened to the phone ring. I thought it was going to go to voicemail when suddenly Ray picked up.

“Hello?” Ray said.

“Ray, it’s Anthony. Look dude, I’m going to have to pass on that fight. I’m not in shape and need time to train before I even think about going back into the ring, which I don’t think I will be doing. I’ve got a woman now and my duties with the MC keep me too busy to be bothered with it.” I told him.

“Damn! Dude are you sure? We could make some sweet money on this fight. You have always been my best fighter and I was kind of counting on you. Besides, he asked for you specifically.” Ray let slip.

“Who did, Ray? I’ve never even heard of Romero Fernandez.” I said.

“Well, his manager contacted me and said he had seen you fight before and wanted to set up a match with his boy, Romero. I’ve never seen him fight before either but I told him I would give you a call. In fact I was going to call him later today and let him know I had contacted you.” Ray said.

“Ray, up and up. You are not in any trouble with these people are you?” I asked. Ray had been a good friend for a long time and I didn’t want to leave him hanging if they had something on him.

“No way, man. Since you quit, I’ve kind of slacked off on the blackmarket fights. Getting too narly for my liking. Too many unknown players and too much mafia action. That’s the last thing I need is to get mixed up in any of that BS.” Ray admitted.

“Then, dude, you need to walk away from this, hell you better run away. We looked up this Romero Fernandez and he’s got some bad reviews but what’s worse is he’s a Cobra member. He’s had 10 fights and he killed two of his opponents. From what we read online, he goes into a rage zone and no one can control him. I’m not getting into the ring with a maniac especially when I’ve not had a chance to train for it. I’m gonna pass.” I told him.

“Can’t say I blame you, dude. I should have checked him out before I called you. I’m sorry. So what is this about a woman in your life now?” Ray asked in a teasing tone that I recognized well.

“She was actually kidnapped and raped and beaten repeatedly by the Cobra’s. I’m kind of wondering if this is not just a coincidence that they called and asked for me specifically when I haven’t fought in over a year. Look Ray, do not meet with them personally and watch your back. I’ve got to go now but keep in touch with me and Merry Christmas man!” I said and then hung up.

I looked at Rooster and I could see the wheels turning in his head. “Are you thinking what I think you are thinking?” I asked him.

“That maybe our Cobra problem is hiding in the grass and is just waiting to strike?” Rooster asked. “Yep!” He answered himself. “Do you know if Hunter and Eagle are here?” He asked.

“I think Hunter is because Marley was in the kitchen with the other women but I’m not sure about Eagle.” I said. Rooster picked up the phone and called Eagle.

“Dude, where are you?” Rooster asked. “Well, pack up and get to the club house. Bring Annalisa and Carmella and make sure they have what they will need to be here for at least a week. We may be going into lock down. I’m calling for church in half an hour but get here as soon as you can.” Rooster said, then hung up.

Rooster and I stood up and walked out of his office and into the kitchen. “Marley, where’s Hunter?”

“Giving Simon a bath. Little rascal got jam all over himself when he pulled a bowl down on his head when I wasn’t looking. Why? What’s up?” Marley smiled at me but soon picked up on the look on his face and I saw her smile fade. “What’s wrong, Rooster?”

“Right now, I’m just going to say that it’s not good. It might not be anything to worry about but I’m going to call everyone to church in half an hour and make everyone aware of what we suspect is going on. Could you please take over Simon’s bath and tell him to come to the meeting room? Boxer, go let everyone else know please. Make sure to bang on Circuit’s door and tell him I want him in on this one. Doc too.” Rooster said.

I looked over at Tiana and tried to smile at her but I know it came off weak. She didn’t know it yet but she may have just saved my life but I was going to make sure to thank her properly later tonight.

Rooster went to his office and picked up the phone. First he called Bernie’s and told him, “Bernie, it’s Rooster. Look, if you see any new faces around especially if they come in groups or there seem to be several in on any one night, I want to know asap! We may have another snake problem coming.”

Bernie assured him that he hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary lately but would let us know if he did and would alert his staff as well.

Next Rooster called Sheriff MacIntosh and told him “Carl, it’s Rooster. We’re not sure yet but we may have another Cobra problem coming our way soon.” Rooster explained what had happened with Boxer and told the Sheriff to make sure his men were aware and to keep their eyes peeled and to inform them if they saw anything suspicious in the area.

Next he called the diner and alerted Dana, who was the most upset because she was expecting Manuel to come down for Christmas and now it looked like their plans for a family Christmas were going to be spoiled. They were not really dating but had been keeping in touch with each other.

Dana would not admit it to anyone right now but she had always loved Manuel. When he was forced to marry Isabella, she had been heartbroken for a long time. She had left Chicago and wandered for a while until she had met her husband. It took him a while but he finally managed to break through the wall Dana had put up around her heart and they had had almost 15 years of happiness, even though they never had any children together.

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